ABO Cadets

Chapter Volume 2 44

Chapter 044: Old Affairs

The Imperial law expressly stipulates that all Omegas must be registered in the association at the time of birth and must strictly obey the arrangements of the association. The Military Department also has a ban forbidding Omegas to join the army. After finding out that he was an Omega, Lin Yuan felt very disheartened. He had thought that he could no longer attend school. The Military Department would expel him from the military and he would even be arrested and imprisoned......

Why would His Majesty give him a favor that went outside the law?

Coming into contact with Lin Yuan's doubtful gaze, Trent couldn't help but feel a smile raise on his lips.

The youth in front of him has a pair of clear black eyes, these jet-black eyes were extremely clever. Fair skin and hair as if it were dipped in ink were the physical traits also inherited from his biological father, but his optimistic and lively personality, however, does not resemble that indifferent father of his in the slightest.

Looking at this youth, there will always be a very strange sense of familiarity settling at the bottom of his heart.


Many years ago, when Trent was still a Prince, together with Ling Yu and Rosen he had attended the St. Romia Military Institute of Military Affairs in the Command Department. Rosen and Ling Yu were Trent's most adored junior brothers.

(TN: As in they were his younger fellow students.)

At the time when Ling Yu had his accident, Trent had been the Empire's Imperial Monarch for less than five years. The political power in his hand was not stable. In addition, there were too many people in the Military who were unable to stand Ling Yu and with Trent's own power, there was simply nothing he could do to save him

Even though Trent was His Majesty of the Empire, in the end, the Empire was not his alone to have the final say.

Over the past six hundred years since the founding of the Lacey Empire, the power has been divided into the hands of several influential families. The founding Emperor of those days was a valiant Generalissimo, he also paid special attention to the so-called camaraderie shared between comrades-in-arms. Following the establishment of the Empire, he accompanied the founding Emperor to lay down this regime. The generalissimos had all been promoted as the heads of the major legions, it could even be said that they were overflowing with heavenly power.

It was a pity that this esteemed ancestor died far too early. The one who had taken up the Imperial Throne was a mild-mannered Prince. At that time, the war had erupted between the Lacey Empire and the Strand Federation. The newly-appointed His Majesty completely lacked prestige in the military and those generalissimos refused to obey or comply with his orders and furthermore divided up the commander-in-chief's military power. Later, the Military Department even independently left the Government's Legislative Assembly, becoming its own separate institution.

(TN: I'm assuming that this is the title referring to the Kings or Emperors seeing as they're supposed to be the ones commanding over the entire military.)

Over time, the power of the Imperial family began to gradually decline.

The Emperor who no had any military power in his hands just became a figurehead and puppet for the Military Department.

This kind of scene lasted for nearly five hundred years. When Trent took on Imperial throne from his Father's hands, the internal trouble and outside aggression even made him unable to move a single step. Just precisely balancing the power of each influential family together was a difficult problem, not to mention still having to face the Federation's hostile forces constantly harassing their border.

Fortunately, although Trent was young in those days, he still kept his composure. After becoming the Monarch, he put out a mild temperament and did not openly confront the Military Department. He secretly cultivated himself to gradually form his own power.

Rosen and Ling Yu were the two talented field commanders that Trent personally selected.

Rosen's family, the Bessemer clan's power had already begun to wither away and Ling Yu was just a Beta with no strong backing. The Military did not care about the two at the time and even thought that the two of them certainly wouldn't go far. The one in charge of supporting the Glory Legion is nothing more than a compliant chess piece for the Military to order around; the Dark Night Legion was responsible for expeditions, they would spend all day long at the front line acting as cannon fodder and it actually saved them from experiencing a lot of troubles.

Until those two S-class mechs personally made by Mr. Aston saw the light of day!

