Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 142: Be with You

Chapter 142: Be with You

Lying on a big soft bed, Avery sleeps well and deeply. She wakes only once in the middle of the night to sneeze. She was locked up in a dark, damp, and cold room. For three nights she woke to shiver to hear the wind and wolves howling.

When she wakes in the morning, the radiant sun shines on her face and body, warming her. She rolls over and finds a hairy blackhead inch from her face. She sits up in shock and then looks down at Lucky.

"Lucky, why are you up here again?" she asks, pushing the dog off the bed.

In Evan's absence, the dog seems to follow her everywhere she goes. Last night, she suspected that Leonie would try some sort of trick, so she went to the back parlor to get Lucky as insurance. After the two men tied her up and took photos, she went back to her room and went to bed. As she thinks, Lucky hops back on the bed and stretches out against Avery.

Sarah Ethel, the servant assigned to care for Lucky, hurriedly runs into the room. "Mrs. Howel, is Lucky acting up again?" Sarah asks.

Sarah looks at the bed and sees Lucky sprawled across the sheets. The dog's left foot presses Avery's belly, the sharp claws inches from her skin. Sarah doesn't know why Lucky likes Mrs. Howel so much. Sometimes she feels a little jealous because, after almost ten years of caring for the dog, Lucky still dislikes her. Previously, Lucky didn't let anyone besides Evan get close.

Sarah looks at the dog and then at Avery. She knows she's powerless to control the animal.

"Mrs. Howel, are you all right?" Sarah asks, "Lucky missed you and probably snuck up in the middle of the night to be with you."

"I'm fine," Avery assures Sarah.

Avery gently pushes Lucky's head aside and sits up. She regards the dog, now sitting at attention, tongue lolling out the side of his mouth.

"Lucky used to be more docile when he wore a collar, but he's gone totally wild without it."

"Where's the collar?" Avery asks, hoping to get the dog back under control.

"Mr. Howel wanted her to be free and he forbade us from putting on," Sarah explains, "Eventually the collar disappeared."

"You cheeky little devil!" Avery says, patting Lucky's head, "I'll make you a new one as a gift and you'll have to wear it every day."

Lucky licks Avery's face.

The Howel estate is filled with servants hustling and bustling in every direction as they prepare for the party. In the house, some prepare fruits and cookies, others decorate every room with flowers and balloons, and others ready the bar with wine and juice.

The large, open lawn in front of the house has already been decorated. Hundreds of pink balloons have been tied to the trees, and dining tables have been carefully set underneath. The tablecloths and flowers are all pinkLeonie's favorite color. The entire scene looks romantic and girlish.

A servant holding heavy, silver trays, staggers towards the tables. A maid arranging the flowers pauses and buries her nose in them, quietly inhaling the beautiful scent.

In the house, a beautiful girl wearing a pink princess dress whirls around in front of the full-length mirror.

"Tie a pink bow to my hair," Leonie commands.

Immediately a servant arranges her hair as she's asked.

"By the way, I want pink earrings, too," Leonie says.

Another servant brings her a jewelry box filled with pink earrings.

"Pink eye shadow and blusher," Leonie says.

A make-up artist rushes to her side and begins to apply the desired makeup.

"And a pink diamond ring," Leonie says as she sees Peerless Love in the jewel box.

She slides the ring onto her finger without a moment of hesitation.

In the back parlor, Avery reaches to her back to zip up a long, tight red dress. The color of the dress, her smoky makeup, and her haughty expression make her look as regal as a queen. She turns around and sees Sarah and Lucky standing behind her.

Sarah holds a small cake in her hands and the dog carries a pink bag in his mouth. A small candle is lit atop the cake, and the flame flickers in the wind. Sarah offers Avery the little cake on a plate.

"Happy birthday, Mrs. Howel," Sarah says, "I'm sorry I only had time to prepare this little cake. When Mr. Howel comes back, I'll make a bigger one."

Avery is touched by this simple gesture. Apart from Gabrielle, no one has ever acknowledged her birthday or given her anything. Though the cake is small, it means the world to Avery. She can't believe that Sarah remembered her birthday.

"Thank you," Avery says, with emotion, "It's really thoughtful of you."

"Mrs. Howel, make a wish," Sarah says, "I know you're twenty-two years old, but I hope this year you'll be as carefree and beautiful as a teenage girl."

Avery closes her eyes and makes a wish.

"I hope that everyone I love and everyone who loves me is happy and safe," Avery thinks.

She bows her head to blow out the candle. Excited, Lucky jumps up and drops the gift bag. Avery and Sarah laugh at the excitable dog.

"Lucky is a really smart dog," Sarah says affectionately, "He saw me making the cake and must have guessed it was your birthday. I don't know where he found that gift bag, but I figured it was alright. I once saw Mr. Howel holding it."

Avery squats down, rubbing Lucky's head.

"Lucky, I appreciate the gift, but this belongs to your master," Avery says, "You're not allowed to move it without permission, understand?"

Lucky whimpers a little.

"Sarah, please put the gift bag back," Avery asks.

Sarah nods her head and tries to grab the pink bag. As soon as her hand gets close, Lucky snarls and tries to bite her.

"Lucky! Listen to me," Avery commands.

Avery arranges her face into a stern, angry expression. Lucky looks grieved, but she continues to clumsily push the bag toward Avery with his claws.

"I said it's impolite to take other people's things without permission!" Avery chastises.

Lucky whimpers and pushes the bag with his snout.

"Mrs. Howel, just open it," Sarah suggests, "I'll put it back after you see it, but Lucky is quite upset."

Avery hesitatesSarah is right, the dog does look pathetically sad. Finally, she bends over and picks up the bag. She reaches inside and pulls out a small velvet box with a bow. A few words have been written on the lid of the box: "If you fall in love with me, I will be with you for life."

The words are handwritten and the handwriting is strong and distinct. Avery immediately recognizes it as Evan's. Avery examines the box and wonders what it is and who it's for.

Based on the color of the package and romantic message, it seems intended for a woman. She wonders which woman, feeling her breathing and heartbeat slow painfully as she considers the options.

Sarah looks even more nervous than Avery. She saw Evan Howel carrying the gift bag carefully as if he was holding some rare treasure in his hands, but it's been a long time since she saw it. It seems odd that he hasn't given it to anyone yet.

"Mrs. Howel, open it up!" Sarah urges, "I imagine Mr. Howel intended to give it to you."

Avery gently touches the pink bow on the box and wonders if she should open it or not. She is of two minds about opening itboth curious and terrified.

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