Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 583: The ally and rival of the empire (2)

Chapter 583: The ally and rival of the empire (2)

As such, when they do reach Renasia capital, they probably would be so weak, that even a small battalion of cavalry could probably break their morale at the time.

For these reason, the Twelve Generals decided that if they want to take Renasia, one of the problems they need to solve was the problem of transportation 

How could they ride the sand and quickly reaches the cities of Renasia and take over it? The longer they take, the harder it would be 

The Twelve Great Generals were very confident in their fighting abilities and their abilities in waging war.

However, to solve the problem of travelling across the hot sand, that is something that they did not know to solve.

The horses they have is not ideal. 

As for the camels, it is not native to the Human Continent and even if they do have it, they were not experienced in rearing it.

As such, most of the Generals agrees that if they were to try to take Renasia, it must be done through politics and schemes.

If they could introduce instability into the internal matters of Renasia government, then it would make it easy for the forces of the Empire to take over. 

It is because of this that most of the budgets to deal with Renasia is allocated to espionage

And then after that meeting, Arial disbanded the twelve Generals but the conversation and debate of the Twelve Generals on that Flower Valley is still in the Archive of the Empire and could only be read by certain people. 

After all, the Empire did not want to make a big deal out of it.

Since Great Renasia is Eden ally. 

It would not be in good taste to know that your ally has been thinking about conquering you. 

Of course, secretly both of these titanic empires send spies against each other, and compile information against each other

But that is done in the dark. It is not openly spoken or debated since it could sour the relationship between Empire.

Still, both Empire still find ways to counterattack each other in the event that their rulers decided to wage war against each other.

So, imagine the surprise of the two general when they arrived at Novus Gaia and look at the warhorses of this New World.

Some of them is large in size and their warhorses is also very stocky and larger than the Empire warhorses. 

It was like the horses on human continent is nothing but some small breed of horses when compared to the warhorses of the New World

And that is not all that they discovered.

There is clean water that satiate their thirst and one would even feel refreshed after drinking it unlike any other water that the people of the Human Continent had ever drunk before.

Like life itself is filling them. This kind of feeling is like being in some pristine untouched nature. 

There are sweet tasting fruits that would alleviate hunger for a long time. It is a continent teeming with life

There is something mystical about this land. 

It is just a feeling that many of them had.

They also see that the Thirteen Tribe that lives all over this continent while they were powerful in battle and possess miraculous abilities, they were not united.

The soldiers of the Empire noted, that if not for the fact that the Thirteen Tribe is not united, it would be very easy for them to rise to become a great force.

And most of the Thirteen Tribe did not create towering structure like those of people of the Human Continent.

They have many natural resources but their science and knowledge is not on par with the Human Continent. 

But what they lack in education, they excel in warfare and fighting.

Most of the people of the Thirteen Tribe is very healthy and very powerful even when they are born

All in all, the soldiers while they have some feeling of superiority toward the people of the tribes, hey also recognize the wisdom to neve underestimate an enemy.

And they did not disregard the warnings of these people when it is about something like the weather.

When in Eden land, do as the Edenian do. 

This is a famous saying in Eden. As such, the Edenian soldiers also do as the people of this land had done when the cold came.

The army of the two great generals also follow the method of the people of the New World and create a large place of fire where they could warm themselves.

Giovanni and Santiago had learned to respect the forces of nature of this New World. But, they were still skeptical of gods and old stories.

They were not born in this land. They might respect it, but this respect is superficial. And they do not fear it and be in awe in it.

Ignorance is after all sometimes the elixir of courage. But to the tribespeople, they saw the sky and they saw omens.

They felt the winter winds and they were reminded of the songs that they always sing. They saw the dark clouds and they remember the stories of old.

Yes, they respect it. They fear it. And they were in awe of it. 

Large fires could be seen all over the city to dispel the cold. 

The few old men, the Pancadongeng would calm the tribespeople. Pancadongeng means Storyteller.

The tribespeople have a very oral tradition. 

Even the three kingdoms have a very oral tradition even though they prided themselves more civilized than the people that was outside he Shadowlands.

Most of the power of the three kingdoms come from their brutality and their military strength. 

As such, even though they claimed to follow the best of the culture of the other civilized empire in the four corners of the world, they are still very lacking

They were more arenas for fighting then libraries for the sharpening of mind. 

That alone should tell you something

In the Empire of Eden for example, while the imperial court itself prioritize the military advancement and strength, they understood the basis of that strength

Knowledge is important. During the Conquest, terrible thing happens. But, it did drive development.

In that terrible war, countless strategies were implemented. With each problem that is encountered, one had to exert oneself to the limit, breaking through one limits, pioneering all kinds of innovation in war and in strategies.

Heroes rises up from the chaos, like the twelve generals of the Empire who were as much shaped and was shaped by the war of conquest

There are also other warriors that stands in the way of the Empire that was also great heroes in their own right.

Knowledge is the basis of power. This is something that the three kingdom did not yet perfected.

Fires were lighted up since dawn. 

Those guards who guarded the front of the castle, those who guarded the walls have no choice but to also huddle up nearby fire places on top of the walls to warm themselves up

Some people who were sleeping in the alley without roof on their heads die in the morning because of the cold. Some who were Gifted probably would not be affected as much

There is even a fire at dawn as one merchant who was trying to warm himself knock away one of his whale oil and the oil ravages his shop

He and his family run out from the shop, but instead of running even farther away, he waited outside his shop, feeling warm because of the fire.

Because of the occupation by Arial forces, many department of the state is still in a state of chaos.

And unlike Eden, there is no specialized jobs like firefighters. 

Firefighters in the Empire is a real job. Here in this city when something is burning down, people nearby would help 

The City Guards would probably be deployed to help but there is no specialized job created to simply put out fires.

As such, only the neighbors try to stop the fire from spreading. 

But what shocked people was that when the wind blows, the fire could not withstand it and if one did not feed the fire, after a while, the fire died out

That is when one knows that this winter wind is not normal wind. 

And panic settles as people burns anything that could be burned to stave off the cold and to keep staying warms. 

The Saranites was not as affected as most of them wears thick animal fur over their body and their body itself is very resistant to weather changes.

The Pancadongeng went out from their tents. Most of them are old. But, they still told stories to their tribes and their village. 

They fought together with their village and they follow Lord Arial. Some of them believe that Arial is the potential candidate for Asrana.

Others follow Arial because he brought them to victory. 

Regardless of the reason, they also fought in the frontlines.

Arial rarely use old people and young child in his war. 

The reason is because old people are weak and unless it is a desperate moment, there is no need to draft an old man that could not even lift up a shield.

As for young children, this is the seed of the Empire. This is the future generation. In a kingdom of cripple, and old, how could such kingdom rise?

Young people is the future and must be protected. But, for the Thirteen tribes, they did not view such honor and respect as something good

A good death to many of the tribespeople is a death fighting for one belief and path. The thirteen tribes look like some kind of a warlike tribe if one did not truly know about them

Of course, like most other people, they also view peace as something that they yearned and wished. 

But when they were called for it, they would not mind dying in a blaze of glory.

Death to them is not the end. 

It is just the beginning. 

This is something that people like Ana would not understand since she was brought up inside the Walled City Ragora.

The curtain of battle in the New World had been lifted the moment the Darkness spreads.


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