A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 137: Rumors are scary.

Chapter 137: Rumors are scary.

Jeez, the teacher is always giving you the most attention. Did your daddy and mommy bribe him or something? Cuz, we also want him to help us.

Yes, yes, we know you can sing well; you dont need to show it off so much. Not everybody is talented enough to be a singersome of us are only good enough for background dancers

Ooooh, she got rejected from another audition? Cant always win on the first try, right? And then she failed the second. The third. The fourth. The fifth. Not so special from us, huh? I wonder if her parents are regretting the money they put into her, but Little Miss Rich Girl probably has no problem with money, ha ha ha!

Why is it coming back now? Go away! Fuck off!

You know, I know its your dream and wish and so on, butarent you putting a bit too much time on it? Like, youre obsessed! When was the last time we just hung-out? You dont even call us that often, too.

You know, if you ever have time, we could go to bucks or to that boba shop you like so much. Cool down a bit. It might help you not take those auditions so seriously every time. It isnt fun seeing you depressed all the time.

Oh HEY, sorry, we dont have any time today! Huh? Another one? Thats too bad, but youll get it next time! For sure! Lets hang out when were all free, ok? Bye! Wooo, I love this song-----

I-I really dont want to remember thiswhywhy does it sound so different from what I remembered? What Ithought I remembered?

Memories of the bullies from my dance lessons and the bitches who stopped being my friends because I didnt fit in with them. Were they all wrong? Could I believe these memories? Were Aurenas words correct when she said my memories would come back to me slowly? Well, if thats true, then she was right to saythis would hurt. Cause, it hurts.

I remembered the bullies being envious and talking down to me due to my parents money, but was that the only reason? When I blew up on them how did it happen and why did I do it in the first place? My friends from school, why exactly did we lose contact? Was it cause they couldnt accept how much I was changing, or cause I couldnt compromise with anything else outside my idol training?

I dont know. These memories are so confusing. Just thinking about them is painful.

And with pain, comes anger.

Wha-L-Lady Hestia, pardon, what did you say? Francesca, the older of the Chezaic twins asked with a flustered face. She probably didnt expect me to shout from a few tables away.

Did I stutter? Lady Francesca. Lady Iracela. Back away from Lady Ellaine this instance! I wont tolerate you badmouthing my friend, even if this is your party. Barely able to control my aura skills from rampaging and frightening everybody in attendance, I stormed over to them, forgoing the more elegant slow walk.

B-Badmouthing?! How ludicrous, as if we would do something that uncouth during our own tea party! Ladies, you were close to us, you did not hear anything, correct? We were just performing small talk! Iracela, the younger twin, turned to her groupies, using them to undermine what I just stated. They hesitated a bit before they nodded, agreeing that what I said was completely wrong. See? Lady Hestia, greifnoble or not, such random and unwarranted claims are unacceptable! This is a social occasion where bonds are made and maintained, not an event for lies and plotting! To think you would do this when we are welcoming you to our realm, Lady Hestia.

Whispers began running rampant in the garden, the other girls were speaking about it intently, as expected. Some took the twins side, as they found it inappropriate of me to speak up like this during a public event, while others were murmuring that I was creating a fuss for nothing.

The rest, on the other hand, had entirely different reactions. Some stayed quiet, worried to say anything and breathing as if they were nervous. Those who heard me mention my magic skill levels were nervous as they pondered if my words were real and if I would create a mess. And then there were those mentioned, The twins are doing this again.

My ears heard them all. A perk of having a high [Enhanced Audio Sense].

Dont you dare lie to me after getting caught red-handed! Lady Iracela, did you forget that Im a dragonewt? Did my horns or tail or scales not tip you off, or do you need glasses, huh? My hearing is far better than a humans, I then pointed at a group of noblewomen who were the furthest away from us. I apologize, Lady Oleanna, I did not intend to eavesdrop; however, did you not speak about your studies at the royal academy? That you were worried about the next semester and the combat practices? Lady Clementine, you mentioned your [Wind Magic] has been improving slowly recently? Lastly, Lady Kiara, didnt you say your father has been putting you and your brothers through more strenuous knight training?

After I said everything, I once again apologized to them as I noticed their faces becoming redder. I hope they were simply flustered that I heard them and werent too embarrassed. I really didnt want to make them uncomfortable, however I had to use somebody as an example to bring my point across. The moment these bitches successfully denounce me, then Ellaine and I will have lost.

