Chapter 1237: The Chains Of Ignorance
Chapter 1237: The Chains Of Ignorance
Dilos and Trelmol looked at each other, with the suspicion that this intruder might be more intertwined with their history than they had previously imagined, this thought causing countless waves to surge in their heart.
"The descent of that thing in the present led to the near destruction of our reality in less than a million years," Trelmol pointed out, "Would it be doing the same thing here? Is this what ended the reign of the Ent and brought about the advent of Calamity?"
Dilos paused in thought at the words from Trelmol before he sighed, "Although this is not a Memory and we have been forcefully plunged into the past, a feat that I don't want to wrap my head on how much power is needed to drag a realm as massive as our own physically through space and time, any changes we are going to be making would be affecting the real- present, a concept I always thought to be impossible giving our power. There is great danger here, yet this is our chance to change the future, our chances in our present reality are slim to none, and our current power levels in that realm of monsters are almost useless, but here we might be able to change something."
Trelmol was shaken by the words of Dilos, as master of Memory/Mind, they could reach across their Memories and make changes, but these were not permanent because it would require an insane amount of power to twist all of present reality to the changes they had made in the Memories and this was not even adding the fact that if there was bother similar Ascendant with equal power that shared the same Memory, then trying to change anything of that Memory would be next to impossible.
However, their present state of existence was rather peculiar, they had been physically propelled into the past, and they were not in a Memory. As seventh-dimensional Ascendant Suns, they could drag themselves into the past if they wanted, but they would only choose to stay above the surface layer of reality and not push themselves fully into the past, being more like observers and not participants because everything was about energy.
Although it should be obvious by now, it was the greatest weakness of Ascendant Suns that they lacked access to Aetherium. They did not even understand the concept behind this energy, and the only thing they had access to was their Core Aura which had been further refined by their higher state of existence.
Without access to Aetherium, the Ascendant Suns could not power the singular technique that made them seventh-dimensional entities, and it was unknown if they were even aware of the innate technique that their position should have granted them.
This caused them to mostly battle with Memory/Mind, a power that was available to a sixth- dimensional being, and not tap the incredible powers that were their birthright. Like Rowan at the start of his journey, ignorance was the biggest lock that bound them to this plane of existence.
Suddenly the power to make sweeping changes across their reality was before them, and they were going to seize it.
Within the heart of the Ascendant Suns, they sensed that changing the past should be a feat that they should be capable of achieving, but there was no feasible method or power that could render that dream possible, and the desire to understand what sort of power could achieve such a thing could be not be understated.
Behind them came a sickening squelching sound as the tentacle of the newly born Calamity god had reached forward towards one of the hundred seventh-dimensional level Ents, the madness borne from their endless hunger making them disregard the concept of levels and reach for any source of vitality, but before it could reach the Ent, that massive tentacle exploded, and the explosion continued down to the Calamity god still lying below the field of bones and its shrieks of pain were cut off as a bigger explosion flung gore into the air for thousands of feet.Nôv(el)B\\jnn
These body parts flung in the air were vaporized before they could even touch the ground. There was silence for a few moments and then hundreds of tentacles burst out of the earth, surging towards the tree but the same fate was awaiting them, not that it would matter for more would still keep coming, and the Ascendant Suns sighed, they knew this was just the beginning, the corruption of Calamity was not easy to resolve, but there might still be a chance.
It was obvious that the Calamity gods at the stage were extremely weak, and even with the Will of the realm suppressing the Ents, keeping them from moving or actively defending themselves, it would take a long time for them to breach the innate defenses of the Ent, but this fate was inevitable.
These trees could no longer gain energy from their surroundings, and everything they lost, no matter how small, would count over the countless millions of years that would go by as the Calamity gods continued their endless assaults.
For the Ascendant Suns here, it meant that they had enough time to actively investigate the unknown intruder that entered the realm first before returning to cleanse this area of Calamity, lending whatever aid they could give to the Ents, perhaps they could bring a new army with them into the present.
The roots of Calamity could not be found on the surface, and if there were one Calamity god on the surface, then there would be a thousand underneath and a million underneath that thousand.
Cleansing the world of Calamity was never a short process, or an easy one, but if they had arrived at the beginning of the Calamity infestation, they might have had a chance, after all in this time period there were no Calamity Suns.
With all of these in mind, the two Ascendant Suns set out towards the direction of the crash, a few thousand miles was nothing but a short distance for both of them. As they approached the area they quickly reviewed all that they knew about the first descent of this intruder. Ascendant Sun Trelmol who supervised the Council of Nine quickly narrated everything that had transpired in the future to Dilos, and he began by saying,
"I am ashamed to say this, but I have less control over the Council of Nine than what you all might have thought. The Council encouraged that picture, but that is far from the truth." "Oh, we all knew that," Dilos replied in a deadpan manner, "but it was hilarious to see you strutting around thinking you have one thing over the rest of us, the favor of the elusive council and an even more elusive Undying. We are not idiots, Trelmol."
Trelmol sighed in an act of feigned exasperation, he found it a bit funny that he and Dilos had exchanged more words in these few moments than they had done in many millions of years. Perhaps it took the end of everything that they knew for them to fully understand how precious it was to have someone similar to you in this cruel reality. He would never say it out loud, but Trelmol was grateful that he was not the last Ascendant Sun left alive, such an existence he feared would surely break him.
Ascendant Trelmol quickly recounted everything that he knew about the stone egg that fell from the heavens,