ABO Cadets

Chapter Volume 2 50

Chapter 050, Undercurrent

Snow found the detector hidden between the junction of the walls in the bathroom and once again used the blood from his finger to drip down into it.

After roughly ten seconds, sure enough, the detector lit up with a hint of soft radiance. It simply appeared that the floor under Snow's feet suddenly split open with a crack of more than one meter wide, and Snow, standing there, immediately fell down and the floor subsequently closed soon after. The bathroom once again resumed its original appearance. Snow seemed as if he had just been suddenly swallowed up by the earth, disappearing without a trace.

The design of the city's underground is highly secretive and the authentication for entering is entirely reliant on blood.

The detector's bioanalysis system will automatically discern the present gene sequence in the human blood and strictly verify it compared to the data stored in the system. After a successful verification, the passage will be opened. Anyone who is not a member of the Undercurrent Organization absolutely may not enter without permission. If any strangers break into the underground of the city by any other means, all of the secret information in the underground of the city will be automatically destroyed!

More than 50 years ago, the SAV-II virus wreaked havoc and turned Locke Castle into Hell overnight. That virus passed through drinking water and spread rapidly in a short period of time. A large number of residents died due to the infection from the virus. Only a few several people narrowly and luckily escaped the disaster.

A married couple, Dr. Sean and his wife just happened to be doing experiments in a sealed laboratory at the time, thus avoiding the effects of the virus.

By the time they finished the experiment, the storm of the virus had long since passed, and the whole city had also become "The City of the Dead". The streets were full of the skeletons of the dead, communications and the Internet were paralyzed, and the military had immediately considered this place as a ruin. The city gates were also directly sealed off!

The two took along gas masks and started looking for survivors from house to house. They did surprisingly find a few living people.

As chance had it, those who were alive were all Omegas and many of them were pregnant Omegas. After Sean looked into it, he discovered that these Omegas had special physical constitutions, and the environment in their body is not very suitable for the survival of the SAV-II virus, therefore allowing them to survive this disaster.

Fortunately, the devastation of this virus had not ruined the city's infrastructure. The food sold in supermarkets was still edible, but because the city has been completely sealed off, communications and the Internet had also been completely interrupted. These survivors had no way to get in touch with the outside world, so they had no other option but to gather in Dr. Sean's villa and set up this underground passage, and began to find ways to live in this "City of the Dead".

(TN: Here, Dr. Sean is referred to in a different way as he previously was, he was referred to as a medical doctor at first (医生), but it seems he will also be referred to as Dr. (博士), as in one who has a Ph.D. kind of Dr. that received their doctorate degree in college. Presumably, he has a doctorate in a medical field regardless. Zhou Yi, on the other hand, has been referred to as (医生), the medical kind.)

— This is the origin of the Undercurrent Organization.

Except for Sean and his wife who are Beta, everyone else is all Omega and the Omega children they bore also, as a consequence, escaped the registration of the Omega Association.

In order to survive in these desperate straits, it is necessary to resolve the problem of the Omega's estrus.

Sean and his wife began to study inhibitors for Omegas. After going through continuous trials, they finally developed a hypodermic injection that can control the level of pheromones in the body. The Omegas no longer had to worry about their estrus causing complications.

The group of people lived in this ghost town cut off from the rest of the world for many years until the few Omega children slowly began to grow up.

Even though the several children were born in this kind of "City of the Dead", they were still quick-witted, clever, and obedient.

As the parents of these children, they can't bear to let their children stay here forever......

Thus, they thought of a way by looking in the machinery manufacturing plant for the very same metal wire Snow carried on his person. They could use this to climb the extremely high walls. They had made a variety of Omega pheromone inhibitors that allowed the children to disguise themselves as Betas and sneak into the population.

Under the guidance of many elders, those several Omega children became extremely excellent. They are not only very agile and nimble but also very intelligent. By the time they were young, they could use the metal wires to come and go to this castle with ease. They are simply just like a group of little Omega superhumans.

After growing up, those several Omega youths were not willing to resign themselves to living their entire lives being trapped in this sealed castle. They had dreamt of their own dreams. They wished to go outside and see the world and they also wanted other Omegas to live like them to be alive so freely and easily.

So, several Omega youths left Locke Castle with the help of those from the previous generation.

