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7 months ago
Lin Yuetian: I’m a gentle, kind, reasonable, and hard-working person, with a remarkable IQ and EQ.... Read more Lin Yuetian: I’m a gentle, kind, reasonable, and hard-working person, with a remarkable IQ and EQ. My only wish is to achieve financial freedom and live in peace.Doctors and Psychologists: He is physically and mentally healthy.System: HaHa.Scumbag Gong(s): HaHa. #side-eye to the rows of graves whose grasses on top are taller than the next. Collapse Aliens, Ancient Times, Apathetic Protagonist, Aristocracy, Arrogant Characters, Assassins, Calm Protagonist, Cheats, Confident Protagonist, Confinement, Contracts, Cruel Characters, Cultivation, Death, Drugs, Forced Marriage, Ghosts, Gore, Kidnappings, Male Protagonist, Manipulative Characters, Marriage, Modern Day, Modern Knowledge, Money Grubber, Murders, Omegaverse, Playful Protagonist, Poisons, Pragmatic Protagonist, Proactive Protagonist, Protagonist Strong from the Start, Revenge, Royalty, Ruthless Protagonist, Sadistic Characters, Shounen-Ai Subplot, Suicides, System Administrator, Torture, Transformation Ability, Transmigration, Wealthy Characters, World Hopping The mc is an assasin. He has a system that gives him a task, he completes it, and then they move to another world. The backstory of both first reincarnations is that the mc is Gay. Although after he receives the body there is no sexual acts, but it still feels weird. The chapters are big, which is a plus. I persoonally do not feel vey comfortable reading it because of a lot YAOI relationships. Stopped at chapter 8, which is also the time of his second reincarnation. My god I love this novel, I remember dying of laughter every chapter. This is not a novel, so anyone who doesn't want to read Yaoi at all can rest assured. The MC doesn't have any romantic involvement with anyone. Seems strange im not brave I shall try it brother, however I need to finish another one first. I will come back in 1 week. Be safe my friend. I went into the novel with an innocent mind because I saw no YAOI tags. However you do feel weird when most of the relationships are YAOI. Both mc's reincarnations were also gay . First reincarnation I contributed it to bad luck, but when I saw the same story on second reincarnation, I dropped it and run for my innocence . Note, the actual mc is not gay, or shows those tendencies. At least till chapter 8. The author is attacking our innocence, gotta Report!!!!!!!!!!!!