Academy’s Second Seat

Chapter 87: Winter Vacation (3)

Chapter 87: Winter Vacation (3)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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Crunch. Crunch.

I was on my way to the library to fetch some materials.

The freshly fallen snow on the ground compressed with a delicate crunch under my feet.

Given it was the holiday break, the academy was deserted, with only the impressions of my steps marring the pristine snow.

Lost in thought, I glanced downward.

Bending over, I reached down and scooped up a handful of snow.

"It's cold."

With my hands, I shaped the snow into a perfect ball.


Staring at the round snowball, I made up my mind.

Today, let's have some fun.


Raei Translations


With a bounce in my steps, I approached Rie and Luna.

Pushing aside the tasks I had originally planned to do, I immediately went to them.

However, the response I got was unexpected.

"...I dont want to, it's cold."

"Hehe... Rudy, are you still a child?"


Their response caught me off guard.

"You... don't have snowball fights?"

For the past two weeks, the two of them had been deeply focused, doing nothing but research.

While I occasionally went out for some physical activity, these two barely moved.

They would hastily eat whatever was available in the room and focus entirely on their research, with no other distractions.

That's why I believed they needed a change of pace.

Two weeks had already passed since we started this project.

At this point, it'd be normal for one to feel stuffed and less productive.

Though it looks like they haven't reached that point.

At first, they would give me peculiar tasks, which was a bit frustrating, but that only lasted a day or two.

Once they truly delved into their research, things progressed smoothly and quickly.

However, I was concerned for them.

Being locked up in a room continuously is detrimental to both physical and mental health.

Even a short walk can make a huge difference in keeping one's mind sharp and alert.

These two hadn't even taken that short walk or any other activity.

I couldn't help but worry.

So, I decided to take action.

I thought that by using the snow as an excuse, I could get them outside, even if just for a little while.

"How about making a snowman then?"

"Rudy! We're not kids. Why would we make a snowman?"

Luna remarked, placing her hands on her hips.

"No... I didn't..."

I was genuinely surprised to hear Luna's comment.

Though Luna wasn't particularly childish, her behavior and mindset were closest to that of the youngest among us.

"Don't go outside, it's cold. Lets stay inside and have some warm tea. We wont ask you to do anything anymore."

Rie said dismissively.

I felt a tad upset.

Was I saying all this for my own sake?

I was just concerned since they were always inside.

Of course, I do love snow.

Seeing the academy grounds blanketed with untouched snow evoked a certain wave of nostalgia.

Especially since the snow at the academy was mostly untouched.

To see this and not build a beautiful white snowman felt almost sinful.

"Fine then..."

I sighed and headed towards the door.

While I rarely ever felt a strong desire to play, I couldn't resist the allure of snow.

But then again, these two weren't just lazing around, they were researching for my sake.

So, suggesting something like this might have been inappropriate.

My excitement got the best of me, what with the snow and all.

Considering the situation, it might've been a bit too much...


As I tried to leave the room, Luna called out to me.


She hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"Want to play outside for just an hour?"

I stared wide-eyed at Luna's proposal.

"But only make a small snowman and then come back inside, okay? We might catch a cold if we stay out for too long."


I was deeply touched by her words.


Upon hearing that, even Rie put down her pen.

"Alright. But just for a little while."

I suddenly felt a surge of pettiness at Rie's words.

So, she wants to join now that Luna's agreed to it?

I looked at her with a kind smile and began,

Actually, Rie, if you don't want to come out, you can just stay inside.


Rie's eyes widened in surprise.

"It's cold outside. We'll play for a bit and come back."

As I said that, Rie began to look flustered.

"No, I mean..."

"Just have some warm tea inside. You can rest until we come back. I won't say anything."

"What... what are you saying!"

Rie was so taken aback she couldn't continue her sentence.

I smirked mischievously, observing her reaction.

Then, turning to Luna, I said,

"Let's just make one snowman and come back, Luna."

"Huh? Oh okay! Sounds fun!"

Luna seemed initially surprised, but then she responded with a bright smile.

"Ugh... Ugh...!!"

All Rie could do was glare at me with clenched fists, unable to say a word.

"Luna, it's cold outside, so bring a scarf and gloves too."

"Yeah! I brought them just in case when I came to your room earlier!"

"No, wait..."

Rie reached out towards me.

"What? What's wrong?"

I teased Rie playfully.

"I... I want..."

Rie hesitated, unable to ask to join us.

Normally, she would've brushed it off as a joke and just joined, but not today.