Black Dragon and Vermillion Bird were the two mechs created during a corresponding time period. The only ones capable of perfectly matching the spiritual essence of Black Dragon and Vermillion Bird was only that of Rosen and Ling Yu! Ever since the possession of those two mechs, the influence of the Glory Legion and the Dark Night Legion grew even stronger, especially Vermillion Bird, that smear of bright red assaulting the enemy on the front line was simply unstoppable!

(TN: I'm now kind of conflicting on continuing to refer to this as spiritual kind of things rather than mental strength. For now, I'm just gonna kinda switch back and forth between them since they kind of mean the same thing? Just sometimes referring it to mental strength makes a lot more sense. If I'm able to make up my mind or one of you feels like doing it for me I'll go back and change it to one or the other and keep it consistent from then on.)

Reports of victory from the frontline come through again and again, and more and more mails began requesting to promote Ling Yu to a General......

What is even more terrifying is that these two legions were carried along by Rosen and Ling Yu without any outside help and a great number of important high-ranking military officers in those legions had followed them for many years and were absolutely loyal to their generals. These two legions had a scarily formidable cohesiveness!

Some of these senior figures in the Military began to perceive a crisis.

They attempted every possible method to try to kill Ling Yu, deliberately giving the Dark Night Legion all kinds of dangerous missions. However, thanks to Ling Yu's excellent commanding ability, Ling Yu led the Dark Night Legion time and time again to successfully complete these missions!

The brass of the Military Department hated it enough to make their teeth itch, but from beginning to end there was no reasonable justification to eliminate the Dark Night Legion.

(TN: Angry enough to bite something.)

It was at this time, Ling Yu's inhibitor suddenly failed and his identity as an Omega was exposed!

Finally, the Military Department, at last, received an opportunity to punish Ling Yu!

Trent has always harbored suspicions about whether Ling Yu's inhibitor failure was caused by someone in the Military Department sabotaging it, was it even possible for there to be a traitor in the Dark Night Legion? He had been injecting inhibitors for so many years and there had never been a problem. How could it suddenly fail in the middle of a battlefield?

Someone with such a cautious personality like Ling Yu, it was impossible for him to make such a fatal mistake. The only explanation is that someone deliberately sabotaged him, secretly switching out his medication or adding a substance into his food or drinking water to neutralize the Omega inhibitor!

Himself included didn't even know that Ling Yu was an Omega...... Who else would know about this secret?

Trent wants to investigate, but he simply has no way to start. The accident happened so suddenly back then. Finding out that Ling Yu had actually been an Omega, even Trent had no time to fully comprehend it!

His most adored junior brother, the one he had even slyly thought about promoting into a four-star General, having Ling Yu act as his right-hand man, actually concealed his identity as an Omega and infuriated the Military Department! If Ling Yu told him earlier that he was an Omega, at the very least he could have properly prepared for a response in the case of an emergency situation. Now that the Military Department had finally gotten ahold of such incriminating information about Ling Yu, it is absolutely impossible to lightly let him off!

At that time, several generalissimos of the Military Department unanimously agreed that Ling Yu deserved severe punishment.

Fortunately, Rosen played a hand, deliberately making Ling Yu pregnant when he marked him...... Trent convinced the court-martial to liberate Ling Yu using the law of "pregnant people should not be imprisoned" and changed the lifelong prison sentence into lifelong house arrest.

Even so, the Military still refused to let Ling Yu off......

They actually sent people to assassinate Ling Yu in order to eliminate Ling Yu by fair means or foul!

Unexpectedly, the proud Ling Yu escaped from Cepheus by piloting Black Dragon immediately after learning that he was pregnant and the person who was sent to assassinate Ling Yu threw themselves at Rosen's apartment in vain! Even more unexpectedly, the next day, Black Dragon's mech wreckage and Ling Yu's clothing fragments were found in the interstellar ruins. Ling Yu encountered a rare cosmic sandstorm seen only every other decade and with the baby in his abdomen, he was buried alongside that life amidst the interstellar ruins.

Several generalissimos in the Military finally breathed out a sigh of relief.

