Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 521: The scarlet woman (3)

Chapter 521: The scarlet woman (3)

On a certain morning, she drew away the attention of the main Arakian forces with small ambushes, then attacked the weakly defended Negevians positions with her main army.

Then she retreated. 

Returning she orders her spies to spread rumors inside the camp of the Negevians while she and her generals eat and drink filling their bellies to prepare to go to war.

That night she said to Louise

'Man and Heaven'

Many of the spies Rhyssa have are bribed by her promising them a place to stay if Dorsea won the battle. 

Not all wanted to go to war in that confederation of rebels so Rhyssa plot works smoothly.

It was not long before the officers of Negevians believed that Arakian deliberately failed to support their army positions. 

Negevians began accusing the Arakian and the Arakian began remembering their old grudge with the Negevians.

Like she expected hostility grew worse between the two allies who made the main bulk of the army.

She did the same with the Nasranian who is always suspicions of Leviathan tribes. With all this suspicions, Rhyssa could now pick them off one by one.

She was smiling the whole evening. At night, she formed a small cavalry force and began a night raid on the Arakian camp headquarters.

The troops exchange blows, blade crisscrossed and rivers of blood was formed. Fire were produces, a hundred tents was burned.

The drums did not stop being pounded, a Song of War was being played, the melody sound solemn and sad.

Screams and howling melodies fill the night sound, as the Song grew louder, the lyrics were the screams, the melody is the howls of despair and pain, the rhythm was the movements of the blades, spears and sabers.

The Scarlet General all the while laughs as the bright moon shines. Her warhorses trample those that hinder her path, trudging on the bloodied path

Carefree like an immortal fairy, her spear devour life like a starving beast, head rolled and lives taken. 

The Negevians believing the rumors decided to preserve its forces and ceased trying to support Arakian. 

Rhyssa was able to avoid fighting against the Negevians forces by manipulating the long held prejudice between the Arakian and Negevians. 

This is the application the Man principle. To determine when to attack, to employ a night raid or not, that is when you apply Heaven.

To determine where to attack, to discern where is an advantages position or not, defensible easily or not, that is when you employ the principle of Earth

Heaven, Earth, Man. 

This is Zhu Ar Zur advice to Levitia when the Great Hero wanted to rid out the Human Continent from the influence of those Dark Lords to such great defeat.

Since then employing her tactics, she managed to defeat Arakian positions one by one, with each victory causing her fame to reach the Three Kingdoms, the Scarlet General with a Spear holding out against thousands.

When she battles she wears a veil, for it is said, her beauty was unrivalled in the world.

Using one stride to reach the heavens, the name of the Scarlet General resounds all across the Iathus kingdoms as the rebels that supported Nasrunth was stopped on their tracks on Dorsea not being able to move forward.

And then she turned her attack towards the Negevians forces. 

The Arakian battered and bloodied and resentful of the lack of help of the Negevians also decided not to aid the Negevians making them besieged on all sides.

They were trapped and Rhyssa killed all the leaders of the Negevians forces and the other surrenders.

Both the Arakian and Negevians forces were destroyed in this battle while Nasrunth was stab to death by Rhyssa in the aftermath of the battle. 

At the time it was the third day of Rhyssa continuing attack to the alliance of rebels. Nasrunth was enraged as she was being humiliated by a woman. 

In the Thirteen Tribes and in the Shadowlands, the position of women is not as high as it is in the Human Continent and to be suppressed by a girl younger than him, that is a source of embarrassment for Nasrunth and he was mocked by his peers.

So, he challenges Rhyssa to a battle a duel of commanders. 

Rhyssa smiling, and against the advice of her officials, she fly to her warhorses, landed and at once rode forward to battle.

Her spear is poised to strike, with one thrust she severed Nasrunth hand, but the man is still able to deflect her second spear strike using the edges of his sword. 

Then as fear take hold of him, he rides back to his camp.

But Rhyssa, how could she allow Nasrunth to return safe to his camp? 

She jumped from her warhorse and fly through the air, her spears movement was a slicing motion as she melded her internal energy to the edges of the spear tip and slices Nasrunth horse in midair. 

Internal energy as sharp as sword light fly forth to the horse and its throat was sliced open and the horse fell down immediately, causing Nasrunth to be thrown away a few meters from the horse.

