Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 524: An empire divided (3)

Chapter 524: An empire divided (3)

The name was popularized by this one troupe of performers that spreads the tale of the Two Princess 

The version is of course a little bit different from reality.

In the story the two different Princess both have different points of origins and both have reason to claim the Empire as theirs in the absence of the Emperor.

With the news of the Emperor not in the empire right now the population is insecure and talks of war beginning again, making the people once again fear that the Empire will began drafting again.

The last war was terrifying enough with millions dead, and countless cities were sacked and burned to the ground.

While the Bonaparte does possess capable military commanders to halt Adrianna troops on the borders of Arrandy and Eden, Silas worries more about the old fox, Oliver Crom. 

Perhaps the most powerful of all the great nobles who flourished during the time of Lord Hadrian Alan was the Duke of Swenstein in Celestis of Eden. 

He was even known as Kingmaker before Aries bears that title after helping King Adrian Alan to wear the Crown of Aetherland.

His wealth is also enormous and his reputations among the nobles are prestigious and resounding.

Silas take another sip and unlike most night where his head would become clear he felt certain dizziness but he waddles through the documents until he realizes some documents he still did not read.

He opens the wax sealed document and he sighed long and hard.

'The Church' he said in a tone of resignation. 

During the time before the Empire was established, the Church spreads their hands to everywhere even to the kingships of kingdoms.

The ceremony and ritual associated with kingship became much more complex which is contributed by the Church involvement.

This was clearly evident at coronations, royal entries into principal towns, royal funerals, and many others

Like the saints, kings were identified by the display of certain emblems--above all, the crown, orb, and sceptre.

The significance of the crown cannot be underestimated. 

Although some great nobles claimed the right to wear a crown, that symbol of power became increasingly confined to monarchs. 

It wasn't until the First Emperor that these kinds of rituals were formalized with only the emperor being able to wear the closed crown, special vestment and certain colors only allowed to be worn by the Imperial Family.

The Church has always been a thorn on the Empire side and mostly the Empire tolerated this love and hate relationship. 

But a few years ago, when the Inquisition went too far, the Emperor in his rage he obliterated the churchmen and the priest and the bishops and the Grand Papnoticon that resides in Cori. 

Churches and places of worships were burn and tear down

Cori was bathed in fire and blood. It was a bloody massacre, a truly horrifying business to talk about in the company of good men.

And the Church no longer dares to overstep their boundaries in the Empire and mostly remains passive and neutral no matter whatever the decision the Imperial Family has decided.

But now, they began to move again to support the Princess and have already claimed her to be the Princess of the Southern Eden.

Silas believes that their aims are to divide the country and when the time is ripe, they will once again rise like a phoenix rises from the ashes after they died.

Then Silas put down the report. Then he smiles. 

Silas is the strategist for the Imperial Sister and the reason why he is reading all these documents, all of it is to help the Imperial Sister to retake back the South and unify back the Empire in the fastest way possible with the least bloodshed.

Even the Imperial Sister could endure and not make rash attack on the border even though her fianc is injured because of Ariadne alliance with the Western Desert Tribes.

Suddenly, Silas began feeling that same feeling of dizziness.

He began massaging his forehead.

'Ehem' he tries to cough and he realizes his throat is parched, thirsty. 

And then he realizes something. He looked at the wine glass and his eyes widened as he began to realize something. 

He quickly got up but his knees are weak and he accidentally pushes down his chair which creates quite a ruckus.

The sound was heard by the servants who quickly come to the room and knock the front door.

Silas on the other hand with dizziness and blurring of vision, he struggles to get up.

When he found out he couldn't get up he tries to scream yet no sound comes out from his mouth.

So, he crawls to the door before losing his consciousness. the last thing he sees


With a bam sound the door room was forcefully open as the servant was greeted with a terrifying sight. 

Lord Silas Perigord frothing in the mouth.

The servant of house Perigord all possess certain skills and this servant quickly runs to the Lord body and check his pulse and he heaved a relived sigh as he yelled for help

'The Lord is still breathing but not for long' the servant thought to himself. 

That night the whole castle was woken up from sleep as a hundred miles horse transport was sent to the Arrandy Palace where the Imperial Sister was informed of the poisoning.

After hearing the news Lady Regent Adriana sent the Imperial physician to help Lord Silas. 

Before she could even get her composure another report came that inform the Southern Tai has raise their arms in rebellion.

Adrianna was about to send another order when another piece of news rocked the Palace and causes the officials to all have pale faces. 

They were woken up from their sleeps and summoned to the Palace and then to hear multiple reports about an attack, no wonder they all seem pale and confused with the sudden turns of events.

Eden has begun to move, with Lord Edmond Bonaparte leading the charge in Althea, with the commander in SouthSpell Fort defending with all of its might but is predicted to fall at dawn.

Thus the messenger reported before quickly exiting the Throne Room where the officials were dumbstruck and shaking their head as they know what this signify.

That night, with Silas Perigord incapacitated, Eden began a two pronged attacks from the North and South. finally being waged with the Princess shedding first blood.

On the South, upon hearing the news of Silas Perigord poisoning, Oliver Crom on the Council Room of Eden said to the other officials

'I wonder what he meant by that?' The other officials nodded as they heard Oliver words.

The other officials were also pondering Silas poisoning. 

The reason why they are overthinking this is because Silas is a political opponent where overthinking is required.

After all, Silas is a creature of grandeur and guile. Maybe even his poisoning is his own doing. 

This is the extent on how people in the political circle believe Silas. 

Even when he is poisoned his political opponent is still thinking that Silas is trying to pull wool over their eyes to hide some other plots.

Not to mention that Silas is unsentimental in his conduct but has guile and trickery enough to bedazzled and beguile people to believe in him.

And the common people prayed to Light, for peace to come again. For their Emperor to return home and pacify the world once again.

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