A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 268: The Widow.

Chapter 268: The Widow.

The dark eyes of the lady flickered and showed a sign of white like a normal human's would. She said, "Indeed, I have never harmed anyone ever since I fell to the darkness. Tell me young one, how did you know?" her voice was soft.

You Xi Wang replied, "You have no baleful aura. I have faced the dark dwellers back home and even here the dark creatures have a baleful aura. But you do not." his voice was calm not affected by this the lady's tone. 

The lady smiled beautifully, she said, "No matter what happens, do not let her live, if my body steps out of the seal. You must annihilate me..." her gentle voice suddenly turned harsh, "SHUT UP BITCH, YOU DON'T GIVE UP DO YOU?"

You Xi Wang smiled and said, "Interesting. You are fighting the darkness inside you. Admirable."

The lady heard his words and scowled, "Shut up you fucking piece of shit. It is because of you that this bitch is fight harder. I will fuck your seven generations."

You Xi Wang gave her a disgusted face and said, "You sure have weird fetishes. I generation don't have a heavy taste to fuck dark creatures."

The lady screamed and scratched her nails on the ground. But the ground remained unscathed. You Xi Wang spoke in the internal comms, "Teacher, what is this situation? How can someone share their body with the darkness?"

Maddison shook her head and said, "Let us wait. We will see to it when the elder comes. Till then everyone stays on high alert."

You Xi Wang nodded and sat down in meditation. The system was in charge, but he needed to quickly find out who was this person and awaken the main soul. The reason was that You Xi Wang can use all the skills the system had but the reverse was not possible. Think of it like how an admin can do all the things his normal employees do but the normal employees cannot do what the admins do.

He was immersed in meditation and the time passed. The main soul woke up and was dumped with a lot of info from the system. You Xi Wang asked, 'Is there a way you can get in touch with her soul?'

The system replied, [I knew you would say something like that. I can do it. Give me a bit I can get in touch with her soul.]

The boy had control of the body and he cast a gaze at the lady who sat inside the circle, with her furrowed brows. The system at this moment soul force and hook it up at the law wielders soul sea, the pineal gland. 

Imagine the soul force like an invisible harpoon and this harpoon was logged inside the lady's brows while the rope end was connected to You Xi Wang's soul sea. 


The system changed its form into that of You Xi Wang and dived inside the Lady's Soul sea. The whole place was as if the starry sky. Shimmering twinkles scattered in the endless black sky. These twinkles were the Lady's own soul force while the darkness was laws of darkness. The system scanned and found the brightest twinkle in the mess and came toward it. The system created some sort of signals. 

It can be seen as a morse code, it made sure that the signal was to reach the other end when it twinkled the brightest. This twinkle was the leftover main consciousness of the lady while the flicker in her consciousness was thanks to the dark laws. The reason behind the morse code was to make sure that the dark laws do not interpret their conversation and attack it. 

The system asked the lady's consciousness to first link up all the shimmering starts here to grow her strength. This may sound easy but it was not. Yet the shimmering consciousness reacted and started to attract some small particles toward herself. The dark laws were not manipulated by anyone but it was the dark energy inside the lady's body that has existed for so long that it has become a pseudo-soul. 

You can say that it is You Xi Wang's system but compare to 'Jarvis from Iron-man and Ok Goggle from android' it could not act freely on its own. It has not learned that much and the system was a savage piece of work. Although they were both composed of negative energy they had a significant difference.

You Xi Wang never stopped the system from learning anything about the world and growth was supported but the situation of the lady was reserved. She tried her best to suppress the dark energy evolution even to this day.

The system also got to know about her origins as it guided her concentration to focus and not go astray. The dark energy inside the soul sea was constantly trying to erode the consciousness of the lady. It was only her resolve that she managed to suppress this thing. Given the state of her consciousness, the situation was similar to a time bomb reach the end of the countdown. Law wielders were the most powerful existences. 

They could change the whole landscapes or horizons with a wave of their palms. That is why the system first prioritized the recovery of the consciousness and the strength of the lady rather than scratching her soul for information. The process was slow and long. The system decided to channel itself between You Xi Wang and the lady on an hourly basis. 

The system itself was a secondary life form inside You Xi Wang so leaving his body for a prolonged period was harmful to it and the master. They were dependant on each other for a lot of things. Saying that it will come back in an hour the system left the lady's soul sea. 

Back in You Xi Wang's soul sea, the system appeared as a blob of gas. It sighed and said, "Yeah so the time bomb counter has been increased. But you need to come up with something or this lady will just turn the moon into a meteor. Do you get what I mean?"

You Xi Wang's soul avatar was sitting on the small island with its legs crossed it replied, "Yeah, I did understand what you said. So did you find out the identity of the lady. How long has she been here?"

The system replied, "I only found out the code name that she remembers."

You Xi Wang asked, "What is it?"

The system replied with non chalance, "The widow."

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