A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 95: Dinner with House Helvas.

Chapter 95: Dinner with House Helvas.

Lady Atsuko, it is a pleasure to have made your acquaintance. My name is Ellaine Fiero Helvas, daughter of Count Helvas, a young woman, with blue hair similar to her father, greeted me, curtsying with her green dress. It would be an honor if we could learn about each other more after today.

I heard you like pastries from your mother, Lady Ellaine. Please tell me if todays will be to your liking, and, if I acquire more, I would be delighted to accept your invitation, I answered her with a smile, leaving when I will come ambiguous.

Jeez, not only the son but also the daughter wants to know me better. They might be nice people, but Im already on the edge being inside their home.

Outside the supposed dining room, Ellaine, the daughter of Count and Countess Helvas, stood waiting for us. Her father introduced us and we both greeted each other for courtesys sake. She too asked me, just like her brother, for us to meet each other after this dinner to know more about me.

While it might just be normal for nobles in this country, I think it has more to do with the maid behind her. While I gave my greeting to the leading figures of this noble house, my [Detection Sensor] detected a few people eavesdropping on us. Telepathically, Saori also confirmed this maid was one of the eavesdroppers through her scent, probably having informed Ellaine about everything that occurred.

Well, I am a foreigner so it shouldnt be a surprise they wanted to know more about my background. I mean, they did send spies to surveil us. They probably wouldnt have stopped if Saori hadnt captured them.

Oh just for your information, as the lord and lady of House Helvas, it was correct to call them Lord and Lady. Jonathan and Ellaine, having not fully inherited the title, could only be addressed with their first name if their parents were around.

As I was the person representing the Atsuko name, I had to be called Lady Atsuko in a formal situation like this. Even if I was the only one with that name, as Saori was the one who gave it to me.

It was similar to how you would address the parents with Mr. and Mrs., while you could call the kids with their first name on Earth. Thankfully, Colwyn informed me about this. Otherwise, I might have made a mistake here.

Once that was done, two butlers moved towards the door and opened it for us. Entering, my eyes immediately were enraptured by all the lights released by those manatech lamps and chandeliers, brightening the room so much it seemed like everything was sparkling and shining.

White light showed off the beauty of all the furniture, highlighting them like spotlights on a show stage. From the dark, engraving-filled wooden chairs to the massive paintings decorating the walls of the room; it seems the word cost wasnt even considered with how opulent this whole room was.

As one of the maids led me to my table position, I suddenly noticed the chair before me.

This one looked different compared to the others.

While all other chairs at the dining table had armrest, mine didnt. Considering how long my tail was, it was inconvenient to sit down with it while wearing this dress, so without a place to rest it, sitting down could be quite painful.

Seeing as how Jecht, the spy, Colwyn, or even Barathan himself should have seen how long my tail was, I guess they made appropriate preparations for me. How thoughtful.

This is a beautiful chair, I mentioned as I sat down with Saoris help.

Barathan himself suggested it. I hope it is to your liking, Lady Atsuko, Lord Helvas informed me. Werarely receive beastmen guests so I am not too acquainted with accommodating dragonewts.

Understanding he was trying to be humble, I just smiled back, It is perfect, thank you very much.

The table was wide, enough to fit around twenty or so guests. As we were only five, we were all grouped on a single end. Count Helvas sat at the end as he was the head of the house, while his three family members sat together on the same side. My seat was on the opposite side, naturally.

A few seconds after everyone sat down, Barathan and the head maid came in pushing cart-like things, and behind them were two other maids and Tasianna. Each of them went to their respective masters and mistresses and began opening wooden boxes, releasing a myriad of pleasant scents similar to a field of flowers.

Lady Hestia, which tea would you like to drink? I would recommend this one, as I believe it would fit your palette, Tasianna informed me with a pleasant smile, perfectly fitting the image of a maid.

