Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 888 888 Eye in the Sky

Chapter 888 Chapter 888 Eye in the Sky

"We tried our best." Mr. Jacobs sighed. His body could be seen lying down on the desert sands but more than that, a carpet of red was slowly gathering around his form.

It was obvious that he was mortally wounded at this moment. Not a single part of his body was free from injury. Even his precious balls was crushed into smithereens.

"You think?"



"HAK!" Another soul answered followed by a gut wrenching fits of hard coughs. A copious amount of blood was vomited in the scene thereafter.

If Mr. Jacobs looked like a mess then Mr. Green was practically barely alive. Some of limbs was nowhere to be seen. The lucky ones that lingered appeared sorry leftovers of broken flesh.

The gory picture was indeed an ugly one to witness. Still, all the three souls that were there had lived a life that was filled with violence and death.

Such a thing was quite normal for the three of them.

"The two of you are commendable." Clark said in triumph. He did not gloat nor felt any joy whatsoever. He expected this outcome after all.

The only thing that remained to be done was to deliver the mind control drug to the two.

Of the supers that he had caught over the years, it was not hard for him to conclude that Mr. Jacobs and Mr. Green were perhaps the strongest of them all.

This was nothing surprising at all since our bored gamer only targeted weak ones and stragglers in the past.

Had he become greedy and kidnapped stronger or important supers then he would have invited the curiosity of many.

This was one prospect that he did not want to encounter especially in the past where his options was limited.

Fortunately enough, the same circumstance could not be anymore said about him today. Clark was more than ready to wage war against anyone.

With a thought, he retrieved the magic vial which contained an eerie dark liquid that spelled doom unto many.

He then administered the drug unto the motionless forms of Mr. Jacobs and Mr. Green.


"DING!" The deed was done and all he had to do now was wait. A second later and a miracle happened before his eyes.

Wounds were mended and a healthy pink was seen on both the downed opponents on the desert. More than that, bones and missing flesh was regenerated into the fray.

It did not need telling that this miracle drug of mind control was not the one from before. It was an upgraded version of the past. Doctor Mastermind was truly a genius.

He incorporated the healing factor of Ruby's ability into the drug that he created.

This has not only made the potency of the liquid rise but it could also be used as a life saving drug in the direst of circumstance.

Nevertheless, our bored gamer was not one to be fooled by such a novice maneuver. It was easy to tell that the wise doctor merely wanted to have his constant source of life.

This new drug alone can reverse the aging process indefinitely. Even if Ruby should die in the future, Doctor Mastermind was assured that he would live for all of eternity.

He even accepted the fact that by taking the drug himself that he too would be enslaved for life. That was a minor consequence in order to have eternal life.

There was much promise yet to be had and this evil doctor wanted to have it all.

"Stand." Clark commanded and the two souls followed without complaint. Both were already under the magical effects of the mind control drug.

"So this is your plan? Rather unoriginal. I expected a lot other than this. But i could not say the same thing to the thing that you made us drink. It is extremely effective."

Mr. Jacobs was the first one to show his stand on how things were. He was surprisingly calm at this new change of station. For him, this was better than meet with Death prematurely.

"Release us at once!" Mr. Green was enraged. This state of being controlled by others brought up bad memories in his past.

His body turned bigger and it glowed with a shade of crimson but no matter what he did, the constraints inside his mind remained as strong as ever.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Mr. Green roared loudly in the sky. He stopped only after his throat gave in to the self inflicted punishment he brought upon himself. Tears fell from his eyes in drove.

It was clear that this big man had a story to tell. Just like everyone else in this huge unpredictable world. Superheroes and supervillains alike.

"You are defeated. Thus, you should accept the fate of one." Clark said his piece. This was the only consolation he could say at the moment.

More than that, he remained indifferent thereafter. One should know that Mr. Green was far from a good man at all. This big man has slain his share of innocents down this road of a villain.

Nevertheless, even villains had tragic backstories that made them humans once upon a time.

"Hmmm... Interesting." Our bored gamer rubbed his face over his black sith mask. He looked above him and his eyes pierced at the invisible aspect in the distance.

Before he came here, he had made sure to encircle this whole desert with a formation brought about by his teleportation magic.

Just like he could freely slice space into perfect cubes, he had alienated this place into a separate reality in order to evade the spying of anyone.

But it was curious that he could feel a set of prying eyes on him at the moment.

'Is that person connected with these two?' Clark mused in the silence of his thoughts. This was the most obvious reason about this mystery.

Mr. Green and Mr. Jacobs were the only variables in the scene.

"Come out if you dare. Or are you just a dirty old voyeur?" Our bored gamer taunted in order to invite this unseen spy to show himself.

"..." Alas, only silence responded to his summons. It meant that this enemy was not a simple one indeed.

"Oh, well." Our avid gamer shrugged. There were many opportunities to meet in the future. Three souls left the scene thereafter.

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