A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 127: Wolf Hunting.

Chapter 127: Wolf Hunting.

Grrrrrrrrrrrr! Gra!


Like two rival packs of wolves readying themselves for a fight, we growled and howled in an effort to threaten and intimidate the other party. With a loud howl from one of the garms, all four zombie garms jumped into their shadows and reappeared a few feet away from me. Having anticipated something like this would happen from our last encounter, Silva and Tasianna had already completed their own preparations.

May the Goddess of Wind bless me with her winds of protection, Air Shield! Silva cast, creating and then expanding the protective dome of air around our party.

Freeze, Icicle Gust. Tasiannas spell created a cold wind with ice spikes, but instead of shooting them at the garms, she controlled the wind and ice with [Cryokinesis] and froze the front part of Silvas [Air Shield]. This materialized a thick half dome of ice, blocking the garms attack. After Tasianna did her part, Silva also dispelled her spell to allow us outside.

With my two shadow wolves, I rushed to the right side of the ice dome and produced a [Claws of Darkness] to cleave at the garms perfectly standing in a line for me. However, thanks to their natural agility as garms, they avoided my attack by splitting their group up, dividing them. This gave my wolves and me a chance to target one of them and hunt them down.

Of course, this was risky as it would leave Silva and Tasianna to fend off the other three garms alone, but we already talked this over before the battle. According to Hestia, Tasianna was able to delay the onnikai beast for a couple of minutes by freezing it. Hestia was confident Tasianna could buy me some time to take down a garm.

As expected, once the other zombie garms saw my group attack their isolated member, they targeted Tasianna and Silva. Casting [Droplet Torrent], Tasianna shot a barrage of water bullets out of her magic circle and clashed against the [Dark Bolt]s the garms cast, nullifying each other. A garm managed to bypass the storm of [Droplet Torrent] and the giant ice dome with a [Shadow Dash], but it was quickly deterred by Silvas light elemental, Igniculus, who shot out a [Holy Smite].

Meanwhile, on my side, I was having a bit of trouble pinning the garm down. [Identify] still considered the garm as a corpse in its inspection, preventing me from looking at its stats, so all I could say was that it probably had stats worthy of a rank C monster. Whether [Dark Tendrils] or my mana threads, the garm dodged them well.

I was a C rank too, but my stats were currently not on par with a C rank due to my humanization, while my two shadow wolves were undoubtedly weaker than it purely because they were constructed using magic. They were made using my Intelligence stat, and I know I couldnt make them as strong as my actual form.

So, the fight itself felt like a duel between me and this zombie garm, where I had the support of two of my summoned wolves. We exchanged dark spells against each other, shooting [Dark Bolt]s and [Dark Slash]s in an attempt to create an opening to attack.

Once we realized that we both had the same idea on how to fight, we began using [Shadow Dash] more aggressively, slipping through projectiles and slashes to launch back or surprise attacks. With everybody either having their bodies covered in shadows or being made from it, this fight looked like a ferocious clash between shadows.

Guck! The first to draw blood was the zombie garm.

Kuso! (Shit / Damn) The other onnikais seemed too unskilled, so why are these garms able to push me back? It was the same thing when I fought them for the first time, but I thought it was due to my berserk status.

I havent given Hestia a detailed explanation of what sort of training I was given by the vice guild master of the hunters guild, Gael. The reason was that Gael wasnt too enthusiastic about it. I asked him to train me, as I wasnt used to using daggers fully yet, and he reluctantly agreed only after I bribed him with some alcoholic drink.

The only problem with the arrangement was that he wanted alcohol as payment for every training session, and he eventually got fed up with the normal stuff. He wanted something from Earth if I wanted him to continue training me.

I didnt have any knowledge of making alcohol, nor was I a bartender with drink mixing skills. So, yeah, it should be obvious that I havent been able to get him to train me for a while. I didnt want to tell Hestia something this embarrassing. Besides, none of the sessions were as intensive as the ones I had with Grazlahta and Krim-Slak, the saurians. I wasnt missing them terribly.

Until now. The little amount of daggers skills that I was able to learn from Gael were effective, and my movements have improved after he pointed out my flaws. It was helpful, admittedly, but we never sparred against each other like Hestia and Farron. That meant, I still havent had any experience fighting with a fast rogue type like me.

