A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 82: Leading the Prey.

Chapter 82: Leading the Prey.

Zahalateel garusch Xohulotel! Hischkaneel Plesia mefhikushtel za! a primal war cry boomed from the edge of the bandit camp, rumbling the very air and shaking the earth.

And at the very next second, a fire explosion thundered. Flaring up the dimming sky in a bright red, eradicating not only a part of the fence but also the tent that served as the armory, leaving nothing behind but ash and molten metal.

Seeing as how the flames had a tint of crimson red, it was indisputable that these flames were mine, caused by the bombs that I engraved a fire spell into to explode after you pulled the pin to release the mana inside.

W-What-Fuck, this shit hur-ARGH?!

My arm! Ahh, my arm-ARGH!

Somehow, no bandit actually died from the explosion, as they werent close enough to ground zero, but none of them came out of it unharmed as eh shockwave sent them flying away like ragdolls. Pain contorted their faces as they held onto their wounds, a mix between burn marks and bits of wood and stone sticking in their flesh.

Their wails shouldve been dedicated to their pain but, instead, all of them screamed in surprise, as tentacles of water tangled around their legs. They were abruptly pulled up into the air, dangling around as these magical tendrils hung afloat from their magic circles

Depths Call, a lanky raptor-like beastman monotonously called out. Krim. Grazlahta. Subdue the bandits. Akasht. The prisoners are protected by Hestias wind barrier, get to her and transport all of them out. Only return with my summon. Depth Serpents, Xohulotel, laruz! Mister Kushlekzar concisely commanded his saurian companions.

Xohulotel, laruz! the red and blue carnosilian duo shouted in unison, before rushing in with their shields and weapons, treating any retaliating bandits as fodder.

Gruuuuuuarrrrgh! Xohulotel, LARUZ! Akasht, the massive sarcosilian charged in like a tank, swinging around his mighty hammer en route towards me.

Sorry, move. Wind Blast, realizing that he wouldnt stop before he reached me, I activated my spell and sent Macklemor flying away in a gust of wind. Terra Wall. Not wanting to see him harmed, I imprisoned him in an earthen cage to take him out of the battle immediately.

Lady Hest-! he wanted to cry out but was quickly silenced by my wall.

Once Akasht made it to me, smashing a few bandits into smithereens on the way, I greeted the intimidating giant with a wave and smile before turning around to the ex-prisoners, "Everyone, this is my friend and a mercenary that has accepted this bandit subjugation Quest! I swear to the Goddess of Light that he is a faithful follower of Plesia, the Water Goddess of Order, Honor, and Tradition. He will bring you to safety, so please go with him!

However, despite shouting from the top of my lungs, all of them were in shock, moving their eyes between me and Akasht, uttering, What is that giant monster?! and The Priestess is a beastman?!

Scheie, theyre taking too long!

I seriously underestimated the shock value that all of this would give the fatigued villagers. They were hesitating, unable to choose what to do as they gazed at the chaotic camp, the giant saurian hulk, and my new form. We had to round up all the bandits as soon as possible, and that meant that we couldnt have the prisoners around.

I had to persuade them quickly, which meant I needed to activate my charisma-based skills. [Noble Aura] will help me cajole them. [Benevolent Aura] is to calm them down. Lastly, [Leadership], [Royal Etiquette], and my newly acquired [Admiration] were passive skills so as long as they could see me, I should be able to persuade them eventually.


A skill that boosts the users ability to influence others who have a good impression on them. This is not a mental skill, so it wont be affected by a targets mental resistances. This skill does not work on those with a neutral or negative impression

Please, listen to me! Mr. Glenn! Mrs. Linda! You must snap out of it, now. Your daughter is waiting for you back at Carine village! Please, leave with Akasht now otherwise, we cant fight the bandit without worry for your safety, I explained to them.

The villagers and farmers turned their attention to me, only keeping watch of Akasht from the corner of their eyes. They still had looks of doubt, clearly intimidated by him.

Fortunately, the first group to snap out of their delirium were the mercenaries, showing their experience to adapt to the situation. They began pushing and ordering the other prisoners towards Akasht, trying to take their mind away from the chaos that was ensuing around them. As some of them were unconscious, the mercs, both women and men, carried them onto the massive sarcosilians.

Looks like my healing helped.