Have I proven myself enough? You and your little followers were snickering about Ellaine, speaking ill about her simply because she and I have become friends? You two invited me here through Ellaine and you do something like this? I will repeat myself. You. Two. Are. SCUM!!! Maybe that last part came out more aggressive than I planned. Maybe I shouldnt have called them scum. Well, it couldnt be helped when my throat just wanted to explode.

Also looking at the twins and their three cronies expressions, I guess I accidentally released my [Draconic Aura] a bit.

As I was staring those five down, Ellaine moved her head a bit for her to see me, although she still kept her head down in front of the twins, Lady Hestia

A noble should never bow her head except in front of their lord or those of a higher rank. As daughters, Ellaine and the twins werent nobles per se. Per definition, nobles are the people who currently hold a noble rank and possess the privilege of one, while an aristocrat was simply a person of a higher rank than a commoner. The upper class. That meant, all nobles were aristocrats, but not all aristocrats were nobles.

Calling all these young women noblewomen was technically false, but it was easier to use and it reminded everybody of their statuses. The twins didnt outrank Ellaine, but their parents did. That influence would trickle down to their relatives and was the reason why nobles loved mentioning family members with noble ranks. It gave them more authority, as a family was tight among the nobility, from what the few nobles Ive come to know have told me.

If I used that logic, it made sense for Ellaine to bow her head, as the twins father was an Arcanuess while hers was a Count. They were both mednoble ranks, but an Arcanuess was higher in the hierarchy. It made sense for her to bow. Seeing it through a nobles eyes.

But I was here.

Lady Ellaine, why are you bowing your head? The last time I checked, we had already finished introductions and greetings, correct? Everybody saw us in the front of the garden curtsy. People began whispering again as they hid their mouths with fans, thinking they could stop my eavesdropping with that. Well, I can fine-tune my senses enough to ignore stuff, so Ill do just that. But, in general, everybody was wondering what I was saying with this. What was my purpose to bring this up?

As I was about to continue, one of the girls behind me spoke, Pardon me, but has Lady Hestia accepted Lady Ellaine as her retainer?! she said in surprise, loud enough for everybody to hear.

And that was all that was needed to create a chain reaction.

What?! But shes a foreign nobility, and a dragonewt!

A greifnoble of Loatryx making a noble of our kingdom her retainer. Wouldnt somebody of a higher rank be more suitable? Like another greifnoble. So, why Lady Ellaine?

Dont forget that Lord Marquess Sirius knows about this. Maybe this is part of a plan to reconnect with the dragonewts of Loatryx? Similar to how were improving relationships with the dwarves?

The rumor of Ellaine becoming one of my retainers has begun to take shape and, like a floodgate, once the girls began to consider it to be true, they couldnt stop gossiping about it and spreading it to everybody around them. Even the retainers and guards couldnt help but be curious.

HoweverI didnt plan anything like this!

W-Wait, what is this?! I was about to say that Ellaine shouldnt be bowing cause Id leave if it continued! I was planning to tell them off for bullying Ellaine, so how the hell did this rumor begin?! Wadafuk?!!?!?

I looked at the situation with exasperation, but I couldnt say anything as it got worse and worse.

Oh, that does make sense. Lady Ellaine must have become Lady Hestias lady-in-waiting to travel with her to Loatryx. Wouldnt she have more opportunities there without anybody knowing how she gave up her birthright?

And it would give our kingdom a link to the north. An ambassador. I heard that Loatryx was a cold place, so trade would flourish between us, as we can provide different goods. The Marquess and Lord Duke Greenveil must have planned this! How brilliant!

According to reports, the one-sided trade between the Dukedom of Lecartiglio and the Republic of Caedhul still brings in a lot of money. I learned Caedhul and Loatryx were allies. If we can establish some sort of connection to Loatryx, our whole Kingdom might benefit! Lady Ellaine, what a selfless sacrifice to leave her home kingdom. I cannot help but admire her.

Greenveil nobles act more like merchants, huh?

The majority of the conversations were about the economic value of Ellaine becoming my retainer; however, the gossip began to turn more into how can I benefit from this. The original reason for my outrage began to fade from everybodys memories as they started mumbling about how their houses would benefit from this, and how they should act with this new information. It wasnt super obvious, but the ravenous eyes of these young ladies were directed at Ellaine and me. The gentle, elegant, and cute first impressions I had were gone, replaced by the opportunistic and greedy nature of noblewomen.

W-We sincerely apologize! We are at fault! the twins exclaimed loudly, bowing their heads so deeply I thought they would fall down.

