Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 899 899 Owner

Chapter 899 Chapter 899 Owner

"How can this old slave serve you in this auspicious afternoon, young master Chu." A thin ugly man welcomed the company of two.

This wise old slave trader has sharp eyes and it did not take him long to note the identity of his guest based on the insignia on Chu Yang's robes.

More than that, his eyes roamed greedily upon the tamed great beasts that pulled on the carriage of his prospective customers.

These giant winged wolves could only belong to persons of extreme power and yet it was odd that a younger generation could afford to own such beauty.

This slave trader could only assume that this young master was someone of immense important from the noble clan of Chu.

He did not even bother to note that glaring fact that this young man appeared to have no cultivation base whatsoever or that he was wearing such tasteless set of cultivator's robe on his person.

"We're here to buy your most premium slaves. We only want the best." Chu Yang said and inspected the open display of people in the vicinity.

These slaves were inside metal cages and were even chained in both hands and feet.

What was most noticeable were the numbers on their forehead that glinted eerily when hit by the sunlight through the windows.

There was a raw beauty in their desolate appearances that knocked at the soft heart of Chu Yang. He decided to have a change of mind right then and there.

"Scratch that. I'm here to buy all your slaves." Chu Yang declared and the slave trader could not help but go mute with shock at this unbelievable customer.

He froze in place with his jaw hanging from his disfigured face but he recovered in less than 6 breaths after the demand was made.

It was obvious that this wise slave trader was indeed an old hand in this job.

"Follow me, young master Chu! This old slave shall see that this task shall be done in a timely manner!" The thin slave trader cupped his fists in promise.

He led the way thereafter and there was a spring to his steps which revealed the excitement he felt inside.

He had been a slave trader all his life but this was the first time that someone emptied their house in just one visit alone.

* * *

One hour later.

"I apologize for the wait, young master Chu. The number of slaves are just too many for us to deal with for a one time purchase. Still, I'm happy to say that everything is ready.

Within this storage ring are the devices that shall control your newly purchased slaves.

You need not worry that they would betray you or your family because we have already imprinted the seal of absolute obedience in them.

They shall only kill or harm anybody at the your direct order.

The only concern you would realistically have to be aware of is that each wooden stele needs 3 spirit stones to function each month. That is 30 days or 720 hours to be exact.

There may be unfortunate consequences if you'll be just a second too late to supply those required spirit stone consumption.

You are probably already familiar with this setting since you possess those giant wolves outside.

But i will have to remind you again that whoever holds the wooden stele have absolute command over the slave.

This is true for your big pets outside and to the slaves that you're about to buy." The old slave trader said after more than an hour activating the seal that would keep the slaves in line.

He passed a modest storage ring towards his rich customer.

"Hmmm... I understand." Chu Yang wore the ring and inspected the goods inside. He closed his eyes but nothing happened.

"You need to put your own blood essence and rub it on the surface of the ring in order to take ownership of the item, young master Chu." The old slave trader reminded.

Even mortals who has not began in the path of cultivation could take ownership of this ring doing the same exact thing he instructed.

"I see. This is all new to me." Chu Yang said frankly. This was of course an honest statement since this was the first time he had ever wore something as magical as this storage ring.

He then bit a finger in order to draw blood and accomplish the task at hand. Alas, he may as well be biting hard diamond at this moment since his skin was invulnerable to any damage.

"This is a problem." Chu Yang shook his head.

There was of course a simple solution to this predicament and that would be to turn off his God Mode option in the game trainer but that would put him at risk for a few seconds.

Even a half breath duration of weakness was absolutely not acceptable. He paused for a moment and it did not take him long to get a fresh idea in mind.

"Xi'er." He summoned his maidservant who remained quiet throughout the entire discussion.

"Yes, young master?" Ning Xi stepped forward. The other two guys looked at her and she could not help but lower her head in response. She did not like to be the center of attention at all.

"Take this ring and you will be its safe keeper from now on." Chu Yang passed the ring unto the hands of his maidservant.

"Young master! I..." Ning Xi hesitated. This was a big responsibility and she did not know if she could accomplish the task to her master's satisfaction.

Luckily for her, Chu Yang's words erased all her doubts away.

"I believe in you, Xi'er."

"I'll do my best, young master!" Ning Xi nodded and proceeded to do what was expected of her.

She looked around for something sharp to help her with and the old slave trader produced one in a flash. This slave trader got quick hands to compliment his sharp mind also.

It was a small knife but it will do the job well. This same knife would see through a change of ownership between one slave owner to another.

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