Against the Clock: The Team Leader’s Pursuit of Glory

Chapter 11 - Run if You Want to Live

In an instant, Kang Mu-hyuk's eyes swiftly caught onto Jang I-hyun's expression and tone. It was almost instinctual. His mind flashed with memories of Jang I-hyun's background and the information about his acquaintances.

'Jang was in the Vice-Guild Master's line, wasn't he? He must be mid-tier. His age is appropriate, and he has a good disposition. A stepping stone connecting the novice and senior Hunters. The party leader who nearly died because of Ma Taesik. One Hunter in his command died, two were severely injured. One was forced to retire due to an irrecoverable crash. His party disbanded. And they are bringing back the bastard who caused all this trouble, who not only left the guild but also ended up in jail?'

If this didn't infuriate him, he wouldn't be a Hunter.

'It's an unexpected division, but it's not my business. Though, it would certainly be useful for the Guild Master.'

As Kang Mu-hyuk pondered this, he knew he had to present his thoughts carefully to the Guild Master.

"It's already too late."

"Eh, why? Didn't you also suffer from Ma Taesik?"

"Party leader Jang."


"What does this have to do with you?"


"On what authority are you demanding I reverse the discussion that occurred between the Vice-Guild Master and me?"

"I, I'm not demanding. I'm requesting."

"In that case, you're aware it's an audacious request."

"That, that's..."

From his perspective, he was trying to garner sympathy by revealing his grudge against Ma Taesik. But to Kang Mu-hyuk, it was nothing more than a clumsy attempt at gaining his understanding without earning it.

If Jang I-hyun had wanted to request something, he should have tried to persuade him with clear reasons instead of appealing to emotion.

He didn't want to fall out of favor with Ma Taesu, but he also didn't want to see Ma Taesik go free.

From Jang I-hyun's point of view, he must have had the absurd role of quelling the discontent of the young Hunters who had lost a comrade, but this stratagem of shifting his decision onto someone else...

He thought again about how being a good person and being a good Hunter were entirely different things.

For once, Kang Mu-hyuk decided to respond with a business-like tone befitting his role as the Strategy and Tactics Team Leader.

"Vice-Guild Master made me a fair offer, and I also set appropriate conditions to conclude our conversation. So what are you bringing to the table, Party Leader Jang? You want me not to bring up Ma Taesik? Why don't you go to the Vice-Guild Master and express everyone's opinion? Honestly voicing dissatisfaction has a higher probability than nagging me."

"There's no point in talking!"

"There's no point? How can you be so sure without even trying?"

"Eh? Eh.... Well, that's..."

Ma Taesu was authoritative, but he wasn't a person who closed his ears. If he considered you one of his own, he took good care of you.

Conversely, he was competent in the binary of seeing someone as either an ally or an enemy. That was why the guild members didn't wish to be his enemy.

This dual nature was what was cornering Jang I-hyun.

The moment Jang I-hyun mentioned the taboo name Ma Taesik, he feared being branded as Ma Taesu's enemy.

Upon Kang Mu-hyuk's counter-question, Jang I-hyun stammered out a reply.

"Even the Vice-Guild Master dislikes bringing up Ma Taesik."

Where did this statement come from all of a sudden?

Even before Jang I-hyun could finish his sentence, Kang Mu-hyuk had read between the lines.

"So, despite his dislike, there's a reason Vice-Guild Master has to bring up Ma Taesik?"

Beyond the Battlefield.

"...Yes, you're right. I failed to explain properly."

Jang I-hyun's sigh was laden with myriad emotions.

Jang I-hyun's actions had not been solely motivated by trying to placate the young Hunters' grievances. His loyalty to the Vice-Guild Master played a significant part as well.

"Since we've already laid out so much, I'll be completely frank. One of our guild's major shareholders has been looking out for Ma Taesik."

"Ma Taesik? What's he got that's worth looking out for?"

"He's no good as a Hunter, but he has quite a reputation, doesn't he? Seems like he's popular with women... I'll stop there. I don't want to embarrass the Vice-Guild Master any further..."

Kang Mu-hyuk understood more than he wanted to.

He remembered a piece of information he had casually picked up. It was merely a rumor, and it didn't seem credible, so he hadn't given it much thought.

'Mrs. Kim Yanghee. I heard she had a younger boyfriend. So it was Ma Taesik?'

He didn't want to comment on love affairs between men and women, but he couldn't believe that the guild was shaking to its core over such a matter. And this was an A-rank guild.

When he discovered the truth, Kang Mu-hyuk felt drained. At the same time, he realized why Ma Taesu had been so protective of his younger brother.

It wasn't out of familial loyalty. That had never been Ma Taesu's character. Ma Taesu had been protecting Ma Taesik because of the influence Kim Yanghee, a major shareholder, had over other shareholders.

Choosing to save Ma Taesik was a better choice for Ma Taesu than bowing to the Guild Master.

'Impressive in many ways. And there's no way the Guild Master doesn't know this. He's got too many informants.'

He must've known but still chose to keep quiet. Even the Guild Master couldn't freely speak in front of the major shareholders.

