A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Side Story 19: Hestia’s future.

Side Story 19: Hestia’s future.

With Hestias meeting with Aurena over, the Goddess of Light sat silently in her chair, neither drinking her tea nor checking on the bond shed just established with her new champion. Her only emotion was the delighted smile she kept on her face, still pleased from securing Hestias support and seeing the progress she has made.

Under the old plan, Hestia was to be reborn as a dragon whelp with most of her memories removed to preserve her soul, and during the five years she needed to mature, she would slowly remember her past lifes dream and eventually pursue it. Although the memory erasure was a failure, and Hestias birth happened earlier than expected and without her draconic parents even, it was a resounding success in Aurenas eyes.

While Aurena was lost in her own thoughts, something suddenly caught her attention. An aura-like signal resounded through her divine realm. Although weak in intensity, the unease behind it was enough to pull Aurena out of her contemplation, in order to soothe the source of the signal.

Shaking her head in exasperation, Aurena took a sip of her tea, placed it back on the table, and then opened her administrator window. Seeing the many unopened messages shed accumulated since her meeting with Hestia, Aurena gave a wry smile at the fact that her duties as an Origin Goddess would never end. Among them was a single request to speak to her, personally.

The moment she accepted it, a dark mist appeared in her realm of light, slowly forming into the figure of a massive dragon. With scales of pure black, the dragon stood there majestically, easily dwarfing the maiden of light. However, against all common sense, the one who was slightly shivering was not the regal goddess but the god dragon of legends.

Inform me of everything, my Goddess, the dragon demanded with a submissive bow. The contrast between his words and his action would catch most people off-guard but Aurena disregarded it, already accustomed to this proud dragons strange behavior quirks.

Instead of telling him everything verbally, Aurena decided to send the black dragon Kargryxmor a video of the meeting, as it was more efficient this way. So, through his admin window, Kargryxmor watched Hestias visit, changing his expression numerous times throughout it. With every new emotion, he learned something new from his young descendant, whether it was pleasing to him or not.

Ahhhhhh! How could she even propose such an outrageous idea?! Kargryxmor roared as the video neared the end. My bloodline is prestigious even among the other dragons of legend. I was the Tyrant of the Skies, every mortal would feebly retreat once they saw me, and this little whelp asked to give up her lineage just like that?! Ahhhh, and here I thought we could work together, girl!

Aurena blinked in surprise as she heard his rant, waving her hand gracefully to stop the misunderstanding this dragon had, Wait, stop, Kargryxmor. Hestia only said it as a joke. Elder Danternos blessing is a different matter, but I believe she had no intention of actually wanting me to remove your blessing.

Kargryxmor looked down at the Goddess of Light, who could be compared to an ant when it came to size differences, with a quizzical eye, having dispersed his rage at her words, Is that true? Bah, I felt a slight hint of anger in her words, I thought she meant it, but if it was all a misunderstanding then I shall simply forget it. We have other matters to discuss, anyways.

Aurena nodded in agreement with her subordinate god. Hestia had finally made contact with those responsible for her reincarnation and made a divine pact with an origin god to serve her as her champion, and most likely a saintess in the near future.

As a champion, Hestias duty was to eventually reform Aurenas church and religion and eradicate the blight currently infesting them at their core. Although probably still unaware of the purpose behind it, Hestias dream to become an idol fitted well into Aurenas plans to turn Hestia into a saintess, a messenger and representative of the goddess herself. Being the first idol of Peolynca, Hestia was the first of a new type of saintess inspired by otherworldly knowledge.

Although most saints and saintesses worked under the support of a certain temple to garner the respect and attention of the locals, Hestia needed to build up her reputation alone as she traveled. Aurena couldnt imagine Hestia would chain herself to a singular organization, especially when she had managed to do so much by her lonesome, according to her discussion with her. If this crimson blossom could flourish without the care of a caretaker, then Aurena personally believed it would be wiser to let her spread her roots around.

Even if it would conflict with certain interests. To begin a reform, the first step was to break the status quo.

Winter has graced Peolynca, and considering how most fire dragons despise it, I presume she wont continue her travels until after the snow has melted. Although, with how a certain annoyance is approaching, I dont believe her winter rest will be quiet at all, Aurena said teasingly, now once again able to see through Hestias eyes.