After we left Count Helvas study, the head maid had called Tasianna to follow her for dinner prep. The reason was to inform Tasianna about everything she could and had to do inside the mansion, telling her the schedule of the whole dinner. As my retainer, she had to do it.

It seems like, if a noble brought their servants with them, the servants will be responsible for serving their master. This was to ensure the servants could get a chance to taste the food for poison and to make the tea their master wanted. Saori and I had no confirmation, but we guessed it from the context. Incidentally, wouldnt [Poison Resistance] be perfect for a servant? I kinda want to see Barathans status board if this was the case. He really seems like the perfect retainer.

After brewing my tea, both Saori and Tasianna moved outside the room. I made some small talk with Ellaine and her family before my two friends returned with dinner. After serving the dishes, Count Helvas dismissed all the butlers and maids, including Saori and Tasianna. We were about to talk business, so I guess he didnt want anybody uninvolved witnessing it. Besides, a butler or maid could be called anytime with a bell.

[Have fun, Saori. Stay cool, Tasianna. Dont get caught,] I wished my friends luck.

[You will have it worse, Hestia. Enjoy the meal, it tasted alright when I taste-tested it,] Saori said before leaving the room with Tasianna.

Now, Im alone in the lions den

Let us enjoy the meal a bit before we speak. It would be an insult to both Krunal and Anuiqa if we didnt, Count Helvas stated, mentioning two subordinate gods of Zephira before beginning a prayer. Oh Goddess, we thank you for your blessing today. For showing us the rightful path and for our meeting tonight

His family closed their eyes and stayed silent as Count Helvas spoke a dinnertime prayer. I too copied this action as I had to fit in. When I first met Lorena, she gave a prayer too before we ate. Not only the villagers but also the nobility are religious, huh?

While I was listening, I went through my head as I think I remembered the name Anuiqa somewhere. Tasiannas theology lessons were currently my only source of knowledge on the gods of this world. The bible Colwyn gave me was only about Aurena, so it wasnt too helpful. Without her help, I would never have known of somebody like Anuiqa.

Krunal was the God of Weather and Harvest, and I think Anuiqa was the Goddess of Festivals and Cooking. Both were subordinate gods of Zephira, the Goddess of Wind. Considering Zephira was also the Goddess of Celebrations and Travels, those two gods really fitted her.

After the prayer was done, it was finally time for me to try out the food. Saori told me nobles in medieval times used hard bread called trenchers as plates during these times, and I was preparing myself for it. However, against my expectations, what was served before me was the appetizer in a white clay plate.

Well, to be honest, my expectations were kinda destroyed the moment I entered the mansion. There were barely any candles; all light sources came from those manatech lamps and chandeliers decorating the whole place. If you removed the clear medieval setting, most people would think this was a 21st century, modern medieval mansion. I mean, the only candles I saw were inside this room and they were scented with herbs.

Anyway, while Colwyn wasnt able to teach me how to dine like a noble, thankfully, I already new this from my time with my etiquette teacher. Several utensils were placed before me, all of them were either spoons, forks, or knife. The only difference between each type were their forms and lengths.

As the appetizer was soup, using the soup spoon, the largest of the spoons, was the choice. Even for the bread, which was still warm, there was a butter knife to apply butter to it. You dont use the dining knife, nor the salad knife, you will only and always use the butter knife.

There was also the annoying rule of having to break the bread in pieces before buttering it. You werent allowed to cut it in half and then put condiments and meat on it like a sandwich. Tear a piece off, apply butter on it, then you may eat it. Never skip a step.

While I was enjoying myself, I kept it slow. Not only did I have to temper my strength to not accidentally break everything, but I was also keeping an eye at how the nobles were behaving. Seeing them follow the rules I had to learn ever since my childhood was a relief. I hate to admit it, but I was totally in my element. Like a prim and proper young lady, I was doing everything correctly.

But that just made me crave for more. Without the sun around, hunger assaulted me like a ravenous beast. Every bite of bread and spoon of soup caused my mouth to fill with saliva, compelling me to continue eating and eating without stopping.

