Afterlife Department

Chapter 431 - Pei Tingsong

Chapter 431 - Pei Tingsong

"Wha…" Pei Tingming's eyes widened and his jaw dropped as he looked at the two organs in shock. "What… what the hell – " he stammered. His lips are quivering and his face is pale both in fright and anger. "WHAT IS THIS?!?!" he shouted as he pointed to the two, bloody organs on the ground with a shaking hand.

One of the organs can be found inside the chest, while the other is in the head. They are a heart and a brain, respectively. The heart has already stopped beating and has shrunk because it was pierced and lost too much blood.

Li Hua's cries became louder. "My Song-er!!!" she cried in her hands. Her tears formed a puddle on the ground and mixed with the blood.

"SHUT UP!!!" Pei Tingming snarled at her. He then turned to the doctors. "What happened to Tingsong?!" he asked. "How can he die… he can't be dead! It's just a fever! How can he die from a fever?! Are you playing a sick joke on me?!" he yelled at them. "Or was it that you misdiagnosed him, so now he's dead?! You killed him! You want to harm him! You want to harm me! You want to harm all of my family, don't you?!" he asked and pulled the nearest doctor and then punched him.

"Our lord!" the guards cried and immediately pulled Pei Tingming and the doctor apart.

The doctor that was punched by Pei Tingming whimpered and crawled towards the other doctors. "I resign!" he cried. "I don't want to stay here anymore! I resign!!!" he said as he ran out of the door. His nose is bleeding and his cheek is red and swollen.

"Tch! Coward! Let's see where you can run to!" Pei Tingming sneered as he formed a plan to capture the escaped doctor tomorrow. "You! Explain to me clearly what happened to Tingsong or you'll die!" he told one of the two doctors left.

"L-Lord Pei… the third young master really had a fever three days ago." The doctor answered and he wanted to cry. But, knowing that Pei Tingming won't let them off, he held back his tears. "Then, earlier, after we called for the guards to assist you, the madam called us and said that the third young master isn't responding anymore and is barely breathing. We immediately checked him and found out that the third young master's vital signs were lost." He said.

Pei Tingming's expression is extremely ugly.

The doctor hastily continued. "Then… then we remembered that… that – " he glanced at Xu Hongkai's belly that was ripped open before he immediately retracted his gaze. "That belly's movements earlier looked familiar. Then, we realized that… that it's the same movement of a beating heart." He finished.

Pei Tingming's heart sank as he blankly stared at them. "… kill them." He told the guards.

The two doctors immediately cried. Fortunately, the guards didn't move. "Our lord… we also can't accept the third young master's death." The captain of the guards said. His words are sympathetic, but his face and voice are void of it. "The recent events are extremely bizarre. We'll definitely get to the bottom of it." he then glanced at the two doctors. "Also, we can't kill them." He turned to Pei Tingming and whispered something to him.

Pei Tingming's expression immediately changed. Ji Qiuxin was puzzled and is curious of what the guard had told Pei Tingming, but she held her curiosity. Meanwhile, Ke Hanying's brows shot up, and his expression turned pensive while he looked at Pei Tingming and the captain of the guards before he retracted his gaze.

Although Pei Tingming's expression eased because of what the captain of the guards said, he still felt anger. "Stand up." He told the crying Li Hua. His tone has also softened.

Li Hua obediently stood up. "My Song-er… my Song-er!!!" she cried.

Pei Tingming wiped her tears. "Take her back to her room." He told the doctors and the guards.

"Yes." The captain of the guards answered as he took Li Hua away while his subordinates took the doctors.

Only Pei Tingming, Ji Qiuxin and Ke Hanying were left.

"Priestess… why didn't you tell me that they were a heart and a brain inside lord Xu's belly?" Pei Tingming asked Ji Qiuxin.

"How can I know that they were organs?" Ji Qiuxin calmly asked back. "I can only sense evil, but not identify what kind of being are they." He said and looked at Pei Tingming in the eyes, as if saying that Pei Tingming is also evil, as well as the owner of the two organs found inside Xu Hongkai's belly.