Akasht sheathed his hammer and began putting the humans into his empty bags that were originally used to haul the saurians belongings. He might be huge, but there were still over 20 prisoners. However, surprisingly he managed the feat as everybody was essential clinging onto him for dear life.

Me. Go, he said with his growly voice.

Be safe, Akasht. Here, Air Shield, I wished him as my spell surrounded him in a protective shield before he charged back into the forest.

Ok, time to give that bastard a visit-woah!

[Foresight] warning me, I turned my body and dodged an incoming [Fire Spear]. Considering the trajectory origin and how there was only one other fire mage, I couldnt help but be surprised at what happened.

Dont count me out yet, Lady Hestia, or are you a noble at all, dragonewt? Macklemor announced with heavy breath, looking outside a cracked wall from my earthen cage.

Youve burned yourself, Mister Macklemor, I pointed out the slightly burned skin on his hands, which was carrying a slightly charred wooden staff.

A real embarrassment for a fire mage to be burned by his own fire, but I must admit that this wall was too sturdy. A fire mage, a wind mage, an earth mage, and you also have an amulet of Plesia? Young Lady, youre embarrassing me here with how talented you are, Macklemor said with a wry smile. "StillI knew you had the potential for a fire mage, but little did I know that you were this powerful. You held onto that [Flame Spear] like a sword, without being burned at all. What are the depths of your abilities?!

Surrender. Frankly, I dont want to fight you, Mister. You dont deserve to be here, I said with a troubled frown, as I cast [Sacred Field] under him.

! A-A W-White Grace?! Youre a woman of the church of Aurena, also? Wha-This is frustrating, Macklemor grimaced, clenching his now healed hands into a fist. Were my words worthless in the end? So much talent at such a young age just like my younger sister and the young mistressThis is frustrating. What have I worked so hard for, for my whole life, just to be outmatched by someone younger than me, again and again? Danterno, was I never worthy of your honor?

Mister Macklemor, I-

No, stop it, please, Lady Hestia. I-I cant take this anymore. Do not show any more pity for me, I beg you. I am unworthy of your attention, Macklemor cradled his head as tears flowed out of his eyes again. Danterno, I have sinned. I have lied to you! A new fire mage wont be born today, as she already exists! Her fire flaring so beautifully like a gleaming ruby.

At that moment, Macklemor pointed his staff forward, muttering an incantation as a magic circle appeared before him. Noticing this, I couldnt help but shout, Stop! I told you I dont want to fight you! Stop it now, Mister Macklemor!

Enough! he exploded, showing an expression so deranged that you would believe his mind has shattered. If I cannot serve my god by converting someone to him, then I shall offer up something else. Fire consumes fire. If I cannot be useful as a mage, then I shall entrust the next generation with my faith! I would ask you for a final favor, Lady Hestia. Show me. Show me the depths of your power and knowledge! I Beseech you, grant me the honor of witnessing your all-consuming inferno!

Before I could say anything else, he threw his spell at me.


Fucking hell, this damn leg! Damn those fucking Depth Serpents! a bulky beastman with a rhinoceros body blurted out in pain, massaging his still broken leg as he limped through the woods in a rush.

The Depth Serpents was the party name of Kushlekzars group, which I overheard when he shouted that during the initial engagement of the raid. I wasnt sure what it meant when he stated it back then, but after stalking this person for a bit, I believe I have all the information together. He talks to himself quite a lot, thankfully.

The Depth Serpents are a new up-and-coming mercenary party that seemed to have gained some renown since last year after they registered at the mercenary guild in one of the northern territories of the Kingdom of Artorias.

Known to always announce their welcome with Zahalateel garusch Xohulotel! Hischka Plesia mefhikushtel za!, which directly translates into Beware the might of Xohulotel! In her graces name, Plesia, we bring down justice!. Nothing was more fearsome and intimidating to hear than their combined Xohulotel, laruz! before they charged in, meaning Xohulotel, witness!

With the zealous show of their faith and how they would always accept bandit subjugations and headhunting Quests, always coming out of them almost unscathed, their reputation grew. Kushlekzars party was feared as extremely aggressive when it comes to chasing down criminals.

And that is why the moment this beastman heard that shout, he ran away, abandoning his group without a second thought, only wishing to preserve himself. And as Tasianna was responsible for the initial distraction, Kushlekzar and his party for the main raid, and Hestia for securing and protecting the prisoners, it was left to me to chase down any stragglers.

