
Chapter 277: Meet The Parents

Chapter 277: Meet The Parents

A middle-aged woman worked swiftly in the kitchen preparing a four-course dinner. After placing the main entrée in the oven to cook, she wiped the sweat from her forehead and walked into the living room where she collapsed on the couch next to her husband.

The woman had a big smile on her face, “Can you believe our son is bringing a girl over for dinner?”

The man had a proud smile on his face, “David is finally coming into his own. I am so proud of him.”

“Now remember, Nathan, we are supporting David’s choices no matter who he brings over. She doesn’t have to be the cutest, the smartest, or the most successful. She just has to genuinely like our son.”

“Of course, Lauren, of course. I’ve wanted for this moment to come just as much as you.”

Knock knock knock.

“Oh that will be them! Come, honey.”

Lauren grabbed Nathan’s hand as they both went to the door to greet their son and his girlfriend.

Lauren opened the door with a wide, enthusiastic smile, “Welcome to our home you two! We are so excited to host you.”

Lauren turned her attention to the young woman with David and became tongue-tied for a moment, stunned at the young woman’s beauty until she finally managed to gather herself, “I am David’s mother, Lauren, and this is his father, Nathan.”

Lauren and Nathan couldn’t help but stare at the young woman who wore a gorgeous sundress with perfect flowing hair relaxing over her shoulder. The sundress was sleeveless showing off her chiseled but womanly physique with hardly any body fat to speak of. The sundress also showed off the young woman’s chest, the size of which served to emphasize her small waist.

David confidently introduced his girlfriend, “Mom. Dad. This, is Constance.”

Constance leaned in to hug his mother, “What a gracious welcome. Thank you so much for having us.”

She then stepped through the doorway to hug his father, “Mmm dinner smells wonderful!”

David led Constance into the living room where they both took a seat, and Lauren and Nathan hung back and gave each other a look of utter approval and astonishment.

Lauren whispered, “She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen!”

Nathan whispered back, “And she carries herself with such grace. Probably from an elite family.”

Both beamed with pride as they entered the living room following David and Constance.

“You two settle in. Dinner will be ready very soon.” Lauren smiled as she scurried back into the kitchen.

Nathan sat across from Contance and David on the couch, “So how did you two meet?”

Constance smiled and tilted her head, “Well, I had actually just fallen and hurt myself in the market. That’s when your charming son helped me to my feet. We sat and watched the waves while talking. We have so much chemistry that it’s all been so effortless.”

“David, you should’ve told me about Constance. She’s the most lovely girl we’ve ever met!”

Internally, David wanted to shout that he had only met Constance last night; however, he found he had no control of his body under force of her Shadow Slave technique. Instead, David found himself saying, “She’s too good to be true, Dad. I didn’t want to introduce her to you both without first knowing we had something real together. And we do.”

“Dinner is served!”

Everyone made their way to the formal dining room where a full spread of delicious foods awaited them.

David pulled out Constance’s chair for her as she sat down.

Before anyone began to eat, Lauren, Nathan, and David all bowed their heads.

“Constance would you like to say our prayer?”

“Oh I couldn’t. I’d be too nervous.”

Lauren nodded with approval, “How inconsiderate of me, of course. I will lead the prayer.”

Lauren then blessed the food with prayer before everyone began to dig in.

“Constance, you are such a lovely young woman. I am so fond of you dating our son already.” Nathan turned to Lauren, “They met at the market where David helped her after falling.”

Lauren gasped, “My dear! I am so sorry. The market can be a bustling place. I myself have been knocked into several times there. Do you work there?”

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Constance maintained perfect posture and mannerisms at the dinner table. She presented herself as a divine goddess amongst mortals. “Oh no, I was actually doing research for my dissertation for a position in the capital. However, I am so fond of this city… and so fond of David…” Constance winked at David, “… I might stick around here instead of heading back to the capital.”

Lauren and Nathan exchanged looks in a silent acknowledgement that a young and beautiful woman from the capital almost certainly comes from an elite and powerful family.

Constance followed up on their silence, “This city, Castell, has such an interesting power structure. Kings, princes, royal courts. It’s such a great topic to research. It is the largest city in the world that isn’t directly governed by a member of the Master Families.”

Nathan nodded, “You are quite right! Beautiful and smart! Castell was conquered by the Holy Light Empire during the war and allowed to maintain its monarchy under the condition that they maintain the city as a fortress city and port city to the Great Divide. But it’s all a bit of a farce because the church is the true seat of power in Castell.”

Constance tilted her head forward with curiosity, “Is that so?”

Lauren nodded, “Oh yes, there is separation of church and state here officially, but unofficially the church gives the orders and the king follows. We also have mandatory sermons and worshipping once a week. The system has worked so well that no one bats an eye at it anymore, ha!”

“Fascinating.” Constance lost herself in deep thought with an idea and accidentally muttered to herself, “Then it would seem I need to become a sister of the church.”