I was currently chewing my bread? Then my fork was already picking up some salad. Once I was crunching some salad, my fingers were already holding my soup spoon. I was an efficient eating machine.

The slow nature of formal eating was a real bore, honestly. I wasnt even allowed to eat everything, always having to leave a bit behind to show everybody I enjoyed it but that I wasnt completely hungry.

After a couple minutes passed without anybody speaking, simply enjoying their meal, the next course, the entre, arrived. After it was served to us, the wine was then poured into silver goblet adorned with engravings. Taking a sip, I could only say I didnt like it but, nevertheless, I didnt say it aloud.

The entre itself was a beautiful piece of meat seeped in a red sauce, accompanied with a small bowl of fried rice. I guess they did own a rice-farming village.

The appetizer, the soup, was a complete failure in my opinion. Seasoned with only salt, it couldnt even compare to anything Saori could make. Even the salad was only acceptable 'cause I was hungry. The only thing good about the appetizer was the bread and salted butter. The bread was hard, yes, but the nuts inside it gave it a great texture.

On the other hand, the entre was on a completely different level. Seasoned well with mouth-watering meat and firm, piping hot fried rice. It was delicious, so much I was wishing for more. I wanted to pick it up with a fork and tear each piece off with my mouth, instead of slowly cutting it with the knife. I wanted, no, I needed more!

But I kept myself from going that far. As I nearly lost myself in my ravenous side, I suddenly realized there was music in the room. Where did they come from?! Were they here the whole time?! Was I that engrossed in eating that I didnt notice them?!

Looking in their direction, my eyes were introduced to the wonderful beauty of a small band. I wasnt well-versed with old instruments as my parents instructed me in the piano and violin, so I wasnt able to name every instrument. However, among the four women playing, two were playing banduras and one a zither.

The last woman waswait that doesnt sound like strings being plucked. Wait, isnt that...!

Lady Atsuko, is something the matter? Ellaine suddenly asked, noticing me looking at the musicians.

Awakened from my trance, I turned around to see everybody at the table looking at me, having stopped moving their metal utensils. I-I was just enjoying the music, I forced myself to answer under the pressure of eight eyes.

You were? Ellaine asked while tilting her head, frowning her blue brows in confusion. I did not think you a lover of music, Lady Atsuko. You were pretty quiet during the appetizer.

Urgh, true enough. Fucking sunfang dragon always being hungry. Now Im hungry again from thinking about food!

Uh, understanding what my feeding frenzy made me do, embarrassment caused me to hesitate, forcing me to think of a suitable excuse. I was listening to it silently. It is embarrassing to say, but I was a bit nervous to speak out.

Against all my expectations, everybody was nodding their heads with an understanding expression despite my lackluster attempt of an excuse. Swinging her long blond hair around as she settled down her utensils, Countess Helvas began to speak in a calming tone, "Understandable, dear. Rank differences or not, you are still young and are alone in a foreign country's noble house."

Rank differences?

Before I could ask her what she meant, Count Helvas put down his utensils, wiped his mouth, and then added to his wife's statement, "I planned to give you some time to calm down before we speak, however, maybe it would have been wiser for me to start the conversation myself. My apologies, Lady Atsuko. He gave a short nod, swaying his short blue hair before looking back at me. Is there something we could help you with? To make you more comfortable?

It is alright, I stated as I couldnt think of something at the spot, but immediately thought of something as the music kept playing. Actually, could I ask you to give me permission to play that instrument?

Pointing at one of the women, I drew everybodys attention towards what she was playing. A wooden instrument with strings attached to it being bowed with a musical bow, resembling my favorite instrument.

You play, Lady Atsuko? Jonathan, the son, spoke up with blond hair similar to his mother. If that is the case then may I suggest we spice up this evening? A display of musical talents would definitely calm everybody down, no?