There was one who was admitted to the St. Romia Military Academy and became the youngest Major General in the history of the Empire; there was one who went to the Imperial Central Hospital and became the top doctor; there was one went on to learn to make mechs and became a remarkable expert mech manufacturer; there was one who pretended to be a Beta to enter the specialized Omega school and has become a well-received teacher......

(TN: Pretty sure this is referencing Ling Yu? I could have sworn I remember seeing this mentioned somewhere...)

They have gradually established a foundation in all walks of life and introduced the ​​Omega's who held the same ideas as them into the Undercurrent Organization.

The Undercurrent Organization secretly provided pheromone inhibitors to Omegas and even developed a new type of inhibitor that if injected throughout childhood would allow the child to completely become a Beta when they are 20 years old.

The scale of the Undercurrent Organization is getting bigger and bigger with many Omega newcomers secretly joining each year. This kind of inhibitor that can control the estrus is very popular among Omegas and it is quickly circulated in secret between Omegas.

That was until 19 years ago, the military did not know about the existence of this organization and began to thoroughly investigate the source of the inhibitors. They wanted to catch the entire organization in one net — Ling Yu was the first Omega to be singled out as a target by the military.

Fortunately, Ling Yu was able to notice that this turn of events was anything but good and immediately sent out a message to the Undercurrent's General Headquarters. A majority of the members in the Undercurrent Organization hid away in time to escape the pursuit of the military, but there were still some Omegas that had not had enough time to escape and were secretly arrested by the military.

Since the beginning of that year, this organization has vanished without a trace and many of the members of the organization remain unaccounted for.

Once again returning to the underground city of the Undercurrent General Headquarters after so many years, Snow actually has the feeling as though he is in artificial reality inside a dreamland.

Although Locke Castle is called The City of the Dead, this underground space is nevertheless constructed incomparably beautifully.

The survivors used a full six-year period to build a brand new underground city here.

The lights here use the most advanced energy-saving voice-activated lighting system. Snow is took the elevator all the way down. All along the way, the lights flicker on in succession as if they were greeting a guest. In the wake of the lights revealing light, one can see that each of the rooms has a different layout. There was a large-scale underground supermarket for storing food, pharmacies for storing various kinds of medicines, intertwining rows of rooms and even a gymnasium.

The underground of the city was altogether divided into three levels. The first floor is the residential area, the second floor is the food and various necessities storage area, and the third floor is the Undercurrent Organization's central laboratory.

Snow took in the elevator straight down and reached the lowest level of the central laboratory.

If he remembers correctly, there is something he wants to look for in the central laboratory —

Every raw material for making Omega pheromone inhibitors, including a large number of prohibited drugs that have long since been banned in the market!

Snow walked out of the freight elevator and took a deep breath, advancing towards the depths of the corridor.

In dead silence, only the echo of footsteps reverberated in the empty corridor and it was particularly clear to his ears. Snow quickened his steps forward and when he walked up to the entrance of the laboratory, he came down to a stiff halt.

— This isn't right, the echoing sound of these footsteps seems to be more than one person......

— Could there be another person here?!

Snow immediately took out the needle from inside his sleeve and clasped the end tightly in his hand. He had just barely turned around when he suddenly felt a slight prick on the nape of his neck!

The tip of the needle pierces through the skin on the nape of his neck and then a strange sense of numbness spreads all over his body.

Snow wides his eyes in shock.

— This is the conventional weapon used by members of the Undercurrent Organization!

— Dr. Sean's weapons, neuro-anesthetics, which were specially developed for Omegas, are hidden in tiny tips of needles. Even if you only lightly puncture the skin, you can directly drop a person with matchless strength straight to the ground. More importantly, the weapon can also pass through any inspections and can be stealthily hidden in sleeves, bags, and even under fingernails.

At the same time as he was thinking about this explanation, Snow's eyes already began to grow lax, and soon his whole body weakened and he fell towards the ground.

With his consciousness fading away, he perceived himself to be in what seemed like the embrace of a man. The man's arm held a lot of power, but his body had a faintly cold scent. Snow only had time to see the dark blue of the military boots on his feet......

(TN: Wonder who this is~? If you need a little extra help just see who wears a blue military uniform in the last chapter.)

Then, he completely lost consciousness.


The Bayh household's 200th birthday celebration for Mr. Aston has been on from the beginning of 8:00 in the morning up to 8:00 in the evening.