The only problem was that the person that I was chasing was also the strongest fighter in their group.

Calm down, Saori. This is exactly what we wanted!

I saw his status board and this Narube was as intimidating as any single member of Kushlekzars party. I could fight him, maybe, to a standstill as a Cadejo, but my wolfkin form might not be strong enough to fight against him. I could call the saurians for help, but I doubt theyd arrive in time. Theyre all preoccupied with the many weaker bandits at the camp, and they prioritize numbers over bringing justice to a single wrongdoer.

I know I should give up and retreatbut I will not because this was the person who hurt Hestia.

Last time, I could only watch through my [Shadow Snake] as my friends were getting hurt by that giant Leviathan. I was the one who told Hestia that I wouldnt join her due to my annoyance of her disobedience, so I shouldnt be saying this but I was beyond frustrated at myself when I saw them in danger, while all I could do was use the shadow snakes that I hide inside Rajah's legs.

I wanted to sprint towards them and help, but I couldnt. I wasnt able to remember their path nor was it physically feasible for me to make it there on time. I was helpless.

And then Hestias accident happened where she got [Battle Frenzy (Moderate)] due to my mistake. I should have listened to her opinion instead of stubbornly sticking to my own plan. When I was still a teacher on Earth at Shirako High, my seniors did mention that I was too much of a control freak and that I should loosen up more as a teacher. Apparently, even for an education-first, competitive, Japanese high school where rich and talented students gather, I was still too strict.

I didnt want to admit it back then butit might be true. Although I made up my mind to adapt properly, I just couldnt be flexible enough. I should have gone with Hestia to help the lizardmen. I should have done something to soothe Hestia while we spent a week in that cave. As an adult, I should have done something more.

So, how could I make that mistake again? I always worry about her safety and recklessness, so why did I agree to sneak her into that bandit camp alone? Was I so confident that Hestia could do everything, that I let it obstruct my decision-making? My decisions have been far too inconsistent.

When I saw Hestia getting hurt, I couldnt accept it anymore. I couldnt let my friends and those I value so much to get hurt anymore. I needed to start acting responsible and take things in my hands, whether I liked it or not.

So, thats why

Fuck off! having finally noticed my presence, Narube the Rhinoncerum threw a spare throwing axe at me, which I avoided by delving into the shadows with [Shadow Dash] and appearing somewhere else. Fucking bastard! I can see you!

His detection skills were below my hide-based skills, so it was unlikely that he could actually detect me, however, he was speaking the truth when he said he could see me, for red blood mist was being emitted from my eyes. My race, the [Young Shadowstalker Cadejo], is a wolf monster that would emit its distinctive red mist from its eyes when it is ready to hunt and kill, and nothing was more noticeable than this in the darkening woods.

Rargh! Narube dashed over to my second location, swinging down his now unsheathed two-handed axe, but I quickly melted back into the shadow to appear somewhere else. This went on for a couple more times, where I would mix in certain skills and spells to misdirect him even more.

One example would be creating [Shadow Clones] to confuse him while I would stay somewhere else, activating [Bloodlust] at the moment he was about to strike my clone to tense him up.

The idea behind this whole tactic is to unnerve him. Physically, due to [Humanization (Moderate)] I wasnt as strong as him and I dont think I can beat him in a slugfest. He seemed trained and experience with his usage of his weapon, while I was untrained and unarmed. This difference must be respected.

Thats why Im abusing the fact that he had [Broken Knee (Left) (Moderate)] and [Numb Arm (Right) (Minor)]. Not only was he limping, but I also realized from this dodge tactic that his reaction time with his right arm was definitely slower.

I had to be sure that I wasnt going overboard with my mana usage, to not build up too much arcane corruption, but seeing his Stamina lowering while he became more and more enraged made me feel like I could do it. Confidence was surging through me as my movements became more refined.

Fucking mutt! Aeeerrrrrgh! frustrated from how none of his attacks hit, Narube screeched like a steam tank, before his legs began to tense up, ready for a charge. "Bulldozing Rhino!"

Like a spring, his legs instantly released the tension, launching his massive rhinoceros body forward in a straight line, tearing trees down as if they were nothing but styrofoam. Anticipating this, I dodged to his right but was immediately greeted by [Prediction] and [Danger Perception] warning me as the beastman jumped into the air, raising his axe above his head.

Flying Axe!

