An Exclusive love

Chapter 455 - Jump Down If You Want to Save Her

Chapter 455 Jump Down If You Want to Save Her“What’s wrong?” Scar found Zhou Yiyun suddenly stopped and thought her wound ached.

Zhou Yiyun realized his attention and smiled. “It’s nothing!”

Scar looked at her and saw nothing wrong. Then he said, “I’ll go ahead with the formalities and get the medicine.”

Chen Chen saw Scar go out and Zhou Yiyun in blank again, so she poked her. “Do you think our Scar is a good guy? Do you want to have a try?”

“Stop kidding.” Zhou Yiyun looked at her seriously. “Chen Chen, we’re impossible. It’s true!”

“But you just…”

“It doesn’t matter.” Zhou Yiyun interrupted her, “We’re from two different worlds. There isn’t a possibility for us to connect.”

Chen Chen thought about it and said seriously, “I don’t see where the problem is. But if you two really like each other, there won’t be any problem!”

“Thank you.” Zhou Yiyun shook her head. “I know you do it for my well-being. But…”

The door was suddenly pushed open and a doctor wearing a breathing mask broke in. Chen Chen was about to ask when the doctor took off the mask and looked at her viciously.

When Scar went back, both Chen Chen and Zhou Yiyun were gone. Chen Chen’s bag was left on the ground and the stuff all fell out.

“D*mn it!” He secretly groaned and ran to the monitor room.

From the video, it was clear that Tang Yue who pretended to be a doctor hijacked Zhou Yiyun when she got in and the three of them all went to the top floor. Scar called to inform Jiang Rui and at the same time he rushed to the top floor.

On the top floor, it became Chen Chen who was in Tang Yue’s control. She used a knife to stick Chen Chen’s neck and shouted to Zhou Yiyun who sat on the ground.

“You dared to hurt me, b*tch!”

There was an extremely deep wound on Tang Yue’s left cheek which stretched from her eye to her mouth. It made her look like a ferocious ghost.

“Let go of her. You can’t escape.” Zhou Yiyun stood up with a knife stained with blood in her hand. She glimpsed at Scar who was secretly approaching her and calmly looked at Tang Yue.

“Do you think it’s worthwhile? You made such effort to escape, but now you come for death. If I were you, I would have gone far.” She got to the left side slowly and Tang Yue moved with her, giving her back to Scar.

Tang Yue shouted to her evilly, “Shut the f*ck off! What are you? Do you think I know nothing about you?”

As a film star, Tang Yue knew clearly how filthy this circle could be. She had never stood on the top, so now she was deeply jealous when she saw Zhou Yiyun. Why could this woman be so famous? Why could she be the most renowned actress?

“Why are you pretending to be so pure? I wonder how many guys you have slept with. Haha! Have you tried three way? How many guys have you served at most? Tang Yue looked at Zhou Yiyun viciously. “An actress? Eww, you’re just a b*tch.”

Zhou Yiyun took a deep breath. “So what?” She said in a disdainful tone, “At least I succeed. What about you? You slept with men but end up like this. No matter what, I’m the one who is more successful, right?”

“You’re a b*tch!” Tang Yue shouted hysterically, “Well, I will see how you’re gonna do today. Jump down!” She waved the knife in her hand.

Zhou Yiyun stopped for a second. “What are you talking about?”

“Haha, I want you to jump down!” Tang Yue said with satisfaction and gestured the knife on Chen Chen’s face.”

“Stop it!” Zhou Yiyun shouted anxiously, “Don’t hurt her.”

Tang Yue smiled. “Jump down, or I’ll cut her skin open!”

“No!” Chen Chen started to struggle and Tang Yue knocked on her head with the knife, “Don’t move.”

Chen Chen tolerated the pain and shouted Zhou Yiyun, “Don’t listen to her. She hates the Wan family. Even if you jump down, she won’t let me go. Yiyun, run! Run!”

Zhou Yiyun’s eyes quietly glanced through a spot and slowly walked to the balcony, “If you let go of Chen Chen, I’ll jump.”

“Jump! I’ll let her go as soon as you jump!” Tang Yue shouted madly, “Wait a minute! Scratch your face with the knife.”

“Lunatic!” Chen Chen turned around to shout at her, “You want to kill me! Let her go!”

Tang Yue stared at her ferociously. “Shut up! She wants to leave safely when she scratched my face? No way!”

“You remember how you scratched me. Now scratch your own face in the same way. Be quick.” Tang Yue pointed the knife on Chen Chen’s face. “Or I’ll let her suffer for you.”

Zhou Yiyun slowly put the knife on her face. “Don’t be excited. Don’t hurt her. I’ll scratch…”

“Ah!” Tang Yue suddenly shouted, “You’re lying to me. What are you trying to do?”

Damn it… Scar slowly stood up. He wanted to get to her through the other way and shoot Tang Yue. But she noticed.

“Throw away the gun! Throw away!” Tang Yue shouted, “Or I’ll stab her.”

Scar threw the gun aside, lifted his hands and stood beside Zhou Yiyun. “Don’t be thrilled. We can talk as long as you don’t hurt Chen Chen.”

