A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 259: Wrath.

Chapter 259: Wrath.

Gena was a friend, whom You Xi Wang cared for a lot. She would talk to him only and was a gentle-hearted person. Watching her in this condition his rage triggered. His hands stopped, his eyes closed. The bugs started to swarm over his body. 


In the command center, everyone was panicked at this scene. Maddison was about to give orders to Fenny, but just as she picked up her communicator. The screen flashed with a golden light. They were able to watch You Xi Wang from the micro camera inside Gena's suit. 


You Xi Wang's body lit up and the bugs vaporized. When the bug shell added away the boy came in view. His body was now covered with golden armor, radiating strong pressure making it difficult for the bugs to crawl over. His eyes flickered with Golden sparks. 

He mumbled, "I will erase these bugs." using mind sense. He asked Maya to tell the rest of the phantoms to retreat. 


Fenny was told by Snowflake, "Sister Fenny, Maya asked us to retreat." the chubby girl was stunned but the chain of command was to be followed strictly. She commanded to the other three, "Retreat."

The three people created quickly and they retreated outside. Yuki asked the moment they came out, "What happened?"

Fenny replied, "Xi Wang relayed via Maya and Snowflake."

Neo said, "Could it be that he came out?"

Allan shook his head, "He would have come to us if that was the case. Girl, call the command center and ask the status." the 'girl' in his mouth was Fenny.

Fenny picked up the communicator, after a slight hesitation, she said, "No need to ask them. They might not know as well let's go to the location where You Xi Wang entered from." her words were reasonable. The four people hurried over to the location where You Xi Wang went inside the barrier from.


While in the command center, Maddison spoke, "I want the person responsible for this situation in front of me." her tone was cold but her eyes were locked onto the screen that showed Gena lying down on the ground unconscious, as the bugs crawled over her.

She shifted her gaze to You Xi Wang on a screen and was shocked. 


The boy held his spear, took a deep breath he let loose unrestrained spear intent, and swung his spear. His steps moved it was as if a dance. The five elements in the spirit energy started to interact with him. Slowly the dance picked up the pace and the balls of five elements formed around him. Yet he did not stop, the spear moved and along with it followed the spirit energy. 

After two minutes five vague figures formed around him. These figures looked like dragons. Every senior officer who watched this scene was stunned. What shocked them, even more, was the five dragons all represented the five elements yet this teenager alone did this. He was the legendary five elemental spirit root. 

At this moment You Xi Wang channeled all his rage to the tip of his spear and let the five dragons rampage all around him. The bug swarm was being cleared. The boy advanced to ward Gena, he danced around her. Miraculously, the five dragons converged and they formed a golden dragon. The golden dragon was only as big as three feet but the pressure it gave off was way too strong. The bugs in a radius of 100 meters turned to squash as the dragon formed. 

The spear in You Xi Wang's hand trembled. Inside the spear, the spirit was that of a golden dragon too. Yet the all attribute spirit energy was stronger than it. This made the dragon spirit agitated You Xi Wang stroked the spear and it fell silent. The golden armored boy walked up to the green-haired girl. He spoke in his mind, 'System, find me the place these bugs originate.'

The system replied, [Five kilometers ahead.]

You Xi Wang gazed at Gena and closed his eyes. Soon the golden dragon roared, the impact of the roar killed all the bugs in 1 kilometer. Then it flew towards the core. The system spat, [FUCK, don't tell you are going to detonate that dragon? Are you nuts fucker a rice grain can screw over the landmass of hundred meters this thing will kill us all.]

You Xi Wang did not reply he picked up Gena and channeled some of the earth energy spirit energy inside her over-drafted body. He was very patient and calm in his actions, on the other hand, the dragon reached the core, it burst into sparkles as a firecracker would. Above the origin portal of the bugs floated a blob of golden light as big as a fist while the sparkles spread around all of the rest of the Gamma Spot. 

You Xi Wang spoke after picking up his communicator, "Commander, if anyone else is in the surrounding of the gamma spot, ask them to retreat. I will not be responsible for the, over and out."


Maddison replied, "You are cleared to take action Captain. Over and out." then she turned to the major of the western region and asked, "Where is the person responsible for this?"

They all paled, the person responsible was a big name, but the law of the army was clear and all were equal in front of it. Helpless, they could only call the person over. 


The boy turned around with Gena in his arms. What followed was an explosion. This explosion then resonated with the seeds of all spirit energy, disturbing their balance. It set off a chain of explosions. 


Countless explosions shook the lands. The shockwaves were so huge, that even in the command center the people felt tremors. They were all shocked and terrified. A teenager went in deep, rescued an almost dead soldier, and the biggest, he eradicated a whole fifteen kilometer of bug swarm including the origin spot.

The place was as if a dust storm occurred. You Xi Wang was now already outside the barrier. He saw his teammates and the two soldiers from earlier. Yuki ran up to him but stopped when she saw him carrying Gena. Before she could turn into a jar of vinegar(a term for jealous women) the boy said, "Neo, you take them all to the infirmary. I will shadow skip with Yuki."

He first handed over the unconscious Gena to his friend and then held onto Yuki's wrist. Their spirit companions were capable of shadow skipping and so they did. It took them fifteen minutes to reach the base. Then five minutes more to reach the command center. 

You Xi Wang asked Yuki to wait outside as he marched inside. He saluted Maddison and said, "The task has been accomplished, Commander."

Maddison returned, "Good job, captain."

You Xi Wang asked, "May I ask how the higher-ups are going to deal with the person responsible?"

Maddison was about to reply when the western region captain, who was the culprit spoke up in a defiant tone, "Mistakes happen, why do you make the matter so big?"

Maddison snorted, "Captain You Xi Wang, you are given a free rein on how to punish this guy, Military rule, the person who clears up someone else's mess, is allowed to deal with it."

You Xi Wang did not need much convincing, his figure flashed and appeared next to the culprit. He placed his palm on the opponent's chest and grunted. This sealed the spirit energy inside the man's body. 

What he did was block all the meridians in the villain's body. 

Then followed a kick to the jaw, dislocating it. You Xi Wang said, "Not able to realize your mistakes, is your incompetence, Warring forces doesn't raise freeloaders."

The defiant fell on the ground and was unable to stand up. The kick was strong. A dagger flashed and You Xi Wang cleared of his left hand as he said, "Used volatile weapons for fun. Left the comrades to die. Warring forces do not need deserters."

The punishment continued while the person could not even scream and only muffled wails sounded. The high-ranking officers were shocked to see the cruel methods. You Xi Wang gave the man a hundred cuts before the other party died. The pain was only 30% of that of the bugs.

He saluted Maddison and walked out. The commander spoke, "Get his body restored and You Xi Wang is now given his own squad. The exploration squad. He reports to me directly. His team squad will be responsible for clearance as well. Understood?"

The whole room echoed with the high rankers shouting together. "YES,  SIR."

They were all shaken by the heavy hand You Xi Wang dealt with the person responsible for this. They all checked with the southern region forces about his background. The outcome shocked them. They did not expect such a genius to come over to this barren place. They could not bear the wrath of people behind You Xi Wang, while his background eased them as well. The people who scared them also reassured them that You Xi Wang will never cross the line otherwise he might also be subjected to the wrath of those backing him. 

This background was a two-edged sword. A sword that does not allow any mistakes or your head will roll.

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