A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 303: Onyxia.

Chapter 303: Onyxia.

You Xi Wang said, "Very well." as the golden glow stopped the blade from landing on the nape of the dwarf king. The people all heaved a sigh of relief. 

The boy surrounded in a golden avatar said, 'We have come here to aid and not to shed blood. It will be better if you do not provoke us by crossing the bottom lines. Or even if I become the sinner, I do not mind leaving a haunted city in my wake." 

His tone was firm, making the people shudder in horror. They did not expect this young man to have such strength and that he would use such a heavy hand if provoked. Just the pressure radiated from him was good enough to squash them. The king of the dwarves immediately nodded and pledged to look after all his people and making sure that the cooperation goes on without any friction. 

You Xi Wang nodded and his martial spirit retracted back inside his body. When he landed on the ground he stood firm. You Zhichi walked to his side and said, "Okay?" 

The boy gave her a sunny smile and nodded. The girl let out a sigh of relief. Fenny came and asked, "Shall we rest, or do we go directly to the tunnels?" 

You Xi Wang said, "Everyone is tired." 

Fenny nodded and sent out a message in the communication channel. Everyone immediately sat down on the ground with their legs crossed. They formed a circle. The melee fighters sat on the outer ring while the gunners sat in the middle ring followed by the center of snipers. The four phantoms stood out at the four corners of the circle. 

Fenny stood in the center of the circle. This formation was used to play a reverse psychological effect on the opponent. They would think that since the four phantoms are so strong then what about the rest of the people sitting behind them and in that moment of hesitation they will be dealt with with ease. 

Since the team was accompanied by wolves and ogres, they were also posted. Djal and his people did not have much requirement of rest so they formed a patrolling platoon with some wolves on the group. 

The dwarves glanced at the formation and sturdy lines of defense and were in awe. They were shocked by You Xi Wang's strength but now they found out that this team of outlanders was not as easy as they looked like. 

While everyone was resting You Zhichi was discussing things with the king of dwarves. She had a management talent and thus the task fell upon her. She also had strong cards like the martial spirit of the War Maiden, the array master talent, and also her identity as You Xi Wang's elder sister gave her a boost automatically. 

Tiberius, the grade eight thunder wolf following beside her was intimidating enough. The thunder wolves were all slightly violet-colored, however, as the Alpha, Tiberius was electric blue. The pups Neo found were sent back to the elven settlement to let a few people look after them and tame them if possible. 

You Zhichi stood in front of the Dwarf King and asked, "Your Majesty, our team would like to explore the tunnels in the morning tomorrow, may I ask you to provide us some basic supplies, such as maps for the tunnels and also, some sources of light to check inside the tunnels?" 

Where was the king to find a gut big enough to deny the request of that monster? He shook his head and said, "Madam, if possible I would like your team to solve this crisis for us, the maps and the rest of the supplies will be sent to you in a bit. Is there anything else I can do, please tell me?" 

You Zhichi said, "Someone who has a spine. I need a brave guide inside the tunnels. We will do our best to protect him but we need him to tell us what to do and do not inside the tunnels." 

The king nodded and after a few thoughts, he spoke with gritted teeth, "Madam, my princess is capable of guiding you all inside. She was practicing when the fog emerged. She has complete knowledge of the complex networks inside. The girl nodded and said, "Call over your daughter. I would like to get familiar with her before the mission begins." 

The king had no opinion and immediately send a word back to the palace. The person walked very fast, and after just fifteen minutes he walked back with the essence of earth circulating throughout his body. The soldier noticed the change in his speed and skills. He gulped and looked back at the people who were sitting down in the distance. 

The princess was a sophisticated person who loved to forge. Now that the father is no longer king, who was going to invite her. However, he still saw the soldier providing her the seal of the king. She put away all her restraints and moved with the soldier, who was easily keeping up with her on foot. 

She did not understand this operation and was confused, after all, her strength was higher than the generals at any time, but today the foot soldier also dared to compete with her. She came to the city gate and was scared to see a large group of people sitting in the distance. 

She came to the side of her father and found a beautiful lady standing in front of him with indifference on her face. The princess has never seen such a person in her life. You know that the dwarf king was a person that even the queen of elves would give some face to. But here is this maiden. 

You Zhichi sensed a gaze on her and she turned her eyes to the source. The princess did not flinch back but gaze in those sharp black eyes. The celestial maiden nodded in appreciation. This girl had some spark. 

The king said, "Onyxia, greet her excellency, You Zhichi. she is an outlander and is here to help us deal with the tunnel matter." 

Onyxia was a dwarf with a slightly taller physique than her father. she had elongated ears as well and unlike the muscular builds of the dwarves. You Zhichi raised her eyebrow. The king of the dwarves saw this and said, "Onyxia is half-elf and half-dwarf." 

You Zhichi nodded and said, "Princess Onyxia, would you like to join our team for the time being and get to know everyone?"

The princess nodded and after they bid farewell to the king. She followed You Zhichi. The celestial maiden said, "You can rest assured that you will be treated with proper manners." 

Onyxia nodded and said, "I can sense that you all are not malicious. So I am not worried." 

You Zhichi glanced at her and found something surprising.

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