That was why he didn't want to take the easy path.

He had argued for rising on their own without external capital, but there was always a gap between Kang Mu-hyuk, who prioritized monster hunting, and the Guild Master, whose goal was to become a tier 1 guild.

Kang Mu-hyuk no longer wanted to engage in conversation with Jang I-hyun.

"I don't want to get entangled in such affairs. I'll pretend I didn't hear anything."

Faced with Kang Mu-hyuk's cold demeanor, Jang I-hyun didn't dare to argue.

Kang Mu-hyuk decided not to meet with the Guild Master. It would be uncomfortable to confront him in his current mood.

As he rode the elevator down, he thought, 'I knew, didn't I? Once a guild reaches A-rank, it's no longer solely about hunting monsters. I pretended not to know because as long as there were monsters to hunt, everything was fine.'

But was hunting monsters really all there was to it?

Perhaps it wasn't the Guild Master who had been too casual about running the guild, but him.

"Maybe I'm sick of seeing this mess. I should just quickly take care of my task and get it over with."

Kang Mu-hyuk dialed an unfamiliar number from the file Ma Taesu had given him as he left the parking lot.

Flames fell from above, like a shower of fiery snowflakes.

The smell of burnt metal grazed his nostrils. Small pools of liquid glowed with a red hue.

A woman lay sprawled in a small apartment room.


Her mom had kept smiling until the end, even as she was being eaten by the monster.

In her final moments, a silent voice reached out to the girl.

'Run away.'

Upon hearing that one word, she didn't hesitate or look back; she just ran. As she sprinted, she found herself blending into the crowd of people also fleeing for their lives.

Screams and loud noises echoed all around.

She ran while crying until she stumbled over something.

It was a person. A dead person.

Seeing the horrific monsters chasing her from behind, she felt her legs give out.

At that moment, someone extended a hand.

"Grab on!"

"Go, run! The monster... Ahhh!"

Screaming, she forced herself up. Sweat was drenched all over her body. Sunlight streamed into the office through a wall that was entirely glass.

She glanced to the side only to see the armrest of the couch where she had briefly rested was broken. She must have gripped it too hard in her sleep.

"Are you alright, Guild Master?"

The office door opened, and a man entered. Seeing Ju Se-ah soaked in cold sweat, he went to the bathroom connected to the office and brought back a towel.

"Did you dream about the past again?"

"It's been a while. It must be because I met Kang Mu-hyuk. Seeing a pathetic guild like his brought back some old memories."

Ju Se-ah dried her face and neck, which were wet from sweat, with the towel and stood up.

The man clicked his tongue as he looked at the broken couch.

"We need to replace the couch again. Still, it lasted half a year this time; longer than usual."

"That's why I said we should just use a cheap one."

"Why not just sleep in your bed? Stop pretending to be busy by sleeping on the couch and go home to rest."

"The bed breaks, too. Couches are a cheaper fix."

"This couch was expensive. How about buying a cheap but durable Lycra mattress?"

"We're in the Taesung Group here. Even if we opt for something cheap, Lycra looks a bit low-end. We have a history and tradition to uphold. We need to consider the dignity of a Guild Master."

"Right. The history and tradition of a C-rank guild."

"Ah, we should've just left Jang Deuk-goo in the Immortal Guild. If only he kept his mouth shut."

"I should have quit a long time ago, too. It's absurd to keep a high-quality asset like me idle in an unknown guild for over a year."

Ju Se-ah laughed heartily at Jang Deuk-goo's grumbling and scratched her head.

"Hey, thanks to you, we managed to settle things well with Slayer. You also got a fresh start. Isn't it quite a profit considering you were idle for a year?"

"Remembering how the Slayer Guild threatened to kill you still gives me the chills. It was fortunate that everything got resolved. Otherwise, you could've ended up being food for an Ogre in a gate. What were you thinking when you accepted the deal using the scapegoat scheme created by the Immortal Guild Master?"

"What else could I do? Keep playing house with you here at Taesung Guild? Seriously, they can brag all they want about being a tier-1 guild, but they create nasty rumors just because I didn't renew the contract? No one wants to join us."

"It's not just about not renewing the contract. You also defeated the top party of their raid team."

Jang Deuk-goo scolded, and Ju Se-ah coughed awkwardly, avoiding his gaze.

"Uh, well, they have so many things piled up on them..."

"Thanks to you, the Slayer's Ansung Gate Boss Raid was called off. Plus, the Immortal Guild suffered yet another blow. It's too much even for me. Guild Master, you need to control your hotheaded temperament."

Beep, beep-beep, beep-beep-beep

"Huh? A call. You can lecture me later. Hmm, this guy can't be a gentleman, either."

"Who is it?"

"Kang Mu-hyuk."

"Have a chat. I'll go see about my business."

Ju Se-ah only brought her smartphone to her ear after Jang Deuk-goo had left.


-Hello. Is this Guild Master Ju Se-ah?

"Yes, it's me. Team Leader Kang."

"How did you know it was me?"

"It's the hospital. It's a subsidiary of Taesung, isn't it?"

"You had my number saved. Why didn't you reach out?"

