Chapter 352: Chapter 37: The Global Situation at Christmas in 914
In the following days, life went on without any remarkable incidents.
Unremarkable meant that the daily casualty numbers released by High Command did not exceed ten thousand.
The Eastern Holy Church celebrated Christmas on January 7th, but due to the vast expanse of the Ante Empire, in consideration of the ethnic groups within its borders who observed Christmas, a simple celebration would still be held on December 25th.
On the morning of December 25th, Wang Zhong was roused early by Nelly. As soon as he sat up, Liu Xia did too, accidentally bumping his shoulder.
Wang Zhong exclaimed in surprise, "Liu Xia didn't wake up either this time?"
Ludmila usually got up early, but had been lying in bed waiting for Wang Zhong so they could get up together; this time, she hadn't even opened her eyes yet.
Nelly said, "Today is Christmas, and although we don't celebrate it, we need to attend the activities held at the palace."
Wang Zhong replied, "I'm very busy. I have to review feedback from the committee on troop modifications, oversee the formation of new forces at the City Defense Command, and then teach classes and write books..."
Ludmila wrapped her arms around him from behind and kissed his ear, "Belinsky His Majesty specially called yesterday, stressing that you must attend the event at the palace today, because the Federation and the United Kingdom celebrate Christmas. Therefore, today we are hosting diplomats from our allies.
"They'll be disappointed if you don't go."
Wang Zhong replied, "Alright, His Majesty is right. Nelly, bring me my military dress uniform. Liu Xia, you're going too, right?"
"Of course. I was planning to wear my uniform. What do you think?"
Wang Zhong said, "Good, a uniform is perfect. I've gotten tired of seeing you in casual clothes lately."
Ludmila asked, "What about me when I'm not wearing anything?"
"Tired of that too," Wang Zhong said.
Upon hearing this, Nelly quickly used the clothes she brought as a shield, holding them in front of her and stepping back.
Wang Zhong protested, "Even if I'm tired of it, it's not like I would lay a hand on you!"
Nelly responded, "Given your track record of misconduct, I think it's wise to be cautious."
It seemed that even if Wang Zhong turned over a new leaf, he couldn't make Nelly let go of her prejudices.
Wang Zhong sighed and began getting dressed.
During breakfast, Nelly brought in the day's newspaper and the official battle report from High Command.
Wang Zhong first checked the battle report and exclaimed after a glance, "Yesterday (the 24th) had fewer than ten thousand casualties combined, it seems the intensity at the front really has decreased."
Ludmila noted, "The death toll hasn't exceeded ten thousand for the past few days, has it? I hope this period of calm lasts a little longer."
Wang Zhong agreed, "Indeed, we must rush to train troops during this quiet period. Every second counts now."
He cut the fried egg sitting on top of the SPAM slices with his knife and fork, then skewered both the ham and egg to pop into his mouth.
The remaining half of the fried egg, with its yolk not yet fully set, oozed out, trickling over the SPAM cuts and slowly spreading across the plate.
Wang Zhong quickly finished the canned meat and eggs, then carelessly gulped down his oatmeal porridge, and finally, he grabbed a piece of pickled cucumber, dipped it in sour cream, and stuffed it into his mouth.
Before he even swallowed, Wang Zhong stood up, "Let's go."
Ludmila said, "Swallow your food before you speak."
Wang Zhong hastily chewed a few times, swallowed, and smiled, "That sounds like something my mom would say."
Ludmila remarked, "You can still remember your mother? Didn't she die when we were about four years old?"
Wang Zhong and his half-brother Peter were sons of the same father. After Peter's mother died, the Duke Rocossov remarried, and then his young wife gave birth to Wang Zhong. That's why there was such a large age gap between the two brothers.
In this world, Wang Zhong's mother also passed away early, and it seemed the Duke had lost two wives in succession and didn't wish to marry again.
Of course, when Wang Zhong said "like my mom," he was referring to his mother from another time and space.
The mother he would never meet again.
Wang Zhong shook off the unexpected wave of homesickness and urged Ludmila, "Hurry up, we can't be casual about being late to such a formal event."
When Wang Zhong entered the Summer Palace's lounge, he immediately spotted a group of officers dressed differently from the Ante Army, who were gathered and chatting.
Wang Zhong recognized one of them: Colonel John Wick from the Federation.
He immediately said to Ludmila, "Liu Xia, I'm going to chat with the gentlemen."
Ludmila quickly let go of his hand, "Then I'll go over there and chat with the diplomats' wives."
Wang Zhong looked in the direction Ludmila was pointing, saw a group of lavishly dressed ladies, and then glanced back at his fiancée in her military attire, encouraging her, "You look more beautiful in your uniform than they do in their fancy clothes, and you have a distinct air of valor."
"I know," Ludmila said softly, and with a gentle push on Wang Zhong's shoulder, she urged him to face the military officers from various countries, "Go ahead."
Wang Zhong then strode confidently towards the gentlemen.
The first to notice him was Colonel John Wick, "Oh, General Rokossovsky, my friend, we've all been waiting for you!"
Wang Zhong embraced Colonel John Wick, and for a brief moment, he even considered giving him an enthusiastic kiss like Su Xunzong, but since it wasn't a thing between men, he gave up the idea, "John Wick, my old friend. When will I be able to get my Shermans?"