Although Caesar participated in the birthday celebration on behalf of the royal family's courtesy, he was honestly a little impatient as he sat in the banquet hall.

As the leader of the Hydra Legion, one of the five major legions of the Empire, the Bayh family naturally has a large family of fit with a plethora of branch families. Mr. Aston has several brothers and there are too many cousins to count. Those of the older generations dragged their sons and grandsons from running away to give their congratulations. This scene is really larger than life and would make one exclaim in admiration. Even Brian himself couldn't count how many brothers he had, let alone Caesar as an outsider.

Caesar was actually very familiar with the Bayh family, simply because of Mr. Aston's direct connection to his bloodline. Aston's youngest son, General Drew Bayh, is the head of the Hydra Legion. Caesar's first cousin once-removed, Berg, was married off to him and their only son, Brian, is Caesar's best friend.

(TN: Restating, here this is used, 堂叔- one's father's younger male cousin. (Google Translate will lie to you, it does contain the character for uncle but the first character is for a paternal cousin relationship.) Caesar will refer to him as an Uncle.)

Compared to those heaping piles of sons from all his uncles in the family, his only bloodline left is his sole child, Brian. It gives the impression that he really is a little weak.

The reason why General Drew only had Brian as his only baby son is entirely because of his most beloved man, his wife. Back then after Berg gave birth to Brian, his body was in such poor health that it got to the point where he almost died. Drew did not dare to let him continue to give birth. From then on, he has been using artificial contraceptives.

As a man who loves his wife, General Drew is often ridiculed by other people in the military.

Brian is actually very proud and heavily endorses his father's methods and he intends to learn from his father's strengths to develop and build upon them.

— Our family in the future, Snow will also only give birth once.

In the first place for Beta, just giving birth comes with difficulties and Brian was also reluctant to have Snow suffer through this ordeal and place too much pain in his innermost feelings until it was entirely too late.

The whole banquet hall was unusually bustling with noise and excitement and from time to time there were some so-called cousins ​​who came over to say hello to Brian.

It simply gave Brian an extreme headache.

His dad, Berg's personality is a bit cold and he engrosses himself in mech research all day long. His father, Drew is also occupied handling military affairs. Their family does not have much contact with other people in the Bayh family. Brian had always idly stuck himself to his dad's ass like a bum beetle and followed him closely to the storehouse to give him a helping hand, resulting in him being completely unfamiliar with his other brothers in the Bayh family.

*What Brig, Blaise, Blyde...... All of these names of his cousins are too hard to remember!

(TN: Names above are 布莱格,布莱兹,and 布莱德. Notice anything? Brian's name is 布莱恩. I myself thought it was funny, but anyways, apparently either Brian is overexaggerating or everyone in his family really isn't too creative with names. I should also throw in that Caesar (Xize) (西泽) and Xiwei (西维) both start with the same character too. It's taken from a character in Lacey Empire (莱西) which also has a character from Brian's name too (莱). This all just some neat little things I'd like to point out but never receive an opportunity to.)

From 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, the huge family gatherings was a boiling cauldron of voices. Brian was completely uninterested in the conversations of those cousins. He found an excuse to get out and arrived at Caesar's side. The two took along some glasses of red wine and went to a corner in the lounge and chatted.

Brian swirled the wine glass in his hand and frowned as he said: "It's so damn boring. My grandfather couldn't stand it anymore and slipped away earlier...... Shouxing has already left. Why are they still not stopping?!"

(TN: This is the name of the God of Longevity and just a specific term for an old person who is celebrating their birthday.)

Caesar said in a low voice: "According to your family's usual habits, every year they celebrate until at least 10 o'clock in the evening and then they can still stay up even later eating."

Brian nodded: "That's right, they finish eating at 11 o'clock, just in time to take a bath and go to bed."

The two simultaneously looked at each other face to face and smiled helplessly. They raised their glasses and bumped them, draining their cups in one gulp.

— This kind of big family gathering can truly go on for the whole day with so many people.

Caesar placed his empty wine glass on the table and looked back at Brian and said: "Wouldn't it be better to ditch?"

Brian had this thought, "Alright, I will take you to my family's mech warehouse to take a look."

Although the mech warehouse in Brian's home is a personal mech warehouse, it is nevertheless comparable to the Empire's officially largest mech warehouse.

