A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 301: Monster Awakened.

Chapter 301: Monster Awakened.

You Xi Wang and the team stood on the side waiting for the king's convoy to come over. The drone telecast showed them that the king of dwarves was taller than the normal dwarves. The man had a height of four feet but do not look down on his strength. The dwarves were creatures with a strong affinity to the earth element and they were blessed with abnormal strength. 

They all had a body tempering method like the ogres. The difference was that where Ogre forged themselves by fighting and exercise, the dwarves shed sweat and blood in the forgeries. They were all forging geniuses and could make a blunt piece of metal into a sharp sword that could split the world itself. 

The dwarf king had worn armor that gave him a defense boost and this was all shown to the phantoms through the drone telecast. Even if they came here to help that did not mean they will be capable of doing anything. Thus, the other party wanted to check their strength. You Xi Wang being the trouble maker he was, was excited about this fight. 

Tiberius also wanted to see the strength of this human who could even read his mind. He has been skeptical of this boy from the moment he has used him as his ride. This was something only You Zhichi could do. However, he did not say anything because he was the younger brother of the lady. What he did not understand was that the young boy was obviously the youngest among this group of humans, so why can he be the boss. 

Tiberius was a beast, to him the strongest a creature could be was at the peak of his youth, and You Xi Wang was far from it. Not his fault. he has just not seen enough of the big world. If he was to know that Maya was stronger than him and she was not even a decade old. He would have dug out a hole and buried himself inside.

Maya's strength was slightly higher than him but her intellect and skills were nothing he could even dream of comparing to. Djal asked, "Lord, shall I act?" 

You Xi wang shook his head and said, "No, this is my fight. I want to work out a little too you know. Cannot just eat for free." his tone sounded candid and arrogant and the guy deliberately spoke loudly so that the dwarven line of soldiers can hear him. Told you he was a trouble maker. 

His words worked like a flame shower on a pond of fuel. Some of the front liners directly pointed their spear at You Xi Wang and said, "You, say that again." 

You Xi Wang shrugged and said it again. The surrounding place became as quiet as an ocean on a sunny day. Dwarves were men that defined short things, short temper was one of them. That said, one of the spears flew over to their site directly. The phantoms did not expect that. 

The owner of the spear was the general of the dwarves. He said, "I do not know when will there be someone from the palace come, but before that, I would like to see what gives you the gall to look down on my people. Outlander, your skin shall suit my shoes." 

You Xi Wang would not let such a chance go by. He kicked the spear stabbed in the ground in front of him. The spear flicked and just when the tip pointed back at the dwarves, You Xi Wang kicked the tail end. The spear flew back to the dwarf general twice the speed he threw it. 

The general caught hold of it but he sensed the potential energy contained inside the spear making his arm shiver. That moment was enough to tell him that the opponent was not easy to deal with. He could tell that the kick was not made with all his strength. The general still did not put down his pride and charged forward with a war cry from his mouth. 

You Xi Wang took out his brawling gloves and vanished from his spot. Neo said, "One move, ten minutes in the spirit pool." 

Allan smirked and said, "Unseen, ten minutes in the spirit pool." 

Fenny asked, "You people betting on the time in the spirit pool. Surely, the rich are willful."

Yuki chuckled and said, "They are trying to scam the rookies." 

Fenny sighed and nodded. She said, "Rookies, don't bet. You will regret it. These two are not fuel-efficient lamps."

Her words made the excited rookies calm down and Neo and Allan said, "Spoilsport." Fenny shrugged and said, "Shall I have you bet with baby wang?" 

The two immediately fell silent and on the other side, a huge wave was caused among the dwarven soldiers. Their general flew back to the ranks with a fist imprinted on his chest plate. They could not believe what happened in front of their eyes. Only a few of them caught the shadow of what happened in front of them just now. The rest were clueless. 

The general stood up from the ground and his hand caressed the imprint on his armor. the armor was the pride of a warrior and You Xi Wang just gave him a stain. he was enraged and rage only does one thing. It consumes your wisdom. 

The general shouted, "Company, attack." 

A soldier was, in the end, a soldier. Hearing the order the dwarves brandished their spears. They all had set You Xi Wang as their target. The general commanded, "CHARGE." 

You Xi Wang took off the spear hanging on his back and said, "Big sis, cast a shield array behind me. I will take them all." 

You Zhichi nodded and instantly she cast an array behind You Xi Wang. The next moment, every second was like a nightmare for the army of dwarves. Their elite weapons, armors, the strength of the mountain. It was all useless. The boy was like a shadow. He had no order in his movements and all his targets were random. Well, that was how it seemed to be.

You Xi Wang targetted the strong people first. All those who caught a flicker of his movement earlier were on the list and they were all knocked out. The Dwarf general had no idea of how to stop this monster he awakened. He commanded the people to bypass him and attack his team but they were all blocked by an invisible wall. 

The general suddenly froze. He sensed a tip pressing against his neck. The cold radiating from the tip made him freeze. He did not know when You Xi Wang appeared behind him. 

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