Breathing Life into Real Dolls

Chapter 35: Make Human Company Warehouse

Chapter 35: Make Human Company Warehouse


Since the appearance of ability users, a theory has been floating around the community. Although it hadnt been precisely verified, it was a theory that had spread through word of mouth by anonymous ability users who had experienced it firsthand.

That theory was that magical power was superior to other physical forces.

For example, lets say there were persons A and B with magical power and person C without magical power. A and B were ability users but were not on a strong level.

In such a case, if A and B were to fight each other with their fists, they would struggle to inflict fatal wounds on each other. After all, their abilities were not strong; their only weapon was their fists.

However, if A and C were to fight, the story would be different.

Even if As fist was only slightly enhanced by magical power, it would become a fatal blow to C. And even if Cs attack was a full swing with a baseball bat, it would not be fatal to A, who possessed magical power.

In short, the theory was that an ability user with magical power would have an overwhelming advantage in combat even without special abilities.

This hypothesis was built on the personal experiences of ability users and had neither been proven theoretically nor experimentally.

I had tucked this idea away in the back of my mind and forgotten about it, but it came to mind as soon as I heard Byunghos story.

In an actual fight between ability users, one would need at least an A-grade durability to fend off an attack as powerful as a rifle bullet.

After all, the bullets fired by a rifle have a truly terrifying destructive power.

However, what if that attack did not contain magical power, and the target was an ability user with magical power?

Even with just an E+ grade durability, it wouldnt be fatal.

Why? Because magical power was the superior force.

Of course, it was still a hypothesis, but I was almost certain.

Byungho, who had willingly accepted my request, shared his status window with me, and there was nothing in his abilities that could specifically help block bullets, and indeed, his durability was truly E+.

In that case theres no need to fear guns anymore.

Of course, the forces that have occupied the military bases are still dangerous. There were many weapons with formidable power in the army besides rifles.

However, at least the threat of rifles no longer required significant concern.

Acquiring this information was a significant gain.

Thank you very much for providing me with valuable information, Byungho-ssi.

Not at all. Youre the hero who saved our department stores people.

After a warm exchange of greetings, I left the infirmary.

Jin Serim followed me out and asked,

Are you leaving now?

I must. I originally planned to head straight to Paju the day before yesterday, but its been delayed.

Leaving the D-Mart shelter in Seoul unattended for too long was unsettling. Since theres no guarantee that mutant zombies would only appear here, I must return quickly.

Wait a moment. I have something to give you before you leave.

What? You dont have to give me anything.

Dont refuse it. Lets go to the second floor. Its in my room.

As we headed to Jin Se-rims room, she handed me something long, wrapped in cloth. I immediately unwrapped it.

This is

Its a Hwando. Its a reproduction of a weapon used during the Goryeo or Joseon periods.


Seeing this long, lethal blade in person was a first for me. It seemed like something youd typically see in comics or movies.

It was all white, from the handle to the sheath, making it quite eye-catching.

There were no frills or elaborate decorations, giving it a simple and clean feel. However, parts like the sheaths opening, end, and collar were made with golden metal, making it quite splendid.

May I draw it?

Of course.

I immediately grabbed the handle and slowly drew it out.


The sharply forged blade reflects the fluorescent light, boasting its elegance. The long blade gradually forms a gentle curve towards the end.

What do you think?

I dont know much about Hwando, but it seems like a genuinely well-made item?

Of course, it is. Its crafted by the Intangible Cultural Heritage Hwando Master himself.

Excuse me?

The grandfather who made it lives nearby. When he came to the department store for shelter, he brought about six swords with him. He gave one of them to me.

I carefully sheathed the Hwando.

If you give this to me, what will you, Serim noona, use to fight?

Truth is, I dont often fight with a sword due to my low strength and stamina. Even the other day, when the mutant zombies appeared, I didnt use it. I lent it to someone else. So you take it, Doha.

Is it really okay for me to accept something so precious?

Even though I said that I was incredibly tempted. The only knife I had ever used before was a sashimi knife from a sushi restaurant.

Having a proper sword like this would undoubtedly be a great help in future battles.

Jin Serim replied with a smile.

Hehe. Just relax your hand holding the sword and speak. Your eyes are sparkling, you know?

Thank you. Ill use it well.

Yes. That grandfather isnt here right now, but he would also want the sword to go to someone who can use it well.

I casually tucked the Hwando into the side of my belt and wore it around my waist.

Seeing the round ring on the scabbard, it didnt seem like it was meant to be worn this way. I would have to look it up later.

Serena spoke as she looked at the Hwando attached to my waist.

Wow! Doha, you look incredibly cool!

Indeed. It suits you well.

Jin Serim chimed in.