W-We stepped out of line. We did not mean what we said! As their two leaders faltered, so did their three followers.

Although I didnt plan for it to happen like this, it justkinda worked. I didnt even admit to anything, everybody was already making some random suggestions and one of them stuck around, becoming believable enough by itself without any further evidence. Crazy, but never look a gift horse in the mouth, right?

W-Wait, everybody- Ellaine was about to say something that would ruin this moment, so I quickly activated [Telepathy] to speak with her.

[Ellaine, Ellaine, dont say anything. Lets just pretend we didnt hear anything, okay? They were covering up their mouths, so it would make sense for us to not eavesdrop, right? We didnt admit to anything, the rumors were created outside our control, so lets use it for now. I really want to make these bitches pay for what they did.]

L-Lady Hestia tha-! Ahem. Maybe using the word bitches wasnt the correct choice, but Ellaine quickly regained her composure. I-I did not take any offense. Please, be at ease Lady Francesca and Lady Iracela.

It was a pretty meek response, but I guess this was more Ellaines personality. Outside of her prideful nature as a noble and the spoiled daughter of a wealthy family, she was pretty kind and considerate. She knew where to hold up appearances and use her authority, seeing at how she managed the mansion and the many staff members.

Personally, I wanted to confront them more on their bullshit. They reawakened those annoying memories in me and I wasnt done letting my anger out. I barely had a chance, but this wasnt my bully incident, but Ellaines. Being petty here when I somehow garnered peoples respect from a false rumor would be kinda idiotic.

So, I let those five off with a simple warning, using [Royal Presence] to pressure them into accepting it without question. Seeing as how it was practically a charisma skill, it also helped everybody accept me more. It was similar to my first meeting with House Helvas, where I accidentally let out my aura from [Princess] title. I was controlling it here, but the little bit I leaked really showed its worth.

Lady Ellaine, we had a few arguments in the past, but let us bury it for the sake of our houses? If you could forgive me, I would be honored to have our houses support each other. I will speak with my mother to make it true.

Lady Hestia, your aura was astounding. We werent able to assess your mana levels, but your aura skill must be high, no? Certainly impressive. Would you be kind enough to divulge your training schedule? After all, you have overheard our concerns, so it is just right.

Lady Hestia, if you are free, my house is holding a tea party soon before we students must go back to the academy for the new semester. Would you be interested in coming with Lady Ellaine?

The highlight of this tea party was meant for the twins to increase their reputations, but, due to a certain rumor, Ellaine and I had taken the spotlight. I was already in everybodys focus, but it got to the point that nobody would stay away from us for an extended period. Nobody would even talk with the twins anymore.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see the twins ball their hands into fists. They trembled as they glared at Ellaine and me, hiding their teeth-clenching mouths behind their fans. They were mad, they were so mad. I bet they were cursing us at this very moment.

Ahh, schadenfreude.

On the other hand, Ellaine was smiling. It was an uneasy, uncomfortable smile as she understood everybody was being nice to her due to the rumors, but at least it wasnt the gloomy one she had before. I could hear others admitting that their opinion of her deteriorated since she gave up her inheritance rights, but that they wish to amend it now.

It reminded me of how fickle nobles could be. Honestly, noble society was scary with how they could ping-pong from hating to loving you just cause of a single story. It was the definition of false friends, but I guess nobles see each other more like rivals. Friendships and alliances were only made for benefits. After all, my friendship with Ellaine started cause of her fathers selfish wish.

The party continued until Saori and Josine came back, whispering that they were done. After that, we said our goodbyes and thanked the Chezaic twins, although insincerely on my end, for inviting us to this wonderful party. It made me smile internally when the twins smile quivered a bit when they looked at Ellaine.

When we entered the carriage, Saori and Josine wanted to sit outside to get some fresh air. They looked a bit exhausted and exasperated as they did so, but neither Ellaine nor I questioned them. Any discussion concerning the investigation had to be avoided before were in a more secure location.

While I sat with Ellaine, she began to speak, Those twins will despise me now. They made fun of me before without any real ill will, but I believe House Helvas and House Chezaic will become enemies, if I were to anticipate their mothers actions.

Is she that bad? I questioned, remembering the twins mother was Annabella Chezaic, the second wife of Arcanuess Chezaic. Manuela mentioned she was a schemer, but dont all nobles do that? Even the ladies at the party, some of whom arent even adults yet, were speaking to us with the intentions of becoming closer.

