Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 556: The guider (2)

Chapter 556: The guider (2)

It is one thing to see Darkly thing appears. 

It is another thing completely to see a Darkness so pervasive that it fills one heart with suffocating feeling, manipulate and sway their hearts toward despair

These young people have bravery but lack experience. They have a strong drive but there is no direction.

Someone had to set it. 

Being lost is the most terrible thing. And losing yourself is even more of a tragic thing.

In tragedies, losing yourself is almost inevitable. But none of them could afford being lost right now

The young tribespeople look at each other. Some of them are Gifted and they lit up fire with their hands.

But the coldness of this dark mist did not dissipate. The fire could not dispel this coldness.

They know this is not some normal wind. And these dark mist is not the same as the miasma on the Shadowlands

These Gifted tribespeople did not nominate themselves. To lead the people is a great honor. But it is also a heavy responsibility.

They look at each other again but none of them wanted to nominate themselves. 

Most of them did not have enough virtue, merits or deeds that could qualify for them to be elected Chief.

The position of Chief is highly honored and it is also respected. In normal days, it is a position that is coveted.

But, in times of chaos, this position is a position of great burden.

One of the young man of the tribe called Axum knew that this could not stand. 

The longer they stay here, the higher the chances that they would waste the chance of survival; that the Elders had bought for them with their lives

Axum is one of the son of the Elders. But he knew that he himself could not convince the people to follow him.

He is young and he had no contribution to the tribe. And even though he grieved that he could not fight alongside his father, he knew that the tribe take the first priority.

He himself could not be leader but he knows someone who everyone could be convinced about

Axum look at Aegir and said to the other

'I Axum the Son of Darjani nominate Aegir Son of Aeyrfya to be the Chief'

Aegir was shocked and said

'I am not worthy of such position. I am too young'  Axum shakes his head and pointed his finger to Aegir and declare to the people around him

'The Seer had prophesized that you, Aegir would have great destiny and you would be honored among all others of our people. The Elders entrusted upon you the Orb of Fire. Now, we have no Chief and no Elders. The Seers eyes is useless at this point as Darkness spread and the Song of the Forest, the light of skies is covered. Someone had to lead our people to the Wall. I, Axum are not the greatest warrior of the tribe. But, I believe what the Elder believe. I, Axum swore fealty to Aegir Son of Aeyrfya as our Chief' 

The other young men and women, the middle age men and woman all nodded and echoes Axum sentiment.

They put their hand on their chest and they swore an oath to Eremetheus and Asrana to follow him and listen to his orders.

Thunder echoes up in the sky the moment they spoke of their oaths. These young people look at the sky and they wonder if the Lord of the Sky Asrana listen to their oaths.

This is the time for Old Gods to appears. It would not be surprising for some unnatural phenomenon to appear suddenly

Aegir did not seem to realize the thunderous clap that follows the oath as he was more preoccupied with the responsibility that is suddenly shoved onto him 

He could only look on without knowing what to do. Darkness still envelops them and who knows when and where the Darkly Things would appear.

'This responsibility is too big for me' this is what he thought. 

But he could no longer say it. All of his tribespeople look at him, like he was their hope. How could he then be the one to crush this hope?

Aegir is a young child. 

But in the tribes, strength and age is not everything. Aegir since he was born, at the age of three, the Seers had prophesized him of a great destiny.

What this great destiny is, none of the great seers could give him an accurate answer. 

He is an orphan. His parents died in a hunting expedition. As it was the case for the other orphans of the tribe, he is raised by the tribe. 

The death of his parent did not diminish his status. He had the glow of a person destined to do great things.

The tribe had always protected him, believing that one day he would fulfil this great destiny. Aegir himself knows he is not as great as the people believed him to be.

He is not the greatest warriors in the tribe and he is not even the smartest one. 

Yet, he was venerated and protected above all others. 

Even during the initial attack of the Darkly Thing to the ancestral lands, the people of the tribe would sacrifice their life to save him. 

So how would he not love and have great affection for his tribe? He too wanted to play his part and save his tribe from destruction. 

But, what could he do? 

the Elder told him to go to the Wall. But where is the path? Where is the Wall? How could he lead them there? 

The task that is given to him is too big and to heavy for him to handle

And now, Axum, even swore fealty for him. How could he handle the expectation of this people that look upon him, like he is their savior?

Aegir had no other way. So, he looks at the sky above and he pray to Asrana. 

'Give me guidance, O Great Savior, O, Lord of the Sky' the moment he prays that in his heart, the wind suddenly changes course. 

A cold wind that was about to swept pass him suddenly were pushed away by some gust. There is warmth coming out of nowhere.

This change is felt by everyone. 

Then they could hear the sound of hooves stepping on the leaves. 

Above, thunder and lightning acted together, flashes of light and the roaring sound of the sky fills the world

Then like some miracle, the Darkness in front of them opens up, like someone parted the sea of Darkness into two. 

And then Aegir eyes widened. And he was not the only one who was shocked.

Axum and the other was also shocked. Because they could see a glowing white hart is coming toward them 

Amid the darkness, it glows like the sun of the dawn. There is a natural beauty to this white Hart

Whenever its feet landed, the Darkness give way. It picks her way through the Darkness as it ancients priest whispered the way directly to its soul.

It moves with grace and its eyes is blue like the sky. Aegir knows the old stories and lore more than most of the young children on his tribe. 

He had always listen to the Pancadongeng stories and he was always like to hear the story.

'Amara' he said. And everyone around him, like being awakened from a surreal dream all said the same name

They remembered that the Goddess Amara, the Goddess of Love, Life and Strength, and the patron goddess of the Veranians had many familiars.

But one that is singularly attributed to her the most is the White Hart. It is a messenger and quest giver. It appears to her champions, at the beginning of a quest.

It is a guider in the Darkness. 

As Darkness devours Life, the White Hart possess so much life in it, that even the Darkness could not do anything against it.

The people of the tribe all look toward Aegir and they all believed that this White Hart had come because of him. 

The moment they swore their oath, this White Hart appeared.

'The Lord of the Sky answer my prayers' Aegir said and no one doubted him. 

The Darkness in front of him had split apart and he could see the path. 

The White Hart look at his eyes and he bow toward the White hart. The White Hart neighed and then it began to saunter away forward.

Aegir raise his face up and then an instinct appears in his heart. 

He knew he had to follow the White Hart. He then looks back at his tribespeople and pointed toward the White Hart

'The Goddess of Love is helping us. Follow the White Hart' he said. And Axum and the others understood.

Aegir is blessed by the deities and the Shining Lady of Love had sent her familiar to guide them out of the Darkness

Hope blooms in their heart and their desire for life grows stronger. The despair in their heart is slowly being diminished and a burning will erupt in their heart

They steel their determination as they began running following the White Hart.

Aegir grab a few of the old woman and put them behind his back as he chases the White Hart.

That night, in the Arakian tribe, another person of great destiny is about to enter the struggle in the Three Kingdoms.


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