A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 5: My first real fight.

Chapter 5: My first real fight.

Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Dragon Hatchling *] has risen from [Level 4] to [Level 6]

Attributes have increased due to level up

Acquired 200 skill points

Multiple acquisition requirements fulfilled. [Fire Magic Lv. 2] [Earth Magic Lv. 2] [Dismantle Lv. 2] [Cooking Lv. 2] gained

Magic gained: [Firebolt] [Rock Blast]

Nice! Thats breakfast!

Two days have gone by since my first kill. After I finally gained the courage to fall asleep, I began feeling more comfortable during the nights, which is good, since I can sleep. It just wasnt high quality ones though, cause trying to stay cautious of my surroundings was disruptive.

I kept waking up in the middle of the night whenever a suspicious sound forces my instincts to wake me up. Its nice to see that my dragon senses were helping me here, but it did get on my nerve after a while. Still, I am getting sleep now. Thats the important part no more insomnia.

Anyways, Ive also decided to relocate to a new strawberry as my new base of operations. It have me a new source of food, but I didnt slack off on the hunting. I had to grind levels.

Which brings me to my breakfast more rabbit. Technically, the creature was called a [Loopabit] according to System Voice, but calling it rabbit with horns was kinda easier to describe it.

Now, to my hunting plan, I decided on trying something else for today. Instead of finishing it off with a bite, I focused mostly on magic today to get a feel of how to use it during a fight. After luring it in with a strawberry named fragassa in this world I surprised it by constructing a small earth pen with [Earth Wall] to trap it inside. Without a way to escape, it was an easy target for me to practice aiming with [Firebolt].

I learned from this that killing it from afar seemed better for my consciousness. Doing it up close and personal was horrifying, while magic avoided all the slicing, crunching and blood.

Not like I could avoid dismantling it afterwards. Magic, oh, magic, why do you not have a dismantle spell?

Haaa, well, whatever.

Like I mentioned last time, I was planning to go power leveling. But after thinking it through a bit, it did seem a bit hard with my current body. If I just went around like a murder hobo, I probably could gian more levels in a shorter time, but it meant leaving those bodies untouched. I was technically still a baby; I had to eat and if I kept fighting and fighting as I was right now, I would eventually meet a threat too hard for me to handle.

Still, while levels were nice, gaining SP was the real prize. I had to gain more. I checked in the skill shop, and aside from the 50 SP ones, I found some pretty useful skills worth getting before [Humanize]. That was a long-term plan and only available when I felt safe and strong enough to waste SP. Neglecting useful skills just to become human again didnt seem like the correct idea.

Now, to that skill I mentioned. Identify!

Space-Time Magic

Grants the user control over space and time with mana. High amounts of mana will be required for each spell. Requires: 550 SP

You see, I was wondering if there was a way to summon a storage akin to the inventory system in games, seeing how this world was so game-like. However, neither calling a command nor looking up for the skill helped me.

While looking into the shop, I found this beauty, however. Its only a hunch, but summoning a space to store items sounded sooo like space and time manipulation. Also, teleportation. Fast travels. Eating a cake through a portal! A girl can dream, right?

I also wanted to get [Enhanced Mana Capacity] for 100 SP and [Enhanced Mana Growth] for 150 SP to help alleviate the supposedly high mana cost for [Space-Time Magic]. If I bought out the three other 50 SP skills, my combined SP goal would be 1000 SP. Just like the cost of [Humanize].

I also considered taking the other growth improving skills for the other stats, but for now Ill just buy [Enhanced Mana Growth]. Magic was king for a gecko like me!

You have bought [Enhanced Mana Growth Lv. 1] Your current SP is 50

Enhanced Mana Growth

A skill which will apply a permanent growth percentage increase for the stat [Mana]. Growth strength is determined by the level of the skill

Nice. The more mana, the better. I can heal more, shoot out more fire, and when I Wait!

A chill ran down my spine, my body stiffened when [Enhanced Enemy Sense] sent me a warning. Something was coming towards me from behind.


I heard that sound before

The first voice, other than myself, that I heard after being born into this world. The first creatures I met. Last time they were attracted to my voice, and now they came for my breakfast.