Yes, she is. A horrible woman. Manuela spoke correctly when she said Lady Annabella was an opportunist. When Lord Chezaics first wife died, Lady Annabella immediately courted the mourning man at his most vulnerable moment. My mother had nothing good to say about her in the letter I received, she explained, telling me that she contacted her parents. Father also told me to use this moment well for the benefit of our House. He believes if everything goes well with the investigation and my brother can graduate in the top rankings, he could be named an Arcanuess. Ambitious, right?

Well, it certainly fits your dad. Were doing the pawn work while he will benefit from the results. Lame, I complained, frowning at my first impression of Andre Helvas. I then took in a deep breath to calm myself down completely. Also, Im sorry. Im really sorry I blew up like that. After all the training and time you spent on helping me become a proper lady, I was pretty emotional.

Now that I had time to think about it, all of it could have gone terribly. Not only did I accuse the twins at their own party, but I did it so loudly that I considered myself to have acted like a kid throwing a tantrum. I was unable to hold my emotions at bay at all. The situation could have been solved without me shouting.

After all, presenting myself like that was a bad first impression, right? If the rumor about Ellaine being my retainer hadnt spread, who knows what the other girls would have thought. While I didnt care, Ellaine was still part of noble society. If I was gone, what would she do about all her bad reputation after I ruined it? The current situation wasnt perfect either, since the moment I leave Artorias, people will question it.

I didnt admit anything about the rumors, but I also didnt stop them. Im sorry, I probably caused you huge amounts of problems for the future. Im really sorry, Ellaine I bowed. I felt bad that I was being a bad friend. The past memories that I regained today were making my guilt even worse, as I couldnt help but consider myself a horrible friend even on Earth.

Ellaine listened to what I had said before placing her hands on my cheeks, raising my head in the process, Lady Hestia, I am not angry, if you thought that. In fact, I feltrelieved. Happy. After I became a social outcast due to my actions, I only received words of comfort, but nobody really supported me through this time. Josine did, but she couldnt do much about the people badmouthing me. Nobody would talk to her seriously, after all. In fact, if she spoke up, I would be the one that would be shamed. That is how noble society works.

She continued, showing her first genuine smile since the party, So I was happy to hear you step up for me. Friends, yes. You risked receiving social stigma for me. I cannot thank you enough forbecoming my friend, Lady Hestia. I am honored. And blessed. Whether Goddess Aurena planned this or not, I do not know, but I cannot help but thank her for allowing us to meet. Ever since I heard your idol concert, I couldnt help but feel youve been supporting me. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Urgh, I cant take it anymore, come here! Her speech was so sweet, so sweet that it was diabetes worthy. Without her consent, I hugged her for the first time to release my pent-up emotions.

Ellaine was surprised for a moment, unsure what to do with her arms, before accepting my embrace by caressing my back. Such dramatic physical contact is actually frowned upon when done in public, Lady Hestia, hie hie. Your warmth isnice, albeit a bit too hot for me. You are truly making me question the rules of noble society with all your random behaviors, Lady Hesta. Youve shown yourself to be graceful.

Understanding what she meant, I couldnt help but frown at that fact as I let her go from my hug. I cannot help it. I havent mentioned this to you, right? I am like this because I wanted to act less like a rich or noble girl, so I could fit in more with the normal girls. Its what I consider the true me, as you probably guessed. If it werent for Saori and Tasianna, my speech would be far cruder, like a commoners. How I speak to you and how I think are completely different.

For what reason did you want to fit in as a commoner girl? There is pride in being graceful.

Come to think about it, we never really talked about ourselves, huh? I mean, about what happened before we met, like my life on Earth and her life as a noble girl. I guess we had to catch up a bit.

When I practiced my dancing and singing, I had commoner girls train with me. Didnt I tell you? Feudalism was abolished long ago, and the concept of nobles and commoners did not exist anymore during the time I lived on Earth. I was the only one who spoke extremely formal among this group, like, excessively for the city I lived in. Even for Manhattan, I was a bit too formal due to my etiquette teacher. Unfortunately, that failed. I was technically the social pariah in that training group, and I guess what happened to you today brought that memory back from the depths of my head. That pain was one of the reasons why I exploded.

Oh, then shouldnt I apologize? I was the main reason for that event! she exclaimed, covering her mouth with her hand.

Dont, please. Well just bounce Im sorry at that point. Lets not do that, hie hie, we both chuckled. If you could, would it be alright for you to help me control my emotions? Due to some of my natural characteristics, for example, my ancestors blood, I can become quite heated sometimes. It would help me avoid embarrassing situations like today.