“Talk?” Tang Yue smiled. “Okay. But you have to scratch her face first.”

“You’re crazy! Why do you have to hurt others!” Chen Chen wanted to knock Tang Yue with her head. But her action was found and her head was hit again.

Zhou Yiyun quickly comforted her, “Stop! Don’t hit her! Or I won’t follow your words.”

Seeing her put the knife on her face, Scar caught her hand. “No.”

“Don’t worry. Nowadays, the cosmetic surgery is quite advanced.” Zhou Yiyun smiled to him as a comfort. And then she whispered, “Later, when I jump, you can save Chen Chen.”

Tang Yue didn’t hear what she said. “No talking! Scratch!”

Scar didn’t let go of her hand. Instead, he looked at her deeply, “Just leave. It has nothing to do with you. Leave.”

“Chen Chen is my friend. I can’t ditch her now.” Zhou Yiyun looked at him smilingly. “I don’t have many friends…”

After the words, she lifted her hand and there was instantly a bloody scar on her beautiful fair face. The intense blood kept flowing out slowly.

“Ew…” Zhou Yiyun said, “It hurts.”

Scar stood still there and his eyes focused on Zhou Yiyun’s face. Then he turned around and stared at Tang Yue. “Tang Yue, I’ll let you die in pieces.”

“Hahaha!” Tang Yue looked at them crazily. “I didn’t want to live. I can’t live… hahaha!” She waved her arm, “Be quick! Jump down! Jump down!”

Chen Chen cried and shook her head when looking at Zhou Yiyun. Then she shouted to Scar with much strength, “Take her away! Be quick and take her away!”

“Mrs…” Scar couldn’t say anything, but he couldn’t take Zhou Yiyun away. Or Chen Chen would…

Chen Chen stared at him. “Scar, are you a man or not? If you sacrificed others’ life to save mine, I won’t be thankful to you. If anything happens to Yiyun, I can’t live.”

“Scar.” Zhou Yiyun suddenly said, “Thank you for taking care of me these days.”

The woman’s face was covered in blood and the red flesh burst out, which looked horrifying. However, Scar didn’t feel the ugliness at all. Instead, she was more beautiful than every woman he had seen before.

Zhou Yiyun’s eyes were firm and pure, which made Scar speechless.

“Since the day my mother died, no one has been so good to me. I wondered whether you liked me! Haha…” Zhou Yiyun smiled and her smile took Scar’s heart in the sunshine.

He licked his lips and could finally talk again, “I…”

“I know!” Zhou Yiyun interrupted him, “If I have a second life, I will stand in front of you with a clean body. Then maybe I’ll be qualified to like you!” She turned around and crawled to the stone beside the balcony.

Chen Chen cried severely, “Scar, take her away! Take her away!”

Scar stood still there but his mind was a mess.

Zhou Yiyun crawled over. She was scared too. It was the first time that she had looked down from the twelfth floor.

“Hahahaha!” Tang Yue laughed crazily. “You have a better life than me? I want to see how you will spend it.” She twitched Chen Chen’s chin. “It’s sad to see others die for you, right? Hahaha! Don’t worry! We still have a lot of time.”

Chen Chen saw Zhou Yiyun shivering on the patio. She had to forget about the knife in Tang Yue’s hand and turned around to push her.

“Die! B*tch!” Tang Yue didn’t expect such strength from Chen Chen. Seeing her about to get out, Tang Yue lifted the knife to stab.

Bang! With a gun shoot, Chen Chen sat on the ground panting and saw a blood hole between Tang Yue’s eyebrows.

“Scar!” Chen Chen didn’t have the time to care about that and shouted. Scar already held Zhou Yiyun into his arms.

Bear led a group of people to rush over from the stairs.

“How are you? Do you feel uncomfortable?”

Chen Chen shook her head. “I’m fine. Yiyun… Send her to the doctor.”

Scar held Zhou Yiyun who had passed out and ran downstairs. Bear held up Chen Chen and asked, “Mrs., can you walk?”

“Where is Brother Xiao Rui?” Chen Chen leaned on him and slowly stepped downstairs.

“In the opposite building. It was he who shot.” Bear replied instantly, “He didn’t dare to leave the task to the others. So he worked as the sniper.”

When they were halfway, they saw Jiang Rui running up. Before Chen Chen could say anything, she was held into his arms.

“Brother Xiao Rui, I’m fine.” Chen Chen patted on his back.

Jiang Rui touched her body for quite a while. At last, his face turned dark when he saw the wound on her fac. “Fine? Where is that stuff?”

Hearing his words, Chen Chen’s tears fell down. She used to take that stuff which Chen Huan made for her to protect herself. But this morning, she took a shower before she went out and forgot the hairpin which could release electric tension.

“If I hadn’t forgotten it, Zhou Yiyun wouldn’t have been hurt.” She leaned against Jiang Rui. “Brother Xiao Rui, why am I so stupid?”

Jiang Rui sighed. “Well, let’s get down first.”

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