Landing on the ground, with one tap of her foot, the soil on her feet exploded as she was moving forward with high velocity to arrive at Nasrunth position and then with a chopping motion, the spear fell cutting Nasrunth in halves.

The other rebel dispersed and run to other regions of the Kingdoms, some went to other kingdoms and some hides themselves waiting for the opportune moment to rise again.

But thousand surrendered and the victory was complete. Thus this part of the rebellion was broken up.

The Kingdom of Iathus maintained her superiority and Rhyssa was awarded the title Marquis of Dorsea and Rhyssa ruled herself like a Queen in the region of Dorsea, her words and law were not least bit inferior than the King of Iathus.

This battle brought Rhyssa influence for the first time into the Shadowlands. A new hero emerged in the Proclamation of Warriors List.

She rides boldly and her deeds, the Three Kingdoms tell as poets sing how those befell.

And so people learns of the Scarlet general Rhyssa that resides in Iathus


Somewhere in The Emerald Sea

A youth could be seen rowing an old boat along the vast sea of the Emerald Sea, rowing and rowing without stop

He was not exhausted. His eyes were full of purpose and contained in that pair of green eyes was wisdom beyond the youthfulness of his face. 

On his forehead there is a mark. He rowed and rowed and night came. Dark as the night, dark things began to roam in the night sky.

He stops rowing, no sweat on his body. 

He lied down on his boat and look into the stars. He saw the Star of the Conqueror shines brightly but a cloud is coming to obscure his sight from the Stars

So he closes his eye and that mark on his forehead opens, revealing a third Eye, that shines brightly like an eye forged by the fires of the Sun.

The Eye of the Truth that could see through all concealment and lies. Deceits have no power over him

'In the end, who would gain the Sword? Who would open the Ancient Gate? Love and hatred, this has been the most difficult question to answer? Love, why so cruel? Death, why so merciless?'

The Old Man now become a youth, the Fountain of Youth serves it purpose, helping the Conqueror for this youth is coming to Novus Gaia with the sole purpose to help him.

To give the Conqueror the vision of how this chain of hatred and love has cursed all the generations of Carlingians, then Mont, then Vermont's, of how the Artagnan, the Blanc, and the Montblanc, of how all of these connected to the current situation.

'But still the Great War has to be fought. Haish' he said

'Love, why so cruel? Death, why so merciless?' he asked again to the stars, hoping it would answer as the night goes deeper.

And when morning came, he would row and row. until he arrived.


Meanwhile In The Human Continent


On A Certain Village

A middle age man could be seen kneeling, praying to Light. He has some wrinkles on his face, a rose bead on his neck.

He wears the officials robe for Bishop of the Grand Church. On his waist is a knapsack filled with scrolls.

He was in the basement of a dilapidated Church which used to be a grand church during the rule of King Harald.

When this land was called Vangua and not Eden. When the King was a devout Lucellian. 

The middle age man after finished praying, light up the candles he brought and set it up on one of the old tables.

This Bishop is the few people in the Church know what happens a thousand years ago, the events which lead to the Savior Death.

The Unpardonable Sin. 

But he comes here not to remember old stories that even those old fogeys in the Inner Sanctum of the Church dare not speak but to retrieve something from this old church.

The middle age man after looking at the walls of this basement of the church finally found what he is looking for. 

A brick out of place. 

There is a restriction on the brick, of magic, blood magic. The Church has gone to many measures to make sure this magic would protect what they were hiding here secured.

For a thousand year they guard this place secretly.

The Bishop took out a dagger from his knapsack and slashes his own hand.

'Arggh' he winces in pain. Then he smears his blood on the brick and said

'The Darkness has come. May the Blood of the Savior save us all' Saying this words, the brick magically even itself with the surrounding bricks and a small compartment opens in the bottom brick revealing a vial.

The man, blood dripping from his hand crouched down and pick up the vial. 

He sighed. In the vial was a red liquid.

'The Blood of the Savior' he muttered

Then wrapping the vials with a cloth, he stores it inside his knapsack and walk outside the old church. 

He lights up a torch and look at the old church before he tosses the torch to the old church as the fire devours the old wood of the church.

He walked to his horse, fire behind him is getting bigger as the old church crumbles down and a lot of smoke fills the area.

'Let Levitia blood rise again, for this is the Will of the Lord' he prayed silently as the wind caress his face.

He rides to the Grand Church and his heart prays silently.

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