Oh, that would be wonderful! Ellaine clapped her hands together, looking excited at the prospect. Mother. Father. I would agree with brothers suggestion, especially if Lady Atsuko is asking for it. It would certainly brighten up this dinner.

"I see no problem with the children's wishes, dear. You too?" Countess Helvas asked her husband, who gave a simple nod as an answer. "Wonderful. Lady Atsuko, you wished the 'Geigler', correct?" She then rang the bell, calling the musician to deliver the instrument over to me.

Receiving it, I thanked the musician and Countess Helvas for accommodating my wish. Once the instrument was in my hands, nostalgia quickly rushed through my fingers. The familiar feeling of the sleek wood, the firmness of the strings, the pegs to tune them. It was quite a bit larger than what I was used to; I think it would be called a viola on Earth.

However, I didnt care. Violas are just larger versions. The deeper notes wouldnt dissuade me. So what if its called Geigler in this world? What does a name change do when I knew this was my so, so, so favorite. My mothers preferred instrument. The violin.

Lady Atsuko, what is your [Musician] level? Ellaine suddenly asked.

I told them I had [Musician Lv. 4], which garnered me only confirming nods, suggesting level four was below average, maybe. Well, my level might be low, but I don't think my skill was. I have been practicing on my [Aerokinesis] violin since I learned how to construct one.

After playtesting the geigler so I could tune it to my liking, I then began playing a slow classical song to test out my skills first. I wanted to use [Aerokinesis] to imitate the sounds of a piano cause I personally liked it in this sonata. Ludwig van Beethovens piano sonata no.14, also called the Moonlight Sonata.

Sure, the piano was better known to play it, but making covers of songs and sonatas is just normal for musicians. The 21st century just made it more prominent through the internet.

Ahhhhh, this isthis is just wonderful. How I missed you so much!

Music is my life; that fact has been true ever since I chose my dream to become an idol. Almost compelled by this chance to get my hand on a violin after establishing I was still able to play a normal violin, I didnt stop just with the Moonlight Sonata. Highly energetic songs from animes or video games, either of them was fine to me. I just needed to play something that could challenge me.

Proficiency requirement fulfilled. [Musician Lv. 5] gained

After finishing my fourth song, Count Helvas suddenly clapped his hands before I could start the fifth, Bravo. Excellent. Are you sure you spoke the truth, Lady Atsuko? Those were not the skills of someone with only [Musician Lv. 4]. The way your arm moved and how you didnt skip a beat is only somebody with years of experience can produce. As wonderful as that was, we cannot have you hoard all the brilliance now, no? As the hosts, allow us to entertain you.

Starting with Ellaine and ending with Count Helvas himself, all four members of house Helvas chose their personal instrument and played a piece. Fortunately for my ears, all of them were brilliant and educated musicians, able to play pieces Id never heard before. Were all nobles given musical educations? Considering how refined they are, how overpowered social beasts are they?

Once it calmed down, Count Helvas ordered the women to put the instruments in their spot and dismissed them from the room. We kept eating but it seems like the discussion will start now.

Staring into my eyes with a firm gaze, Count Helvas spoke clearly and regally, displaying the image of an experienced politician, Now, aside from your wonderful music, I would also like to officially thank you for your assistance in subjugating those bandits. As the lord of this land, that duty should have fallen on me but I had failed, I will admit. The village under my protection was razed and my subjects were killed and captured, a shameful display, especially when this land was given to me by one of the seven dukes of this kingdom. I do not know if you know much about our lands, but simply ask if you require information.

He paused for a moment before looking at his daughter, before returning his gaze back to me, I have heard how you helped in the reconstruction of the village with your magic. Seeing as how much you have helped the progression, I will not doubt what a talented mage you are. As you are new to these lands, I would like to warn you not to do this too often, as you are entering the work interests of earth mages. Are you affiliated with the mage guild in our country? If not, then, please, stop otherwise you might cause unwanted conflict with the guild.

