Academy’s Second Seat

Chapter 116: Northern Invasion (7)

Chapter 116: Northern Invasion (7)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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Locke came to see us early in the morning.

"A traitor."

"I've briefly discussed it with my father already. I thought Astina should know, so I came."

Saying this, Locke glanced to the side.

"Why are you two acting like this?"

Locke looked at us with narrowed eyes.

Luna and I looked back at him, giggling.

The reason for our laughter?

Astina gave a soft smile.

"I've already heard a bit from them."


Last night.

After I took Luna back to her room, I had a short conversation with Astina.

The topic was about an enemy within our ranks.

And the scene we witnessed.

A traitorous soldier, and speculation that someone was orchestrating it all.

I relayed everything to Astina.

"Well, these two might not know all the details, but they did know some key pieces of information."

"Key information?"

I responded, seeing the questioning look on Locke's face.

"Magic tools."

As I said this, Luna, who was beside me, took out a notebook and showed it to everyone.

"There's a magic tool installed on the city wall."

In the notebook Luna presented, there was a drawing of the magic circle carved onto the magic tool.

Of course, it wasn't the complete magic circle detailing all its functionalities.

Extracting the exact magic circle from the tool is almost impossible.

The only discernible part was the central rune.

Just enough to understand the magic circle's capability.

But that was enough.

"What kind of magic is it?"

To Locke's question, Luna replied.

"It's explosive magic."

"They probably aim to bring down the city wall."

I added to Luna's statement.

"The city wall...?"

"Yes, that magic tool is currently installed on the wall."

We followed the soldier who had received the magic tool.

That soldier, holding the tool, went back towards the wall.

He checked his surroundings and then removed a brick from the wall.

When the brick was taken out, an opening was revealed, into which he placed the magic tool.

After he left, we inspected the magic tool.

A round-shaped magic tool.

A bomb meant to destroy the wall.

"But, why did you leave the magic tool there?"

"In case they check it and find it missing."

I said with a smirk.

"We have to get rid of them all at once."

When dealing with pests, you can't just pick them off one by one.

You need to be swift and thorough.

That way, they won't have time to react or hide.

So, you need to eliminate them entirely without leaving a trace.

"So, the issue is that 'Mercenary King' and one of your knights?"

I gestured a slashing motion across my throat.

"Now that we know their plan, let's take them out."

At my words, Astina also chimed in.

Central can help since it's related to the rebels.

Yet, Locke's face didn't seem hopeful.

What do you plan to do with the beasts if we deal with them now?

Seeing Locke's expression, Astina quietly spoke.

Are many soldiers involved?

The knight in question holds a significant rank, and he has many soldiers under him.

At Locke's words, Luna cocked her head.

Why? Can't we just get reinforcements from Central?

In response to Luna's question, I shook my head.

The beast attack will happen soon. It would take time to bring in additional soldiers, and the beasts could strike before they arrive.

Mobilizing a large group of soldiers isn't simple; many factors must be considered.

Especially now, when were uncertain about the rebels' next move.

It's not feasible to withdraw a large force from just one territory.

We'd need to pull small numbers from multiple territories.

If we waited for Central to oversee these movements, it would be too time-consuming.

So, the only help from Central was the soldiers Astina brought, along with a few knights and nobles.

But they werent weak.

After some thought, Astina spoke in a low voice.

"When the beasts attack, the rebels might use a different strategy."

If we preemptively strike the rebels, they might retaliate in an unexpected manner.

If they have hidden troops nearby for a surprise attack, we'd be dealing with an enemy of unknown strength.

"So, are we waiting until the beasts attack?

Locke remained silent, seemingly in agreement with Astina's point.

Facing them as the magical beasts attack...

It's a risky strategy.

Dealing with both beasts and rebels simultaneously wasnt easy.

Even if we knew most of their plan, it was a dangerous operation.

However, I found myself somewhat agreeing with Locke.

If many soldiers were purged before the beasts attacked, morale would plummet.

During the skirmish with the beasts, the idea that someone might stab them in the back would take root.

It's hard to make a move with a significant battle looming.

Can't we at least capture that knight?

"Thats doable. That's the plan, in fact."

"But if he goes missing, wouldn't the others notice?"

I've thought of that too. Capturing him is the priority. We don't want our own men fighting each other during the battle.

In the midst of this conversation, Professor Gracie, who was beside us, raised her hand.

Let's say the war goes well.