Hestia was fast; the monsters we fought in Belzac forest were fast, but their fighting style didnt rely so much on trickery and speed. Hestia could be crafty by leading you with spells and attacks to land a critical hit, but she was honest compared to how I fight. To fight with dark spells, you needed to be unfair.

So, I was surprised to see how well these garms were fighting. They outmaneuvered me, despite our difference in tools and skills, in our first encounter, and this one was proving itself against me again. The damage was neglectable, as it was quickly healed by Hestias [Sanctified Blaze], but my pride was hurt once again. And with my hurt pride, that damn itch appeared again.

Calm down, calm down. Think! How can I stop its movements?

I commanded my wolves to attack the garm while I cast [Umbral Pendulum] to summon a giant double-edged scythe from the ceiling. It swung, nearly cleaving the zombie garm into two. Simultaneously, I dived into the shadow world with [Shadow Dash] and reappeared behind it, and launched an attack with one of my daggers.

The garm anticipated the attack and summoned [Dark Tendrils] to block my movements, but I countered it with my tendrils. Using my skill [Shadow Armament]s ability to control and distort my dark element spells, I turned the ends of my numerous tendrils into sharp spears and had them pierce a way through the swarm of hostile tendrils. I dashed through the open path with my dagger eyeing the back of the garms head.

Shadow Pierce! I called out, coating my dagger in shadows.

Twisting its body, the garm narrowly avoided the strike to its head and returned the gesture by opening its jaws and baring its fangs at me, at which point, I slammed my leg at it to use the momentum to dodge backward.

Catch! I shouted and threw a few white mana threads at my wolves, who caught the ball of threads with their mouths. As we were connected through our bond as master and familiars, they quickly understood what they had to do and began to execute it.

Once again, the umbral pendulum swung at the garm, causing it to back off once again. My wolves and I used this opportunity to strike a coordinate attack on the garm, using the white mana threads to constrict the garm. It tried to escape into the shadow world, but before its body completely submerged into its shadow, I caught its leg with a mana thread lasso, pulling it out.

Flustered by being caught, the garms reaction time was slowed, allowing my wolves to fully constrict the garm in the white threads. Letting my mana flow into them, a shining light began to emit, searing through the black slime on the garms body like fire melting butter. The garm struggled wildly, but it was all in vain.

Taking out a bottle of Hestias new venom from my storage, which was a viscous liquid made from her [Corrosive Fire], I drenched my frog fang andurium dagger in it and used [Shadow Pierce] as I aimed at the now captured garm with focused hostility. The garm tried to defend itself by summoning [Dark Tendrils], but I avoided them by using [Just Blink]. Vanishing from the garms vision for a split second, which caused it to hesitate, I reappeared behind it and stabbed my venom-coated dagger into its head.

As expected of a zombie, or more specifically an onnikai controlled corpse, the garm didnt howl in pain. It reacted to my attack by turning its head, but I held it in place by stabbing my assassins eoriant dagger into its head. My wolves also stopped its flailing body by biting into its limbs, giving me the chance to break its neck with the eoriant dagger. I coated this dagger with the vial of venom on my belt and inserted it deep into its chest where its heart was. As a wolf monster myself, I knew exactly where our hearts were and I was confident I hit it, except in the case it lost and couldnt regenerate it.

Noooooooooooooooo! the onnikai from the orb screamed. Cooooommeeeee baaaacccck! Suppoooorrrttttt!

Opening large holes with my two daggers, one at its head and chest, I left the now motionless zombie garm drop to the ground. I didnt harm the onnikai itself, but even if it could regenerate the garms body with that black slime, it would take too long. The corpses wounds were severe, and Hestias venom was probably tormenting it by now.

This wasnt a normal paralyzing or blood-clotting venom, like you see in Earthen snakes or spiders, but a mana disturbing one. It probably wouldnt be useful on the bodiless onnikai beast, but on a corpse? The venom will undoubtedly disturb its flow of mana and prevent the onnikai from healing the body. This was our strategy to win!

As I turned my head towards Tasianna and Silva, two cries entered my ear.

Arrrrgh! Uragghhh! Gahhhhh!

Sister Tasianna! Urk! Gaha!