[Shadow Armament (Full Body)] inflicted on [Young Shadowstalker Cadejo, Saori Segawa]

Without a second delay, I shrouded myself in a veil of darkness, blending into the darkness perfectly besides the red mist around my eyes. My new clothes were already darker-toned so it was already harder for people to detect me when it's dark, but I honestly felt like I was a part of it now, like nothing could defeat me while I was in this state.

As this counted as a shadow, [Shadow Tendrils] erupted from my body, clutching the trees behind me and pulled me out of the path of Narubes thrown axe. Seeing as it was able to dig rather deeply into the ground, I probably wouldnt have survived if I had taken it head-on.

Before Narube could pick it up, I kicked it away with [Shadow Descent], a shadow armament-only attack where I would extend the veil to increase the reach of a kick. With the axe flying away, I then shot out a few [Dark Bolt] at the humanoid rhinoceros.

Natural Armor! he called out. Ha, these attacks tickle! My tribe would gore you for these attacks, wolfkin!


[Humanization (Minor)] inflicted on [Young Shadowstalker Cadejo, Saori Segawa]

My cadejo form was my trump card here, I cant show it now, however, with my [Shadow Armament] covering my whole body, I could hide the fact that I had [Humanize] from him. I was really fortunate that he didnt have [Identify] like Kushlekzar.

Using the mana mist that would be emitted whenever I activate [Humanize], I cast [Shadow Clones] once more and ran beside it towards Narube. With 2/3rd of my original stats and the blessing spells that Kushlekzar cast on me prior, I threw away my previous tactic and engaged the tall beastman in guerilla warfare, now that he was unarmed.

Tidecallers Blessing

A spell given with the Job [Tidecaller]. This spell increases Health, Mana, and Stamina regeneration depending on the casters faith in the Goddess of Water and their Intelligence stat

Depth Priests Blessing

A spell given with the Job [Depth Priest], male priests of the Church of Plesia. This spell increases Strength and Intelligence stats depending on the casters faith in the Goddess of Water and their own Intelligence and Wisdom stat

Invocation of Water

A spell given with the Job [Water Priest]. This spell increases the effectiveness of water spells and resistances against it. Also increases the effectiveness of the [Swimming] skill and the ability to stay underwater

Raptors Agility

A spell that grants the fleeting speed of the Raptorsilian, one of the three races of the saurians of Aelozonia. Increases Agility stat

Compared to Hestias buffing spells, I received only a few from Kushlekzar, however, I could tell that they were equal in effectiveness, or maybe even more. Job and custom spells are definitely something that our party must look out for if we want to become stronger in the future.

Kuck! Damn, rat! Narube cried out, trying to hit me but failing.

His skin is tough! All my attacks are too shallow even in this form?

Hit-and-run is what I do best considering my spell element and skills. I am able to take multiple weaker enemies out at once and power up with [Lifetaker], however, I cant use this skill to its fullest potential when I am fighting one strong person, first.

I couldnt overwhelm him. I had to slowly chip him away, whether mentally or physically. The first phase was for me to analyze his movement while tiring him out. The second phase is for me to dig deep into his skin with my claws, applying one of Hestias toxic concoctions to cripple him. However, with how shallow my cuts were, it was hard to execute this part.

Crash Horn! he roared, slamming his head onto the ground, creating not only a minor shockwave but also cracks in the ground, sending rocks and earth up into the air.

Using my veil of shadow like an extension of my body, dodging through all of this was no problem as countless [Shadow Tendrils] wiggled around to keep me from harm's way. With my balance recovered, I launched my own [Unarmed Technique] ability on him.

Just Blink! despite the weird name that I gave it, it did just that. Using my shadow armament, my arm was able to slip through his attention while he was blinking.

Seeing how close my claws were to his eyes, Narube flinched back immediately. Unfortunately for him, he forgot that I was fighting with my clone here and didnt notice that the one who just used [Just Blink] was her. The real me jumped onto his back and wrapped thin mana strings around his neck which I took out of my storage magic, strangling him with them after I got a good grip.

Kriiiack! rampaging like a bull, he was swinging me around as hard as he could but I didnt let go. These were my mana strings. As long as I can fuel them with mana, they will never tear apart. Fortunately, as he kept on struggling, it made it easier for me as my clone could continue attacking him while my mana strings started to cut his neck, a tiny flow of blood appearing.

Venom applied!