In reality, at that time, Trent had employed the same exact method that Caesar had done to keep those people from the museum in the dark to rescue Vermillion Bird!

-Feigning death.

To completely protect Ling Yu's safety, he can only let him "die".

As long as Ling Yu is alive, they will always find opportunities, use the incriminating information that they had gained to sentence him for a crime or directly assassinate him. The elimination of Ling Yu is the unanimously agreed consensus reached by those generalissimos! Only when Ling Yu is dead, they will completely stop!

During the time when Black Dragon escaped, King Lion produced a unique induction between the S-class mechs made by Mr. Aston! Before the arrival of the Military Department, Trent had already immediately led the Royal Guard Squadron to obstruct Ling Yu by surrounding him around the constellation of Cepheus. At the fastest speed, he created an illusion of Black Dragon and Ling Yu being buried together!

When the military forces arrived, they only saw Black Dragon's armor wreckage and Ling Yu's clothing fragments!

And because Rosen was too deeply passionate and attached a lot of importance to Ling Yu, he was too much of a forthright person to be able to pretend that he was deeply affected. Ling Yu is suspected without end that there was a traitor not only in the Dark Night Legion but also in the Glory Legion. Additionally, in his heart as far as him carrying Rosen's child is concerned, the matter is still very conflicting. Thus, Ling Yu reached a consensus with Trent, this matter will be temporarily withheld from Rosen.

Sure enough, Rosen faced the scene of the interstellar ruins with tears and set up a monument after returning home, finally letting those several generalissimos of the Military Department completely believe without fault the fact that "Ling Yu is dead."

Trent had spent more than a decade to think of every possible method to promote Rosen to a Marshal.

It is also because Rosen's most beloved person had "died", the Rosen's temperament has become indifferent and aloof like a walking corpse. The Empire's 5 four-star generals had a good, friendly relationship, but naturally, they also had conflicting views. The five generals who also refused to comply with anyone else permitting Rosen who was not friendly with them nor an influential powerhouse unexpectedly voted him through unanimously to become a Marshal.

Rosen became the Marshal.

Even if he is at the high position of a Marshal, any important military orders that he issues still must be approved by the vote of the five generals of the Military Department before they can be passed down to the lower chains of command. This is the tradition that the military has continued on for centuries - all the important decisions of the military must be voted through the five generals in order to be executable.

The Military Department only gave His Majesty the power of a figurehead and turned the royal family into puppets.

The Marshal that is elected by the Military is actually the Military Department's spokesperson who only has the rank of a Marshal but does not possess the greatest power in reality.

The real power of the Emperor's XX Department are still being passed down in the hands of the five influential families for centuries - the Bayh family, the Warwick family, the Stork family, the Orlando family, and the Sharman family.

This phenomenon has lasted for more than five hundred years.

Acting as a figurehead ruler, Trent is not in a hurry.

- The opportunity he is waiting for will arrive very soon.


Looking at the youth in front of him who looked like a Ling Yu, Trent's eyes became even gentler, he smiled as he asked: "Lin Yuan, have you ever heard about the Dark Night Legion?"

For a moment, Lin Yuan could not help but be lost for words, the Dark Night Legion? He heard this name while he was in the cockpit of Vermillion Bird matching his spiritual essence, the voice of that person in Vermillion Bird's memory was very similar to the father in his childhood memories.

Could it be that there was a relationship between my biological father and the Dark Night Legion?

Lin Yuan replied honestly: "I have heard about it, I also searched on the Internet, but I did not find any useful information......"

Trent said: "Naturally that is because the Military deliberately sealed off all of the information pertaining to the Dark Night Legion."

Lin Yuan widened his eyes in surprise, "Sealed off? Did that legion make a big mistake?"

Trent shook his head. "The Dark Night Legion not only made no mistakes but instead established plenty of meritorious services. It is quite a pity. The General of the Dark Night Legion, Ling Yu, was an Omega. After his identity was exposed, he was immediately expelled from the military registry by the Military Department and as a result, the Dark Night Legion was forced to disband."