Colonel John Wick laughed, "You really never forget to strike at Prosen even during the holidays. The first batch of tanks should leave tonight, they'll be delivered to the Ice-free Port up north, and then transported to Ekaterinburg Fortress by rail. I'm not exactly sure what you'll get, it might be light tanks like the Stuarts, or the Shermans you want."
After Colonel John Wick finished, the colonel dressed in United Kingdom Army attire teased, "Even the United Kingdom can only get the M3 Grant Lee tanks, yet Ante receives Shermans. Isn't that a bit unfair?"
Wang Zhong replied, "It's a sign of trust in your Matilda tanks."
The United Kingdom colonel shook his head, "Those things have decent protection, but might not be able to penetrate Prosen tanks. The most important thing is that they are too slow. The generals even think that slow speed is good because it allows the infantry to keep up for assaults!"
Wang Zhong replied jokingly, "I thought your tanks were so slow to prevent spilling the members' black tea."
All the officers burst into hearty laughter, even the United Kingdom colonel couldn't help but join in.
After the laughter subsided, the colonel from the United Kingdom got serious, "We need better tanks, Prosen has demonstrated the right armored tactics to us, and we urgently need new equipment to revolutionize our tactics."
Wang Zhong nodded, then turned to John Wick, "Aren't we getting into business too early? I still don't know everyone's names."
Colonel John Wick quickly said, "Oh, my mistake. Let me introduce them, this is the Military Attaché from the United Kingdom, Colonel Wilt of the Army, this is Colonel Allen Ogden of the Royal Air Force, and this is Colonel Nelson of the Royal Navy, a descendant of that Nelson.
"Lastly, this is my colleague, Colonel Duke from the Federation Air Army."
Wang Zhong shook hands with each of them in turn and then quickly memorized them as the Army colonel, Air Force colonel, Navy colonel, and Air Army colonel.
Colonel Duke from the Air Army spoke up, "We are forming the Expeditionary Air Force, training pilots and crew members. Once training is finished, we will head to the United Kingdom proper to execute long-range bombings on Prosen's domestic industrial facilities."
Wang Zhong asked, "The training can't be finished next year, can it?"
Duke nodded embarrassingly, "The Federation's war machine takes time to mobilize. After all, it's been 40 years since our last major conflict, so it moves slowly. The navy and army will probably only be able to fight with their current equipment next year.
"Personally, I expect the air raids to start in spring of 916, and then they will continue indefinitely."
As soon as he finished speaking, Colonel Ogden of the Royal Air Force chimed in, "Blow them to kingdom come. We've resisted Prosen's bombing for nearly a year, and our domestic factories have suffered heavily. Now it's our turn to bite back.
"The Royal Air Force's Lancaster bombers have already bombed Prosen's factories within their territory at night. It's not that difficult. The rest is just ramping up the numbers."
Colonel Duke commented, "The effectiveness of nighttime bombing is debatable. We should probably adopt daytime bombing, our B17s have enough armor and defensive firepower, and if arranged in tight formation, they can effectively fend off Prosen Air Force interception."
Ogden countered, "Our Lancasters are also very strong in defensive firepower!"
Wang Zhong added, "Day or night, as long as it destroys the enemy's production, it's a good thing!"
At that moment, Colonel Nelson from the Royal Navy spoke up, "The navy is indeed planning to launch an attack next year, probably at some point in the second half of the year."
Wang Zhong casually asked, "Is the target the Carolingian colony in Africa?"
Nelson widened his eyes in surprise, "Where did you hear such news?"
From another time and space.
Wang Zhong just smiled without a word.
Ah, let MI6 guess it out. After all, you will be one-way transparent in the future.
Then, Colonel Wilt from the United Kingdom Army, without the Royal prefix, said, "We're different. We're already fiercely battling Prosen and their little Apennine brothers in the deserts of Mamluk. We'll soon drive them all into the sea, bordering the Carolingian African colony."
Wang Zhong exclaimed, "Wow, that's impressive!"
That's unlikely, Jude has already entered the fray early on.
Colonel Wilt looked at John Wick, "So give us the Shermans as soon as possible!"
Colonel Wick spread his hands, "Talking to me won't help, as a mere Military Attaché, my influence over Congress and the President is negligible. The decision to strongly support Ante domestically came because Major General Rokossovsky achieved results. The old guys in Congress are businessmen," they like secure investments."
Colonel Wilt snorted, "Once we've flattened Prosen's forces in the Mamluk region, we won't need your new tanks anymore."
Wang Zhong exclaimed again, "Wow, that's impressive!"
Everyone turned to look at Wang Zhong.
Wang Zhong clarified, "What I mean is, that's indeed impressive. I hope our allies can fight splendid battles on all fronts. Since the United Kingdom doesn't need Shermans anymore, then send a few extra my way. Even if you can't provide Shermans, at least send more radios, walkie-talkies."
Colonel John Wick assured, "That won't be a problem. Although Prosen's submarine warfare is rampant, the Federation Navy has already joined the fray, and anti-submarine forces in the Arctic routes have been significantly strengthened. A great deal of supplies will be sent to Ante."
Wang Zhong was pleased, "That's good to hear."
At that moment, the court protocol officer came in, "Gentlemen, the ball is ready. Please enter in an orderly fashion."
Wang Zhong announced, "I'm going to meet my fiancée now. Merry Christmas to you all."
The others raised their glasses, "Merry Christmas!"