As I could apply Hestias venom on my claws, so could I do it with my mana strings. They were all tools which I could use with the tactic that I have been using with Hesta ever since weve met. She might not be a venom dragon, but no one around could make a stronger venom than her by simply sweating.

The venom immediately showed its effect despite only being minor, making it harder for him to breathe. Eventually, he did manage to grab my leg and pull me off him, throwing me away like a ragdoll. While I was in the air, Narube used [Bulldozing Rhino] to charge over to his axe.


Like a shotgun, the massive rhinoncerum shot through the battlefield in a mad rush, having fully descended into madness through his wrath. My shadow clone had to sacrifice herself to buy me a few precious seconds, which I needed to land back on the ground, get back on my feet, regain balance, and then dodge out of the way.

However, before I could breathe, the mad rhino swung down his axe and then continued with a flurry of slices, unconscious of where he was going and swinging.

Berserker Mode

A skill given to the Job line of [Ravager]. Doubles the Strength stat and Stamina regeneration while halving Vitality and Wisdom. The user loses his rationality. Effects linger for a while even after deactivating the skill

Destruction Path

A skill given to the Job [Grand Ravager]. Gives up usage of spells while this skill is under effect but grants the user the ability to ignore negative status afflictions. The effects arent nullified but the user is able to go beyond the bodys natural fatigue limit. Increases Strength by half of the base amount while causing the user to go on a rampage

He was a walking wrecking ball, without a doubt. He couldnt control himself and his movements were reckless and unpredictable, leaving me no room to counterattack. His Agility didnt increase but he wasnt stopping his assault anytime soon. There is also the fact that even a simple hit could possibly kill me at this point from how much his Strength was increased by these two skills.

Hang on! Hang on! You have to hang on, Saori! Everything is going as planned!

The woods were turned into a field of carnage as if a twister just appeared and uprooted and destroyed all the trees and vegetation in the area. I tried to use [Shadow Dash] to move away from it but Narube would simply use [Bulldozing Rhino] or [Blast Rush] to shorten the distance in a second, literally.

He wasnt giving up and despite using everything in my repertoire to dodge his attacks, whether it was skills like [Evasion] and [Air Walk] or [Shadow Tendrils] pulling me away or [Shadow Dash] towards a faraway point, it mattered little. He would never stop, just like a real rhino, charging forward the first moment it felt threatened.

He was relentlessand I couldnt keep up with it.

Arrrrrrrgh! not managing my breathing correctly, my movements dulled for a moment and I was slammed by the blunt sides of his axe, being blown away, crashing onto a nearby tree.

Uuuurgh, hie, urck, I moaned. I had [Absolute Pain Tolerance] just like Hestia but I still wasnt too used to intense pain. It only got me around its tip, but the damage was still done. My arms rattled like crazy and crashing with my back on the tree made it hard for me to stand up properly.

I wanted to lie down and rest, but instincts drove me back up onto my feet as Narube, once again, [Blast Rush]ed to me.

Purgatory BEAST! grabbing his massive axe with both arms, he swung it down with pure impunity, slicing the very air in half as an image of a demon was invoked in my mind.

The very earth quaked, ripping apart anything unfortunate enough to stand in the way of this monstrous attack, calling forth a blast wave of wind to send chunks of ground flying.

[Broken Arm (Right) (Major)] [Bleeding (Minor)] inflicted on [Young Shadowstalker Cadejo, Saori Segawa]

As the dust settled, the silence was broken by a pained weeping.

You actually survived that? Narube said with widened eyes, having deactivated both [Berserker Mode] and [Destruction Path], before chuckling with a sadistic smile. Heh heh, I guess this is a better result. You know, youre just like that fucking bitch. That damn White Winged Dragoon. All she did was play around with me as she stomped on my pride as a warrior, while her fucking knights destroyed everything I built up!

Urgh, my a-armits n-not m-movingat all.

"I wanted to crush her, my wish is to make her squeal and beg for a pitiful life as I stomp her bones to dustbut she's a giant wallyou will do, for now, wolfkin bitch, he announced with blood-red eyes, grinning like a lunatic. You dont look the same but you remind me of her too much. I will have you wish that you had never angered me, Narube! A great warrior from the great plains! BLAST RUSH!

