Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 902 902 Path to Greatness

Chapter 902 Chapter 902 Path to Greatness

"You may pass." Chu Cangsheng relented after a brief pause. The horde then followed suit and it took a long long time before the line disappeared from view on the gates. This number was indeed countless.

* * *

"My path to greatness has just began." Chu Yang grinned in the privacy of his room. He did not need to bother with the slaves outside since he had purchased sufficient supplies for them earlier.

Food and shelter would not be a problem. Perhaps the only thing he that would pull his attention was how to maintain peace and order amongst them.

With a population this many, conflict was bound to arise.

"I need to plan against that. Maybe i c..." Chu Yang mused but he was not allowed to finish his thoughts.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" A splitting headache assailed his unprepared body until a vein popped thereafter. Another innocent man died in agony.

A moment more and the corpse could be seen to stand once more.


"This scene never gets old." Our bored gamer took a deep breath to pay respect to the soul that was sacrificed in his advent.

Clark took a couple of minutes to get acquainted with his system cheat in this world and he realized that his partner was back in its usual self once again.

This world would be his without any challenges whatsoever.

"I offer you my thanks, partner." Our avid gamer smiled and he was on another adventure.

* * *

"It has been fun." Clark muttered in his lonesome. True to his guess, it had only taken him one thousand years from start to finish.

His conquest of this world must have been one of his fastest runs ever. The same golden throne could be seen floating in the sky as the last faith energy was harvested in full.

"On to the next one." He stated in the end. This xianxia world has proven to be faster for him simply because he had taken extra effort to finish it fast.

Thus, our bored gamer got busy for the first time in a long while.

He had not spend his days by merely sleeping or fucking around with women but he had taken laborious steps to be proactive in his actions.

It did not need telling that he was indeed excited for the end of his quest. At this moment, the golden number of 50 seemed like a step away for him.

Just a couple more leaps and he could already taste the fruits of his labor. Alas, Clark just needed to persevere just a little bit in order to reach that final goal. Almost...

"DING!" The scene closed to an end which hinted for another travel to begin. The adventure continued unimpeded.

Power Systems Conquered: 34/50

* * *

"The portal is ready, Master." A sweet voice echoed in the grand halls. The owner of this voice was impossible to appear in the mortal world.

To describe her also was futility itself since no words could ever truly justify her actual allure.

She was the epitome of beauty and elegance combined but to say that that was all there was to her would be an extreme understatement. This fair lady was so much more than that.

"Finally." A man replied. If that woman in the halls was that amazing, this man could absolutely put her to shame. Perfection could not even begin to put meaning to his person at all.

He was simply someone that was above everyone and everything that has ever existed in this universe. His real name was not known to many but he went by several names.

To name a few, this man was called Dark Paragon, Evil Buddha, Bloodthirsty Butcher, Merciless Defiler and Supreme Devil of the Abyss.

But perhaps the most popular name of them all was simply Demon Lord.

"THUD!" The man in majestic bone armors stood and the floors cracked at his immense weight.

If this fortress was any ordinary one then there was no doubt that the man would have fallen right through its tall heights.

Luckily enough, not one thing about about this place and its inhabitants was ordinary at all.

"Can... i go with you, Master?" The woman hesitated in asking. Her head was bowed down as gazed instead at the damaged floors that was slowly healing itself from its cracks.

"One day, i shall summon you... Diana." The Demon Lord said and continued on his way.

No more words could be heard between the two but only the distinctive droplets of tears on the floor.

* * *

"A new adventure awaits me." This was the Demon Lord's final words before he stepped through a blinding gateway. A portal through the multiverse.

* * *

"A demon lord, huh?" Our bored gamer chuckled at the scene that was presented before his eyes. He smiled since he would not have to incur bad karma from the death of this man.

His conscience would be clear from this jump and he realized that it had been a long long time for when something like this had last happened to him. It was indeed a cause for celebration.

If Clark has any form right now then he would have easily gotten a cup of ancient wine and drink it to his fill. Alas, our good gamer was only a soul form right now.

He could neither get free nor influence anything around him. As for this moment, he was content by being an audience to the present life and soon to be death of this notable evil man.

"I hope that you will be creative in your way of dealing death to this man, partner. I shall look fondly at how this evil shall be put into rest."

Clark could not help but converse with his strongest cheat. Unfortunately for him, the Heavenly Treasure Clay Brick ignored his wishes for the umpteenth time.

This was nothing new to our very own protagonist at all. In the end, he could only wait and sit at how this drama unfolded before his very eyes.

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