Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 539: Revival of an old system i

Chapter 539: Revival of an old system i

A horse rides through the land, a man with long snow white hair, fluttering with the breezy wind marked in crimson red swoosh past soldiers, with each soldiers look at the man riding the horse with awe and fear.

'Rings of stone' Arial remarked as he arrived in front of the castle. 

His horse neighed but with one tight pull, the horse obeys. 

Looking at the condition of the castle, with bloodstained gates and dripping blood flowing like a slaughter house and the fires that are being put out in the distance, Arial could tell that Ragar and Castile had a fierce battle here.

'A concentric castle' he thought to himself as he near the gates. 

The Primitive Thirteen Tribes and the more technological superior Shadowlands inhabitants. 

No wonder the Ten Tribes have always viewed the Three Great Tribes with such awe. 

But to Arial this level of civilization is not worth comparing to the level of technology of his Empire. 

Eden is not only superior in technology but also in its culture.

As Arial approached the city gate with his horse, the soldiers in front of the castle kneels and gave way for him to enter. 

They do not speak much words of flattery. 

This is one of the traits Arial realized. 

In the Empire if he returned from war or long excursion, he is welcomed with grand celebration or the entire city kneeling or prostrating towards his Imperial Presence.

But Arial like this straightforwardness attitude of the Thirteen Tribes. 

Their way of showing respect is not achieved by heaping lengthy praises or word but more towards their actions and behavior.

Arial smiles calmly looking at the solider like he approves of the soldiers hard work and acknowledges his hardship and the soldiers felt reassured. 

This is Arial charm over the soldiers. No one possesses such influence over his men in arms more than Arial the Conqueror.

He always knows the right words to say and the right action to take. 

Arial then urge his horse forward before he halted his horse and asked one of the young guard stationed in front of the gates.

'Where is General Ragar?' The young guard was startled with the sudden voice booming over him and quickly looks up and seeing his lord on horseback looking bloodied.

He did not notice his lord because he was thinking about the battle before. 

Seeing so many blood spilled and so many head being sliced and hearing the screams and wails, has made his soul shaken to his core.

The young guard could only lament the fact the people of this city did not surrender when they can.

Looking at his lord he realizes his lord looks terrifying with blood all over him, looking sticky and uncomfortable.

He knows that the blood on his lord entire body is not the lord blood. 

How many times have the people of his convoy follow him into battle? How could they not know the prowess of this lord of theirs?

The army was also surprised about another thing. When Arial was besieging the city, he declares himself as the Emperor of Eden.

While many of the soldiers here rarely left Novus Gaia, they heard stories. 

There is an Emperor across the Vast Sea that rules half a continent and is known throughout the world as Celestial Dragon.

Many of the soldiers always speculate about the background of their lord but none dare ask bluntly so they were left wondering. 

Today that question was answered.

And they become even awed after knowing the true identity of their Lord. 

The Thirteen Tribes have no Kings or Emperors, Queens or Empresses but they know that the people who have these kinds of titles are all great men and women, acknowledged by millions and obeyed like a deity.

Their understanding is limited but all they know that the people who possess such title stand above all others.

So, now there is profound respect and certain mysticism that is associated when looking at their lord.

'Soldier?' Arial asked again seeing the dazed face of the guard.

'My lord. Yes, the General are waiting for you in the Great Hall of this castle. The other is cleaning the corpse as to not taint my lord eyes.'

'Thank you soldier. Keep up the good work '

Arial said nodding his head as he jumps down from his horse and give the reins of his horse to that guard as he walks inside.

The breeze of the wind from the hills seems to slowly repel the smell of blood and murder. 

At the foot of the castle walls, is a precipice of rocks, and on two other sides, the ascent is too steep to be practicable for an enemy. 

On the fourth side the castle could be approached by means of a winding roadway. At the foot of this roadway was the town. 

It is a well thought of construction Arial compliment in his heart.

Not far away from the castle is a beautiful stream of water which meandered along through the valley, near the town, and, after passing it, it disappeared, winding around the foot of the precipice which the castle crowned. 

Entering the castle ground he could see temples dedicated to the Thirteen Gods for the use of the City Lord and their numerous retinues of servants and attendants,

There is building for the storage of munitions of war, and for the garrison. 

Slowly he walks taking it all in. 

On the castle gate, Arial soldiers are pouring in and his officers are immediately shouting orders to pacify the people and to declare to them that this city has been conquered. 

The officers have changed the banner of this city into the banner of the Dragon. The city walls were plastered and flags were hoisted.

In the rear however, a very startling development has occurred. 

The two people leading the fifty thousand strong men halted the rear and then after a few questioning from its two leaders, they instead escorted the rear to the city.

Both of them have the same heights of six feet tall and they have muscly but lean body. One of them wields a purple spear on his hand while the other has white hilt saber.

Fifty thousand bloodthirsty warrior behind them look at these two men with a mixture of fear and admiration.

They spoke of their desire to meet the man who hoisted the banner of the Dragon and respectfully escorted the convoy on the rear towards Balhae while the convoy felt both unease and suspicion.

But regardless they march towards the conquered city.

The two men look towards the city and could not help but anticipate their meeting with the man that hoisted the flag of Eden.

'You think it's His Majesty?' the man wielding the spear asked the man wielding the saber.

The saber wielding man did not say anything only nodded solemnly while looking at the city in the distance. 

The man holding the spear nodded.

'Hearing the accounts from this convoy, I too think it is His Majesty. We must hurry then and transmit Lord Regent message and then return back to the Eden!' He said before spurring his horse to lead his men forward while the saber wielding men creased his eyebrows and shakes his head.

Looking at his enthusiastic colleague, he really did not know how to break the news of his grim thoughts.

'If it's really his Majesty, that is attacking that city, it means His Majesty wanted to conquer this land. Which mean he has no intention of returning. Fires are brewing in the Empire, another expedition in a foreign it worth it?' He asked himself before sighing.

In the Token Giving Ceremony where he returns back the Token of Military to the Empire, few of the Generals wanted to rebel. 

If not for the scheme was discovered by Lord Silas, a new chaotic era might have started again that day in the Imperial City. 

The reason why the Generals wanted to rebel was because they fear that the Emperor would do away with them, now that the Empire has found peace and no longer need these bloodthirsty general.

Lord Silas convinced the Great Generals to sincerely talk with the Emperor instead of incurring his suspicion and wrath.

Lord Silas reminded, they might have one million soldiers each but only one life. Even if they rebel as long as the Emperor personally moves, could they keep their heads? 

Cutting four million soldier heads is impossible for the emperor to do by his lonesome but is it hard to just claim four heads? 

Everyone knew the emperor was an unrivalled martial art grandmaster. He could sneak in the dark night and claim their head on their bed.

Persuaded by Lord Silas, the four general that have intention to rebel sincerely ask the Emperor about the matter before their retirement and the Emperor gave them satisfactory answer so they returned their Military Authority to the Empire.

Peace dawned in the Human Continent and the Great Generals could live in peace and safety. 

Yet, now he wields his saber once again, to resolve the debt he owed towards Lord Silas. but he really did not want to enter into another bloodbath battle again.

He has been living peacefully in Rome this couple of he really did not want to escape from his idle life. 

Yet, here he isonce again trusted into the thick of battle once gain. 

'When will you be satisfied, O Great Emperor?' Dreamers exhaust realist. And realist suffocates the dreamers

He lamented before he rides once again to the city.

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