I didnt listen to anything of what he said. I was able to hear it but nothing stuck in my head as my brain was more pre-occupied by the large amount of pain that was surging around my bloodied arm, broken to the point that I couldnt move it around anymore. I needed Hestias healing, now!

But I wasnt that much of a novice that I didnt notice his hostile intents. I stood my ground, regardless, because


Got you.

ARCK! unable to stop himself, Narube tripped over a thin mana string as electricity streamed through his body, flying over me and crashing into a thick layer of mana strings that Ive set up in this area, spasming.

[Humanization (Moderate)] inflicted on [Young Shadowstalker Cadejo, Saori Segawa]

Putting on a bit of pressure on a nearby string, Narube was immediately constricted by a colorful grouping of mana strings.

Red, cyan, purple, green, red-brown. All the colors of our group's available elements.

W-What the fuck is- ARCK he tried to speak but I prevented that by tightening the string around his throat.

T-Thank you for falling into my trap, I said with a quivering voice, still affected by the pain.

As my job was to hunt down any stragglers, Id set up my mana strings in the area to intercept the bandits. Up until now, Ive primarily used [Elemental Mana Weaving] to create clothes with the colored mana string, but that wasnt the skills main usage. These mana threads created from an elements mana could produce their element if I sent mana through them.

That meant red mana string would emit fire while purple strings could send lightning through your body. Unfortunately, they actually dont show this effect when I make them into clothing. Hestia did mention that it would be cool if I could make a purple dress that continuously shoots out lightning, which I honestly questioned why that would be awesome. The problems with your hair, oh my.

"Your trap-AAAAAAAAHHHHH!" he screamed as the red-brown mana string began oozing out lava, scorching his arm.

Your [Berserker Mode] was too much for me to handle but otherwise, everything worked just like I wanted, I answered.

The first and second phase was dedicated to unnerving Narube, causing him to rage. To make sure that he wouldnt figure out my plan, I had to risk it and cause him to go berserk. The only reason why I believed I could execute this plan was because my Agility was so much higher than his with the addition of my dark spells and [Shadow Armament], helping me outmaneuver him.

The first phase was to reduce his Stamina, so he had to use [Berserker Mode] while the second was to cause him to go use [Destruction Path] to counteract the venom. I honestly wanted to inject a more lethal venom into him, but at minimum, I only needed him to be annoyed by being poisoned, realizing that the poison would slow him down even more.

With those two phases succeeding, he would go crazy and I could lead him around, easily bringing him into my net of mana strings. The only problem was that [Purgatory Beast]. I saw its effect with [Identify] but it caught me out of surprise with how strong it was.

I havent said this very often, but I am honestly in love with my [Dark Magic]. Although it is neither as strong as Hestias multitude of spells nor Tasiannas [Ice Magic], it had the power of deception. I could outmaneuver anybody if Im skilled and fast enough.

Why am I saying this? Well, I only survived that attack due to [Shadow Dash]. I simply dived into the darkness but unfortunately my arm couldnt make it inside fast enough, so it literally broke from the shockwave of his attack. The pressure was so high that it damaged me without even hitting me.

Goodbye, I uttered, pouring mana into a nearby string.

I could only call it a firework with how colorful it was. Numerous mana strings activated, sending out lightning, flames, ice, lava, and wind as they began to tear through Narubes body, ripping him apart with magical power.

This was a victory due to [Identify]. As Sun Tzu said, If you know your enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. Knowing his skills and stats was enough for me to plan out this rather risky fight, despite it being smarter to just ignore him and retreat.

That was Hestia-level of recklessness if I say so myself, but I guess that is what I need to do to catch-!

Multiple proficiency requirements fulfilled. [Prediction Lv. 9] [Danger Perception Lv. 8] gained

Seeing Narubes Health decreasing at a good rate, I was confident that I had won. I was about to turn around and return back to the camp when my [Prediction] once again did its job and warned me like a trusty alarm clock from the axe that flew past me.

Heh, heh, Narube laughed with laborious breathing, smiling as he held a glass bottle with his teeth.


Glass Potion Bottle

An empty potion bottle made from glass with Fairnite included to insulate the mana leakage from the potion water. The concentration of Fairnite: 60%

What did he drink?!

Ha ha ha, this potion was pretty damn expensive, you know. You dont know how much you just made me lose, but you will feel the power of this potion right now! Narube said with a wide smile, having broken free from my mana strings, blood-red eyes filling hiswait, has his left eye gotten redder than last time?