Party Leader

Name: Saori Segawa

Level: 73

Job: Fighter

Health: 3431/3431

Mana: 1182/1606

Stamina: 2229/2848


[Humanized (Minor)] [Lifetaker (41 Kills)][Sanctified Blaze][Shadow Armament (Full Body)] [Various Spell Buffs]

Name: Tasianna Marina Silverpond

Level: 55

Job: Torrent Sorcerer

Health: 1223/2289

Mana: 2512/5703

Stamina: 1051/1724


[Elvenized (Major)] [Sanctified Blaze][Shadow Armament (Minor)] [Various Spell Buffs]

Name: Silva Fleurette Breezeflower

Level: 55

Job: Light Elementalist

Health: 541/1921

Mana: 2051/3674

Stamina: 515/910


[Sanctified Blaze] [Shadow Armament (Minor)] [Various Spell Buffs] [Bleeding (Minor)]

Kuso! (Shit / Damn)

I took too long. Tasiannas ice dome was destroyed and shards of ice, remnants of her [Frozen Shield], were lying on the floor. Tasianna herself didnt look anywhere close to being fine, having been flung through the air after finishing my garm opponent.

Faefolk do not bleed, so there werent any patches of red on her body, but two large holes and multiple large scratch marks littered her body, while her dress was ripped and messy. She had a pained expression as she gulped down a mana potion to heal herself.

Silva still had Igniculus to support her, but she was coughing up blood as the light elemental slowly healed her wounds. However, compared to Tasianna, her situation was dire two of the three garms were ganging up against her as she had her backs against a broken piece of the ice dome.

Haaaa! Kuck! Wind Blast! As she was about to empty her mana potion, Tasianna was ambushed by the third garm, who knocked the glass vial to the ground, spilling the contents but the bottle didnt break.

No, no! Damnit, leave them alone!

Go! Go! Help Tasianna! I ordered my wolves, before delving into my shadows and reappearing before Silva to block the attacks of the garms with my spells and daggers.

Miss Saori! she yelled out with an elated face, her elven beauty still shining despite the wounds and blood on her face.


Storing everything not made from mana threads into my storage, which included my party bracelet, I activated [Humanization] and transformed back into a cadejo. Without wasting any time, I picked up Silva on my back, who already retrieved Igniculus after I communicated with her telepathically, and dashed towards Tasianna.

The two garms gave chase through [Shadow Dash], but with my stats having returned back to that of an upper C rank wolf, I easily jumped over them and then used [Air Walk] to escape through the air. Simultaneously, I cast [Umbral Pendulum] and [Claws of Darkness] to delay the two garms.

During this run, my shadow wolves were valiantly protecting Tasianna, helping her regenerate a good chunk of her lost mana by letting her drink two additional mana potions. She then took one of Hestias holy flame bombs from her belt and threw it at the remaining garm while it was preoccupied with my wolves. It was a direct hit, burning through the black slime on its body.

Graaaaaaa! I pounced at the burning garm and bit its neck with my fangs. I managed to pierce through the fur and muscles of the garm but, seeing as I was a young cadejo, I was far smaller than my adult counterparts. I punctured its defenses, but my fangs couldnt reach its neck like my daggers.

Tch, just a bit deeper, damnit!

Although I probably wasnt taking as much damage, being this close to the garm while the bombs flames were still alive was damaging me little despite my shadow armor. They were Hestias flames, after all. The garm quickly shook me off, able to ignore my bite due to its complete pain resistance as a corpse. Using [Air Walk], I reunited with Tasianna, our party back together.

[Tasianna, are you alright?] I asked as I let Silva off me.

Now drinking Hestias dragorade, Tasianna answered with a distorted face, Y-Yes, but I apologize for not being able to hold on for longer. Im sorry, I am always being saved

[No! Do not say that, Tasianna. You were exemplary!] I praised her, noticing her morale dropping. [You held on long enough for me to take down the first garm. You and Silva did amazingly. 100%! I give you 100% for your efforts! So, stand up straight and continue fighting with me, Tasianna! I cannot win without your help!]

Still showing some doubt in her abilities, Tasianna nodded after taking a deep breath. She began casting a spell, but it didnt look like she was very confident right now. However, our party had no time to mull over it as the garms continued their assault recklessly.

Whyyyyyyyy?! Wheeereeeeeee?! Suppoooorrrtttt! the onnikai from the orb screamed. The zombies were probably attacking the barons castle right now and the beast was fighting Hestia. No reinforcement will come.

We too wont get any help, and I have a feeling that the same trick wont work again with these garms. Especially when Tasianna and Silva were now wounded.

Covering for Tasianna and Silva to heal themselves with potions and dragorade, my wolves and I engaged the garms. Pouncing at each other, each garm became preoccupied with one of us. Use those threads! I told them as the fight intensified.

