A Knight Who Eternally Regresses

Chapter 91

Human-faced dogs.

Creatures that lie somewhere between monsters and beasts.

Beasts with the face of an old man.

Or canines with a face resembling that of a human.

Does it really matter?

Both monsters and beasts prey on humans.

They are simply targets to be killed.

No one knows where monsters and beasts come from.

Since the birth of Encrid, or even since the existence of this world, the threat of monsters and beasts has been present.

There are various types like Ghouls, Harpies, and Skeletons.

The difference between monsters and beasts is simple.

Beasts resemble animals, while monsters have distinct features.

Among them, human-faced dogs are creatures that, when in packs, lose all sense of fear, existing somewhere between beasts and monsters.


There were over fifty of them, scattered and growling in disarray.

As soon as they were spotted, the commander of the Turtle Heavy Infantry spoke.

Heavy infantry is the most expensive in terms of equipment and training.

Their heavy armor reduces mobility, preventing them from wielding javelines or becoming archers.

The weight of the armor restricts dynamic movements, ruling out agile charges.

However, the full-body armor, large rectangular shields, and long spears sticking out from between them make the heavy infantry overwhelmingly effective in open field battles.

It was the same now.

The slow march of the heavy infantry across the wasteland didn’t even stir up much dust.

They just steadily advanced, step by step.

There was nothing the pack of human-faced dogs could do.

Their primary attack method was their claws.

Those claws were useless here.

‘Overwhelming victory.’

Even the Harpies in the sky couldn’t harm the heavy infantry, so there was no way these human-faced dogs could stand a chance.


The claws, when swung, were simply blocked by the shields.

Even when a claw managed to slip through a gap between the shields…


It only scratched the metal armor.

Moreover, such instances were rare.

Most of the human-faced dogs were just blocked by the advancing shields.


A harsh cry came from one of the human-faced dogs.

It had struck the rectangular shield with its front paws, only to be skewered by a spear that emerged from between the shields, piercing its side.

As the dog’s body dangled on the spear, the soldier in the front line used his shield to push the body off, slipping the spear out.

The monster, with a hole in its side, rolled on the ground.

Its shrill cry turned into a death rattle.

A heavy infantry soldier stepped on it, crushing it to death.

Thud, thud.

Considering their weight, even just stepping on them was a sure way to finish them off.

Blocking with shields and stabbing with spears.

A simple yet efficient strategy.

Their opponents weren’t human, they were monsters. There was nothing more to it.

While the heavy infantry dealt with the pack of human-faced dogs…

The special forces and the Royal Guard Border Patrol on the left hill launched long-range attacks.

These were the longbow and crossbow units.

Five longbowmen and fifteen crossbowmen.

They blocked one side, pouring out arrows and bolts, forcing the human-faced dogs to crowd towards one side.

That side was then blocked by the heavy infantry.

Encrid and Rem didn’t just stand by and watch.

Some of the human-faced dogs kept coming from somewhere behind the pack of fifty, continuously joining them.

“It looks like it’s our turn to handle those!”

Rem said excitedly, more so than ever before. Encrid responded by starting to move. He was, in fact, faster in charging ahead than Rem.

The excitement in his chest hadn’t subsided yet.

It was a time to prove what had become ingrained in him by swinging his sword over and over.

He was beginning to realize the value of this time.

Fighting with his life on the line, yet not feeling like he would die.

When had he ever experienced this before?

This made Encrid feel a strange sensation.

In the midst of only a dozen or so human-faced dogs, he didn’t feel like he was going to die, as if there was no threat of death.

Why was he so certain?

Was it because Rem was with him?

That didn’t seem to be the reason.

Thoughts could come later.

He ran. The speed and dynamism of the heavy infantry were invisible to him.

With boldness and focus.

He suddenly lowered his body and swung his sword.

A sword flying horizontally to the ground.

Slice! Thud!

The snout of the first human-faced dog that approached was cut off, and as the sword continued its swing, it struck the head of another.

The second one, struck in the head, had its eyes and forehead split and burst open.

Withdrawing and swinging his sword simultaneously, he had dealt with two of them.

Encrid planted his left foot on the ground to brake his body, taking a step.

Using his left foot as a pivot, he pulled his right foot back, turning his body to the side in an instant.

As he turned his body, he raised and then swung his sword vertically.

A perfect vertical slash that could be in a textbook.


The head of the human-faced dog caught in the swing was split open.

His heart pounded wildly. He slashed and swung his sword.