Two kindergartner sized individuals fully covered in fur appeared from the trees. With their dog-like faces, they sniffed the surroundings and readied their clubs when they saw the blood next to the bush.

I had two choices here give up the rabbit I put in so much effort to kill and dismantle or well, stand up for myself.

First, Identify.


Name: *

Level: 3

Race: Kobold

Age: 2 months

Job: None


Health: 63/63 Mana: 10/10

Strength: 16 Intelligence: 3

Vitality: 9 Wisdom: 3

Agility: 9 Stamina: 16/16

Information not available


Name: *

Level: 5

Race: Kobold

Age: 3 months

Job: None


Health: 75/75 Mana: 12/12

Strength: 22 Intelligence: 4

Vitality: 14 Wisdom: 3

Agility: 13 Stamina: 20/20

Information not available

Proficiency requirement fulfilled. [Enhanced Enemy Sense Lv. 1] evolved into [Enhanced Enemy Sense Lv. 2]

Information not available, huh? [Identify] was not high enough to access all the information, I guess.

This was my first time using [Identify] to appraise the profiles of another monster. Individually, their stats were inferior to mine, but if they were to team up, itll become problematic. In fact, they would have probably killed me on my first day, if that stone had hit me. Isnt this a bit too hard? Ive only killed two rabbits so far, and both were through surprise attacks.

But I cant chicken out. Im not gonna give up my breakfast for the day!

However, I didnt think I could take them on one versus two, here. Too risky. I had no combat experience, like, in either of my lives. Alright, gotta calm down. If I wanna fight, I need to play it smart. If we disregard stats, I should have the upper hand in quality and variety, I believe. I couldnt see theirs, but I couldn't see beginner monsters being able to use spells Im an exception, okay?

Yeah, thats right. I can do it. I can do it. I can do it. I can win!

First things first, I snuck back into my safety bush. Concerning my ability to fight, Ive only really practiced sneak attacks. If I could land a killing blow before they react to me, stats and combat potential were redundant.

As such, I left the rabbit corpse out as the bait and made sure I didnt make any sound. Looking through the bushs leaves, I slowed down my breathing and began observing those kobolds coming closer.

I saw them pick up a stone. They were wary, looking around, sniffing for any threats. They were smart, at least. One of the kobolds moved it closer to the rabbit, leaving the other behind. It wasnt ideal, but if I could land Hold on, the second kobold suddenly raised the stone over his head. He suddenly eyed the bush. And then

Oh Scheie!

The rock broke through branches as I narrowly dodged it just in time! They did it again! Dogface #1 threw a stone at me!

Oh crap! Oh crap! Oh crap! How did they find me?!

But my enemies didnt leave me anytime to compose myself as the Dogface #2 grabbed his club with two hands and tried to smack me dead. Destroying a few of the fragassa berries I loved eating, I had to sacrificed them as I dodged outside the bush, finally revealing myself to those kobolds.

The blood?! Fuck, whatever, they have dog faces, t-they probably have a dogs sense of smell! Damnit, I should've thought of that! That should've been so obvious, uuuuuoooh!

Grou! the kobold growled as it sent out another attack, however, this time, I was able to force myself to focus on the battle. No, the adrenaline inside me just made it easier to think of the fight while panicking internally.

Earth Wall!

An earthen wall materialized from the ground where a brown magic circle appeared, successfully protecting me from the second strike. Using this window of opportunity, I shot out a [Fire] from a red magic circle appearing over my head. Unfortunately, similar to how I used the wall as cover, so did the kobold to avoid my spell.

Dogface #1, meanwhile, picked up another rock and flung it. Same trick? Well, I could do it too. I avoided the stone and activated the new spell I got from leveling up [Earth Magic] [Rock Blast]. My mana began molding the ground and shot a ball of rock towards the kobold.

Either out of surprise or due to how fast the rock flew, it couldnt react and was hit directly in the chest, knocking him down. The window of opportunity enlargened!

he was surprised, or he couldnt react, but it hit him straight in the chest, knocking him down. This is my chance!

