Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 550: The seer of veranians (3)

Chapter 550: The seer of veranians (3)

As the King of Vernium he had always heard the prophecy of Asrana since he was a child. 

He even admired Asrana when he was at that age. But as he grows up and was crowned king, he knew that the rise of Asrana means the fall of the Three kingdoms. The ten tribes outside of the Shadowland worship Asrana religiously.

However as for the kings and queens of the Three Kingdoms, how could they easily let Outlander possess the land of Red Sealed people?

Why should they suffer for the sins of their forefathers? 

They do not feel it was fair that Asrana was allotted a land to which he would gain the fertile plains of the New World, the riches of the mountains and hills of the Red Sealed People.

And as such, when the Wall is erected when the crystals gate was opened, and the sound of the horn echoes across the skies and heavens of the New World, each of the Three kings of the Three Kingdom raise their army and pointe their spears against each other

All of them wanted to take the fate of Asrana and become the true ruler of the New World.

Veran would not mind if he is fallen by the King of Iathus.

Or he could die from the claws of the Lucian tribe king. Because in the end, it is their people that would gain the world.

But, he could not and must not let an Outsider took the mountains and hills, the seas and the rivers of the New World.

No one knew the identity of Asrana. But there is signs that would give hints of Asrana identity. 

As the King of Vernium, the prophecy of the Ages relates to the rise and fall of his dynasty so he had been studying about Asrana since he was child.

There were now many Outlanders that is making their names all over the three kingdoms. One of them must surely be Asrana.

Veran is thinking about all of this as he put down the letter and look toward his minister. All of his minister is good at hiding their fears

It is after all understandable. 

Not all of them could agree on the decision that he had taken.

Nobody wanted to be branded as traitor to the Great Savior, the Conqueror of the Dark

In the ancient book, it is said that when Asrana came, those who bend the knee, those who submit himself to His grace, their old age sins would be forgiven. 

If they died in the road of salvation, in the effort of helping the Conqueror of the Dark in his quest to fight the Darkness Below, they would be rewarded with eternal bliss after they die and in living would accorded honor and blessing by the Divines.

Old stories and old prophecies. 

That would be the reaction of any other person outside of the New World

But, for the people of the New World, for the people of the Thirteen Tribe, old gods walk among them. They could still hear the songs of the trees and hear the rhythm of the rivers and oceans

Old gods still roam in the New World and omens and sign is not to be dismissed. King Verna closes his eyes for a second and then sighing he said

'Tomorrow send messengers to all the High Lords. Tell them that I require their aid. An outsider had conquered one of the state of the kingdom. This outsider is an Emperor of a foreign Empire. This is not some rabble rousers or some rebellion from some small tribe. This is an emperor that is known for his military exploits. If we could not contain him before it is too late, then this Outlander Emperor would gain a foothold in Vernium kingdom. Then it would be too hard for us to focus on all of our sides. Iathus kingdom and Luxermbough kingdom would not just stay still either. Tell them, that we must defeat these outlander Emperor first before we could focus on the other kingdoms.'

The minister all shouted in acknowledgment. 

They then went out from the throne room, each of them have their thoughts. Outside the palace, the thunder is still roaring and the lightning still fills the sky

The next morning, there would be chaos in the kingdom. This is the thoughts of all the ministers as they leave the palace 

King Veran walk down from his throne and then sighing he looks at the ceiling of the throne room. 

Carved on the ceiling was the ambition of his predecessor. 

Shadowlands as One and an Ancient gate that spills out light. He looks at it and he could only sigh as he walks out from the throne room and return to his residence and prepare to brace for tomorrow.


Maroth, Vernium Kingdom

Inside a deep chamber of the castle a person who is seven feet tall opens his eyes, his body moves and the sound of thunder echoes outside his castle

His eyes are sharp. He got up and went out from the stone chamber. 

Outside the stone chamber is a claymore of three feet length and its weight is around one thousand catties.

He lifted the claymore like he is holding some small thin sword. The moment he lifts it up the ground where the claymore was cracked into pieces.

He then put the claymore into the sheathe behind his waist which is positioned in a horizontal manner. He moves his waist a bit and then slide it in.

His body seem able to neutralize the weight of the sword and he laughs. 

'The Horn has been sounded. The Great Priest had died. The Three Calamity had appeared. Asrana is coming.' His eyes shine bright as he spoke this like there is a golden light embedded in his pair of eyes. In his eyes, there is an image.

Of a king riding a black dragon. He saw the King of Kings, Asrana wielding the Godslayer sword, he saw a tower that crumbles.

Two beast emerged and bring upon darkness into the world as it teared upon the army of Men.

As Asrana rides the might black dragon into battle behind him is the gigantic Feren Bird. It broke out from the sealed cave and follow Asrana into battle. It grabs into the Darkspawn and the Mudborn with its colossal claws and tear them apart

Its four wing blocks the sun like the clouds. There are many other things that he had saw in that vison but one thing attracts his attention and that was the appearance of Asrana

Asrana was never truly described as most text describe him to be identified by the signs that followed his coming and other thing that would only appear around Asrana.

Many even argue about the gender of Asrana. Some believe that Asrana is a woman. Some believe he is a man. 

But, in his dream, he saw Asrana. Riding a black dragon, his eyes is as blue as the sky and his hair is as white as snow. With the red sky covering the heavens, the contrast was stark.

This person that comes out from the stone chamber is none other than the High Lord of Maroth, Varnikar Son of Vaerhan of the Veranian tribe.

He went out his stone chamber because when he saw the dream he was reminded of the report he had received from his people.

They said an Outlander Emperor was conquering the state of Balhae and is now slowly inching closer to the border of Maroth and Arqua.

This Outlander Emperor is Arial Vermont. Varnikar did not pay too much attention to this. But he remembered something about this Outlander Emperor that strike him as weird.

This Outlander Emperor have striking feature of bright blue eyes and snow white hair.

'This could not be a coincidence' Varnikar thought to himself. When there is hope that the Outlander Emperor was Asrana in the flesh, how could Varnikar who form childhood religiously believe in the coming of Asrana not be excited?

He went out from his stone chamber and as he saw the dark night and the thunder and lightning that covers the night sky, he could not help but want time faster so that morning could come and he could ride to Balhae to meet this Outlander Emperor and confirm his suspicion. 

He sighed as he looks at the rain falling

'Morning could not come faster' he thought to himself as he decided to fast and purify himself before meeting the Outlander Emperor.

Deciding on this he then went to his castle to relay his intention to the other lords.


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