Kuck! Wait, people pay earth mages to build houses?! Okay, now I really hope a bunch of earth mages arent just gonna show in front of my house one day. Theyll probably complain my ears off.

Now, Ive also heard you arent calling yourself a priestess or shrine maiden of the church of Goddess Aurena. However, then how do you answer your ability to cast healing spells on the wounded the bandits captured and that massive [Prayer]? I heard you had two sermons and I was able to witness your magic circle even from my home today, Count Helvas stated those facts before me, placing his hands on the table as he continued increasing the intensity of his warnings. You have also rejected compensation for the white grace. I do not know how the church of Goddess Aurena of Loatryx handles church taxes, so I will not blame you for your ignorance. However, do know the worship of Goddess Aurena is equal to the worship dragonewts give Kargryxmor, the Dragon God. If the church learns about this, they will not only cause trouble for you but also my house, who is acting as your host. I hope you understand, Lady Atsuko.

A chill went down my spine as I heard these warnings. Problems with the mage guild and the church. Master Kush did recommend me to join the mages guild as soon as possible so I think heeding this advice after Count Helvas warning would be the smartest choice.

However, honestly, does everything require money to have somebody cast some magic? Are magic casters service providers like builders and doctors on Earth? Do I have to be more careful with casting spells to help people? I dont know. I really am ignorant of the laws of this world.

Looking at me realizing my mistakes, Count Helvas only gave a sigh before returning to the subject at hand, Anyway, proper reflection would be wise. I have given my warning to you, so let us return to your reward. You have helped me immensely. Defeating the bandits, returning the captives, returning the villages winter rations, helping the reconstruction of the village with magic, granting white graces, and also holding two sermons to ease the suffering of my subjects. As the Lord Andre Orlean Helvas, ask me anything you wish, Lady Atsuko. Let us speak as nobles and I will grant whatever I can give.

Anything, huh? Considering how meticulous he has been with information collection and how he is warning me, should I truly ask him about that request? Ill only make myself suspiciousNo, I must ask him.

If that is the case, then I thank you very much, Count Helvas. I will make sure to not cause your family any more trouble, I answered before taking a deep breath. As you should have already heard, my companions and I have lost our IDs before we came into your domain. We have also heard your country is able to issue special IDs able to hide certain information. I know how this will sound, but would it possible for you to do this for me? That would be my only request.

He glared at me, squinting his eyes as he leaned his head on his hands, hiding his mouth, Do you truly understand, Lady Atsuko? Through your behavior, education, and magical expertise I have no doubts you must have come from a distinguished family, but you still have not told me enough about yourself. Lady Atsuko, you are a dragonewt. Your home is Loatryx, or maybe even Kargryx? The Kingdom of Artorias has not received any ambassadors or aristocratic visitors from those two countries in, well, since that damnable war your elven attendant should know about.

If hes talking about a war, then the only one I know about is the "War for the Fairies". The one where humans captured Faefolk, a race of mana composed individual like fairies, and used them as fuel for mana batteries. Pretty horrific when I heard about it from Tasianna.

I have nothing against beastmen but you should understand I must be prudent. You are a foreigner who is asking the head of a noble house for a specialized ID to hide your profile. If you cause trouble, then my family and I will be responsible," his gaze was firm, even showing a bit of hostility in them, as he told me the repercussion his decision could cause him. "I do wish to reward you, but only if it doesnt severely cripple me. This request of yours is impossible to grant.

So even after going through all of this, I never had a chance? Verdammt! There has to be a way for me to turn this around. We need those IDs!

However, he suddenly said. that is why we are negotiating. I have a proposal.

Swallowing a nervous spit, I listened and hoped his offer isnt too unfavorable, Just as a warning, you will not be able to hide your status from me, your benefactor. Once you make the ID, I will know your status, I hope you know that. With that said, my proposal to you is to come with me to the capital.

