Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 865 865 The Shack

Chapter 865 Chapter 865 The Shack

"I guess i escaped that tribulation this time around. The problem i have now is that i don't know where the hell i am. Hmmm..."

Our bored gamer mused as he looked at the foreign lands that besieged his eyes.

The original owner of this body named Hajime Eto was a native in the Land of Virgins and he stayed within its borders up until his successful prison break.

"That pesky ninja. Don't let me see you again, little boy." Clark cursed when he remembered the reason why he was lost in the first place.

Nevertheless, he really did not have real hate for the hired goon. Hajime Eto was not a nice guy for all intents and purposes. He raped for fun and recreation in the Land of Virgins after all.

"Show me the nearest settlement in this place, Nancy." Our avid gamer asked his most loyal system.

"Affirmative, host." Nancy replied cheerfully.

"DING!" A green arrow shone into being and Clark followed its directions to a tee.

"Show me my character status, Nancy." While on a slow jog, our bored gamer did not forget to open his system cheat in this world.


* * *

Name: Clark Colter

Cultivation: -

Innate Perks: Infinite Stamina


Additional Quest: -

* * *

"Well... this is a change of pace, partner. You are surely making it more difficult for me this time around." Our bored gamer complained at this find.

Although he could easily run for more than 3 days and even years nonstop with his profound cheat on hand but this will not do him well in completing his ultimate quest in this world.

He would have loved to summon mindless nature elementals left and right to do the labor for him but alas, it seemed that this shall become a different story from here on out.

"SIGH!" Clark shook his head for one last time before continuing on his journey in silence. About 10 minutes into the trip and our avid gamer found the end of the green arrows.

He was in a rich forest that had supported life from myriad beings all throughout. It was just sad to see that some people chose to desecrate this fertile land with the blood of the innocent.

"I get the same old picture no matter what world i visit. This begins to feel like home already." Clark took a deep breath as the familiar stench of blood tickled his senses alive.

In the clearing beyond, he could see men, women, and children getting slaughtered without mercy.

They were forcefully sent to reincarnate in the next world by people wearing a distinctive forehead protector that denoted which clan they belonged to.

This one told the surname of Izuhara. It would have been good if there was a battle between equals but no, it was no less than a one sided massacre from start to finish.

Clark noted this clan's name in his mind.

"Take me to the next settlement, Nancy. This place is much closer to hell already." Our good gamer said and took his first steps back to whence he came.

* * *

"What is it, Roku?" A ninja asked his friend who made peculiar motions on the side. They had been together for many years and so he knew exactly the meaning of these actions.

It was more often an indicator of trouble than anything else.

"We got an unexpected visitor. A single person. Male. And from the looks of it, he's nothing but a stray dog in these cursed lands. Should i send somebody for him?"

The ninja named Roku asked. He was a sensor type ninja and so it was extremely easy for him to detect unwanted elements in the surroundings.

"Let him go. We already have what we came here for. The clan leader would punish us severely if we are one minute late from the meeting with the Yamashiro clan."

The other ninja replied and said no more. There were bigger things that needed to be done. A small fry like our bored gamer was simply not important enough to get their attention.

Unfortunately for them, this would prove to be the greatest mistake of their life.

* * *

"DING!" The second green arrow indicator ended in time. Before long, Clark could see the pitiful state of the many. There was great suffering and starvation in the place.

In fact, there was no fat man, woman, or child in sight. This must have been brought about by the constant warring clans in the lands.

People go to war and there would be the usual casualties as consequence. Fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, and siblings would die and leave behind their families to survive on their own.

It was a horrible tale of loss and sorrow. At first sight, there might have only been less than a hundred living souls in this pitiful settlement.

A third of them was probably dying with hunger or disease.

"Tsk. Tsk." Clark felt sorry for them all especially for the weakest in their number. He walked deeper into the camp and stopped when he felt a tug on his pants.

It was a little girl that could not have passed the age of 10. She was all dirty and thin that a strong gust of wind may be enough to topple her down.

Surprisingly enough, there was so much strength in such a tiny figure.

"Mister? Can you give me some food? My sister is sick and I'm afraid that..." The little girl gulped and her dry throat stopped her from saying anything more.

But she tried no matter what. She wanted to convey what she wanted to say.

"You don't need to force yourself, child. Take me to your sister." Clark smiled and carried the little girl in his arms.

He did not have to ask permission since the girl was close to falling over where she stood. Two minutes down the road and our avid gamer approached a specific shack out of many.

There a much littler girl that laid weakly on the lone bed at the center.

"Is that you, sister?" The much littler girl asked without opening her eyes. She may have wanted to but she was just too weak to even do that.

"It's me, Yuuka. A good... big brother... has brought us... food. I told you... i would get... you food today. I promised... so here... i... am... We don't have... to starve... anymore."

The girl on Clark's arms said in a broken voice. It was obvious that she was trying her hardest not to cry.

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