Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 891 891 Origin

Chapter 891 Chapter 891 Origin


Power Systems Conquered: 33/50

Everything went black and a new chapter began.

* * *

"I've lived an ordinary life. I don't know if this is a blessing or a curse." An old man lamented in his lonesome. The year was already 2122 and the feared world war 3 never came to be.

It appeared that the majority of the leaders in the world was quite satisfied with how the world worked and so it would be stupid of them to rock the boat until it capsized.

Thus, the modern civilization continued to thrive with the same usual problems. It was just sad that one soul arrived on his death bed with lots of regrets in his life.

He did not have a family of his own but not for the lack of trying. He was just simply unfortunate one could say.

There were lots of time that he tried his luck and pursued women which was way above his league but as fate would have it, no one ever gave him a chance at all.

It also did not help that he sported one of the most ordinary face one could get.

Nobody in a busy mall would ever look at him twice in passing. His physical qualities was indeed subpar at best.

"Since i can't get the women i wanted then i won't ever settle for those average women also!" This old man vowed in his youth. Alas, it was nothing more than pride talking.

The years went in a blink of an eye and now, the reaper was coming to get his due.

"I wish that i had been much braver in life." The old man said while taking his last breaths.

He hoped that he would have ventured out for more and persevered against all odds so that he would not have died a virgin in this life.

"I wish that i was a whole lot luckier in the past." The dying man uttered a distant fantasy once more.

Things would have been much different if he was just given one little sprinkle of luck in his young days. He would not have lived the years of his life alone and in hopeless isolation.

All he ever did was merely surviving and not living at all. When everything was said and done, his 101 years in this world seemed empty in comparison to what could have been.

"BEEP!" With one concluding sigh, the old man finally closed his eyes in death. He carried with him his vast regrets that would ultimately haunt him in the afterlife.

* * *

"Young master! I know you can hear me! Please wake up! Don't leave Xixi alone! Xixi can't live without you, young master!"

A beautiful girl about the age of 18 or so cried over the comatose form of a handsome young man.

The two were perhaps of the same age and at one glance alone, it could be seen that they were indeed close in this life.

Unfortunately, the handsome boy seemed to be on the brink of death at this time.

"It's no use, Ning Xi. Young master Chu Yang is destined to leave this world early. We can only pray that the heavens will bring him a kinder fate in his next life."

An old woman consoled the crying girl and left the place of death thereafter.

"NOOOOOOOOOO! I don't believe that! My young master won't leave me! Please open your eyes! Please... Plea..." Ning Xi wept and she continued to do so for a long long time.

It did not matter that her eyes could not provide tears anymore.

She just stayed and hugged the dying form of her young master, the only person that had shown her true kindness in this world.

* * *

'Where am i? Why is my face so wet? Am i drowning somewhere?' This was the first thoughts of an alien soul. He tried opening his eyes but quickly realized that he could not do so.

His chest felt heavy but he knew not the cause of it. Perhaps the only thing he could sense was a gentle sob that originated from nearby.

'Ohhh... FUCK!' The alien soul wanted to shout but his lips were tightly sealed. Thus, he experienced an extreme agony in silence.

It felt like his head was about to crack with all the huge information that it was forced to process.

The whole thing felt like an eternity from start to finish but in real time, only a full minute has passed.

This mysterious phenomenon explained a lot upon this alien soul that was several universes away from home.

'I'm reincarnated in a cultivation world?!' The alien soul realized but his doubts never wavered.

This alien soul was of course no one else but that old man who lived up to 101 years old on his native planet Earth.

'Shouldn't this only happen on web novels and the like?' The alien soul was confused. One of his favorite hobbies in the past was read the myriad online novels especially the xianxia genre.

He always dreamed that he could be more than human that could flip mountains with a finger and burn the seas dry with a single breath.

The alien soul tried to move his body but realized that he could not move even his fingers. He did everything until a couple minutes later, he was successful in doing one thing.

He could move his lips and did another action to confirm his suspicions. The alien soul bit his lips hard and he was surprised to note that it hurt a lot.

'It is real! I have truly transmigrated into some place else! Or is this my heaven already?' The alien soul asked in silence.

He may have been many things on Earth but he was proud to say that he had kept his conscience clear to the best of his ability.

He has not killed anyone nor has he cheated other people in his life so he was absolutely thinking of going to heaven if there was ever an afterlife beyond.

Perhaps this thought was his only consolation amidst all the regrets he burdened himself with over the years.

'I guess it doesn't matter at all. I'm still here so i have to make the best of the present.' The alien soul decided and tried opening his eyes for the first time.

It was then that he heard something that would help him immensely in this cultivation world.


"Game Trainer System Initializing..."

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