A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 242: Grinding Begins.

Chapter 242: Grinding Begins.

The island was supposed to be monitored by the dark forces. But the council was one step ahead this time. They took measures against monitoring the night before the candidates arrived. They issued a decree saying that anyone, even if it was a council elder, is found trespassing the island ground will be killed. 

Achilles himself spent a night guarding the site. They showed as if they did not find anything wrong. To be honest, they discovered the trap arrays set up by the dark powers. This was all thanks to the array You Xi Wang developed or more as LUCY developed. But it was only capable of intercepting the active elements of the dark energy.

Something like a demon summoning box can lay dormant for even centuries. So it was only detected when Klaus accidentally stumbled upon one. He then took the weird thing to his friends and out of curiosity he triggered it. The boxes had a timer rune, if tempered with this box will trigger. Otherwise, it may last for 15 days. Seemingly the dark dwellers planned to catch them when they are at their worst.

They will be tired from 15 days of combat, lower their guard as soon as the competition ends. The plan was good. But one thing ruined it completely. That one thing was luck. Luck of the kids who came to contend.

At this moment, You Xi Wang and the others were talking to each other about their strengths and skills. The last person was You Xi Wang. He was given the last turn so that the others don't feel too overwhelmed by his achievements. They all now wanted to know the gap between them and You Xi Wang.

You Xi Wang cleared his throat and spoke, "Ahem, So, I am 16 years old. Early Primal Soul Realm, I have 3 intents namely, Sword, Spear, and Bow. I have 4 spirit weapons, three of them are at the large success stage one is on the entry-level. I also have fought against a lot of dark dwellers, 8 of them were Primal Soul realm. I have a martial spirit as well. It is called the god of the war spirit. It can enhance my battle prowess to that of a peak of Primal Soul Realm. Ummm, Oh yeah, since we have all taken a blood oath to keep these secrets and never to act against each other. I will tell you that Maya and I share a bond of equality. Also, I have a five elemental affinity."


His last sentence made them all such in a big amount of air. They have never seen a person with five elemental affinities. Klaus stood up, his body was shivering and he said, "Show it to me you monster. We need proof."

You Xi Wang shrugged _()_/ and waved his hand. Five balls of five elemental attributes appeared, hovering above his head.

Mace squinted his eyes and said, "Can you not use them as some sort of halo?"

You Xi Wang made the balls disappear like they were never there. Issac asked, "Why can I not sense your Elemental Affinity?"

The boy replied with a simple, "My grandmaster, doesn't want the people to know it yet."

This was not an excuse, it was indeed the reason why Animus sent him the concealment jade pendant with Animo Albus. Also, it served a secondary purpose, to deter them all from bypassing the oaths. The oaths may be true but they were not without loopholes. Animus was to fill in the loopholes as one of the strongest in the world.

The voices turned silent. You Xi Wang spoke, "Okay, so are you fuckers ready to dance?"

The people all nodded, not minding his cheap language. They all would use it sometimes. You Xi Wang spoke, "Isaac, you are the one with the best IQ so you decide the team plan we will contribute our ideas then."

Isaac nodded and fell into thought. Then he spoke, "I think we ask You Xi Wang to partner up with someone, then you two deal with a demon and we observe. We form a team based on our ranks, like pairing the weaker ones with the stronger ones."

You Xi Wang agreed, he replied, "So I will take the two at the bottom with me. The rest of you can pair up." 

Chen Yuping spoke, "Bro, you have like 5 girlfriends waiting at home."

Let alone others even You Xi Wang was surprised, he reacted, "Oi, it's 4 only. God, I miss them smiles."

The people gave him a white look. They did not imagine the strongest among them to be such a frank person. But it did not stop there, the next sentence almost made them spit blood. You Xi Wang said, "Why do I think you guys are just jealous of me? Like I am YOUNGER than you and have FOUR GIRLFRIENDS. Pity."

Not only did he called them old indirectly but also flexed his girlfriends as well. They all stood up and walked away from this guy. They might start fighting him right this moment. Only Gena Langford sat there beside him. She spoke in a soft voice, "Thank you."

You Xi Wang smiled and said, "No problem, you had the solution already, just did not look at it. It is normal. Sometimes our focus makes us develop tunnel vision. Just learn from it. Never pursuit anything with all your might, that might make you miss the other great scenes while tunnel vision will make your destination look even further." unlike his goofy self he did talk something meaningful right now. 

Gena Langford nodded, in her mind, a lot of thoughts were sprouted in her mind as she heard his words. These words sparked a flame of interest in You Xi Wang. She said, "I acknowledged Elder Shelton Hammer as my master."

You Xi Wang was surprised, "Hmmm, that is good for you." in his mind he thought, 'The old coot cannot stay away from flowers, eh. Is he trying to be my master-in-law? Looking at this girl, it is not a bad deal.'

His doubts were answered when Gena told him that after the trial here she will be joining his company as an intern. You Xi Wang also talked with her about some things in his company. The two went to rest after a few minutes. Maya and the other two spirit beasts stood guard of the cave. Maya may look like she is lying with her eyes closed as if resting but she is more alert than any of the other two beasts. 

The next morning You Xi Wang and the rest came to the clearing. The boy spoke, "Although you guys were shown the video last night still since you asked I will show you how to deal with the demons. It is now morning and we will be able to use the sun in our favor. The demons are weaker under the sun. Let's begin."

He waved his hand and a demon summoning box flew out of his space ring. You Xi Wang tossed it to the sky and took out his bow. The white and silver bow shined brightly under the sun. You Xi Wang spoke, "Gale, help me break the array on that box."

The bowstring trembled. You Xi Wang named the swift eagle spirit, Gale. The boy let go of the string, letting an arrow as thin as a needle, comprised of spirit energy fly and hit the array rune on the box. 


A loud sound erupted from the box and black mist spread out of it. You Xi Wang spoke, "Gena you and Emerald will help me. Others retreat." Everyone followed his command. You Xi Wang's aura changed at this moment. It was as if he was a general of a great army. He said in a low voice, "Emerald, take shots at the thing's vital parts only when I am unable to dodge or any sudden attacks. Gena, you will be the second damage dealer with me. Be in sync with me. I attack the front and you attack from the back. Okay?"

The girls nodded, Emerald got on top of a tree with her bow and arrow. You Xi Wang did not ask her to use a gun because he did not know how proficient she was with it. The three people were ready just in time for a roar to announce the arrival of the demon. 


A dust cloud rose from the ground as the Demon landed. The thing was 12 feet tall. Covered in bulging muscles, with a head of a buffalo. The demon held a Double-Edge War Ax. The demon roared. The impact was so strong that it shook the earth slightly. Imagine a whole army of these creatures. 

The blood red eye glanced around, this demon was an incarnation of blood lust. It only had one purpose, that was to kill. These things will kill everything regardless of humans or beasts. You Xi Wang moved first, holding Purgatory in his hand. He stepped forward wearing his spirit boots. 

The boots increased his speed, in a blink, he appeared behind the Demon. The demon was not weak as well, it swung down its ax at him. You Xi Wang did not retreat, neither did he parry it. He performed a dodge which shocked everyone. He stopped moving and the ax blade passed by him just a few centimeters away. The shock became true when this thing happened more than once. 

Isaac spoke, "This guy, he is grinding the demon for a perfect judgment."

Mace asked, "Do you mean that instinct for being the god of war?"

Issac nodded, as the people were observing the battle. You Xi Wang and Gena combined and under You Xi Wang's lead, they dealt with the Demon in 3 minutes. The last shot was taken by Emerald. It was an arrow plunged inside the demon's eye. 

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