Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 576: A miracle tree

Chapter 576: A miracle tree

Since, the other ten tribes did the same sin, how could then the Ten tribes would not be punished. The only reason they were not punished until now is because etheric severity was not as severe as the three great tribes. 

And their punishment was delayed

But the promise of the Lord is true. And the trial has begun.

The darkness comes and like a sieve it would filter out the unworthy. Out of the Thirteen tribes, the Three Great Tribes would have the most trial.

The prophecy had once states that the three great Tribes would suffer and as payment for that suffering, they would get a land of great bountiful produce, a fertile land

This land would be that of paradise where there is mountains and food grows on it, where there are hills fill with green and flowers fills with great and soothing fragrance, where there is river and lakes clear and clean, with those who drank from it would be satiated of thirst, would bring health and longevity, where everything is in abundance.

And the Creator had promised this land to them. 

But nothing would come without a trial. 

Say not, you are worthy until you have been tested, for no one could enter Paradise without them being tested.

A thousand years of trials. The Three Great Tribes did not become the protector of the other ten tribes because of the kindness of their hearts.

They believe in the promise of the Creator. And now they are rewarded with safety. Beyond the Wall, there is the Three Kingdoms. Yes, there is strife. Yes, there would be struggle. There would battles and war that would be fought on that land.

Blood will be shed and lives would be taken.

But, the promise was true. The prophecy had stated that when Darkness descend again, the Three Tribes would be given this promise.

And it is so. Now, the Three Kingdoms that was developed by the three Tribes is now having all of that promise. 

They had the mountain. They had the hills and the lakes, the rivers and the sea and the produce is bountiful and the water is clear and clean

Aegir walk toward the Wall and he wonder what it looks like inside the Wall. 

Just by looking at the transparent gate, he could see there is tall trees and there is no Darkness.

One could not have expected it to be so. 

Before the Darkness suddenly fills the whole New World, it was the Three Kingdoms that was shrouded in Darkness.

Every day the hunter on the outside of the Three Kingdoms would fight the monsters preventing them from breaking out and enter into the mainland of Novus Gaia.

And to those who were inside the Three Kingdoms, they too have to fought the Darkspawn. 

It is not that they did not have any other life other than fighting, it is only one could not imagine how could one live in such an environment where Darkspawn could spawn in an alley anywhere in your city, that a dark mist could suddenly envelopes an area and not live a life solely of fighting.

But surprisingly, even with all of this threat, life inside the Three Kingdoms is not as bad as the people of the Ten tribes believes it to be so.

Regardless, it is not a style of life that bring stability hence the reason why there is not many people that migrate to the Three Kingdom in the pats unless one is a criminal of the ten tribes or the exiles.

It is a land of undesirables of the Ten Tribes. Most of them would then be integrated into the kingdoms 

Hence, why the Three Kingdoms have a different method of ruling than the people of the other tribes

Living inside an area designated as the breeding ground of Darkly Things, one had to live in a state of constant vigilance and that is what they did. 

There is no wonder why the people of the Three great tribes is very powerful and adept in combat. 

Honed by the constant war between them and the Darkspawn, they have evolved to become stronger and many of them exhibit Gifted powers

It is only after the turn of the century, coincided with the rise of Levitia that the Darkness receded giving the people of the Three Great tribes a reprieve. 

The Three Great Tribes elders and seer had predicted a thousand years ago that the sudden decrease of the Darkspawn around the tree is not a sign that the Darkness is weakening.

It is a sign to show who have knowledge that the Darkness is preparing. It is resting. Like a calm before the storm

Of course, none of them at that time knew that in a continent far away from them, separated by sea and land, is a land where the destined battle of the Gods was happening

Levitia was born and Seven Stars falls down from the sky to portent his birth as a holy son. His mother give birth to him in a forest when they were running from the pursue of the Demon Army

How could they the people of the Shadowlands knows that the decrease of the Darkspawn is related to the birth of this Holy Son?

None could think of it especially when they are separated by the seas and mountains. 

But Seers of the tribe, the great priest that worshipped the Gods, they were informed of it. 

They spoke of a holy son being born in a distant land, a land that would soon be a land of a great tribulation for the gods

Aegir shook his head. He walks again as he come closer to the Wall. His people also walk with him

The Journey to the East is about to begin. They have reached the Eastern part of the New World, the area of the Three Kingdoms and they now about to enter that land.

No Darkness, but also no Gods and deities. 

The Conqueror dreams of the white tiger, phoenix would fly to show the appearance of the Savior, every deity bow to Him and call unto Him to start the battle.

Aegir thought of this sentence from one of the lore book detailing the story of Asrana. The sound of the caravan is more clear now as he come closer and closer to the gate. 

He turns around and look at his tribespeople. His tribespeople look back at him. he then said

'I am going to the Land of the Strife. I believe this is the path laid out for me and for our tribe by the Goddess. If you believe in me, then follow me'

Not many people who is going to the gate heard this. 

Their distance is not far but because of the chaos and the sound of people urging people in front of them to go faster, the cacophony of sound drown the words of Aegir and no outsiders could hear him

But even if they were close, they would not be able to hear it. The land of the Three Kingdoms is a godless land.

But as long as they not enter the land, they are still under the gaze of Old Gods.

And Amara is looking at Aegir and protecting him and his people with his blessing. Axum then said

'We will follow you, our Chief.' The other behind Axum nodded

Aegir was about to ask whether they were sure but then he stopped himself. Looking at their determined eyes, he knew that asking such question is meaningless.

They could not go back. 

And they could not stay here. 

Even though there is no Darkness around the area of the Tree, for those who know the lore they know that this is temporary. 

When the approaching Battle is coming, the Darkness will, overwhelm all the lands outside of the Wall.

It will cleanse the world. Like the flood in the ancient past, this darkness is a sieve. A punishment for some, a blessing for others.

'We will follow Chief!' one of the youth shouted. The other follows. 

Aegir nodded and then he was attracted to a small tree not far away from the large Godstree. It is quite peculiar.

There is rarely any tree that could survive under the shade of the Godstree and still manage to reach that tall, that is the thought of Aegir.

Most of the trees that sprout under the shade of the Godstree would be short because they did not receive light

But this one tree stands out among the other trees beneath the Godstree because of its unusual height.

Is there a tree there before? He thought to himself. 

The reason why Aegir was doubting himself is because, he could swear he had look around the area when he come out from that journey with the White Hart

As such, he probably would notice such a large and tall tree beneath the shade of the Godstree 

But it is only now, when he is determined to go inside the Three Kingdoms that he saw this tree. 

He blinks and then he saw a flash of image. 

He saw the White Hart resting under that tree. He blinks again as the wind swept by around his face and that image disappear.

There is no White Hart but the tree is still there

'A sign of luck' he thought to himself. 


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