A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Character Summary 14.6.2020

Character Summary 14.6.2020

Hestia Atsuko Young Spark Inferno Dragon, 7 months (mentally 15 years), female

Main protagonist of A Dragon Idols Reincarnation Tale and currently the main visual, lead singer, lead dancer, choreographer, lyricist, and one-woman band of her own Idol group, although, its more like shes a solo artist right now.

Formally a student with dual ethnicity, born to a Japanese woman and German man. Can speak English, German, Japanese, and Korean fluently. Loves stew and singing. Hates caves like a pest. Phobia for frogs and toads due to a traumatic event in her past life.

Died at the age of 15 on Earth and was reincarnated into the world of Peolynca by the gods Aurena, Kargryxmor, and a third unknown one. She led a life of wealth on Earth and made it her dream to become an Idol, unwavering despite all the criticism she has gained through her trainee years.

Is extremely fond of her previous parents and considers them her true parents, despite her second life. Due to their profession, Hestia has learned the violin and piano, while also becoming an adept singer and dancer from her idol training.

Received etiquette training and could mingle within high society were it not for an incident during her childhood where she decided to stick with a New Yorkian accent to sound more normal.

Was reborn as a dragon on Peolynca in the magical Belzac forest, a large landmass filled with many different beasts who wouldnt hesitate with killing the newly born dragon whelp. Through her life in the forest, Hestia was able to adapt and grow into a formidable magician and dragon, who was able to contest many vicious creatures.

After an almost impossible battle against the Garm matriarch, Hestia emerged victoriously and met another reincarnated person in Saori Segawa. Due to the wish of her deceased garm mother, Hestia decided to protect the young reincarnated person, now a newborn wolf monster.

After she evolved into a Young Spark Inferno Dragon, Hestia received the [Princess] title, making her question who she truly is.

Together with the newborn warg Saori, the duo traveled together intending to escape Belzac forest. On their way, they encountered the fairy Tasianna Marina Silverpond who escaped her imprisonment from a group of trolls.

After a successful rescue mission, Tasianna decided to join in the ranks of the party by pledging her loyalty to Hestia due to being a princess.

Now having an inhabitant of Peolynca traveling with them, the party has decided to make the elven kingdom, north of Belzac forest, their next destination, which led them to their current adventures in the rainforest and swamp part of the forest.

Is an active girl with a clear goal to fulfill her dream. Made a vow not to cry during her past life, until she became a real Idol. Can switch around between mania and depression in a switch, showing some signs of bi-polar.

Saori Segawa Young Shadowstalker Cadejo, 3 months (mentally 26 years), female

Secondary protagonist and the first friend that Hestia made in this new world. Formally a history teacher from Japan who worked at the prestigious preparatory school Shirako High.

Values hardworking individuals. Can be a bit of control freak. Conscious of money. Speaks formally without using abbreviations. Hates lazy and ungrateful individuals.

Died at the age of 26 at she was about to head to her classroom, she was transported with her students to Peolynca. However, instead of being transported with her body, Saori was reborn as the pup of a Garm, a monster wolf.

Having lost her father when she was only a teenage, the young Saori had to take care of her ill mother and the financial situation of their house, which caused her to develop both envy towards reach people but also respect and admiration for anybody who would put in extra effort into making something right.

Dreamed of becoming a historian after college but had to settle with a teaching position at Shirako High due to her financial situation, prioritizing her mother over her ambition. Initially disliked it but quickly fell in love.

Considers Hestia an admirable youth who has a set goal and acts on it, despite her initially confidence issues. Considers herself indebted to Hestia as she saved her life twice, once by allowing her to follow Hestia when she was just born and the other time when the red-haired girl brought her back from the brink of death.

Loves roleplaying as two noble ladies with Hestia, as she feels like she is benefitting from Hestias already established etiquette education. Feels overwhelmed by how graceful she speaks and behaves sometimes but is baffled at how crude she can sound at other times.

One of her current goals is to help Hestia become an Idol so they can travel the world together to quench her thirst for historical knowledge. Another one is to become strong enough to contend against Hestia in a 1v1.

Tasianna Marina Silverpond Fairy, 87 years (mentally 17 years), female

An inhabitant of Peolynca and the second friend that Hestia made on Peolynca. Being a fairy, a member of the Faefolk, Tasianna is a being composed entirely out of mana instead of flesh and blood.

Used to be the maid of the youngest princess of the royal fairy family of her village but due to an incident where human poachers killed her, Tasianna has ever since exiled herself from her village due to her negligence and failure.

Has ever since traveled with Hestia as her secondary maid, just beneath Saori. (Her hierarchy) Prefers to address Hestia with formality as she considers it only correct to do so, a characteristic that she inherited from her former home.

Has an intense hatred for humans and will act on her hostility if she were to be provoked. Considers anybody that harms Hestia or Saori a savage and enemy. Likes to over-think a situation due to being mostly a sheltered person that only gained knowledge from the outside world through books and the occasional elf visitor.

Loves making tea.

Tatsuya Nagata Human, 18 years, male

Main point-of-view from the Heros side. Is named Coffee boy from the community due to his love for coffee, even making his first goal after being transported to Peolynca to become strong enough to gain enough money to buy coffee-tasting leaves to indulge in.

Was a student at Shirako high with his other classmates

Initially was not willing to cooperate with the church that kidnapped him to the new world, but changed his view after he learned about the coffee tasting tea. Wields a spear into battle, while carrying a shield around for emergencies.

Belonged to a wealthy family on Earth but hated his normal life, enjoying the more fantastical worlds of video games and literature over it. Is quite excited about being on Peolynca but most of that enthusiasm was destroy by his distrust for the church.