That idiotic demonkin is making his movewhat will you do, my beloved champion?

Once she visits me the next time, I believed it should be appropriate to tell her everything, Aurena stated, now discussing plans with Kargryxmor. By then, it would be time for you to make your entrance, Kargryxmor. You can finally have your long-awaited meeting with your new heir. Oh, do make sure to unleash the full potential of your blessing by then, he he.

Kargryxmor scoffed as he heard that, scowling at the teasing goddess, Yes, yes, by your will, Goddess Aurena. Hmpf, you could have given me a chance to speak to her today, but you didnt. I do appreciate that you gave your consent and also persuaded Goddess Plesia, but I sometimes ask myself why I still trust you despite how much you meddled with our original plan.

Kargryxmors intention in bringing Hestia over was to have her correct the current status quo in his descendants country, Kargryx. He was displeased at their general lack of action as the protectors of Peolynca, and how his faith was waning due to this. He needed somebody to topple the lazing emperor of Kargryx and Loatryx, and Hestia was supposed to be this championif it werent for Aurenas interference.

Can you only think of your own problems, Kargryxmor? Do you not see what widespread problems these demonkins can cause to our world if it isnt handled in time? Your little problem with your descendants is paltry in comparison, Aurena stated coldly, staring down the dragon without flinching. If I had informed you about this beforehand, you would have been angered. You are angered now, so what differences does it make? I will still support your desire to repair your waning faith, even if this could have been all avoided if you hadnt underestimated your role as a god. I allowed your apotheosis simply because you swore to me to turn the dragons into this worlds protector but look at what my trust has given me?

Kargryxmor clicked his tongue in annoyance at Aurenas words but otherwise kept silent as he knew she was right. As the Dragon God of Oaths, Kargryxmor felt embarrassed that he couldnt fulfill the oath he gave on his day of ascension to godhood. Kargryxmor believed Aurena intentionally prevented the completion of the original plan due to his failings, that her anger was clouding her actions. Considering how Aurena has treated him until now, it sounded plausible.

In Kargryxmors mind, he thought solving the dragon problem first was the best course of action to prevent the demonkins plans. He believed the moment the dragons understood their true purpose again that they would rush to the defense of the world, but it seems Aurena had a different opinion on the subject.

Humans and beastmen make up the majority of the population of Peolynca, and most humans worship me. If my church were to descend into chaos, then my followers could be cajoled into directing their swords at everything around them. I do not want that, Aurena fiercely stated. We can solve your problem afterwards; we have enough time due to Hestias early birth and rapid growth in power. Actually, think of this quest of mine as a way for Hestia to gain not only strength but allies. Do dragons not have a tradition where they send their young into the world to allow them to gain strength and knowledge?

You are correct, Goddess Aurena. That was the plan; once Hestia matured as a dragon, I would have contacted her and informed her of the goal behind her Adulthood Ceremony, Kargryxmor gave a quick nod, his eyes softened from being enlightened of his goddesss plot. The ceremony requires the whelp to travel the world outside of Kargryx and gain enough strength to become a B rank dragon. Hestia is my descendant, so she would have been born as a C rank [Young Black-Wrath Dragon] and mature into a B rank [Black-Wrath Dragon], and wouldve been exempted from this travel were she not a member of the royal bloodline. She would travel, and only come back as an A rank.

To gain the ability to evolve into the next rank, a monster had to either kill or somehow accept and complete quests. While monsters could transform into the humanoid races of Peolynca and gain quests that way, it was a rare skill with a difficult acquisition condition. It was far more common for a monster to evolve through killing those weaker and stronger than them.

However, there was a problem with this as the more a monsters rank rises compared to their foes, the less experience they would gain. Monsters of B rank and above needed a constant source of strong monsters around their strength to progress at a decent pace, which was wishful thinking as the population of strong monsters would dwindle more quickly the more strong monsters existed. It would take years for a normal monster to reach A rank, which frustrated certain individuals.

With Hestias experience gain boost from [Bearer of Kargryxmors Blood], Hestia would be able to reach A rank at a faster rate than others by constantly seeking strong enemies. This was Kargryxmors initial intent, however, that plan was foiled due to Aurenas actions and Hestia still possessing fragments of her precious memories.