Looking ahead again, he punched the head of an approaching human-faced dog, and when another tried to bite his shin, he stabbed his sword vertically into its head.

He felt the sensation of the skull breaking through his hand.

As he tried not to give it a chance to pull out the sword, an axe flashed beside him.

It was Rem.

A vigorous charge and a powerful slash.

The ones caught by the axe were mercilessly cut down, whether it was their bodies or heads.

Encrid looked at the charging horde of monsters.

In the past, this sight would have terrified him, but not anymore.

With the heart of bravery beating within him, he could fight calmly.

His mind was ice-cold. Even as he repeatedly thought of the best movements to cut down the incoming monsters, he calculated the most advantageous positions to move to.

His mind was cold, but conversely, his heart was burning hot.

A sense of elation.

The fiery sensation heightened his body and senses.

‘It’s working.’

The things he learned from fighting the sewer wizard were sticking to his body. The training he endured with his squad members, wrapping his head in bandages, was accumulating through real combat.

Watching from the side, Rem thought of the process of building a fortress wall.

There was a time when he had disguised himself as a laborer and was involved in building a fortress wall.

The process of carrying heavy stones and stacking them one by one.

A tedious and arduous process that seemed never-ending.

Ultimately, it was a process that required patience.

‘It’s fascinating.’

Seeing Encrid’s growth only filled him with a sense of wonder.

Being closer to him than anyone else, it was a continuous series of incomprehensible events.

A person who couldn’t even stack one stone a day.

Suddenly, one day, he was able to stack dozens of stones. How was this possible?

He didn’t know. He didn’t want to know.

It just made things more interesting.

‘It’s fun. Really fun.’


A bolt pierced the head of the last remaining human-faced dog.

Torres had approached after they had driven the monsters to one side and killed them.

Smacking his lips, Torres said,

“It’s a shame. You should have joined our unit. Why are you still just a Squad Leader?”

That was something the Platoon leader of the 1st Company was curious about too.

With skills like his, why?

A few soldiers who had connections with Rem glared at him, and Encrid subtly shielded him with his body.

Rem, who had beaten up his superior in the 1st Company, always had bad blood with them. Especially since Rem had a tendency to provoke them more.

After preventing any trouble, Encrid finally spoke up.

“There’s no one to take responsibility for my squad yet.”

Encrid pointed out a realistic problem.

If he became a Platoon leader, who would immediately take over the 444th squad?

“In any case, well done.”

The intense elation that had filled Encrid was now gradually subsiding.

Although Encrid answered the question, he neither took it too seriously nor answered it with much gravity.

In Encrid’s mind, there was only one thought.

‘I need to organize.’

Fighting had made it clear. He needed to take a moment to neatly arrange his abilities.

He had combined several techniques before, creating synergistic effects.

He had applied them to his swordsmanship as well.

Up until now, he had used them as the situation required, which made him feel the need to systematize them.

And since this was his first time experiencing this, Encrid felt a renewed sense of joy.

Finding what he needed for himself.

That in itself was a rare occurrence.

The future had always been a dark, unknown path.

But now, how different it was. Signposts kept appearing on that once invisible path.

He was so happy he could hardly contain himself.

That was why Encrid unknowingly smiled.

Even Rem couldn’t guess what was going on inside him.

Naturally, Torres and the heavy infantry Platoon leader were also clueless.

The fight had ended. Rejoicing in victory? This wasn’t that kind of battle.

Winning was expected, killing was expected in this extermination.

Yet, one soldier, covered in blood and rampaging, suddenly laughed as if he were incredibly joyful.

The heavy infantry Platoon leader thought it was the kind of smile you’d only see when soaking in hot water in the middle of winter.

“… Is there something a bit off with him?”

The Platoon leader from the 1st Company leaned towards Torres, subtly gesturing to his head as he asked.

Of course, his gaze was fixed on Encrid.

“It’s hard to say he’s entirely normal.” Torres replied, trailing off.

He was referring more to Encrid’s usual behavior than his current laughter.

No matter how crazy someone was, they wouldn’t swing their sword like the Troublesome Squad leader within the unit.

“What are you looking at?”

“…You bastard.”

While Encrid was momentarily off guard, a dispute arose between Rem and the soldiers of the 1st Company.

Encrid quickly turned back to stop Rem, and Torres, along with others, began to restore order.

* * *

There were two requests, one buried at the Company Commander’s level, so no one knew about killing the wizard.

But everyone knew about the monster extermination.

From the time Rem and he had slain the wolf beast together.

To the time he faced off against the harpies with his sword.

Few people were surprised by what Rem did.