She tilted her head, asking,

"Who will guard our rear?"

All of us turned to look intently at Professor Gracie.

A figure who had no specific role in the battle with the beasts and would be positioned in the rear.

She's highly regarded in the academy and became a royal wizard at a young age.

Such a talent that Professor Cromwell personally scouted her.

"...Why are you all looking at me?"

"I've heard quite a lot about Professor Gracie from Professor Cromwell."

Astina said with a smile.

"I'm counting on you."


Raei Translations


Lucarion Mansion.

A choked gasp echoed.

Darren Lucarion, the head of the Lucarion family, was wielding a sword.

Before him lay a knight, covered in blood.

Darren wiped the blood from his blade.

"Lord... I beg your forgiveness... Please... spare my life..."

In what seemed like an invitation for dinner and conversation at the mansion, Darren unexpectedly attacked the knight.

Caught off guard, the knight couldn't defend against Darren's sudden onslaught.

He was overwhelmed even before he could draw his own sword.

Of course, even fully armed and prepared, the knight would never have been a match for Darren.

There were only a few who could hope to challenge the seasoned Darren in a duel.

"I won't kill you right away."

Upon Darren's signal, Locke stepped out from the shadows, approaching slowly.

"You'll likely end up begging for death."

"My Lord...!!!"

"Tell me everything you know. If you do, I promise a swift, painless death."


The knight was then dragged away by Locke.

Darren sighed heavily.

The pain of betrayal from someone he had trusted was a heavy blow.

It was agonizing to realize he had been backstabbed by someone he'd trusted so deeply.


"Cedric... Why did you make this choice..."

Darren had always considered Cedric as close as a brother.

Having fought life-threatening battles together every four years, their bond was even deeper than that of siblings.

They'd celebrated victories and shared drinks after the battles.

To think that Cedric, who was like a brother, was now plotting against him was a devastating revelation.

"Since you aimed for the lives of me and the people of the territory..."

Darren stared at his bloodied sword.

"I won't stand by idly."

He had set explosive magic on the walls, lured in the rebels, and then planned a major offensive during the magical beast invasion.

If Cedric's plan had come to fruition, not just Darren, but his son Locke, his wife, and all the people of the territory would have faced annihilation.

Darren couldn't forgive Cedric for orchestrating such treachery.

Had Cedric targeted only him, Darren might have listened, perhaps even sympathized.

But this was a different matter.

Darren couldn't find it in himself to forgive.


Raei Translations


Time passed quickly.

Inside a tent where a meeting was in full swing.

A soldier rushed in.

"My Lord... They are approaching."

Darren let out a sigh.

As he stood up, the expressions of those around him tightened.

The magical beasts.

They had come.

"Proceed as planned."

Upon Darren's order, those seated began leave the tent.

Once everyone had left, only two individuals remained.

"My Lord."

Astina and Darren.

Only the two of them.

"Then, I'll proceed as planned."

Darren nodded in acknowledgment.

"Please ensure the safety of my son and our people."

"I entrust the front lines to you."

"Don't worry about those creatures; holding them off is my specialty."

Instead of following the others, Astina exited through the back of the tent.

Darren, after watching Astina leave, stepped outside himself.

He was clad in black armor.

And he gripped a long sword in his hand.

His presence commanded the attention of those around.

With every step, his armor clanked, drawing the gazes of nearby soldiers.

Darren moved with deliberate slowness, heading to the command post atop the city gates.

Ascending with each step, he reached his destination, taking in the view beyond the walls.

Outside, a vast plain stretched out.

A barren land with not a single blade of grass or tree in sight.

Darren's gaze settled on the distant horizon.

At the end of his sightline, a horde of beasts loomed.

Swarming dark masses.

Their numbers were staggering, well into the tens of thousands.

"My Lord, here is your helmet."

A soldier beside him handed Darren a helmet.

A black helmet that matched his armor.

Darren surveyed his surroundings.

There were soldiers filled with fear, while others swallowed, their faces tense.

Darren took the helmet, and then spoke up.

"Warriors, are you afraid?"

"If we let fear control us, everything behind usour homes, our familieswill be lost."

"They will be overrun and taken from us."

"But if we muster just a bit more courage, such a fate will not come to pass."

Darren donned the helmet.

"Warriors of the North, our allies who've come to aid us."

"As it has always been, as we've always shown,"

"Only victory lies before us."

Darren, with the helmet on, raised his sword high.

"Bring death to the enemy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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