As I was wondering that, Narube roared out in pain, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! MY EYE! Suddenly, blood began flooding out of his eye, as it slowly started to wrinkle up, necrosis having started to set in.

The pain was excruciating enough for the rhinoncerum to fall onto his knees, holding onto his eyes as his wailing become louder and louder, having abandoned his pride as a warrior. He slumped down, as his other eye also began to show similar symptoms, turning black while blood flowed.

P-Please, h-help me, he pleaded, having fully lost his eyesight as his grey skin turned into a deadly purple, pus spewing out from his pores. AHHHHH.argh! H-Help! Th-This is not h-how I want-ted to die.

She did mention that she made a venom that would only work after an extended time.

I could never forget this sight. The last time I saw this venom in effect was when I personally poisoned a troll when I was rescuing Tasianna. Who gave me that venom? Hestia. Who wanted to improve her venoms to be less conspicuous to avoid the status boards? Hestia. Who spat in Narubes eye while she was playing prisoner? That crimson-haired brat.

This sight is as dreadful as alwaysbut I guess I should thank her. Humanize.

[I might have considered helping you in the past,] I said telepathically, staring him down with my cadejo forms eyes, unwilling to forgive this person for what he did. [Howeveryou hurt my family.]


I pounced on him, holding his arm back with my sharp claws while I pierced his neck with my sharp fangs, ravaging through all the blood and flesh until I had a good grip on his neck. The tall beastman struggled despite how much in pain he was, unwilling to die even in his final moments. With a simple crunch, the death cries finally ended.

Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Young Shadowstalker Cadejo, Saori Segawa] has risen from [Level 9] to [Level 19]

Attributes have increased due to level up

Acquired 3600 skill points

Multiple proficiency requirements fulfilled. [Mana Efficiency Lv. 5] [Arcane Mind Lv. 8] [Mana Control Lv. 9] [Dark Magic Lv. 9] [Mental Stability Lv. 4] [Mental Warfare Lv. 5] [Silent Casting Lv. 8] [Sundering Enhancement Lv. 5] [Enhanced Fangs Lv. 10] [Concentration Lv. 4] [Physical Super-Resistance Lv. 3] [Bleed Resistance Lv. 6] [Health Recovery Lv. 5] [Stamina Recovery Lv. 5] [Enhanced Strength Growth Lv. 6] [Enhanced Strength Enforcement Lv. 5] [Enhanced Agility Growth Lv. 6] [Enhanced Agility Enforcement Lv. 5] [Enhanced Stamina Growth Lv. 6] [Identify Lv. 9] [Bloodlust Lv. 2] [Battle Mind Lv. 5] [Mana Weave Lv. 9] gained

Skill requirement fulfilled. [Enhanced Claws Lv. 10] evolved into [Lupine Claws Lv. 1]

Skill requirement fulfilled. [Enhanced Fangs Lv. 10] evolved into [Lupine Fangs Lv. 1]

Magic gained: [Enfeebling Winds]

Yeah, I definitely am conscious that I have killed somebody similar to a human. Good. At least, that will keep me from doing it too often. That is one concern handled.

It seems like killing monsters like it is nothing until now has made me able to adapt to killing this beastman. Well, it also helps that I was angry at him, making it a bit easier for me to get used to it.

Thankfully, my mind was still human. I was worried that my mind had fully turned into a monsters, so it was reassuring to know that I still wanted to avoid killing people who resemble humans. It would be a great relief if there was a chance for a peaceful life for me.

A nave thought if I cant gain the strength to ensure that I could stand up against this worlds injustice. The books that Ive read on the medieval era, whether it was feudal Japan or Europe, depicted a world filled with strife and conflict. Humans are greedy and that is especially true for people in power.

Hestia already mentioned that she was scared that I wasnt strong enough to stop her when she goes into a rampage, which is true. I dont have the ability to do it now. It isnt even debatable at this point. I need to become stronger.

Killing Narube was a good chance to finally catch up to my companions, especially now when Hestia and Tasianna werent sharing EXP with me.

They mean too much to me. I dont want to lose them.

I have no blood relatives anymore. I died before my mother on Earth. My garm family in this world are all dead. I was alone. With how that giant Leviathan talked about my heritage, I personally didnt want to accept it as I felt no kinship to anybody now.

Aside from two people: Hestia and Tasianna.