Those who didn’t know him might be astonished once or twice, but he was originally someone who stayed in the unit due to his exceptional skills.

“Rem, that bastard? He’s always been a good fighter.”

“If only he had a better personality, he might have become a battalion commander.”

When the rumors spread within the unit, what shocked the soldiers was Encrid.

He was indeed a high-ranking soldier, within the upper echelons of the soldier ranking system.

But not all high-ranking soldiers could do what he did.

Fighting harpies with a sword?

Why would anyone do something so reckless?

And to kill harpies with such recklessness?

If he had barely killed one, it might have been considered a fluke.

But he killed three.

The rumor spread like wildfire.

“How did he even do that?”

“I always knew something like this would happen.”

“Encrid? That Troublesome Squad leader?”

“Didn’t he destroy spells last time?”

“Ha, last time he barely seemed like a high-ranking soldier.”

There was a lot of talk.

Defeating the pack of human-faced dogs was impressive, especially since many had witnessed it.

“Then why is he still a Squad leader?”

The rumors and questions spread through the unit, reaching the battalion commander’s ears.

The battalion commander couldn’t ignore it.

As a result, the Fairy Company Commander was summoned and questioned.

“Is it right to keep him just as a Squad leader?”

“His squad is quite unique.”

“Since there’s no budget for rewards, raising his rank seems appropriate.”

The Kingdom of Naurillia had clear policies.

If you excelled, you were rewarded accordingly.

That was the core principle.

Policies like the soldier ranking system and the soldier mercenary system were implemented for this reason.

The rewards were either in the form of monetary bonuses or honor.

The battalion commander, thinking of his own interests, suggested giving a rank promotion instead of a cash reward.

The Company Commander was well aware of the uniqueness of the Troublesome Squad.

Promoting Encrid to Platoon leader would make the squad unmanageable.

Then, an alternative method would be considered.


Saluting, the Company Commander turned back.

She devised a plan that would satisfy the battalion commander and maintain the current structure.

Thus, Encrid was called.

“My subordinates number only ten.”

“Regardless of that, from today, you hold a rank equivalent to a Platoon leader. Any objections?”


It was an order from his superior. Encrid had no reason to argue.

Moreover, dealing with the Fairy Company Commander, he’d rather not become the subject of her jokes.


Thus, he received the rank equivalent to a Platoon leader.

“So, do we call you Platoon leader now?”

“Oh, Platoon leader, does this mean your salary is higher?”

“What about us?”

“Congratulations, brother.”

“My sword’s blade is worn out.”

It was hard to tell if these were words of congratulations.

The last one from Ragna certainly wasn’t.

In reality, nothing changed just because he became a Platoon leader.

Oh, there was talk about filling the squad’s vacancies, which had been overlooked until now.

Originally, a squad had ten members.

However, until now, there were only six, including Encrid.

Officially known as the Independent Platoon under the 4th Company.

They were no longer the 4th Squad.

They said he could add more members if he wanted.

‘Why bother?’

Despite being called an independent platoon, they would rarely undertake individual operations.

The only real privilege was that Platoon leaders were exempt from regular duties.

“That’s a bit unfair.”

Rem expressed dissatisfaction, but since the squad would remain intact, he let it slide.

After becoming a Platoon leader and the news spreading within the unit, there were changes.

However, Encrid’s daily routine remained unchanged.

“You want to learn more, right?”

It started with Audin. Apart from organizing what he had, he disliked wasting time. He believed that he should never stop learning and practicing whenever he had the time.

That was the key to making the most of repeating the same day, in Encrid’s view.

So, he sought out Audin, looking for the next step in mastering his skills.

“Have you ever heard of bed fighting?”

This sounded like nonsense, but…

“It’s a training method created by Paladin Valaf.”

Audin explained.

Valaf-Style Martial Arts.

It’s not about striking or hitting, but a series of techniques involving grappling and locking.

An addition to the daily routine of being pinned and locked on a bed.

Of course, Encrid didn’t learn only from Audin.

The severe winter cold, a symbol of the season, was starting to recede.

Encrid remained the same.

His routine was so repetitive that if a ferryman appeared in his dreams, he would ask, “What the hell are you doing?”

And then, rumors began to spread.

Not just skirmishes, but a full-scale war was imminent.

It was inevitable.

In the previous battle, the enemy had used spells, while their side had changed the battlefield dynamics by deploying squires.

A more intense battlefield was approaching, with spring on the way.

Before spring arrived, Encrid was incredibly busy organizing his skills and preparing himself.

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