Pei Tingming's darkened.

Suddenly, the silent Ke Hanying spoke. "Wasn't there something else there?" he asked and pointed to Xu Hongkai's belly. "And it looks like the priestess wasn't wrong. There is really a being inside." He said. "And it looks like it was the one that attacked earlier." He added.

Pei Ting and Ji Qiuxin sharply turned. Pei Tingming's face paled. They were too shocked of the brain and the heart that they found, and was distracted by Li Hua's cries and the doctors' panic that they didn't inspect further what is inside Xu Hongkai's belly. That if there are more. They have forgotten that something that attacked them earlier.

"But I don't sense any evilness anymore." Ji Qiuxin spoke.

"Then, it must have already died." Ke Hanying shrugged as if this isn't related to him.

Ji Qiuxin looked at him for a while before she retracted his gaze.

"Somebody! Come here!" Pei Tingming shouted outside the door.

Li Hua's room is near the shed, that's why she immediately arrived earlier. Her room is near the shed because Sun Ri chose it for her when they were still not pregnant. Naturally, Sun Ri's status as the legal wife makes her superior to Li Hua, not to mention her family's backing which made her more superior than her, even though she is favored by Pei Tingming. Li Hua can only swallow this injustice.

The captain of the guards returned. "What is, our lord? Are you alright?" he asked.

"There is still something in there. The one that attacked us. Check it." Pei Tingming ordered.

"Yes." The captain of the guards nodded and picked up a sword on the side before he used its tip to tear the hole larger for them to see what's inside the belly.

"URGH!" Ji Qiuxin covered her mouth and she turned her back on them to vomit when they finally saw what's inside.

"SH*T!" Pei Tingming cursed and his face turned green. But, he isn't a delicate woman like Ji Qiuxin so he held back his nausea.

The silent grim reapers on the side also saw it.

"A child?!" Jiu Ye exclaimed as his eyes widened in shock. "No… it's too small… an infant?!?!" he said when they saw a small figure curled up under the flesh of Xu Hongkai's belly.

Its body was riddled with holes after the guards pierced it earlier. But, the strange things are –

"How can there be an infant in a man's stomach?!" the captain of the guards exclaimed.

And –

"… where… where did the brain and the heart came from?" Pei Tingming asked as he looked at the small holes on the infant's corpse. Obviously, they aren't enough for an adult's brain and heart to slip through.

More like, the infant's corpse isn't big enough to fit in an adult's brain and heart. So, where did the brain and heart come from? Based from Li Hua's cries and the doctors' claims earlier, they know that the brain and the heart that were found earlier belong to Pei Tingsong who is now dead. But, they found an infant's corpse inside Xu Hongkai's belly. Logically speaking, Pei Tingsong's brain and heart should've been placed inside the infant's corpse. But, there are no signs of surgery on the infant's corpse.

Also – "Li Hua and the doctors didn't say that someone cut open Tingsong's skull and chest to take his brain and heart. They just said that he was unresponsive." Pei Tingming silently spoke. "So, how did Tingsong's brain and heart ended up here? How did the culprit take it from him? And why were they placed inside Xu Hongkai's belly, next to an infant's corpse?" he asked.

Ke Hanying crossed his arms and pinched his chin, deeply pondering. "I've heard of rumors about lord Xu before… that he has weird fetishes…" he said and deliberately stopped speaking, leaving the others hanging, and making their imaginations run wild.

"What the f*ck?!" Pei Tingming cursed as his face flushed in anger. He glared at Xu Hongkai's corpse. If he knew that this trash is a pedophile, he definitely wouldn't invite him to desecrate Pei Tinghe's funeral!

"So, lord Xu is…" the guard captain frowned. "But, how does that relate to the third young master? Why is the third young master's brain and heart be placed inside lord Xu's belly?" he asked.

Ke Hanying wasn't the least bit bothered as he carelessly shrugged. "Who knows what the culprit is thinking?" he said. "A prank?" he guessed before he grinned. "I'm not the culprit, so how can I know their thoughts?" he asked.

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