"What did you say? I couldnt quite hear you."

I smiled cheekily at Rie.

With pursed lips, Rie glared back.

"What? Have something to say?"

"I... I want to join you guys."

Finally suppressing her frustration, Rie raised her voice at me.

Seeing this, I responded with a bright smile,

"Alright, let's all go together."


Raei Translations


Rudy! Is this how it's done?

Yeah! That size looks about right.

We headed straight out to the Liberion Academy's sports field.

Rie and I began rolling up a massive snowball.

Do we really have to do this?

Rie spoke to us with a slightly annoyed expression.

I mean, sure, we're all dressed up for it, but did you have to wear so many layers?

I looked at Rie with a mocking glance.

She had bundled up in so many layers that she resembled a snowball herself.

If her clothes were white, they would've blended perfectly with the snowballs we made.

Its cold. I absolutely despise the cold,

Rie grumbled, turning her head away.

But doesnt rolling the snow with your bare hands hurt? Why don't you just let me do it?

No way! I even enjoy the sting of the cold on my hands.

In truth, when we first arrived, there was already a snowman standing.

Rie had quickly conjured one up by using elemental magic to gather snow.

However, I immediately destroyed it.

Thats not a real snowman!

I felt like a master craftsman witnessing factory-made ceramicscompletely artificial and void of soul.

Rudy! Ill move this over there!

No, no, let me roll it over to you.

I rolled my larger snowball towards Lunas smaller one.

And now, like this

I began placing Lunas smaller snowball atop the one I made.

And just like that, our snowman was complete.



Both Luna and I gazed upon our snowman, wearing proud smiles.

Thankfully, the snow was of good quality and untouched, allowing us to make it quickly.

Now, lets...

I was about to get the bag containing sticks and tools I had prepared for decoration when Rie interrupted.

Hey, its been an hour already.


I stared at Rie in surprise.

That's right. We only agreed to play for an hour, remember?

Luna nodded in agreement, casting a glance my way. But then...

Our snowman isn't completely finished yet

I looked utterly crestfallen.

Luna then waved her finger at me, adopting a reprimanding tone.

Rudy! Are you planning to break our promise?

From the side, Rie smirked mischievously.

Or would you like me to quickly finish it up for you?

Absolutely not!

I immediately reached out, signaling her to stop, and turned to Luna.

Her stern gaze told me she wasn't going to budge.

Realizing this, I finally gave in.

Alright... lets finish it another time.

However, just because I gave up on completing the snowman didn't mean I had lost my playful spirit.

With a swift move, I scooped up some snow, pressed it into a ball, and threw it right at Rie.


With a soft thud, Rie made a peculiar sound as the snowball struck her.

Because of her tightly-fitting clothes, Rie couldn't evade the incoming snowball.

So cold!!!

Ries eyes widened in surprise as the snowball hit near her neck, and she frantically tried to shake it off.

She reached up to her neck to remove the snow that had found its way inside her collar.

Watching her, I couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

Hehe... This is what you get for coming out here and not expecting a snowball attack.

I felt satisfied, having finally managed to hit Rie with a snowball.

Well, now that youve gotten what you deserve... I should head in...

I said, smiling at Rie.

But I stopped midsentence upon seeing Rie's expression.

Beside Rie floated Sylph, the wind elemental.

And next to Sylph, a massive amount of snow hovered in the air.

Not satisfied yet?

Rie stared at me with fierce determination.

...No, Im satisfied.

I backpedaled, my voice edged with nervousness.

However, Rie challenged my statement.

No, youre not.


All the snow that Sylph held suddenly rushed towards me.


Caught off guard and unable to conjure any magic in response, I was pelted by the flurry of snow.


Luna's voice rang out in alarm.


Raei Translations


...It's cold.

I shivered as I walked towards the dormitory.

Who told you to do that in the first place?

Rie said that, but seeing my discomfort, she took off her coat and draped it over me.

Watching this, Luna remarked,

Rudy, you kind of look like a puppy.

I looked straight at Luna,

...Is that a compliment?


Luna didn't answer, but gave an awkward laugh.

Good grief

Rie sighed, looking at me with a mix of amusement and exasperation.

As we slowly approached the dormitory, a commotion arose.

Princess Rie!

The housekeeper, Azela, who managed the dormitory, was rushing towards us.


Rie tilted her head, noticing Azela's urgency.

What happened?

Catching her breath, Azela exclaimed,

Huff Huff... His Majesty, the Emperor, has sent a carriage for you!


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