A confident and competitive person that is prone of becoming argumentative when somebody doesnt share his opinion, however, knows when he should say it or not. Doesnt like people that waste his time because of frivolous matters due to his tendency to always return home first after school.

Member of the Misfits party.

Best friend of Kyouya Ishigami. Good friends with Aiko Hasebe.

Dislikes Asaka Hanazawa and Daichi Mikami. Hates Takuma Akanishi. Despises Daisy.

Kyouya Ishigami Human, 18 years, male

Best friend of Tatsuya Nagata. A member of the athletics club at Shirako High. Is a friendly person who enjoys being polite to others as it would avoid causing trouble for him.

The only person where he shows his competitive side is when he speaks with his best friend Tatsuya.

Wields a sword and shield and is physically strong enough to wear heavy armor.

Member of the Misfits party.

Best friend of Tatsuya Nagata. Good friends with Aiko Hasebe and Haruka Sakamoto.

Asaka Hanazawa Human, 18 years, female

Student at Shirako High and also pronounced The Delinquent among the student body, for being the only one to show clear problems as a student at Shirako High.

Despises attention and heavy responsibilities as she cant handle stress very well and would like to take everything at her own pace. Has a brusque personality despite how clear signs of formal etiquette training. Despises the church for kidnapping her and dragging her into a war. Despises them even more for trying to promote her as a saint, due to having [Saint Candidate].

Was assigned the noble Elrick von Karstein as her personal knight and protector. Does not dislike Elrick despite how pushy he can be about trying to make her fulfill her duty as a saint.

Due to being a saint candidate, possess high proficiency in using holy magic and is the designated cleric of her party but is also able to defend herself.

Leader of the Misfits party.

Dislikes everybody in her party besides Kyouya, however, this has mostly settled down after they made up with each other. Still considers Mikami a slimy bastard.

Hates Saori Segawa. Despises most people from the church.

Haruka Sakamoto Human, 16 years, female

One of the top students of her class at Shirako High.

Is mostly a shy person that wishes people would look less at her age and more at her capabilities. Despises people that comment about her abilities without regarding her as a person.

Uses a shortbow and is her partys primary scout and archer.

Member of the Misfits party.

Good friend of Kyouya Ishigami and Aiko Hasebe + most of the girls in her class.

Dislikes Asaka Hanazawa, although her hatred has recently died down due to her inferiority complex.

Daichi Mikami Human, 18 years, male

Is a student at Shirako High. Is self-proclaimed Top-Fragger and considers his life in video games as the only one he has. Is extremely competitive and prone to using insults when anybody in-games annoys him and ruins his game.

Has a foul mouth and attitude but is fully capable of switching to a polite and respectful young man within the switch of a button. Loves pleasing others to benefit from them. Possess a short fuse even when he hiding his real personality.

Finds extreme joy in using magic and considers fire magic the best, fascinated by its prowess. Has a weak constitution so is physical unable to be a melee class. Is his partys main mage.

Member of the Misfits party.

Dislikes Tatsuya Nagata.

Elrick von Karstein Human, 21 years, male

Knight of the Knight order of Aurena. Noble of the Folschreck Empire and is currently employed as a knight in the Holy Capital, Aureolis.

Possess a graceful and respectful persona to be used for his day to day life as a noble. Is a worshipper of Aurena and considers both saint candidates, Aiko Hasebe and Asaka Hanazawa, as invaluable for the church and human race, fully willing to risk his life for their survival.

Paladin and current supervising knight of party Misfits.

Tamae Tsuji - Human, 19 years, female

Leader of the hero party "The Magical Biscuits" and former class representative of her class before they were transported to Peolynca.

Is considered the "caretaker" of the classroom as she has a tendency to want to help wherever she can. Also occasionally brings pastries to the class, making her extremely popular among her sociable classmates.

Her parents are both professional chefs and have trained Tamae in the culinary arts since she was young on her wish. Has become an adept chef and baker and currently considers it a hobby.

Despite her wish to return home, she still uses her time in Peolynca wisely by studying the different ingredients of this world and tries to recreate Earth's cuisine with them to give her teammates and classmates a small sense of home.

Is oblivious of Nishio Kudo's attraction towards her.

Nishio Kudo - Human, 18 years, male

Member of the hero party "The Magical Biscuits" and former class representative of his class before they were transported to Peolynca.

Is an extremely studious and competitive person that aimed to elevate his school to the top of the rankings amongst other schools. Considering the school that he is in, he expects everybody to rise to the occasion to improve the school's reputation, although he keeps this opinion to himself.

Acts aloof but is easily worried when something unexpected happens. Hates being spooked.

Has an intense crush on Tamae Tsuji and his feelings grow stronger and stronger the more often they work together as class representatives. Loves her pastries and learned how to bake to return the favor, although it can't be considered anything more than decent.

Essentially the bad cop in the "good cop, bad cop" act with Tamae.

Misaki Kawano - Human, 18 years, female

Member of the hero party "The Magical Biscuits" and a former semi-professional competitive archer.

Prefers using the Japanese bow, the Yumi, over the western bow. Uses the western version in competitions.

Good friends with Kazumi Hoshino and Kohaku Kobayashi.

Kazumi Hoshino - Human, 19 years, female

Member of the hero party "The Magical Biscuits" and known to be overly energetic. Is the catalyst to help her friend Misaki Kawano break out of her introverted shell.

Owns three cats and loves them to bits.

Good friends with Misaki Kawano and Kohaku Kobayashi.

Kohaku Kobayashi - Human, 19 years, female

Member of the hero party "The Magical Biscuits" and a known chuunibyou. Quite conscious of this fact as her friend Kazumi Hoshino teases her about it.

Calls out cool-sounding attack names as a way to dull the effects of having to kill with her sword. It doesn't work.

Good friends with Misaki Kawano and Kazumi Hoshino.

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