Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 554: The stars in the sky

Chapter 554: The stars in the sky

By this time, all of the Darkly Thing inside the village was killed by him. There are many corpses of his people scattered all over the area of the battle

But they were even more of the corpses of the Darkly Thing, the reputation of Arakian tribe as a warrior tribe is not wrong at all.

They truly are very warrior-like even when death stares them at their face.

Each of the Elder had taken to kill around fifty Darkly Thing for each Elders. Some even taken one hundred lives of the Darkly Thing

Now, this last one Elder of the tribe that is still living, is at the end of his life. But there is a smile on his face and contentment.

The circle of fire he had created slowly died down as he himself could feel life slowly leaks out of him

His back is full of claw marks and the flesh of his chest is missing on his left part. 

Thunder flashed toward the ground as lightning sound rumbles on the dark sky above. He is laying down, his breath is weak and he knows that he is dying.

But he had succeeded in his quest to protect the village. All around him is the remains of the Darkly Thing. 

Those who did not yet have the time to materialize completely has long turns back into the Darkness when it was attacked

But those thing that have materialized completely was killed by him.

His blood flows on the land of his ancestors as he looks toward the altar of the tribe. He smiles as he saw the empty altar. 

His mind seems to think of certain things in the past.

Before he fights against these Darkly Things, he had given the Orb of Fire toward one of the young ones

To a young man in particular. There is a smile on his face when he recalls this young man.

'I did not make the wrong choice' he prayed in his heart 

It is young man called Aegir. 

When this child was born, the Seers had predicted that he would possess a great destiny, that he would one day be honored above all Arakians

Such great destiny heaped upon the shoulder of such a young one is not natural. 

It is only when there is a great change in the order of the world, that such responsibility would be shouldered by the young

As tonight he saw the Darkness up close, he knew that the chance of survival for his people do not lie in his ancestral lands. 

The fire had been extinguished and the time of the End is near. The hope of his tribe is not here. 

It lies there in the place of contention for power.

He and the other Elders wanted to guard the Orb of Fire in the ancestral land until Asrana himself would come to them and take what is his

But, tonight, as the safety of the tribe was threatened, as the fire of the Temple extinguished, the wind whispers. 

The wind that whispers to him is not the same kind of wind that blows over winter cold.

The wind that blows onto him, was a wind that is full of life. It is gentle, breezy and bring calm and peace into one heart

And the trees around the Village spoke. When the wind whispers and the tree spoke, it did not speak in the tongue of Humankind. 

It spoke in omens, signs and dreams. 

He knew then that destiny pushes his tribe forward. 

That the Orb should not stay here come from his heart. 

There is this great premonition that rushes over his heart, feeling that the longer the Orb stays in the ancestral lands, the dangerous it is for Asrana

He could not explain it since it is something that he felt

It should be given to Asrana. But who should give it to him? Who would have the destiny to meet with the great Savior?

It was then that the Elder recall the prophecy of the old. 

And he knew what he must do. To be honored above all Arakians, one must have the acknowledgement of Asrana himself.

He pulls the Orb of Fire from the altar and gave it to Aegir with instruction of what to do in the future. 

The Chief and the Seers did not stop him as all of them were sure that the path of survival of their tribe would not be in this land.

He coughed out blood as he was reminded another person. His chest is heaving up and down and each breath brings him pain

There is another person that also possess a great destiny other than Aegir. Now, at the end of his life, he was reminded of that person.

But this person had ridden his Warhare and rode toward the Three Kingdom to fulfill his calamitous desire. 

This other person is called Aralina, a great warrior of the Arakian tribe. The Elder even now still could not forget this young man of his tribe

If not for his desire, he would have favored this person and even would handed many important thing of the tribe to Aralina

Aralina is the greatest warrior of Arakian. 

This is not something that only Arakian boasted for themselves. None of the nearby tribes of the other could match Aralina in fights and battle.

Aralina is the best in archery and horse riding. When he was but eleven, he sneaks out with his sworn brothers and steal a few Saranites tigers in the Green Plains and subdue this tiger merely by instilling fear on it.

The most miraculous thing about Aralina is that he possesses great physical strength. 

He also possesses great martial prowess and everything about battle and war could easy be absorbed by his mind.

He possesses a powerful steed known as Warhare. 

It follows Aralina in every battle and as the steed itself is as enthusiastic as its master in following the will of his master in war, people nickname the horse Warhare and Aralina get the title of the Scourge of the Battlefield.

'Among men, Aralina, among steeds, Warhare' this is the words in the Green Plains of Saranites where Aralina used to roam when he was in his adolescent year

Among all of the young men, Aralina is cut above the rest. He had a lofty and a lofty and dignified look, a majestic and awe-inspiring bearing.

When he went into battle, he would bring his halberd which is made from some steel that he had found in the Ruins of Alendar, possessing great weight and those who could withstand its strike is few.

Encased in body armor, decorated with the images of fire, Aralina had never lose any battle

He had a belt adorned with the image of a lion and when he went into the battlefield, people would fear his name and when people see his halberd, the bravery in their hearts would be extinguished.

Aralina is a name that is infamous around the tribe. 

But, in the Three Kingdom this name echoes like thunder

Aralina sails the seas instead of going through the Walls. 

Since the Tree Ring is not that far from the sea, it was faster and safer for him to go to the three kingdoms using the sea

Before he went out and went to the three kingdom, Aralina tried to take the Orb of Fire asking the Elders to believe in him 

He believes that he would be the conqueror and unify the land. 

After he unify the three kingdoms and the Ancient gate is open, then he would use the power of the Orb of Fire and purify himself to remold his body so he could pluck the Sword in the Stone.

The Elder knew that this is blasphemy against Asrana. 

Rebellious to the Heaven itself. 

Aralina tried to attack the Elders with a few of his supporters but the Seer had foreseen it and his coup failed

At the time, the Elders all decided to kill Aralina because to let him live in the Tree Ring would jeopardize the Orb of Fire and their holy charge.

But the Priestess of Fire had said that Aralina would fulfil some other role in this Great Chaos. He was released and exile from the tribe

The Elder did not know that Aralina had said to many people that he had guarded the Orb of Fire and declare that the day he unifies the lands of the Three Kingdom, he would march back to the Arakian ancestral land and take back the Orb of Fire. 

This shows his ambition had never changed. But, maybe this is the path that he should take. 

The Seers must have a reason for what they do.

The Elder did not feel that his recollection of these two figure is meaningless. He felt like the world is trying to tell him something.

The wind blows again bringing the mist of Darkness to enroach upon the ancestral land of his ancestors. The wind seems to bring a cold that slowly extinguishes the fire of the forest.

Slowly even the heat of that fire seems to be sucked into this cold wind.

'The Darkness takes all warmth of life' the Elder thought to himself


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