A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 282: Unexpected Visit.

Chapter 282: Unexpected Visit.

You Xi Wang sat looking at the people. Alec Kinben was downhearted. He did not expect this family to be like this. Yuki went to attend to the two guests. Celestia and Lily sat beside You Xi Wang. Ryuken Kinben said, "Your sister already introduced us to your capabilities just now. But I still want to ask you a question."

The boy nodded and said, "Please go on senior."

Ryuken asked, "How many women you have. Will you be caring enough for our Yuki? How do you assure us that she will not suffer after marrying you?"

You Xi Wang smiled and said, "I cannot assure you that she will not suffer after marrying me, but I can assure you that the cause of her suffering will not be either me or my family. As for the women I have, they all treat each other as sisters. I do not intervene among them and I treat them equally."

Ryuken was surprised to see the boy being so frank to him. He couldn't help but ask, "Why do you not fear me?"

You Xi Wang replied, "Only those who have a hazy heart fear. I don't have a hazy heart so I do not fear you. Also, that is just the reason, I think should matter." he again made the old man stumped for an answer. 

Ruken spoke, "Very well, then. Master You, I shall leave now. You also have other matters to attend to." he was about to stand up when You Xi Wang spoke up. 

"Elder, please stay here. Give us a chance to host you. The family is planning to hold a celebratory feast in the evening. We will be honored to have you and senior Lilian attend the event." his tone was humble. 

You Naixin also spoke in to make the effort look sincere. Lilian nodded and said, "Okay, we will stay here for the night. Thank you for having us."

Suddenly the space distorted inside the room. Two people appeared in the center of the room. Nobody else knew these two people but You Xi Wang was shocked. He stood up but beofre he could say anything You Naixin and Chen Qianbei took out their weapons. 

You Naisin spoke, "Who are you, what is your motive to come here." her tone was anything but polite. 

The master of the you family at this moment had himself covered with cold sweat. He walked forward and bowed down to the two people. he said, "Junior You Xi Wang asks for forgiveness, Lord Rudra, Lady Chitra."

Chitra smiled and said in an ethereal voice, "Those who don't know are not guilty. Also, it is our fault to walk inside your house unannounced. We should be ask for forgiveness from you."

She was about to bow when You Xi Wang kneeled down. He said, "I cannot take a bow from you Lady. The rules of Dao will collapse my soul." his words and posture shocked the people. 

A bow that can collapse the soul, only when people serving the heaven and are in the realm of God can they do such a thing. Ryuken Kinben and Lilian also stood up and knelt down on the ground. They just told everyone to kneel down and bear this moment. The person in front of them was in the realm of God. 

They were so strong that they could destroy the whole planet or create another one based on their moods. Everyone knelt, You Naixin and Chen Qianbei begged for forgiveness. Rudra spoke, "Tell me, young one. If I was to kill these two women. What will you do?"

His words made eveyone shiver but You Xi Wang replied calmly, "Endure."

Rudra raised his eyebrow and asked, "Endure, to do what? Survive?"

You Xi Wang raised his head and with a calm gaze he face Rudra. He said, "If you want to, either you kill me and every single person in my family. If you left me alive, even if you left me a waste with no cultivation. I will endure it all for one thing only. That thing would be to kill you."

The people from Kinben family were almost scared to pee at these words. The only people who did not flinch were You Zhichi and the rest of his family. Even Celestia and Lily were not scared. 

Chitra slapped Rudra on his chest and said, "Can you stop it? This is why I don;t like to go anywhere with you. This child did not blame you for the lack of courtesy yet you threaten his family members. Humph, I would like to see how you act when I am here."

Her words dispelled the thick chill in the air. Rudra immediately said, "Okay, okay. But this guy said that he will kill me. I could sense his killing intent."

Chitra countered, "Why did you threaten his family first? He is a filail child. I like him. Anything thing else?" her voice was sweet but it was commanding enough to make the god of destruction quite. She turned towards You Xi Wang who was looking at Rudra with a calm gaze. She said, "Please stand up. I forgot about the rules of Dao servants. You see, I only recently gained my memory."

You Xi Wang and the rest stood up. He said, "Elder sister, take the guests to their rooms. Granny Xin, Aunt, take the kids with you." his voice carried the dignity of the family master. 

Celestia cast a gaze on Chitra's face and then at Rudra's. She scurried her way to You Xi Wang and tugged onto his clothes. You Xi Wang looked at her and asked, "What is it, Celes?"

The girl replied, "Don't be afraid, I will take care of people." she sensed a strange emotion when she glanced at the two 'guests' so she wanted You Xi Wang to relax and said something that came to her mind.

The boy smiled, and Chitra also smiled. You Xi Wang caressed her cheek gently and sent her away with the rest. Then he asked, "May I ask the purpose of your sudden visit seniors?"

Rudra replied to him, "We just came to see you nce before leaving this domain. I can sense that you almost touched the laws of soul." his voice was deep and ethereal. 

You Xi Wang did not hide but nodded. Chitra said, "We reside in a higher domain. The peopel here think that we are out here on a punishment but actually the fact is quite different from the speculations. We are allowed to take a vacation once in a millenia. We are the servants of Heavenly Dao Court. Usually we are not allowed to meddle with mortal business. Thus, to enjoy mortal life we get a vacation."

She paused and squinted at Rudra, "This guy, however, did not seal off his memories and stalked me like always." listening to her words Rudra turned his face sideways. You Xi Wang, on the other hand, was shocked.

Chitra continued before he could speak, "Everytime we come here, we select some juniors who can ascend to the god realm. You don't have to serve the dao courtyard like us, but if you can ascend to the god realm, you will have to select a banner to grow under for a certain time. So we came here to give you this chance this time. Your sister is also selected. You can follow Rudra until you have not gained a firm foothold in there and You Zhichi can follow me."

You Xi Wang had his eyes almost falling out of the sockets at this moment. He asked, "I don't think it is this simple of a scenario. There must be a limitation."

Rudra spoke up, "Ho, you are quite smart. The limitation is to reach the realm of god before the age of fifty years of bone age." his voice was calm and indifferent.

You Xi Wang gulped and asked, "How many people, actually did that?"

Chitra said, "None in the past nine millenias."

The boy was shocked stupid. He said, "Are you kidding me?"

Chitra stuck out her tongue. Rudra said, "Humph it is there fault to contain themselves indoors. They treasured them. How can they ever advance by being a scaredy cat? It is good that they did not advance."

Watching that You Xi Wang was not very motivated Chitra said, "If you can succeed there are a lot of chances to..."

You Xi Wang raised his hand and said, "You don't have to lure me senior. I am a very competetive person. So God realm is something I will definetely reach. The same goes for my sister, but I want to advance together with my people. That may be a bit hard but I can always try harder."

Chitra nodded with a smile. She said, "You have a good mindset. Well our time has ended let me give you a token. If you fail to meet the goals. This token will vanish and come back to Rudra and me." she took out a two coins. One black and one white. She handed those to You Xi Wang. Then before the boy could say anything. She said, "See you in teh god realm, Xaio Wang."

You Xi Wang stood in daze as the two people vanished, he said, "Interesting." his eyes glowed with fighting spirit.

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