During the time when I most needed her, when I was just born and when I nearly died against those chameleons, she was there for me. She helped me. She taught me. She was the reason why I survived this world despite only being a month old.

Then there is Tasianna, the little fairy that would always treat me like I was a head maid. It was annoying at first, but it eventually grew on me. Her cheerfulness while she kept going through whatever training she has to do to become stronger. I admire hard work, so it goes without question that I am fond of her.

I know I am technically the youngest among us three, but I cant help but think of them as little sisters. Little troublemakers.

So, that is why it pains me so much when both of them are so tormented by their own problems. Hestia and her doubts about her humanity and Tasianna about her trauma. I am glad that Hestia got over her fear to perform as an Idol, but it seems our partys problem arent over yet.

Well, that is my job. Cant have my new family be torn apart, right?

With that handled, I should get back to the rest. Hopefully, everything is alright on their side.


Lady Hestia! Stop! You have to stop!

Enough! Hestia, control yourself! The battle is over!

Young scale, get a grip of yourself!

Dammit, Kush, call Akasht back now! My tail is tingling and it aint a good feeling.

O, flames, so beautiful pyre! Grant me your divine purification! Cleanse me of my sins in the inferno!

O, gather with me, o tiny embers

Weave yourself in my divine mana

Oh grow, oh feast, never smother your potential

From darkness you grow, shining brightly to cast your origin away

O, Inferno, your form so mighty

Dance with my melody, my song

Hear my voice, hear my decree, your ruler of crimson

Blaze in power in a sea of red and yellow

Oh dear flames, listen to my music, my grand orchestra!

By the divine System, individual [Young Spark Inferno Dragon, Hestia Atsuko] is granted the title: [Divine Inferno]

Evolution options updated

Proficiency requirement fulfilled. [Spark Fire Dragon Lv. 9] evolved into [Spark Fire Dragon Lv. 10]

Ability gained: [Firedust Trailblaze]

Skill requirement fulfilled. [Spark Fire Dragon Lv. 10] evolved into Unique Skill [Dreadflame Dragon Lv. 1]

Skill requirement fulfilled. [Draconic Claws Lv. 5], [Draconic Fangs Lv. 4] merged into Unique Skill [Hellblade Dragon Lv. 1]

Abilities gained: [Dreadflare Aura] [Hellblade Edge]

Abilities [Spark Claws], [Spark Fang] merged into [Hellblade Edge]

Skill requirement fulfilled. [Fire Magic Lv. 10], [Holy Magic Lv. 10] merged into Unique Skill [White Flames Lv. 1]

Skill requirement fulfilled. [Inferno Magic Lv. 5], [Poison Creation Lv. 5], [Toxic Secretion Lv. 3] merged into Unique Skill [Corrosive Fire Lv. 1]

Magic Lost: [Minor Heal] [Cure] [Modest Heal] [Smite] [Light] [Holy Protection] [Holy Strength] [Purify] [Fire] [Firebolt] [Imbue Fire] [Fire Ball] [Strengthening Flames] [Flame Spear] [Petal Flame] [Flame Explosion] [Inferno Blast] [Blazing Twister] [Inferno Beam] [Scorching Sun] [Spiral Hellfire]

Skills Lost: [Holy Amp] [Holy Magic Efficiency] [Fire Amp] [Fire Magic Efficiency]

[Spark Fire Dragon Lv. 10] reached. Race requirement fulfilled by individual [Young Spark Inferno Dragon, Hestia Atsuko]. The System has collected enough data. Missing mutation characteristics will now be corrected

Unnecessary Skills and Abilities will be combined: [Spark Flame Veil], [Flame Burst], [Spark Flame], [Spark Fire Breath], [Spark Inferno Blast], [Firedust Trailblaze]. Abilities gained: [Scale-dust Veil] [Hellflame Breath]


Original Mind!

Parallel Mind #1, shes losing it! We cant stop it anymore!

Where the fuck did this title come from! Ahhh, it started hurting the moment our spells and skills were ripped away from us! I cant concentrate at all!

Huh? Mister Kushlekzar, what is going on with Lady Hestia?!

Miss Saori! Youve come at the perfect timing, Hestia-!

Symphonie des Feuergottes!

Custom spell [Imperial Hellfire] was changed into [Symphonie des Feuergottes]

Custom spell [Symphonie des Feuergottes] has been perfectly integrated into the System

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