Thankfully, [Battle Frenzy] hasnt appeared in a long time. Evolving into a sunfang dragon was the correct choice, even if my emotional dragon side was still pretty intense. Although, at this point, I think being a dragon was the most fitting thing I could reincarnate into. Maybe.

Of course, it would be my honor, Lady Hestia. This time, I will give you the full course to help you grow! Also, I think I have become curious about your past social life, so please tell me more. I would love to learn more. Ellaine asked with an innocent interest. Considering how you carried yourself during our first meeting, I assumed your charisma must have attracted a lot of people. That was my first impression. Well, also your huge appetite. Most ladies are light eaters if they arent children of knights.

Did you really have to emphasize the last part? I know Im a glutton, but having it pointed out is rather embarrassing.

If the memories I regained today were true, then I should aim to change myself a bit. A bit more mature, so I wouldnt cause trouble for everybody. That included Saori and Tasianna.

Well, I do hope our little lie wont affect you much. Sorry that I didnt tell everybody youre not my retainer, he he.

Y-Yes, Im not your retainerbut, I dont think it will be a problem. Once I do something about the lie, she mentioned with a joking giggle, before looking out of the window.

Huh? Was she becoming flustered? For what reason? Ah, whatever.

Once we returned to the mansion, we immediately began a meeting to allow Saori and Josine to speak about their findings. What they learned today was pretty badfor House Chezaic.

Lord Chezaics study was protected by runes, so I couldnt sneak in without alerting the guards. However, his bedroom was being cleaned when I sneaked in, and one of the documents mentioned his financial backing for one of the alchemy guilds projects. It was kept vague, but a large amount of Davi was invested into an unnamed project, Saori handed a document to Ellaine. Here are also his activities concerning the alchemy guild, which mostly includes bribes and authority abuse. Here is one where he convinced multiple nobles to support the alchemy guild instead of the mages guild, and here is where he bribed mages guild officials to redirect supplies to the alchemy guild. These are only the old documents, as the more recent ones are probably in his study, unfortunately.

Well, we now have evidence that he went against the mages guild, which caused them to shut down their branch in Firwood. The mages guild is now allowed to demand an investigation on House Chezaic to pursue corruption charges, Ellaine said, after analyzing the information. However, as we wish to keep this under us, we have to deal with this issue instead of informing the mages guild. With the testament of the spirit and your recommendation, Lady Hestia, Lord Sirius is now forced to aid you in this investigation.

Ellaine continued, "Good, thank you, Miss Saori. With this, Lord Theodore will have enough reason to send in his own spies to investigate what Lord Chezaic has been doing recently. Since he will be missing these documents, he will be on guard, which will probably prolong our search for something damning enough for something other than indefinite house arrest, she nodded. Lady Hestia, please proceed with the second part of the plan.

Okay. Time to make a few priests and priestesses angry, huh? White Mage Hestia is ready to work, I saluted like an overly dramatic anime character before suddenly realizing something. Oh speaking of priestess, I forgot to mention I was one during the party, right? Oh well, the High Bishop wont like that.

Oh, true. Ellaine clapped her hands in surprise. It seemed the both of us were too consumed by the experience.

I was too occupied with the twins and helping Ellaines reputation afterward to remember to improve my own! Well, nothing we could do about it, but considering how more experienced all the nobles in this plan were, they probably could handle it. I mean, for certain, I made a name for myself with my performance today. Surely, I would become the talk of the town!

Well, I am sure it wouldnt be an issue. Ellaine comforted me and I nodded.

Well, I guess. I sighed slightly in exasperation before noticing Saori and Josine looking at us seriously. Was there anything else, Saori? You and Josine still look like you need to say something.

There was a small shadow under Saoris and Josines eyes. Saori sighed in exasperation before she spoke, Lord Chezaics firstborn son is imprisoned in his bed due to a chronic illness. A maid was serving him food when I saw him. Documents I found in the room suggest he is receiving special elixirs from the alchemy guild to prolong his life. Apparently, the white grace has been unsuccessful.

Wait, healing magic didnt work?

Well, it wasnt the first time that I heard that healing magic didnt do its job properly. My damaged mana paths were a testament to this. However, an illness, a status ailment in this world? Well, that I didnt know.

But it seems I wasnt the only one who was surprised.

He has a son?! Ellaine and Manuela exclaimed.

It seems like the existence of Lord Chezaics son was never made public.

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