"Why should I when you don't need me anymore? You said it was Mana Addiction, didn't you? I didn't bother you so you could enjoy your remaining time."

"Releasing patient information is a crime, isn't it?"

"If it bothers you that much, then rely on the big corporation's backing."

"Whatever. You saved my life, this much doesn't really matter."

"Is that all? Aren't you underestimating this?"

"You were considerate of my numbered days a moment ago, and now you want more. I have nothing left to give, considering I'm a dead man."

"Huh, I can't believe it..."

Ju Se-ah had regretted mentioning Kang Mu-hyuk's diagnosis the moment she blurted it out.

Regardless of her impulsive and reckless nature, it wasn't the kind of thing to say to a person who was diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Jang Deuk-goo always cautioned her, but after rolling around in the harsh world of Hunters from her rough teenage years, it was hard for her to keep her unfiltered mouth and uncontrolled fists in check.

Still, she was not one to regret her actions.

Luckily, Kang Mu-hyuk took her jokes without a flinch, so she opened her mouth wide and talked as freely as if she were feasting.

"You're definitely invincible now. A man who's about to die has nothing to fear. So, what's your business?"

"I'm on my way to the Taesung Guild headquarters. I have something to discuss with you."

"A meeting? Is it about the Ma brothers?"

"You knew? You didn't even answer the phone."

"They made it hard for me in different ways instead of making a phone call. If they bothered me once more, I was thinking about going to the Titan Guild and causing some trouble today. But you're coming?"

"Don't even think about beating up a weak person. It's a good thing for you as well. So... Crack!"

"Hello? Hello? What's the good thing? Hey, why did you hang up there?"

Despite repeatedly calling for Kang Mu-hyuk on her suddenly disconnected smartphone, there was no response.

It would be nice if the call was just cut off because of a weak signal.

Ju Se-ah had a bad feeling for some reason.

A signal cut in the Gate era was a bad omen in many ways.

"Bad premonitions are always right."

"Why is this happening? The signal dropped to one bar... No, it's not even catching any signal at all."

He felt a chill down his spine as soon as the words left his mouth.

Along the riverside north road.

From a distance, the sound of horns rushed towards him like a tidal wave.

At some point, the dreadful traffic congestion had transformed into a full-fledged parking lot; cars didn't move an inch.

Despite being a road dedicated for vehicles, one by one, people began to step out of their cars. Kang Mu-hyuk followed suit.

Someone even climbed onto the roof of their vehicle, gazing out into the distance.

Sensing something unusual, Kang Mu-hyuk followed their lead and climbed onto the roof of his car.

When his view broadened, he saw a cluster of dim lights flickering in the distance like a mirage.


Perhaps Kang Mu-hyuk's words were the trigger; people started screaming the same word in utter panic.

"Move, move!"

"Run if you don't want to die!"

Although the majority of people took to their feet to escape the gridlocked road, some tried to flee in their vehicles.

Regrettably, the road was completely blocked, and there was no space to maneuver their cars. Despite this, selfish individuals attempted to force their way through. In an instant, the road turned into a chaotic scene.

Cars collided with cars, and cars with people. Even before the Gate opened, dozens were injured.

A reckless driver who failed to pay attention to what was happening behind crashed into Kang Mu-hyuk's car.


With the sudden impact, Kang Mu-hyuk was thrown onto the car's bonnet.

"Get your car out of the way!"

The desperate cry of the driver echoed behind him.

Having hit his shoulder quite hard, Kang Mu-hyuk quickly got up and climbed down from the car.

'It's okay. It's not broken.'

After moving his arm and confirming there was no issue, Kang Mu-hyuk approached the screaming driver, grabbed him by the collar, and dragged him out of the car.

"Wha, why are you doing this?"

"If you want to live, run."

The driver, thrown to the ground by Kang Mu-hyuk's brute force, nodded his head and began to run.

'If the communication was cut off, the guilds' situation rooms would have reported it. It's been about 3 minutes since the signs were seen. Roughly 7 minutes remain. It may vary depending on the type of monster, but before the Hunters arrive, the people will be caught in the tail. I need to buy time here.'

Kang Mu-hyuk clicked his wristwatch and set the timer for 7 minutes.

Then, he climbed onto a nearby truck and surveyed the surroundings.

'One, two. Three, four... more than I thought?'

He counted the number of people who, instead of running away, were watching the clock calmly while either heading towards the Gate or not getting swept up in the chaos.

Someone was pulling out a metal case from their trunk, and another was removing an encumbering coat.

Those preparing to respond calmly were all Hunters.

Kang Mu-hyuk descended from the truck and opened his own trunk. Inside, there was a case similar to what the other Hunters carried and a megaphone.

He gathered his gear, climbed back onto the truck, and switched on the megaphone.

Weeeng! Wang! Wang!

With the deafening sound of the megaphone, the Hunters whose attention he had caught earlier turned their gaze to him.

"Ahem! I am the Strategy and Tactics Team Leader of the Titan Guild! This is an emergency situation, and I am establishing a temporary operation camp! All Hunters, please gather here!"

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