Bleach Swordsman of Kusajishi

Chapter 46: Binding Spirit Lock, Open!

Chapter 46: Binding Spirit Lock, Open!

Did you think I accidentally left out your real body?

Watanabe Ichiros suddenly turned pale. Now that he thought about it, why would Kimura Muyang leave out his real body? And he immediately understood what Kimura Muyang meant by that.

Ryzaki Sengyo and Watanabe Keiry, on the side, obviously knew that there was only one answer, which was because Kimura Muyang clearly knew which one was the real Watanabe Ichiro!

Impossible! How did you find out?

Watanabe Ichiro looked at Kimura Muyang in disbelief as if he saw a ghost. It was a given since the ability he was so proud of was seen through just like that by someone else.

Even Oji-sama cant find my real body this easily!

You must be bluffing. That one just now must a fluke, yes, thats gotta be it! Watanabe Ichiro fell into a denial state because he couldnt accept the fact.

As someone who has been fawned over by his family ever since he was little because he would be the next heir, Watanabe Ichiro has always been proud of himself. Things got escalated ever since he displayed outstanding talent and enrolled at Shin Academy as he was considered a genius, and everyone admired him.

However, everything changed every since Kimura Muyang came. A prodigy born once in thousand years, who graduated from Shin Academy in less than a year, and became a Lieutenant right after graduation. Watanabe Ichiro lost his standing as a genius, and everyones eyes were focused on Kimura Muyang. It was as if his existence didnt even matter anymore ever since Kimura Muyang showed up!

Theres no way you can see through my ability. It must be just a fluke!

Kimura Muyang had nothing to offer but a pitiful look upon seeing the hysterical Watanabe Ichiro. Kimura Muyang considered him to be a talented individual. Unfortunately, his psychological was unstable.


Kimura Muyang flashed ahead, and he was already right in front of Watanabe Ichiro. A small drop of blood dripped from Watanabe Ichiros forehead as he pointed his Zanpakuto at Watanabe Ichiros forehead.

The second mistake you made is, again, underestimating me. This illusion of yours may work against an average Shinigami, but it has no effect at all on me.

Did it ever occur to you why I was the first to catch up with you? Thats because of the difference of drive between most Shinigamis and me. I gotta admit that your ability is pretty good. Those clones also had the same Reiatsu as you, and an average Shinigami shouldnt be able to distinguish between the real you and the clones, but your body is as easy to distinguish as fireflies in the night for my eyes.

Kimura Muyang sheathed his Zanpakuto after brandishing it a little and noticed the look of despair on Watanabe Ichiros face, but he didnt care. He would show no mercy when it came to dealing with his enemies.

The third mistake you made is, once again, underestimating me. Did you seriously think you can beat me even though thats all you got? How ridiculous.

Ive already shown you 2 ways to deal with your ability just now, and let me show you the last one. Its the simplest, most straightforward, yet the most effective way.

Kimura Muyang rolled up his sleeves, revealing a pair of black bracer on each of his wrists.

Kimura Muyang tore off the bracer, and as one of the bracers was torn off, the other one was also torn off on its own. As both bracers were torn off, a golden chain made of Kid appeared in both Kimura Muyangs wrists and ankles.

Ryzaki Sengyo observed the chains on Kimura Muyangs wrists and ankles, and he seemed to have a faint idea about what it was.

Watanabe Ichiro was clearly shocked by the scene in front of him. He could sense Reiatsu leaking out of the golden chains, and based on the Reiatsu, he guessed it was a form of Bakud. However, he suddenly turned pale after arriving at that conclusion.

It seems that you have a rough idea about what this is.

Kimura Muyang glanced at Watanabe Ichiro and then shifted his gaze towards Watanabe Keiry without concealing his killing intent.

Watanabe Keiry glared back at Kimura Muyang. He had his own pride as a Captain, so he wouldnt show any sign of backing off here. However, he did admit he was underestimating Kimura Muyang. The strength he displayed was clearly beyond that of a Lieutenant. However, he believed that no matter what kind of petty little tricks Kimura Muyang would use, he would crush him thoroughly.

Watanabe Keiry could no longer contain his murderous intent. He was determined to finish off Kimura Muyang along with Ryzaki Sengyo, who betrayed him.

Watanabe Keiry placed his hand on the hilt, ready to attack at any time.

Hakureisa, dispel!

Along with Kimura Muyangs exclamation, the bright golden chains on his wrists and ankles immediately shattered into pieces, and massive Reiatsu suddenly burst out of Kimura Muyang, towering into the sky with him as the center. Watanabe Ichiro was so shocked by the outburst of Kimura Muyangs Reiatsu that he passed out.

This ishow could a mere Lieutenant have this much Reiatsu?!

Watanabe Keiry gasped while holding his nephew, who passed out because of Kimura Muyangs intimidating Reiatsu in his arms.

Is this Reiatsu really belong to a Lieutenant? Even Captains Reiatsu wasnt any stronger than this. Ryzaki Sengyo tried his best to keep himself from falling to his knees and shook his head after looking at Watanabe Keiry for a moment: No, even Captains Reiatsu isnt this overwhelming. This monstrous Reiatsu Is this guy really a Lieutenant like me?

Such a question popped up even in the apathetic Ryzaki Sengyos mind.

This is the simplest and most straightforward, yet also the most effective way to nullify the mist that your Zanpakuto emanated. With this overwhelming Reiatsu, your ability is basically useless.

Kimura Muyang tried his best to hold down his Reiatsu that seeped out uncontrollably and looked at Watanabe Ichiro.

You passed out already? What a waste of time.-Then, its your turn next, Watanabe Keiry.

Kimura Muyang said as he slowly drew his Zanpakuto and pointed his finger towards Watanabe Keiry, challenging him head-on before turning around towards Ryzaki Sengyo.

You there! If you are not with them, then stay away. Theres no  guarantee that youll get away unscathed if you stay here!

At his current state, it was no exaggeration for Kimura Muyang to warn Ryzaki Sengyo as he might just crush everything around him.

Ryzaki Sengyo subconsciously evacuated to a safer location. He knew that he would be reduced to nothing if he stayed there.

Are you ready, Watanabe Keiry? Theres no more Mr. Nice guy from here on.

Kimura Muyang dragged his Zanpakuto as he walked toward Watanabe Keiry while staring at him with cold eyes, I remember what happened that day as if it was yesterday. I will see for myself if your strength really is beyond my wildest imagination, as you said that day.

Its a bit hard to hold back my Reiatsu now, so be sure not to die so quickly. I want to play a little longer.

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