Lin Yuan stared blankly, not daring to fully accept it, he asked in disbelief: "Just because he was an Omega, they rejected everything that he did just like that?"

The youth's question made Trent's heart slightly ache.

Yes, that's right. Just because Ling Yu is an Omega, everything about his outstanding military service has become a kind of mockery in the eyes of those generalissimos in the Military Department. How could an Alpha listen and obey the orders of an Omega? How could they be led by an Omega? How could they let an Omega take troops to attack the enemy on the front line?

This is simply beating all of those Alpha's faces.

In the days following the exposure of Ling Yu's Omega identity, the face of some of the Military Department's Alphas became very unsightly.

Trent was silent for a moment before saying in a low voice: "Lin Yuan, if you want to exchange one thing for another, you are allowed to choose. Do you want to be an ordinary Omega that gets married and has kids, or do you want to risk injecting inhibitors to become a soldier?"

Lin Yuan said without hesitation: "I definitely want to become a soldier!"

He paused, then added on: "Although this way is very risky, with the alternative being having to always be locked up at home and only being responsible for bearing children, what kind of life would that be anyways? What's the difference between being locked up like that and being a house pet?"

Trent couldn't help but let out a smile, "So there we have it, I will allow you to continue studying at school. You have to work hard, I hope that you will become an excellent general just like Ling Yu in the future."

He doesn't know why, but when His Majesty mentioned the General, Lin Yuan experienced an unusual aggrieved feeling towards him...... He is also an Omega, his experience was truly too miserable......

Can he really be a brave and excellent General like him?

For this one goal, even at the risk of one's life with all one's strength exhausted, it is totally worth it!

Lin Yuan tightly clenched his hand into a fist, stood up, and facing His Majesty, he saluted as he fell into a standard military ceremony. He gratefully said: "Your Majesty, thank you for your confidence in me! I will definitely redouble my efforts!"

Looking at the deadly earnest youth's serious appearance, Trent couldn't help but smile in the end.

- This child truly attracts people's affection. Caesar has fallen for him, he truly picked up a treasure.

Trent nodded and said, "Well, I looked forward to the day when I can personally confer you the rank of General!"

Lin Yuan soon overwhelmed from the favor he was receiving.

Why does His Majesty believe in me so much? Even though it is said that a soldier that did not wish to be a General was not a good soldier, Lin Yuan had also once dreamed in the past that he could become a General who was a hundred answers to a single call. Lin Yuan still understands his level very thoroughly. It would be pretty good to be a small-time soldier with his current ability......

(TN: OP I guess would be another way to say it? All powerful?)

Perhaps, His Majesty merely said this as an encouragement and nothing more?

In any case, there is a set goal with becoming a General as the objective, like this he will be more energetic when struggling. But also seeing as he is an Omega, becoming a top General is also considered to be striving for the voices of his Omega compatriots?

After thinking of it this way, Lin Yuan was relieved, he sent an appreciative smile towards His Majesty.

Queen Anna looked at his smiling expression and couldn't help but to softly say: "Alright, we're meeting in private, but it feels the same as holding a political discussion the Military Affairs Office. If everyone is done talking about generals, then shouldn't you also talk about the upcoming competition?"

Facing Queen Anna's smiling eyes, Lin became a little embarrassed and scratched his head.

The Queen's voice sounded gentle and soft like water, her smile also looked particularly amiable. As the mother of the Empire, Queen Anna seemed educated and well-balanced as well as classy. Is such an Omega the most perfect Omega in everyone's mind then?

He is not in the least comparable to this master who'd perfected this skill. Since he is just a person who plays with mechs on the Internet in his free time, how can he be a proper Omega?

Lin Yuan feels certain that at the time of his birth, his genes made a mistake.