"The capital?" I uttered, having already accepted the fact he might learn about my profile. I rather have a small number of people know it than everybody.

Griffonpeak, that is the name of the Kingdom of Artoriass capital, where our King and Queens rule over us nobles. Origdiviel Arashan, the god thanking festival will come up soon. That also means the winter fest at the capital, held by the royal family for all nobles and commoners, will come soon. I wish you to come with me, he stated, pausing to drink some wine. Once the royal family knows about you, everything should be alright. Do not worry, we havent received a guest from Loatryx for a very long time, so I can guarantee you the royal family will want to treat you well. My family and I will leave in two days, now that our land has stabilized again, and we will stay there until the snow melts."

That means

Im sorry but I cannot accept that, despite your goodwill, I immediately answered, surprising not only Count Helvas but also his family. I made a promise with the villagers to perform, well, a musical concert for them on New Years Eve. And promises are something important for me, something that I will not break if given the chance. This musical concert also has sentimental value for me. Could we possibly change the requirements to something else?

And what can you offer me? he plainly said, giving me no leeway. Negotiations can only happen if you have something of value to me. My offer was simply out of courtesy as thanks for all your help, and with the royal family's assistance and agreement, there will be no repercussion for my house. So what can you offer me, Lady Atsuko?

You liked the mana threads, correct? I could offer you more, I meekly offered, grasping on straws for a way to overturn this whole situation.

He shook his head roughly, looking almost exhausted as he spoke, "Rejected. Your gift was wonderful, especially the lightning element is extremely expensive, but it isnt worth possibly dooming my house. Lady Atsuko, I do not know you. You may either reveal what you are trying to hide or offer me something I cannot reject because money and goods will not.

I stayed silent. There was nothing I could think of to give me an advantage here. My whole plan relied on the pre-discussion phase here. Acting like a noble, using skills to charm and impress them, using music to sway them to my side. I thought it would work. He looked so amazed by everything. He even admitted to it!

What are my options? Think, Hestia! What can I offer him? A ticket to the concert? Dumb idea, hes about to leave in two days so why should he stay here? My service? Definitely no, I dont want to become his employee or something. I value my freedom.

Come on, think! Why cant I think of anything?! Just one more step, just one more step! Verdammt, what would Saori say her?!

I have one thing I would like from you, throwing me another lifesaver, a tiny bit of hope came back to me as I anxiously awaited his answer. I would like to propose a trade. Two IDs for your elf servant.



Ignoring my surprise, he continued, The Kingdom of Artorias, as you should know, has a very difficult relationship with the elves of Saelariel. The war has cut off all elven knowledge and products from entering our country through legal means. Precious goods, luxury products, and production information. Aside from a few political reasons, the Kingdom also wishes to reintroduce yeast and other products back to Artorias. This is precious, invaluable to the growth of my house and my country. I would gladly add additional requests if you were-

NO! controlling myself just enough to not break the table in rage, I returned a glare filled with hostility at Count Helvas for even suggesting such an outrageous thing. Tasianna is not a thing! She is my retainer, not something to be haggled with. This has been a very pleasant dinner, despite this difficult discussion. I would ask you to keep it that way, Lord Helvas!

It wasnt intentional but I believe [Draconic Aura] automatically activated once my anger reached its boiling point. Ellaines and Jonathans eyes widened up like terrified dogs, shivering in their chairs as they instinctively step back from me. Countess Helvas looked at me with fear, but I could feel magic from underneath the table form her direction.

The only one who stood his ground was Count Helvas, although cold sweat was already pouring down his face like a stream. He was clutching his armrest so hard the sound of cracking wood could be heard.

Ha ha, very well, Lady Atsuko! anxiously forcing a wide smile, Count Helvas kept his eyes on me, defiantly going against the stream of bloodlust and hostile intent. I apologize from the depths of my soul for what I just mentioned. As the Goddess is my witness, I swear to never, ever attempt to steal what is rightfully yours ever again, Lady Atsuko. I humbly ask for your forgiveness.

