Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 874 874 Fountain

Chapter 874 Chapter 874 Fountain

"You are wise, Demon Blade. You will remember this night for a long long time and thank your lucky stars for it. Settle the affairs in your clan first. I shall summon you one of these days."

Our bored gamer prophesied and left thereafter. Since he had gotten what he came for tonight already then there was no need to make haste at all. He had every time in the world.


"Clan Leader!"

"You..." The remaining ninjas that was not stunned by our very own protagonist's techniques could not help but stop in shock. They could not believe what they were seeing.

Not a few number of them even rubbed their eyes repeatedly in order to ascertain everything over and over again.

"I know. I have been defeated. It's been a while but we can't change this truth. It is done." Fujima Mamoru lamented yet there was only a deafening silence that answered him.

He looked up from his disappointment and the same astonished faces greeted him again. Some of them wanted to say something but could not find the courage to continue.

It was as if something too big was hindering them from doing so. Nevertheless, those present appeared like speechless frogs on the scene.

"What is it?!" Fujima Mamoru exploded in rage. It did not need saying that he was truly angry for the defeat that he experience on the hands of his new master.

"Pat...riarch... don't you feel anything strange right now?" Finally a brave ninja spoke the sentiment of the many.

He started asking this tentative question and blinked his eyes like a virgin vying for the attention of his first love.

"What do you mean? Of course i..." Fujima Mamoru started but halted halfway when he saw his freshly regenerated arm. It looked alien to his eyes!

The dead blemished skin was no more to be seen and even his permanent scars disappeared from its eternal place. He checked his other arm and saw the same change.

More than that, a thorough inspection happened and he got his guesses all checked for him. The last one he touched was his face that felt as smooth as a baby's bottom.

"Someone bring me a mirror." Fujima Mamoru commanded softly. He and his men could not have conjured a water mirror at once since their clan specialized in fire based techniques only.

"I shall get it for you, Patriarch!" A ninja volunteered and within breaths, he came back with a moderate sized mirror in tow.

He placed it in front of his clan leader and another deep stillness visited the ranks.

"That strong senior has not only healed me but he has also given me so much more than that. That means that i am..." Fujima Mamoru stopped his thoughts there.

From being a 91 year old ghost that was almost to his grave, he had returned to his prime. Demon Blade Mamoru looked no older than 20 at this time.

"Summon the clan elders. I shall see them all tonight!" Fujima Mamoru commanded. He walked away, lost inside his own considerations.

If that unfathomable senior had that ability easily in his arsenal then it would simply mean that he was nothing more but a replaceable piece of pawn.

At this time, Fujima Mamoru could already decipher the meaning of that senior's words earlier. Thus, he was determined to hold this chance of a lifetime.

* * *

"Hehehe. This is why i love dealing with wise old men. It certainly makes the job a whole lot easier for me." Clark muttered in his chaos clone.

He has not left the vicinity since he wanted to know how his first slave would react to his boon. What he saw has definitely made him happy.

"I have high hopes for you, Demon Blade Mamoru." With that thought, our bored gamer finally left the place.

* * *

A week later and all the nearby clans were invaded by the Fujima Clan. This has made a more chaotic picture in the already hot war in the lands.

The expansion was unstoppable as kilometers of lands were devoured daily in the campaign. Of course, there was less blood shed in the aftermath of every engagements.

Our good gamer was not a bloodthirsty devil that would call upon the slaughter of everyone involved.

With an invigorated Fujima Mamoru who just returned to his peak, all resistance appeared like paper tigers in consequence.

Alas, this irresistible force has become a reason unity for all the rest yet to be conquered.

A number of clans has foregone their conflict and feud in order to provide one strong front against their enemy.

Three months later and the final fight in the Land of Sugar stepped on its conclusion. Two great forces was about to engage in a blood bath.

"You should surrender and serve my master, Yamashiro Sozen! Only death awaits you and your people if you resist! Take it as my good advice to you as your friend."

A strong man holding a terrible sword convinced. Thousands of people feared this sword as this weapon has been famous for dozens of years from its advent.

This was of course true to its wielder also.

"It seems that the rumors are indeed not false. You have really regained your youth, Mamoru. But unlike you, i would rather die than be a dog under anyone in this life!"

An old man answered with pride. The two groups in confrontation were in an open field at this time. With ninjas like them, this was the best setting for a war of this scale.

One should know that there were dozens of thousands of people ready to shed their lives today.

"Then you leave you me choice, my friend." Demon Blade Mamoru sighed. His master was clear on his instructions.

To kill only the strongest players in the game and leave the weaker ones to live another day. Alas, it appeared like he would have to kill yet another old friend in this war laden fields.

"WAIT! We would like to get an audience with your master! If he could promise us the same thing he did to you, i and the rest of my clan shall happily serve him!

We shall be the most loyal ninjas under his banner!" Another old man intruded upon this conversation of old men.

"What are you doing, Izuhara Kenjiro! Are you going to turn your back on us!" Yamashiro Sozen roared. He did not expect that one of his allies would do this of all times.

"You can't blame me, Sozen! The enemy is not someone that we can defeat!" Kenjiro shouted back.

"..." Unfortunately for him, Demon Blade Mamoru has already gotten his reply from his op master. Clark knew how to keep tabs and this Izuhara Clan was something of his acquaintance.

Thus, it was time for retribution.

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