Anna asked: "Lin Yuan, you are an Omega, can you beat those Alphas, and represent the school to go and participate in the national competition? Doesn't it subconsciously feel strange?"

Listening to Anna speak, Lin Yuan did have some doubts arise.

Anna smiled and said: "In fact, because piloting mech is not directly related to physical strength, but in other words, it's more related to one's mental threshold. That is, regardless of whether you are an Alpha, Beta or Omega, when you pilot the mech, as long as your reaction is fast enough, you can achieve your goal. The more advanced the mech, the greater the influence of your mental power on the mech."

Unlike the human face-to-face and hand to hand combat, the external form and function of the mech are the same, the pilot's hand speed and reaction ability determines everything, even if the one piloting the mech is a thin and weak Omega, as long as their finger's reaction ability is fast enough, they can also defeat a tall and robust Alpha.

Especially for an S-class mech, the pilot relies entirely on mental strength to communicate with the mech.

However, because pretty much all of the Empire's Omegas have to go to the specialized Omega schools to receive education, not very many Omegas have operated mechs, they're completely unaware of this secret...... the secret that can make them strong!

This secret was discovered by Brian's biological dad, Berg.

Berg is His Majesty's younger paternal cousin. He had always secretly studied mechs before he was married to Brian's father, Drew. After marrying the Bayh family, Mr. Aston appreciated his insights on mechs. In the process of developing a mech, Berg found that the influence of an Omega's mental power on a mech can unexpectedly reach the same level as an Alpha!

For this reason, Berg also personally conducted an experiment and found that he not only can pilot ordinary A-class and B-class mechs but even successfully control his husband, Drew's S-class mech Viper!

As one of the ten S-class mechs of the Empire, the Viper has the most powerful flexibility and assault ability out of the S-class mech. It has accompanied Drew Bayh for many years and is extremely loyal to its master. However, as an Omega, Berg surprisingly thoroughly conquered it with a strong mental threshold!

Mr. Aston smiled widely causing his eyes to squint. General Drew was immediately stunned......

Once this secret is known by people, it will definitely shake the centuries-old social foundation of the Empire. Therefore, Berg can only slyly tell the secret to His Majesty and the Queen.

Lin Yuan became aware of this matter straight from the Queen's mouth and also could not help but be shocked.

He has not had access to more advanced mechs. He only knows that the piloting level of a C-class mech has something to do with the pilot's individual basic essence, but he did not expect that the key factor affecting the mech is not physical strength, but mental strength.

The words of Queen Anna are like opening the door to a new world for Lin Yuan.

So what about physical strength being inferior to an Alpha? So what is one is an Omega? Omegas can also work hard to do what they like and live the life they want!

Seeing the surprised and excited appearance of the youth in front of her, Anna continued speaking: "So, Lin Yuan, you don't have to worry about it at all. Continue to work together with Caesar to earnestly prepare for the competition and go all out then."

Lin Yuan immediately replied: Yes! Queen, I will do my best along with everyone!"

Queen Anna nodded with a smile. "Then, in that case, I will be in the Imperial Palace, waiting to get the good news of you taking the championship."


Until the moment he departed the Palace with Caesar, Lin Yuan was still in a state of extreme shock.

How could His Majesty and the Queen have such nice temperaments? There was not the slightest bit of arrogance, their eyes are very gentle, and when they spoke they were also very amicable and approachable, especially the Queen, her voice is too gentle and soft, even more gentler than his mother.

Seeing Lin Yuan's face without that sort of dismayed expression from last night, Caesar's heart finally relaxed.

It seems that Father and Mother are very fond of Lin Yuan, they were surprisingly very gentle towards Lin Yuan, even Caesar also did not expect it.

After returning to his Palace and closing the door, Caesar suddenly looked at Lin Yuan and asked in a low timbre: "Xiao Yuan, do you still care if you are an Omega now?"

Lin Yuan scratched his head and said: "It's impossible not to mind, right? I have been a Beta for 18 years and to suddenly become an Omega, I am not really completely resigned to that fact now......"