Mr. Aston's warehouse stocks of armor parts range from E-Class to A-Class in as many as tens of thousands, this mech warehouse is almost comparable to a large-scale mech manufacturing plant. The entire mech warehouse is five stories. The first floor to the fourth floor is all depots classified to store all kinds of parts. The fifth floor stores some of the mechs that Berg himself has made. Ever since Mr. Aston finished up White Feather, he has no longer concerned himself with it. Now, this warehouse is being managed by Berg.

Brian brought Caesar to the fifth floor and Berg was also in there.

Under the lights, the man was fully concentrated as he examined the design plans, the profile of his face appeared unspeakably soft. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he raised his head and frowned slightly with some annoyance: "Brian, you're not at the party, what are you doing here?"

Berg being an Omega, this kind of family gathering is inconvenient to attend outright. After all, a lot of Alphas from a collateral bloodlines will be there. Drew wants nothing more than to hide his wife in his pocket. He is simply unable to let him show his face in front of so many Alphas.

Berg himself in regards to this unexpectedly does not want to get so close to this kind of excitement, he just wants to be at ease and stay in the mech warehouse to study design plans.

Coming into contact with the cold gaze of his Dad, Brian smiled and said: "Pa, this party is too boring, I took Caesar for a casual stroll."

(TN: He goes from (爸爸) to just (爸).)

Caesar also smiled and said: "Is Uncle is studying new mech design plans?"

Berg nodded and said: "En, I am helping Brian look over the plans for the design drawings of this healing-type mech." Pausing for a moment, he somewhat doubtfully said, "Brian, what are you doing with this healing-type mech? Furthermore, you're spending so much time designing it, who is it for?"

Brian was embarrassed as he scratched his head, he couldn't help but think: Of course, it is for your daughter-in-law!

However, the current timing is not right. Brian did not dare to confess about Snow too directly. He found an excuse to say: "I just suddenly had a burst of inspiration. According to these drawing plans, I made a mech, but I always feel that there is still a lot of room for improvements to be made, so I want you to help me take a look."

Berg nodded and handed the drawings back to Brian. The tone of his voice was flat as he said: "The train of thought behind this design is fairly good. At your current level, it can already be considered extraordinarily well done. There are a few areas where it can be upgraded some, I can help you draw it out, I could also find the opportunity to show it to your grandfather."

Berg very rarely praises his son, but often scolds Brian for acting like an idiot, he seldom declares any words considered to be praise like"extraordinarily well done". Brian immediately happily took the design plans from his dad's hands, "Thanks, Dad!"

Berg nodded his head and turned to look at Caesar: "Caesar, your Father came today too, right?"

Caesar said: "Yes, Father is talking over some things with Grandpa Aston."

Berg was silent for a moment and said, "Then you two are just messing around and taking a stroll around here. I am tired, I'll go back to rest first."

Caesar smiled and said: "Alright, goodnight Uncle."

Berg then left, Brian picked up the design plan with his dad's corrections, gives it a quick once over, and says excitedly: "Great, Pa's level is really much better than mine! Once I get back, I must immediately remodel Night Snow. Adding these kinds of functions, Snow will certainly be very happy."

Seeing Brian's face light up when he mentioned Snow, Caesar's heart felt slightly moved

......he also missed Lin Yuan a little.

Not seeing him for no more than one day, I began to miss that person. When I left the hotel, I left him a message for him and bought him lunch, but I can't be completely at ease. I always feel that leaving my Omega all alone is very irresponsible behavior......

It goes without saying that he really liked him from the start. In addition to his marking of him previously, the fundamental nature of an Alpha desires to protect, which makes Caesar itch to keep Lin Yuan close to his side at all times. He wishes for nothing more than for Lin Yuan to be in his line of sight in every moment. Not being able to see him for a single moment makes his heart terribly uncomfortable.

Brian studied the design plans for a second before running downstairs to dig out the right parts, leaving Caesar to take a stroll around in his lonesome.

Caesar was not in the mood to appreciate these mechs. His longing for Lin Yuan that settled at the bottom of his heart made him impatiently take a deep breath and turned to walk towards a window. He took out his own communicator and immediately input Lin Yuan's number.

The small ball in the palm of the hand started to revolve at a high speed and soon the communicator was put through.

Caesar suddenly froze in place.

— What appeared in front of him was not Lin Yuan's face, but the handsome face of an adult man.