No time for any delays! I snapped my head around to the other kobold, ready to shoot out [Fire Magic Lv. 2]s [Firebolt] to burn it to ashes. This will be a W for!


My mind suddenly blacked out for a single second, only for me to be greeted back by reality by a sharp pain on my sides. My visioned twirled around, making me see the forest upside down and upright, over and over again, before flip flopping on the ground like a ragdoll.

Proficiency requirement fulfilled. [Pain Resistance Lv. 2] evolved into [Pain Resistance Lv.3]



Standing up, my senses were out of control. My head was throbbing. My ears were ringing as if I had tinnitus. The sudden feeling of nausea from landing on my head was dulled by my pained lungs, demanding me like a spoiled brat for oxygen.

Gaaah Guuuuuahhhhh! Arrrgh! Why does it hurt so much I need to heal myself! Focus!

I thought I had it under control but the second I lost focus from one of those damn monsters was all it needed to send me flying away. Tunnel vision I got happy too soon. I wanted to chastise myself so much for forgetting the other kobold, but, holy moly, my sides were hurting like hell!


Krieeh!!! I shrieked out, tripping over myself, but I managed to dodge his club strike.

Ackthat guuuuuahhh too close!

My eyes darted over to where the club struck. It had crushed the grass there and I probably would have ended the same way if I was a second too slow. That possibility alone was finally enough to fully activate my flight or fight instincts, silencing the pain coursing through my body.

Survive! Survive! I want to live!

There was no time out! No time to get a hold of my breathing rhythm, nor was there time for me to concentrate on casting a spell. Frantic as my state of mind currently was, thinking of any deliberate plan was futile.

Kobold #2 sensed my panic and continued its assault, leaving me no choice but to stay defensive to stay alive. Unfortunately, this gave the other kobold enough time to recover and re-enter the fight.

Gotta calm downbreath inbreath inI need air! Im gonna die at this rate!

Acquisition requirement fulfilled. [Evasion Lv. 1] acquired

At this moment, I was really thankful for my new bodys short stature in addition to my higher Agility. It couldnt be helped that I was only narrowly dodging all these attacks, when my muscles were aching cause of the lack of oxygen.

My head is clearing, and the nausea is goneif I could only get a [Modest Heal] off!




A double-team attack! #2 tried to hit, leaving me open to the jumping attack of #1. Thankfully, having been forced to dodge all this time did eventually make moving my body easier. My body was screaming in agony and exhaustion, but I couldnt care less if I had to drive this body to ruin if I could survive!

[Exhaustion (Minor)] inflicted on [Dragon Hatchling *]

Argh, my breathing is get Hold on, thats an opening! Shine!


They were perfectly lined up. One was further ahead of the other, leaving him vulnerable to get hit where I stood. A single moment is all I needed to turn the tides Blinded, flailing, screaming, do all of that and allow me to win!

Now, now, now, now! Kill one of them! Fuck off!


Point-blank hit! The fireball crashed against the kobolds head, searing his fur off with that headshot. His wailing was like a melody for my agitated self, while the sight of it falling on its back brought me the hope to stabilize my mind.

Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Dragon Hatchling *] has risen from [Level 6] to [Level 8]

Attributes have increased due to level up

Acquired 200 skill points


The Health and Mana regeneration from leveling up instantly activated. I could feel my confidence surging when even [Identify] noted it was a [Kobold Corpse]. Press the advantage! I. WILL. NOT. DIE. AGAIN!

Rock Blast!

Imitating how I staggered kobold #1, I shot my projectile spell towards kobold #2s chest. Still blinded, it was easily hit, sending him falling onto his back. Leaving it no time to recover, I sent it flying into the air with [Earth Wall] and ended the battle by killing him mid-air with another [Firebolt].

Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Dragon Hatchling *] has risen from [Level 8] to [Level 10]

Attributes have increased due to level up

Acquired 250 skill points

Multiple acquisition requirements fulfilled. [Fire Magic Lv. 3] [Earth Magic Lv. 3] [Mana Control Lv. 3] gained

Magic gained: [Imbue Fire] [Earth Strike]>

Max level has been reached. Evolution is now available for [Dragon Hatchling *]

Multiple acquisition requirements fulfilled. [Enhanced Intelligence Growth Lv. 1] [Enhanced Agility Growth Lv. 1] acquired

Huh? Wait, you can get those growth increase skills through leveling up?! Are you kidding me! Did I just waste 150 Sp for something I would woah!


Welp, I just learned something new. Level up recovered Health and Mana; it even repaired my damaged ribs. However, Stamina wasnt part of that prize.


An abnormal effect inflicted when the body overexerts itself over the limit of what their Stamina would allow. Depending on the intensity of the effect, the effect might range from limpness to loss of body functions

Nasty. Stillha haha. I am alive. Hie hie hie hie.

I won. I won. I won!

If I could, I wouldve jumped up in the air and continued screaming "I won" if my body wasn't feeling so fatigued. This feeling this immense sense of relief and accomplishment. So this is what victory tastes like? Absolutely unreal.

My adrenaline pumping my heart like crazy, caused my blood to fill every single cell with enough happy hormones that I thought it could last forever. On one hand, it was weird that I was enjoying this so much, but, what could I say? Ecstatic! Holy shit, I just won that.

I felt so alive.

Success. Victory. It seemed I only now understood how precarious my new life was.

Survival or death

One mistake nearly cost me this new life, and if I hadnt been able to capitalize off the mistake of those kobolds, I would have been a lifeless corpse, right now. They were so close, but a single mishap helped me survive and allowed me to end their lives. I got to live while theirs ended

Gosh, being able to live is sofickle. I dont want this

Anyways, as much as I wanted to continue being all melodramatic, Im literally lying on the floor completely exhausted. I needed to find a new bush to hide in until I rest up.

But first, lets celebrate with some rabbit meat.


Name: *

Level: 10


Dragon Hatchling

Age: 0 Month


Health: 80/80 (+30) Mana: 252/252(+125)

Strength: 31 (+12) Intelligence: 19 (+7)

Vitality: 16 (+6) Wisdom: 15 (+6)

Agility: 46 (+18) Stamina: 32/32 (+12)

Effects: None

Skill Points: 550 (+550)


Magic skills and related:

[Mana Control Lv. 3] (+1) [Holy Magic Lv. 3] [Fire Magic Lv. 3] (+2)

[Earth Magic Lv. 3] (+2) [Primal Magics]

Physical skills and related:

[Mana Strike Lv. 1]

Senses and movement skills:

[Stealth Lv. 4] [Enhanced Enemy Sense Lv. 2] (+1) [Evasion Lv. 1] (New)


[Physical Resistance Lv. 2] [Pain Resistance Lv. 3] (+1)

Stat Growths and Related

[Enhanced Mana Growth Lv. 1] (New) [Enhanced Intelligence Growth Lv. 1] (New)

[Enhanced Agility Growth Lv. 1] (New)


[Identify Lv. 3] (+2) [Cooking Lv. 2] (+1) [Dismantle Lv. 2] (+1)

Spell List:

Holy Magic:

[Minor Heal] [Cure] [Modest Heal]

Fire Magic:

[Fire] [Firebolt] [Imbue Fire]

Earth Magic

[Earth Wall] [Rock Blast] [Earth Strike]

The Light Magic:



[The Light] [Bearer of Kargryxmors Blood] [Otherworldly Reincarnator]

A note from AbyssRaven

Edit: Edits to my current style.




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1 Fictions 7 Posts 1 Threads

  • Saturday, January 11, 2020 10:04:23 AM
  • Germany
  • [Member of Zard Skwad]

Bio: Hey there, AbyssRaven here. I'm just an avid Light Novel and Fantasy story reader who randomly thought of a story and began writing about it.

I eventually found out that I've been spending a bit too much time with building, planning, and researching for the story, that I've decided to just share it with others.

Writing is mostly a hobby for me, but I would still love any kind of criticism to improve on it.

I'm also german, so please excuse anything that sounds a bit weird...I wouldn't mind you pointing it out though.



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