There was the option of summoning more [Shadow Clones], but the problem was that I had to control my clones while fighting and casting spells. More than one clone was impossible for me to handle, especially when Im so focused on spell casting. [Shadow Pack] had the advantage that I didnt have to control their actions, as they can operate independently from me, but the downside was that I could only summon one of them.

I wanted my wolves to have more support, as they were clearly getting overwhelmed by the garms, but my priority was to take this garm before me down first. We needed to thin their numbers, and I can always resummon the shadow wolves when they die.

As I was thinking about it, the first shadow clone dispersed. I resummoned it and sent it back to the same garm that killed it, but I wasnt hoping for it to buy me a lot of time. I will have to save some mana to resummon my familiars now.

Just Blink!

Using one of my unarmed abilities, I vanished from my opponent's sight and reappeared right at its face. I lunged forward and bit at its throat.

Graaaa! It gasped.

It tried to attack me with its claws, but I held it back with [Dark Tendrils] before having two [Shadow Snakes] emerge from my shadow armor to take up strands of holy element mana threads and wrap them around the garms body.

I was crushing the garms windpipe, but as it was a zombie, it didnt need oxygen. So, my only choice was to get a good hit with the venom, and I needed some time to apply them on my claws and fangs. Due to my venom immunity, I didnt have to fear Hestias toxic creations anymore.

However, while I was taking the vial out of my storage, another garm tackled me off from my garm opponent and gouged out a piece of my flesh.


The wound was healed up with [Sanctified Blaze] but it, unfortunately, disrupted my venom application. Noticing it was my [Shadow Pack] that died, I resummoned it and shot a [Claws of Darkness] at the interfering garm. My shadow snakes managed to wrap some of the white mana threads around the first garm, so I activated them to unleash some holy damage on it in order to prevent it from breaking out from the threads and my tendrils.

However, when I planned to hook it closer to me, the third garm attempted a surprise attack. This time, my attention wasnt drawn away, so my [Foresight]s and [Danger Perception]s came in time for me to dodge it. Spending some mana, I activated [Foresight]s secondary effect to have it predict the future movements of the garms.

Using this knowledge, I decided to not resummon the [Shadow Clones] wolf, and instead growled. Kriiigraaaaaaaaaa! I let out from the top of my lungs, activating my [Bloodlust] skill. This immediately attracted the attention of all the garms they looked at me as if I just insulted and challenged them to a duel. Maybe it was garm-ish for something, but I had no idea.

The second garm bodychecked my shadow wolf away to run directly at me, while the third quickly began the assault by shadow dashing to me to launch an attack with close-range [Dark Slash]es. The first garm was, of course, still struggling to free itself.

Using my smaller size, I slipped past the garms attacks and summoned another [Umbral Pendulum] before diving into a shadow. Once I came out of the shadow world, I saw that the pendulum dropped down from the ceiling while the third garm easily dodged it, however, once I reappeared from the pendulum, as the whole thing was a shadow, the garm was too surprised to react.

Similar to the first garm, I bit its throat, and then pushed it down onto the floor. Meanwhile, the first garm managed to break out of the dark tendrils, ignoring the white mana threads as they werent active right now. In a synchronized attack, the first and second garm pounced at me and bit my legs.

Damnit, [Foresight] didnt show this!

[Foresight] only showed information a few seconds into the future depending on the level of the skill, and while it helped me take down the third garm, I reacted too slowly to the remaining agile garm. I groaned mentally as they pulled me off their companion. [Sanctified Blaze] was aggressively defending me by attacking the two garms, but they ignored the flames and bit even deeper into my hind legs.

Kuso, kuso! I need to control the pendulum to attack these two!

I panicked once the third garm stood back up and was about to take advantage of the fact that I was immobilized. However, that was when something fortunate happened.

Miss Saori!

With a noise that sounded like a grenade being released, something flew through the air before crashing onto the garms attacking my hind legs and covering them up in white flames. They abruptly let go of me as they attempted to kill the flames attacking the black slimes covering their body.

Thank you! I thanked the owner of the voice, realizing that two of Hestias holy bombs just saved me. I endured through the flames and narrowly dodged a lethal bite to my throat. Extending the claws on my front legs, I slashed at the third garms face and blinded its eyes.