— Imperial Marshal, Rosen.

It's currently almost eleven by now! How could Xiao Yuan's communicator be in the hands of the Marshal?

What is even more surprising is that the surroundings in which the Marshal is located is obviously a bedroom. On the bed behind him is the indistinct outline of a figure laying down on the bed. As the Marshal stands up from the bedside, the person lying on the bed in front of him gradually becomes more distinct.

Jet-black hair, long eyelashes, the corners of his lips are slightly raised into a smile from what must be experiencing a beautiful dream......

That's Lin Yuan......

Caesar was simultaneously shocked as a sudden trace of hot anger rose from the bottom of his heart!

Unlike from the mutual attraction between Alphas and Omegas, the pheromones between an Alpha and another Alpha entirely repel each other's existence. That day when he took Lin Yuan out to eat with Rosen, the Marshal repeatedly gave Lin Yuan dishes and also looked at Lin Yuan with a gaze full of tenderness. Caesar's heart was already in a somewhat bad mood from being hung up to the side to dry. Considering that the other side is a respected Marshal and a senior from the older generation, Caesar had to endure the uncomfortable feelings in his heart, trying to get it in his mind that this is merely an elder appreciating and looking after the younger generation and did not say anything.

After Rosen saw the mark on the nape of Lin Yuan's neck, Caesar explained the reason and simultaneously also really wanted him to be aware of who the person who marked Lin Yuan was. When an Alpha lets another Alpha know that he has left a mark on the neck of a certain Omega, this actually explicitly indicates something — it clearly informs the other party, Lin Yuan is already my Omega, don't try anything with my Xiao Yuan......

Caesar thought that he had already made it clear enough. As a result, today, Marshal Rosen actually brought Lin Yuan to a bedroom god knows where? Lin Yuan, this idiot actually even fell asleep without the slightest precautions?

Looking at the scene that seemed to be very "warm", Caesar's eyes were nearly spitting fire!

Tightly clenching his fist, Caesar steadied his voice as much as possible and said: "Marshal, what's this all about? Xiao Yuan, why is he there with you?"

Rosen coldly stared at Caesar, slightly knitting his brows, "Does Xiao Yuan's whereabouts even need to be reported to you?"

Caesar: "......"

Isn't this sentence simply a glaring provocation?

The Omega which I have just recently marked, is now sleeping peacefully next to another Alpha? No matter whether it is a prince or a civilian, this matter is absolutely intolerable for any Alpha!

Caesar took a deep breath and meticulously examined the surroundings of Rosen's location. He spoke with a low voice: "Is he in your apartment? I'm coming to pick him up now."

Rosen's lips seemed to upturn into an invisible smile while looking at this fool, Caesar. He indifferently said: "That's unnecessary, I will send him back to the hotel tomorrow morning, he is already asleep, you shouldn't bother coming."

As soon as he finished speaking, he just bluntly hung up his communicator.

As the image in front of him suddenly disappeared, Caesar stared blankly for a while, and then his face went red as if he had been slapped in the face.

Taking a deep breath and calming down his heart that almost exploded, Caesar firmly called out: "White Feather, come out!"

"Yes, Master!" White Feather who was summoned was immediately glad to jump out and send Caesar into its own cockpit. It excitedly said, "I can't wait any longer! Quick quick quick, let's go and take back Lin Xiao Yuan and Predecessor Suzaku!"


In Rosen's apartment.

Inside the space button, Black Dragon calmly said: "Master, White Feather has arrived right at the door."

Rosen looked down at the time stamp on the stopwatch, one minute and five seconds.

Caesar flew to the door of Rosen's apartment in a minute and five seconds.

Nevertheless, Rosen frowned and faintly said: "This Caesar is too slow."

The author has something to say: Caesar courts death by going to the front door of his father-in-law's house hahahaha.

Courting death Caesar+Courting death White Feather~~~!

No zuodie

(TN: Written in English, if you don't seek death you won't die, used to comment on crazy actions that lead to embarrassment or other awkwardness. May also be written as No Zuo No Die.)

The master and mech are over on the same rhythm together ~ ~ 2k novel reading network

(TN: Written in English too.)

(Another TN: I took a long time, yes I know. But I got caught up on the raw episodes of The Untamed so who really lost something besides me who spent like 10 hours binging?)

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