Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 548: The seer of veranians i

Chapter 548: The seer of veranians i

Arqua, Vernium

At the same time Arial had conquered the city of Balhae, inside the capital city of Vernium, Arqua the kings of the Vernium kingdom is hard at work with his minister to address the sudden occupation of Balhae from outside forces.

Outside of the palace, rain is falling down and thunder and lightning accompanied it giving a solemn atmosphere toward the capital city

The dark night is sometimes illuminated by the flashing lightning and the silence of the night is broken by the sound of the roaring thunder.

To those who do not know the crisis that is now enveloping the Vernium kingdom, they would think nothing of it.

But to some, who knows the current crisis that is coming toward Vernium, the sudden rain, the roars of thunder, the flashing lightning all portends to a great omen of misfortune.

Most of the citizen of the capital city did not yet know that Balhae had been taken. 

But, when morning come, sooner or later, the people would know that Balhae had fallen

As such, the king and the minister, other than trying to think of ways how to stop the invasion also needs to think of how to handle the chaos that might arise because of the fall of the state of Balhae.

There is no doubt that the fall of Balhae had prompted such an emergency meeting. The Palace of Arqua is one of the largest palace in the Shadowlands. The Vernium kingdom is known for their walls and sturdy castles and fortification.

And as such, the Palace of Arqua, the center of the central authority of the Vernian kingdom possess all of the abilities that the Veranians architects and builders could offer.

It is set upon a large might rock, its strategic advantage is clear. 

During ancient time, the ancient Veranians tribespeople noting the military potential to guard against the Darkspawn, built a hill fort on the rock.

Many of the songs of the Veranians tribespeople tells of a story of the war bands of the past that feasted upon the very rock where the Palace of Arqua was built.

The story goes that these war bands feasted for four moons before riding to destroy the Darkspawn in an epic battle.

The Palace of Arqua is the home to many kings and queens and there were many temples to the Thirteen Gods and even some that was dedicated to the gods before Nasrana spread his Teachings. 

This castle dominates the skyline of Arqua and the volcanic rock which it sits upon offer the Palace a naturally defendable positions, with sheer cliffs to north and south and a steep ascent from the west

The only easy approach is from the town to the east. 

The Palace defenses are situated accordingly, with a series of gates protecting the route to the summit of the Palace.

There were many incredible things about the architecture of the Palace. 

If Arial was here, even he would be amazed by the Palace. To him, it would appear like the most ideal place for a military castle.

And that is truly the palace main role in the past before it is outfitted to become a Palace. 

Arial Imperial Palace in Eden, was a beautiful apiece of architecture which shows the majesty, wealth and power of the Empire but it was not built for military roles as there were many other castles in the Empire that fulfill such role.

It would be more accurate to say that the Palace of Arqua is forcibly changed from a castle to a palace.

A palace is designed for elegance, lavishness and luxury. There are no fortified walls, no moats, no wall sentry and usually surrounded by lush landscaped gardens.

Thunder roars as the King sitting on his throne put down the report on his hand as a servant take the parchment and slowly put it back down on the silver plate behind the throne

The king of the Vernium kingdom is King Veran the Third of House Anggan Dyeus. Anggan Dyeus in the mother tongue of Veranians means the Delight of God.

This is the name that was anointed by the Great Priest of the Veranian tribe. But the three great tribes acted different from the other ten tribes that live outside of the Shadowlands.

The Three kingdoms in the Shadowlands follow many of the custom of the great civilization of the world having a house name and all that while most tribes people would follow older naming convention of the thirteen tribe.

King Veran is a middle aged men with tightly combed beard, a long hair that reach past his shoulders, a bulky figure and tall height that towered above normal men.

He had many golden necklace and trinkets around his neck and he wear thick clothes. His eyebrows are frowning as he listens to the report of his ministers about the current situation. 

The meeting here tonight in the throne room is an emergency and not something that they planned.

Veran did not expect that Balhae could so easily be conquered and the speed of the conquest was extremely fast that it caught very people in the kingdom in surprise.

The Outsiders have been active all over the Shadowlands. There is another figure also rising up in Iathus kingdom which is the Scarlet General

She had won many loyalties and people flocked to her. Iathus is not as aggressive as the Lucania tribe which founded the Luxembourg kingdom, but this Scarlet general could not be dismissed especially at such a time when the prophecy is about to be unveiled.

And as for his kingdom, it is the Emperor of the Eden Empire that showed up out of nowhere and taken the villages and his cities and took over the Balhae state from him before he could even muster up any soldiers to prevent it from happening

One could see how swift the army under this Outlander Emperor move. Veran did not know much about the outside world of the New World. 

but even he had heard about the Emperor of the Eden Empire.

The Shadowlands had dealings with many people and many of them follow the customs of the great civilization of the world because of their trading with the other continent.

But, the New World did not trade actively with Human Continent. 

This is because the route to go to the Human Continent is fraught with dangers unlike the route of going to Vorthy or Ariundus where there are sea routes which is calm from storms and mystical occurrences

Like it is hard for people of the Human Continent to come to the New World, the same condition also applies to people of the New World who wanted to go to the Human Continent.

He had never thought that an Outsider would suddenly come and conquer his state. And the conqueror is someone who is known to be a conqueror and famous for it

Arial the Conqueror. That is how this ruler is known in his land. 

After reading the report and intelligence about Arial, Veran was confident that Arial Vermont is here to conquer the New World for his Empire.

Never in his mind that he thought that Arial is Asrana coming to fulfill the old age prophecy.

Though, if he thinks about it, Arial himself had proven himself and possessing the title Conqueror should at least give him some hint that the person that he is pitting against himself is the same person that the thirteen tribe has been worshipping for thousands of years

The night is gloomy for Vernian kingdom right now. Time felt constricted as they need to quickly have a plan to deal with this Outlander army

Arial Vermont has come to the New World and he had come with an army

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