Yes, I was at first a Beta, but while getting up in the morning, I was suddenly informed that I was actually an Omega. My beliefs of a full 18 years were suddenly destroyed. if someone else was in my position they may have already collapsed.

Fortunately, Lin Yuan's personality is very strong. He cried in Caesar's arms last night for the evening and then quickly recovered afterward.

Lin Yuan gave out a helpless smile: "It is already like this anyway. Besides accepting it, what else can I possibly do?"

Caesar looked at his helpless expression and couldn't help but reach out and gently grab his shoulder. He said softly: " It doesn't matter, whether you are Omega or not, you are still Lin Yuan, isn't that right?"

Lin Yuan nodded with all his strength, "Yes, I am still Lin Yuan. Everything except being an Omega has not changed!"

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Lin Yuan scratched his head and continued on speaking: "I had originally thought that if I was an Omega, I would definitely not be able to attend school, perhaps I would even be punished by the Military...... Caesar, I didn't expect that you were actually a Prince and even persuaded His Majesty to help me...... I can actually continue to attend school."

Lin Yuan raised his head and looked at Caesar earnestly: "Caesar, thank you, truly...... I don't know what I'd have done without you...... Thank you for helping me......"

Look at this little guy's grateful gaze, Caesar couldn't help but ask: "You really want to thank me?"

Lin Yuan sincerely nodded his head. "Without a doubt, this time you saved me. If it weren't for you, I might have been imprisoned."

Caesar smiled and said: "Then you can owe me a favor, there will be a chance to return it in the future."

Lin Yuan immediately said a simple: "Alright!"

He was completely unaware that Caesar secretly tricked him.

Laying his gaze on Caesar's smile, Lin Yuan's heart was still thinking...... Caesar is truly a good person. It's so lucky to have such a loyal friend.


After Caesar and Lin Yuan left, Trent's smiling expression faded away.

Anna softly asked: "Since Xiao Yuan has already appeared, should we tell Rosen the whole truth?"

Trent was taciturn for a second, then saying: "Ling Yu has never wanted Rosen to become aware of the existence of this child, his personality, as you know, still takes offense about the matter of Rosen's forced marking of him in the past. Besides, now is not the time to lay all of our cards on the table, the Military has been paying close attention to Rosen's actions. If Rosen and Xiao Yuan recognize each other, the truth will be exposed about Ling Yu's feigned death, ruining the enterprise for the sake of one basketful."

(TN: Failing in the homestretch over a small thing.)

Having said that, Trent's gaze could not help but grow deeper.

As the one who took over the terrible mess that his father's generation left behind with the Military making His Majesty and the royal family mere figureheads, he must endure what an ordinary person could not possibly endure. The so-called gentle temperament has also been practiced to perfection for so many years.

Anna lightly sighed, and somewhat couldn't bear but to say: "Rosen has suffered enough torment in these years. Ling Yu's method is truly too cruel to him......"

Trent said in a low voice: "No hurry. There is the existence of this child Xiao Yuan, there will always be a day where the conflict between the two of them will be resolved."

Anna nodded. "I hope so."

Trent said: "Yes, three days from now is Mr. Aston's two hundredth birthday banquet celebration, is the gift ready?"

Anna said: "Rest assured, it's already ready."


At the same time, inside Rosen's apartment.

After returning from discussing politics in the Military Affairs Office, Rosen had a long dream. He dreamed that he had returned to his youthful years attending the military academy. On the eve of graduation, a few roommates slipped out to have a drink. Ling Yu was rarely drunk, he had to be carried back to the dormitories on Rosen's back.

After returning Ling Yu to his bedroom, Rosen sat on his bedside and looked at the slightly flushed face of the drunk youth who was sleeping on the bed. Eventually, he was unable to help but to become emotionally affected and stealthily laid a kiss down......