Nathan chuckled thinking it was a joke at first before realizing she was serious, “Oh, well, they have very strict requirements. The first and foremost requirement being virginity which thins the applicant pool down quickly.”

Lauren turned to Nathan with a look of irritation and shock as his comment invited discussion of Constance’s virginity to the dinner table.

Nathan quickly followed up, “Please excuse me. I only mean to say the lifestyle of the church is strict under the guidance of the Holy Light Empire.”

Constance laughed, “No, you’re quite right. I am definitely not a virgin.”

The table went silent as both Nathan and Lauren took big gulps of their water glasses. Lauren took a refreshing sigh, “Who’s ready for dessert?”

Constance chimed in, “May your son and I take our dessert on the back patio?”

“But of course. I think we could all use some fresh air, couldn’t we?”

Constance took David’s hand and led him to the back patio while Lauren and David retreated to the kitchen to ready dessert.

Lauren hit her husband with a towel softly, “Are you crazy bringing up the topic of virginity? David will kill us if we screw this up for him!”

Nathan gave a nervous laugh, “Well we know she’s not a virgin now, so David should be in good hands in that department.”

“Jesus, Nathan. He may never reach that point if we scare her off.”

Lauren cut a pie and plated the slices. She then handed two plates to Nathan and picked up two plates herself. As they exited the kitchen, Nathan stopped, “Do you hear that?”

Lauren stopped and listened. They both heard a muffled, “Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me harder! Oh God yes, David!”

They both scurried to put the plates down on the dinner table and looked through the blinds to see Constance riding their son completely naked in the cowgirl position as he laid on the outside patio couch. Constance had her hands up running through her hair with her head thrown back while she moaned. Her perky young boobs required no support as they remained firmly in place while she bounced on their son’s cock with seemingly no regard for their presence.

Lauren and Nathan couldn’t believe their eyes.

“So, definitely not a virgin. She did tell us that much.”

Nathan shook his head and laughed, “I guess her idea of dessert is a little bit different than ours. And I think her aspirations of joining the church are officially extinguished.”

Lauren playfully hit Nathan’s shoulder, “We shouldn’t be watching this.”

“No. We shouldn’t.” However, both Lauren and David continued to watch through the blinds in utter shock and disbelief.

After only one minute, Constance dismounted David’s body after making him cum inside of her already. Constance immediately began to walk directly back inside, and both Lauren and David hurried to look busy by the table to indicate they had not been watching.

Constance opened the door and walked in with an air of arrogance that had not been present earlier.

Lauren had a worried look on her face, “Constance. We-”

“Shhhh.” Constance walked to the table and ran her finger through the whip cream on the slice of pie. She then smeared it on Nathan’s lips and began to kiss it off while holding the back of his neck and putting him under her spell, Shadow Slave.

Lauren backed up slowly until she backed up into the wall, “Who- who are you?”

Constance offered her no answer as she walked over to her with her divine god-like physique on full display. Constance grabbed the back of Lauren’s neck and kissed her next while activating Shadow Slave.

Constance then looked around the room to see David enter from outside, “I think it’s time the entire family went straight to bed.”

She snapped her fingers and Lauren and Nathan obediently retreated to their bedroom while Constance looped her arm through David’s as they went to the guest bedroom.

Constance thought to herself, “This family is perfect to test my most advanced abilities on. They are nobodies, and as such nobody will miss them. If all of my abilities work without fail in this world as they do on Earth then I can initiate my ultimate plans for this city.”

David crawled into bed obediently under direction of Shadow Slave while his parents did too in the other room. Constance was last as she crawled into bed with a smile on her face.

She rolled over to face David and kissed him, “Goodnight and goodbye, David. I hope you never really believed you could handle a girl like me. But you did, didn’t you?”

Constance could see the fear lurking behind his eyes. A fear that would eventually wash away under chronic Shadow Slave application but that had yet to disappear thus far. She kissed him again on the lips, “Now fall asleep, and I’ll see you in your nightmares.”

Constance rolled back over and fell asleep as well. She first entered the dreams of both Lauren and Nathan. In their bedroom, their bodies were eviscerated by an unseen force as the brutality inflicted upon them by Contance in their dreams manifested in real life.

A large gash from the stomach up to the neck appeared on both Lauren and Nathan allowing blood and guts to spill out turning the white sheets red.

In her sleep, Constance wore a wide smile, as David’s body lying directly next to her suddenly ripped open with a large gash from the bottom of his stomach up to his neck. Blood splattered all over Constance, and she rolled over in her sleep and cuddled on David’s body with the warmth of his spilled organs pushing up against her body.

The warmth of spilled blood and guts hugging against her naked body gave her an extreme sense of comfort as it reminded her of her empress, Xenia, and Constance fell into a deep comforting sleep while hugging David’s mutilated body.

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