Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 214

The hunt started just as it usually did. Quick breakfast, then clearing the perimeter around the camp. Testing my new weapon on the bears proved to me, that I didn't even need to strengthen it with Ki, to have way better results than when I used the regular blade. I had no idea what he actually did, but the result spoke for themselves.

The usual thick fur, which provided incredible protection, was easily cut. I could even behead those animals if I wanted to. Bones, muscles, nothing could stop this pudao.

After testing I swung by the carts to grab a snack, summon shadows, and get the vehicles closer to the den. Killed the bunch of bears around the entrance, and then headed underground to clear the first chamber with the help of Rishi's tactic.

I got my shadows down there, to pick the crystals, but when they were done I didn't return to the surface. What I saw during my little testing period gave me a firm belief, that I could even possibly clear the whole thing except the boss, If I really wanted to.

I was gonna take it one step at a time though. With fire in one head and enchanted pudao in the other, I went into the darkness, slowly leading me deeper underground. The tunnel was turning left and right, but always descending, and it finally ended with a second grotto, possibly even bigger.

I was carefully trying to look inside, and then a big, black bear with bones protruding from its spine emerged from the shadows. He had friends. Many, friends.

This type proved to be stronger, and a bit faster, but still no match for me when their defenses got nullified by Rishi's creation. Fire also helped, although it didn't work as well as I was used to. Furs of those animals were just not catching it as easily as the others did. Even though I cleared the chamber, but upon finally returning to the surface, I found that it was too late to catch up to Blue, and also kill the werewolf.

I returned to the camp, had a little conversation with Ki'rei about the knife she wanted, and also my hunt. Then I ate and called it a day, to get up way earlier the next one, and also have my shot at the boss, to get more class points.

Ki'rei helped me to wake up on time, and I proceeded with the plan, hunting bears at first, then running all the way to wolves' territory, and catching Blue before he managed to get inside the cave. He wasn't very happy about me showing up there but promised him it's the last month, so he agreed to share.

To be honest, I didn't need those class points, but I wanted them. I also wanted to limit his and his men's access to them.

This repeated itself for a course of thirty days. It was ridiculous, and I found myself incredibly tired. On average I slept maybe four hours a day and was constantly in a state of physical effort. Sometimes very excessive physical effort. In the end, it paid off very nicely, and I accumulated a nice number of 17528 bear crystals and 14 class points.

Number good enough for me to finally evolve my fighter class to its strongest version, or if you prefer, unlock it second tier. I would still take the shadow knight If I could, but hundred class points were just simply too much. Sooner or later, I knew that I'm gonna get it eventually.

During this time my contact with Ki'rei was minimal. She was with me for a couple of days, then vanished, just to return a bit later, and vanish again. She returned before I started heading back, though.

It took me two days to return, as usual. I kinda regretted that I can't move faster, so I wouldn't have to waste so much time moving from place to place. This led me to start considering upgrading the summoner class, so maybe I would one day be able to get myself a horse, or something.

My little lizard friend left me as soon as I reached the gate. She just jumped off the cat in her chicken form and vanished among buildings without even saying goodbye. It hurt a bit since I grew to like her.

My return to the city center made a bit of ruckus, as nobody ever saw that many crystals ever. People just moved out of the way, allowing me to get to the device without problems, and just peaking what was inside my carts.

I sold 8 000 stones for exactly 20 million points, and immediately bought the fifth level of fighter's 'Parry' skill. This unlocked a 'Weapon Master' for me. This class cost was only 10 points. I bought it immediately. There were seven skills that I gained access to: "Weapon expertise", "Peerless technique", "Power strike", "Increased stamina II", "Eyes of Duelist", "Empowered body", and "Parry II".

With the manual in my brain, I knew exactly what those were doing. Weapon expertise further developed my fighting skills with the chosen weapon. The peerless technique improved my movement, footwork, but also the ability to make a feint or avoid the attack. Power strike allowed me to attack with incredible strength but was consuming stamina. Eyes of duelist improved my ability to spot enemy weak points, openings, and also predict movements. The empowered body was increasing my physical capabilities.

The rest, I believe, is self-explanatory. I upgraded all of the skills to the third level, and saved the rest of the points, to decide which skills to upgrade further later. I also bought a new set of clothes and then went to give the rest of the crystals to Hatta, so he would split them among what was necessary for city investments, and also get some to Rishi. He wanted to discuss that, but I was deadly tired, so I just told him, that it can wait.

Then I finally went to take a bath, ate in the cafeteria, and went to get my long-awaited, proper sleep.

This period of hunting came to an end with 13 272 290 points remaining on my account, and forty-two class points.

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