Taking a deep breath, I told myself to cool down, using this chance to disable [Draconic Aura] and eat up the rest of the entre, I apologize for my outburst. I acted inelegantly, unfitting for a guest. I answered with a firm glare once I wiped my mouth clean.

At that moment, butlers and maid stormed into the room but were immediately dismissed by Count Helvas with a thundering voice before slumping into his chair, drenched in sweat and heart racing like an escaped prey, "Thank you very much, but I will not allow myself to be strong-armed. If you cannot offer me anything, I also cannot give what you want."

Despite that, hes staying strong?! What kinda mental resilience does this guy have?!

It is alright, I understand. Im not here to make enemies, I replied disappointed.

"However, I will help you with your request," he suddenly said, surprising me as I uttered a "huh". "The reason is that I finally know what your 'rank' is, Lady Atsuko. My family might only be the rank Count, a Magnoble. However, I have been honored to meet His Majesty and Her Highness throughout my years as an aristocrat. Every notable nobleman and noblewoman should know the feeling of meeting a royal.

My eyes widened as he mentioned that, realizing what his words were telling me, Oh. I could only utter.

"I have been a terrible host, for that, I must recompense you, Lady Atsuko. As somebody with such a prestigious bloodline, I must offer you to live inside my mansion. You may accept or reject my offer to come to the capital, but you may stay in my mansion as long as you wish, too," Count Helvas afford, showing a smile as he recovered his posture. "I do hope our relationship hasnt worsened due to this. I will keep my word and I will get you the IDs you wish, in addition, the most modern party bracelets and other goods. That is the least I should be doing for you.

Guess I lost before I even came here today, huh? No, did I fuck something up on the way or missed something? Fuck

Thank you, I dejectedly answered. This night has been very pleasant. I thank you for your offer to stay with you but I must bid you farewell now. Lady Helvas. Lady Ellaine. I do hope you will enjoy the cake, I made it myself with the help of my retainers. Its also my favorite fruit. Farewell.

Standing up, nobody stopped me as I slowly walked to the door. Count Helvas rang the bell, causing the doors to open and I immediately left the dining hall without glancing back. Tasianna and Saori were waiting there, probably having felt my anger, and followed me outside where we left through the gates of the mansion on feet.

I presume it was a failure? Saori asked once we were far away from the mansion.

Nah, I got us our IDs and even some party bracelets, I replied, looking down as I made sure my dress wouldnt get dirtied from the ground. Saori and Tasianna worked so hard on it, turning me into a pretty acceptable young lady. I didnt want to dirty it.

Huh, is that so? Then why did you suddenly get-Woah!

Without another thought, I turned around and embraced both of my friends. They were taller than me and I couldnt fully wrap my arms around both of them but the warmth I was feeling made me forget that fact. It was so comfortable.

You guys are the best. I will never let anybody get you guys, I stated with conviction.

Lady Hestia?! Tasianna called out as I released both of them.

Come on, guys. Lets go home. Sleep and more yeast are waiting for us, ok~

Dont mess with my friends. I dont care who you are. Nobles, Kings, Gods, whoever you are, come if you dare. The sun will incinerate you to dust.

A note from AbyssRaven

Hestia, I made Count Helvas say that, you could have caught on...

Hmm, why do I smell smoke?

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  • Friday, October 2, 2020 4:11:07 AM
  • Germany
  • [Member of Zard Skwad]

Bio: Hey there, AbyssRaven here. I'm just an avid Light Novel and Fantasy story reader who randomly thought of a story and began writing about it.

I eventually found out that I've been spending a bit too much time with building, planning, and researching for the story, that I've decided to just share it with others.

Writing is mostly a hobby for me, but I would still love any kind of criticism to improve on it.

I'm also german, so please excuse anything that sounds a bit weird...I wouldn't mind you pointing it out though.



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