Early the following morning, After three years of being roommates, the four respectively left with their luggage. As an ordinary Beta without any powerful backing, in the end, Ling Yu was allocated to the preparatory battalion of the Dark Night Legion on the frontline by the Military Department.

Rosen looked back towards the departing figure and finally couldn't help but to call out to him: "Ling Yu."

Ling Yu incredulously turned his head back: "What?"

Rosen looked at the other deeply, after a good while, his mouth was stupid and he only spoke out one line: "......take care."

Ling Yu faintly spoke: "You too."

Later on in the dreamland, he again returned to the day he brought back Ling Yu from the prison.

He dreamed that Ling Yu was pregnant and he had been there all along to accompany him and look after him from his side. Not too long after, Ling Yu had just given birth to the child, Ling Yu's expression as he held the child in his arms looked to be especially gentle. He sat on the bedside and extended his arms to tightly draw the bundle close to his shoulder......

Ling Yu quietly asked: "Give a name for this child, then? How about...... What do you think about that one?"

Rosen heard his tender voice say: "As long as you like it."

In his dreamland, Rosen was just like an outsider, he stood by and looked upon that warm scene of the family of three together. His nose was bitter and a stream of tears threatened to flow down.

He trembled, reaching out his hands, wishing to touch the child's face. However, everything in the dreamland suddenly grew particularly fuzzy. He couldn't hear the child's name, he couldn't see the child's appearance clearly. Reaching out his hand and in a flash, all that was beautiful then suddenly faded away from his vision......

Rosen woke up.

Rosen wrinkled his brow as he got out of bed and went to his apartment's back garden.

It was currently very late at night. The night was cool like water and the silvery white moonlight enveloped the ground as if it were a layer of light muslin. There is an ice-cold tombstone sat in the back garden, it was engraved with a row of clear-cut handwriting: the Imperial Dark Night Legion, the Tomb of General, Ling Yu.

The side of the tombstone was packed full of planted flowers.

Winter had just passed, those flowers seemed to suddenly awaken overnight, all around the tombstone blossomed into beautiful purples and brilliant reds.

(TN: They don't have to be specifically red and purple flowers, it's just a saying that means beautiful flowers.)

This kind of flower is called a primrose.

Legend has it that in the Greek mythology of the ancient earth era, there was a young man named Balalisuosi. He had a beautiful fiancée. They were looking forward to the day of marriage, but later his unmarried wife died of illness. Because of this young man's excessive sorrow, he also passed away in spite of everything. A God pitied him, he turned him into flowers, placing them next to his lover's tombstone, letting him eternally accompany his lover.

Every year during the springtime, this flower will bloom. Year after year, the flowers bloom and wither. At last, this flower of beautiful purples and brilliant reds blossoms to cover the mountains and plains as far as the eye can see, forming the most magnificent landscape.

This is the origin of the primrose.

This flower represents the meaning of: There is no other love except for you.

- There is no other love except for you.

- In my life, I have also only loved you, Ling Yu.

Recalling the dreamland from just a moment ago, Rosen felt a stab of pain in his heart.

How good would it have been if Ling Yu and that child were still alive?

The author has something to say:

(TN: Before you hop down here the author wrote a spoiler in her authors note in the last paragraph so to avoid ya'll jumping on my throat here's a precursory spoiler warning.)

The legend of primrose is true, the primrose is also the lucky flower of Aquarius and Aries~~(Suddenly becomes educated in fine arts and literature)

(TN: Yep. Nope. I died. There's no such legend in Greek mythology and I only found little snippets of a similarly worded paragraph on the Chinese side. The author said it was true so I don't really know. I spent 40 minutes looking, I gave up. His name is left in Pinyin because like all bloody hell I tried to find something on that too. I can never look at a primrose again, but I did learn that an additional meaning was "I can't live without you." and that kinda hurt thinking about it.)

I see many students asking in advance for spoilers, Rosen and Ling Yu will be together, there will be meat after they are together, this author does not write tragedies.

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