Even now, dragons and drakes are mingling among humans and beastmen, as we teach all true dragonkins the ability to transform into the lesser intelligent races. Hestias proficiency with [Humanize] came from this fact and her past life as a human, Kargryxmor continued. I believe a few of her siblings are still on the mainland. I wonder when they will meet, or if I should accelerate the process, he said with a smile similar to Aurenas.

Dragonkind going on such a journey could only return to Kargryx once they fulfilled the goal of the Adulthood Ceremony, and not sooner. They would either live out their lives outside of Kargryx, or die during their travels to evolve.

Well, I am glad you can see reason, Kargryxmor. I have nothing more to hide from you, so let us make sure we support our champion fully now, Aurena responded with a friendly smile, wanting to bury the problems they had previously. Once I have informed her about the demonkins at our next meeting, make sure you have her escorts ready, I will give Hestia notice to avoid complications. I would prefer your roughness to not intrude in our discussion, so have her pray at one of your shrines. Concerning escorts, have you solved the problem with the last one?

Kargryxmor turned smaller, gave Aurena a solemn bow, and replied with If our trust can be maintained, then I will give my vow once again, my Goddess. Although there was some reluctance in his eyes due to her treachery, Kargryxmor has known this goddess for over 2000 years now, and knew the bond they have maintained over these years. As a dragon, he respected strength and honor. Although he found her actions unhonorable, he realized it was he who was misguided. In his eyes, Aurena was worthy of a second chance because she looked at thebigger picture.

That might pose a problem, my Goddess, he then replied to her question, shaking his head in denial. The two ice wyverns returned to their roost and informed my priestesses, but it seems the one named Astalos continued his pursuit. He lost his horn against the grimgarian army and is now even more desperate to evolve. I can send wyverns to-

No, that is not needed, Aurena interrupted Kargryxmor. Let the fool do what he wants. I believe you mentioned Hestia needed to be rank A to return to Kargryx, correct? Well, isnt this good fortune for our champion, a flying bag of experience is coming towards her willingly.

Hmpf, and some of her mortal followers believe their goddess of light to be only compassionate. Considering the subordinate gods she possesses, they are fools.

Thinking of the other gods, Kargryxmor began to speak again, About the other gods, what should we do?

Despite Kargryxmors unease, Aurena simply shrugged her shoulders, There is no need to worry about them, whether they are my subordinate gods or the other origin gods. I also do not care if the other origin gods speak to her, as I can trust them to respect the quest I gave Hestia. Most likely they will give her one of their own, hie hie. If other subordinate gods wish to speak to Hestia, then let them. The girl isnt a fool, although, a bit nave. She can reject all of them because I have her back. Aurena gave Kargryxmor a swift glance, making him scowl, but quickly returned to her usual expression as she reassured him she would try to persuade Hestia to help him.

After their discussion was over, Kargryxmor left Aurenas divine realm, returning peace and pure white and yellow back to her home. The goddess of light let out a short sigh, finally looking a bit troubled.

While the other gods arent much of a problem, what does concern me are my other champions and saints, Aurena muttered as she opened her admin window again, looking through a list of individuals who had acquired her blessing, with Hestia at the very bottom. How unfitting of me to complain, but I need to inform all of them to avoid them being too surprised.

Compared to dealing with gods, Aurena couldnt meddle into mortal affairs. She would be able to remove her followers blessings if they did cause Hestia trouble, but showing too much favoritism to a single champion would cause discontent among her followers. The status quo had to be shaken, but Aurena didnt like the idea of hurting the champions and saints who had served her faithfully for so many years.

Aurena, as an origin god, couldnt personally interfere with mortals, so she had to rely on her champions and saints to deal with problems on Peolynca. She needed her followers to spread her faith and to solve the problems of her worshippers. Hestia had to deal with her colleagues one of these days, and Aurena could only hope that everything would work out. If they could work together, Aurena would be pleased. She hoped dearly no blood would be shed among them. To Aurena, her champions and saints were like her little children.

I can delay the information for a bit until you grow up more, Hestia, but once your achievements are too much, the kingdoms and empire of man will know a new champion and saintess has been elected. I hope you can work with your fellow champions and saints, Hestia, Aurena uttered before standing up. Elder Plesia should be done with Elder Danterno by nowI should check on it.

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