Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 163 163 An Interview from Beyond

Chapter 163 Chapter 163 An Interview from Beyond

"It seems that you have already given up. You are commendable despite being such an evil spawn. Tell me, are you prepared to die now?"

The nameless goddess asked as she looked at the handsome young man who stood calmly in her advent.

The restrictive formation that this Foul Creature had done some minutes prior was a good try to limit her actions but alas, it was all for naught in the end.

Although she was restrained for some time but not to the point where her prey could escape from her grasp.

This beautiful woman was created to complete any quest and she has yet to fail in doing what she believed was right and just.

"Your name is Lin Che, correct?" The nameless goddess heard the familiar voice of the man in crimson cultivators robes.

There was no panic in his eyes whatsoever which she assumed as the final brave stand of someone who already lacked any hope at life and survival.

"Indeed. I am Lin Che. Do you want to say one last prayer before you go?" Lin Che asked in a soft voice.

At this time, the nameless goddess who took the name of Lin Che could not help but soften a bit towards the dark son of evil in her eyes.

"You really are very predictable, Advocate of Justice Lin Che. And to answer your question. I do have a little prayer to tell. No... not a prayer but a question instead."

Clark replied and the mysterious smile on his face grew even more puzzling by the second.

Of course this has not at all escaped the notice of Lin Che but she deemed it useless to ask the reason behind the strange actions of her prey.

In the end, Lin Che waited patiently because she knew that everything would be clear soon enough. And just right on cue, our bored gamer also did not let his guest hold her breath for too long.

"What will you do if i take you to a party? Will you dance with me or will you try to finish your mission at the expense of everybody else?"

Clark asked gently and there was a mischievous grin on his face right now. If he had any viable alternatives then he would not have decided to take this way out.

Alas, since beggars can't be choosers, our good gamer could only sigh at how low he would become from now on.

"What do you m..." Lin Che wanted to ask but quickly found out that the Foul Creature was already gone from her sight.

But it did not take her long to pinpoint the location of our avid gamer. She looked to the east and before a half breath had elapsed, followed the silent tracks of our slippery protagonist.

When Lin Che materialized once more into the world, she realized that she was absolutely overdressed for the occasion.

There was music in the air and the atmosphere of revelry was obvious to every man, woman and child. It was easy to determine that there was a celebration of sorts today.

"..." Lin Che recalled her weapon and what was left of her was a perfect epitome of femininity in all her 10 foot grandeur.

She had long raven hair and the golden armors on her body depicted a warrior goddess in the flesh.

With most cultivators only standing at the average height of six and half feet tall, Lin Che has certainly garnered not a few spectators in her sudden arrival.

"Welcome, Goddess Lin Che! Your friend is waiting inside. Please come along with me."

A lowly servant bowed deeply and with one glance alone, Lin Che noticed that this pitiful woman was under the spell of that wretched Foul Creature.

'To think that you would stoop this low. You are truly despicable!' Lin Che thought inside and only offered a simple nod as a response.

Since there was no point in talking to a mere puppet, it was best to finally meet with the real orchestrator behind the shadows.

They passed by the crowd of half naked men and women in tribal clothes and into the humble abode of a wooden refuge.

People in here wore animal skin as clothes and sported animal fangs and claws as jewelries which was testament to their bravery in battle.

This was a small village in the middle of a forest laden with rabid spiritual beasts in all directions.

Still, this little clan stood tall through all tribulations which was more than enough to show that they were a breed of survivors in this xianxia world.

A few steps inside the main house of the tribe and Lin Che has finally seen what she had come here for.

But instead of taking any rash actions whatsoever, the goddess only looked at our bored gamer with great hate coming from her eyes.

"Please take a seat, Goddess Lin Che!" Our bored gamer welcomed his furious visitor with only the sweetest smile in tow.

Both were openly polite to each other and as expected, Lin Che could only oblige at this time. She selected a seat not far away from our very own protagonist.

Nobody in here would have noted that the two were enemies a few breaths prior. Not that it mattered one bit because almost everyone inside was already captivated by Clark's spell.

Perhaps there were only two amongst them who remained free to do what they will. It was of course none other than our bored gamer and his op adversary, Lin Che.

"You're nothing but a coward, don't you know that?" Lin Che was the first one who threw the stone towards Clark's way.

She could feel an extreme sympathy for the Foul Creature's victims and yet she was so very powerless to stop it all from happening.

In her long life, similar scenarios like this one happened in the past. But in those times, she always had her sisters to help her out.

'Should i call on my sisters for help?' Lin Che mused. Alas, it did not even take one second for her to deny this course of action.

It had been her decision to go on a solo mission this time around and she would definitely not go home defeated against any evil in her path.

Most especially not against this Foul Creature who gazed at her with a shameless naughty regard.

"Small titles such as cowards and thieves mean nothing to me at all, Lin Che. You should know that an evil man like me only has one thing in mind. I only want to exist.

Give me that and we shall have peace. You take your own path while I shall take mine. Do we have a deal?" Clark asked audibly.

He did not care at all if these people around him would him because they were pretty much oblivious of what was happening also. The tribe ate and danced.

Talked amongst themselves and even shared epic stories with not a few laughter over the din of the archaic musical instruments they used.

As it was, they were nothing but mere hostages for our bored gamer today.

"You're dreaming! The Primal Wardens do not know how to compromise with Evil!" Lin Che roared and though her voice was filled with fury, that was all she did in response.

She did not even summon her golden sword and shield for combat because she knew that there were many lives at stake around her.

Still, our bored gamer felt the intensity of the goddess' hate towards him and he could not help but ask in reply.

"How could you say that one is evil? As far as i can remember, i have not killed an innocent soul yet in this world. Not one life was taken by me in vain."

Clark was curious on how Lin Che judged his sins today.

Was she only a mindless tool in the hands of the Elder God or was she perhaps capable of doing something more than merely being a puppet in someone else's hands?

"It's no use, Foul Creature. You feign innocence and yet even as we speak, your armies of monsters and evil dead robs the land of its life!"

Lin Che answered which aptly delivered sense to the query of our bored gamer.

'DAMN! How could this woman be only at the 2nd Stage of Mortal Shedding Realm?! How could she know that I'm the one behind who's pulling the strings of those undead?'

Clark shook inside as he tried to fathom the bottomless abilities that were readily available towards Lin Che.

He realized fully well that this was a practice in futility but determined nonetheless that he was nothing compared to this real freak of nature before him.

'Even my system cheat seemed paltry against the myriad of talents shown by Lin Che today.'


'I really have no hope against a goddess molded by the very hands of that fucking Elder God himself!'

Clark cursed as he reviewed what he had learned about Lin Che from his system Nancy. She was a part of a legion called Primal Wardens.

Each of them were soulless beings and created only for the sole purpose of the Elder God's whims.

This was the reason why no matter how much our bored gamer could kill Lin Che, she could always ignore his fatal strikes and be reborn stronger than ever in the aftermath.

'Such an op cheat is indeed quite a headache to face! It's easier to slaughter a god than something that an Elder God has created with his own two hands.

An Elder God's power is really scary!' Clark concluded at this point.

He wanted to cry in desperation but immediately gave up on that idea. In the end, our bored gamer stared hard at Lin Che while he planned on what he needed to do next.

'It seems like I have a dead god to interview next.' Clark pondered deeply as he rubbed his smooth chin with one hand.

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