It flinched backward, giving me enough time to pull out a vial of venom, break the wooden bootle, and then coat my claws and fangs with the spilled content. The garm escaped through a shadow, which made me direct my attack on the garm closest to me: the second one.

Using [Just Blink] to make sure none of them can anticipate my attack, I escaped their vision and senses for a split-second before drilling my claws right into the garms head. Like a frenzy beast, I ravaged its heads into a gory mess with my claws, inflicting as much venom damage as possible before leaving its motionless body on the ground to react to the third garms attack.

However, I didnt have to. A torrential rain suddenly fell down from the sky, pushing the garm back with sharp, bullet-like water droplets. The rain then stopped and the water began turning into white ice, freezing the garm in place for me to sink my claws into it. Similar to the second garm, I didnt give the garm a chance to recover itself at all, destroying its head and chest with my venom-coated claws.

As I turned my eyes to the last remaining garm, something surprising came into my view. My [Shadow Pack] wolf, who I thought perished from the second garms attack, was on the first garms back. It was pulling the remaining white mana threads with its mouth, choking the last garm, and then decapitating its head with the threads.

It then looked at me and howled its body dispersing in the white flames, as it had fulfilled its duty. I was honestly confused at this point. [Shadow Pack] created wolves that can act independently from me, but they werent sentient. They werent like Hestias parallel minds that sounded and acted like clones of Hestia.

So, why did I feel like it was trying to communicate with me? Why did I feel proud for a spell created familiar? I mean, isnt this like feeling proud of a vacuum cleaner for doing its job well?

Forget it, just forget it. I dont want to think about this. Itll only confuse me

Arrrrrrghhhh! Noooooooo!!! A shrill voice woke me up from my delusion. Noooooo!!! Nooo! Staaaaaandddd! Fiiiiighhhhtttt! Fiiiighttttt! Ouuuurrrrr reveeeeegeeene!

It was like the cry of a despairing child. Its panic-filled voice echoed through the chambers as it helplessly screamed and screamed for help, telling the garms to stand up and fight. It desperately tried to call for the onnikai beasts support, asking where it was and why it hasnt returned yet.

I looked at the onnikai inside the orb, motionless and still. Only the black slime covering the pedestal it was sitting on was vibrating, but, otherwise, it looked calm, completely contrasting the voice it was giving out.


It was like a prison. The onnikai was screaming and obviously seemed like it wanted to fight us; however, it couldnt. It was imprisoned inside the orb like a beast in a cage. It relied on its army of onnikai zombies and the mana-created beast to protect and fulfill its orders.

But now it was alone.

[Humanization (Moderate)] inflicted on [Young Shadowstalker Cadejo, Saori Segawa]

I turned back into my wolfkin form as it seemed we won the fight. I looked through the battlefield and at the motionless wolves. The only one still spasming about was the one my shadow wolf decapitated, so I quickly injected a dose of venom and pierced its heart with my dagger, completely silencing it.

KusoThe itch is finally gone. Tch, I cant believe beating them really solved this damn itch.

The garms couldnt move anymore they were no threat anymore. Our only opponent left was the boss.

Sister Silva, Tasianna called. Looking at her belt, she only had two vials of mana potions left.

Yes, I will now perform the Rite of the Fading Winds. Silvas belt was empty. It seemed she used up the health and mana potions.

Thankfully, I didnt need to use my potions thanks to Hestias [Sanctified Blaze]. Too bad it ran out just now. My legs havent fully healed up yet, but it would be a waste to use a potion nowI really am too stingy, haaaaaaaaa.

I hesitated for a moment, but finally decided to not use the health potion. The battle was over, taking it now to relieve the little bit of pain would be a waste. Ill just endure it and let my regeneration do the rest until Hestia comes. The onnikai beast should be destroyed the moment the rite is finished.

Silva stood before the pedestal. Seeing as the slime looked dangerous in our eyes, I took out the holy element mana threads and used their effect to melt away the slime. Once that was done, Silva held her staff up and began the rite.

In the elven tongue, she chanted something I couldnt understand. Tasianna offered to translate it for me, but I rejected the offer because something about Silvas voice was mesmerizing. I had no knowledge of the elven language, but I wanted to continue listening to her voice. It wasnt as attractive as Hestias singing voice, but it had a different kind of effect. Hearing a translation would probably break thisillusion?

Senmial, Jischulla Zephira!

And then a clear voice, so similar to a calm breeze, escaped Silvas mouth.

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