A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 131: Harsh Awakening.

Chapter 131: Harsh Awakening.

Inside the cultivation room, You Xi Wang's body was continuously healing. The golden glow emitted from him gradually grew stronger and it looked as if he was wrapped up in a golden cocoon. Maya has somewhat healed and was conscious on the second day itself. She moved closer to You Xi Wang. She would open her eyes to check up every now and then. The only reason she could wake up was that the system first stabilized her. The two beings were connected with a bond of life and death. So stabilizing one would help the other recover faster too. The injuries Maya suffered were spiritual and not physical. 

Maya was aware of this and even though she was a beast she was intelligent. Her eyes were filled with concern and warmth whenever she looked at You Xi Wang. One boy and one beast kept healing inside the room in silence. You Zhichi told everyone not to disturb them and asked some people to guard the room just in case. Celestia returned with You Fengxian and the rest. Everyone asked about You Xi Wang when they did not find him. The elders gave them some excuses such as gone out for urgent work or something. 

The children of the family, who were supposed to be gullible and naive, sensed something fishy and they got things out of You Naixin. They did something very cruel to her. The next day they all gathered in the learning hall. You Naixin saw them all having an indifferent expression towards her. Usually they all would cheer up and greet her with big smiles on their faces. She thought they were stressed about the battle last night and gave them all candy to eat. What she got in return almost gave her an existential crisis. The kids would hug her and kiss her cheeks with big smiles but today they all gave her a functionary, 'we thank grandmother for her gifts.' and left.

You Naixin almost broke into tears. She stopped Lily and asked in a very sweet voice, "Lily, my baby, tell granny the reason why all of you are so upset. I would do anything to cheer you all up." her tone was affectionate and her eyes were sincere.

Lily hesitated but still spoke in an indifferent tone, "All the elders lied. You also did not tell us where Xixi is. We may be small but we are not stupid. If Xixi is alright he would always answer our calls. Yet now we all called him daily and he won't even send back a text reply. This is why we decided to silently protest until Xixi comes back and explain or you all tell us the truth."

You Naixin was shocked to the core. She would never have imagined that these little devils were all so sharp and intelligent. She wanted to deny it but looking at the doll with an indifferent gaze in front of her. She could not control herself and told them all about how You Xi Wang got injured while helping them deal with an unexpected enemy. The kids all had tears in their eyes. Celestia was on the other hand very calm. She spoke, "Okay, calm down everyone. You know big brother is very strong. He will recover soon. What we need to do is to grow strong and intelligent so that he does not have to bear all the burden himself."

The kids all nodded, and Celestia became the undesignated leader of camp Little Devil. You Naixin also had a few tears in her eyes, but this time the kids did not avoid her. They all played with her and asked her to tell stories. Lifting up her mood. You Naixin and all the other elders blamed themselves for not being strong enough. They thought that if they were strong enough would a sixteen-year-old jump into such a battle?

The elders were now not as relaxed as they were in the past. They all could hear the dissatisfaction in You Zhichi's voice when she was addressing them. They all could do nothing but feel ashamed. After all, the juniors did so well in the battle but they as the elders and big cultivators were falling behind. After executing the commands they all went back to cultivate diligently. You Naixin had activated the spy network and also the assassination network under her hands. 

This network was made up of the selected orphan kids they had in the foundation. The family also had various relatives and people working outside. They selected some targets and placed their pawns in their circle a few weeks ago. The pawns quickly blended into society and were only waiting for the orders to execute the task. People might think that a group of children cannot do any significant damage but they were to be proven wrong. A group of ants can kill an elephant and the same can be done by a group of children. 

They all had come in contact with various people of the Colt family. These people were all Dark Dwellers. The kids were trained to gain their trust and once the order is sent they were to execute them. The people in the dark society are all very hasty and fickle in nature so their trust can be gained with some flattery. After all, they were just minions, and if someone and mistakes them for a master their eyes turn blind with it. The targets chosen for execution were all kids of big people in the colt family. 


Time passed quickly and it has now been a week since the battle and the orders passed out. Inside the cultivation room, the golden cocoon slowly faded revealing You Xi Wang. Maya on the side sat up on her hind legs watching You Xi Wang with rapt attention. The boy groaned and bit in his slumber. 

[Master, you have recovered but the soul needs more time to get back to its peak condition. You are advised to practice soul cultivation daily. The system is exhausted and going to sleep. Also, fuck you, you asshole. How dare you play a hero and get your ass clawed. If not for me you would be under the ground now. Overconfident piece of shit. Do you understand how many lives are connected to you? If I was the primary soul I would have choked you by stuff shit in your cunt of a mouth. I warn you, If you did anything irresponsible in the future, I will take possession of this body and have you get fucked by a bull. *!#*!*#*!#*#^$*!#&!(@#(*&*!@#$^!(@&] the system abused You Xi Wang with no hold bars. 

You Xi Wang also sat up from the shock he received such harsh verbal abuse. His butt tightened when he heard that bull part. He imagined the scene and felt a chill running down his spine. He swears in his heart to not be so careless and daunting in the future. He was also worried that this ancestor inside him might actually let him be fucked by a bull. The only thing to his comfort in this awakening was that Maya climbed over his lap and snuggled into his chest. He stroked her fur and said, "I am sorry, Maya. I let you get hurt."

Maya looked up at his face as if she was a human. She only licked his chin. After playing with him for a few minutes Maya laid down in his lap. The bond between the two has grown strong again. You Xi Wang caressed her fur as she laid in his lap. He stood up and walked to his room. He did not find anyone to attend to him. He had his own arrangements. Entered his room after taking a bath and cleaning up he changed into a neat grey shirt and blue jeans. He used his Holo-Phone and saw a dozen missed calls from all his nieces and nephews. He typed a message and sent it to all the family members.


He made his way out with Maya following him in tow. On the way, some of the servants came across him and bowed to him they also congratulated him on recovering. By the time he reached the Gathering Hall, the hall was filled to the brim with all the family members inside. From children to elders all stood inside. They were all happy to see You Xi Wang recover. But at this moment his expression was very serious so they all kept quiet. 

You Xi Wang came to his throne and saw his sister looking at him with an affectionate gaze. He smiled and stuck out his tongue to her with his back to everyone. He turned around and faced the people with a poker face. You Zhichi was surprised and thought, 'When did this brat become such an actor?'

You Xi Wang spoke in a loud yet calm voice, "I hope after this battle every one gained the understanding of the present situation. The world has laws but the laws are made by the strong. I do not wish to see my family running and scattering as a group of chickens running from the butcher. I have thought of a few things to help our family strengthen. I am going to announce them now. Our family now discards the ways of cultivation in the modern world and switch back to ancient traditions. I do not want to hear a single complaint and discomfort from you all. If you have problems keep them to yourself or if you really want to express them then come and challenge me. I will beat those things into your flesh. Do you have any complaints?"

The hall shook with a shout, "No, Young Master." this was the unabated obedience the family had for its leader. They all trusted the leader with their life and You Xi Wang had proven this when he gave them a way out and fought to defend the family. 

You Xi Wang spoke again, "The more you refine the metal the better the weapon becomes. What we have faced against these dark dwellers is a hard awakening to the fact that these dark forces are getting more and more unruly. In order to not suffer grievance in their hands, you should cut off those hands. Only with strength can you become the sword capable of cutting off those hands. Only hardships can make you gain strengths. Do you understand me?"

The crowd again shouted, "Yes, Young Master." their blood was boiling regardless of their ages. They wanted to become strong.

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