I smiled sheepishly and brushed beneath my nose with my thumb.


The department store people all flocked to the first floor to see us off.

Doha, are you leaving already? Whats the rush?

You must have used a lot of strength yesterday; why dont you rest for a few days before you go?

Youre going to Paju, right? Its really dangerous there, so be careful not to run into guys with guns, hyung.

Wow, is that the sword that Serim noona gave you? You look cool, like a wandering swordsman!

If I thought that last comment sounded a bit sarcastic, was it because my mood was twisted? Where on earth would you find a wandering swordsman riding a bicycle?

Everyone, if fate allows, well see each other again. Take care!

Take care!

Doha hyung, too!

Travel safely!

Serena and I left the department store with those sentimental farewells.

Our destination was a warehouse of Make Human Company located in Paju.

Actually, the distance from Ilsan to Paju was very close, even by bicycle, so we would have arrived quickly under normal circumstances.

However, this time we had to take a roundabout path to avoid various military forces stationed here and there. So, we expected to arrive by evening.

Master, I feel so good riding the bicycle!

Me too!



With the horde of zombies responding to our conversation and chasing after us, we pedaled toward Paju.


That evening, in front of the Make Human Companys warehouse in Paju, the sun was slowly beginning to set.

Five men, each with a rifle slung over their shoulder and wearing military boots, were heading into the warehouse.

Damn it. Those damn ability users. Why do we have to leave real women and come to extract fluids into dolls? Isnt that right?

Ability is privilege. What can you do about it?

So why dont we shoot them while they sleep? Even if theyre ability users, theyll die just the same if theyre shot while asleep!

How? They keep watch amongst themselves and sleep with guns under their pillows. If you dont kill them in one shot, youll be the one who gets killed.

Only one of them keeps watch. Whats so scary about that? If we actually try, we can do it, cant we?

They were men belonging to a nearby military faction.

In fact, even within the same military faction, there existed a distinction between ability users and non-ability users.

The ability users classified themselves as a special class, and they did not allow non-ability users to join in their sexual abuse of the kidnapped women.

The non-ability users were increasingly discontented with this, but the fear of unknown abilities had kept them from expressing it openly.

And that conflict had developed to the point where it could explode at any time when a non-ability user discovered this Make Human Company warehouse.

Here, there were Real Dolls, even more beautiful than human beings, available in multiple units.

The non-ability users relieved their sexual desires with the Real Dolls in this place, and thus, their dissatisfaction was somewhat alleviated. In this way, the military faction had narrowly maintained peace.

That was just a week ago.

And today, the non-ability users again secretly left the military faction and came to the warehouse with the Real Dolls to relieve their sexual desires.

One of the men, who was leading the way into the warehouse, suddenly stopped.

Hold on. Whats this? Who was the last to leave and didnt close the door?

They had been using the Real Dolls in the warehouse amongst themselves for a week. But today, the warehouse door, which should have been closed, was open.

What the hell? Someone must be inside.

Shush. Everyone be quiet. Muffle your footsteps and be on guard.

Regardless of good or evil, morality, or ethics, they were all soldiers. The moment they suspected there might be an enemy, they took up firing positions and became alert.

Going in.

Make Human Companys warehouse building had more the structure of an office than a warehouse.

As they cautiously entered the buildings corridor, faint male voices began to be heard from beyond the room where the Real Dolls were kept.

Heh, heh, heh, hoo, ha, ha, ha!

Haah, I think Ill come again. Why are these dolls so pretty?

Why do you report to me that youll come, you fool? Heh, heh!

Hehe. Its fun to defile something pretty

It was obvious they were using the Real Dolls. The expressions of the five men turned fierce in an instant.

Those motherfuckers.

Why are you dawdling? Lets go in and kill them all!

Wait, wait, hold on!

Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump!

The leading man ran swiftly and flung open the closed door.

Inside the room were six Real Dolls and two men, who were busily thrusting their hips while gripping the Real Dolls, pants down.

Who told you to use these, you sons of bitches!?

The leading man pulled the trigger of the gun, which was set to automatic, without any warning.


The two men, who were having sex with the Real Dolls, were shot dead without even letting out a scream.

The problem was that the man had carelessly swept the gun, and all six of the Real Dolls present also became bullet-ridden.

Those who followed the leading man belatedly let out a sigh.

Ah~ Ah. I told you to wait, you idiot.

They came into the room a little later to check the condition of the Real Dolls.

Ugh, fuck. You shot them all evenly. None of the six are unscathed.

I wasnt thinking about the dolls in my anger.

Yuck, theres semen in here. Some urine came out when they died.

Even if its a little shot, if its clean, Ill take it and pull one out.

You crazy bastard. After seeing these corpses, do you want to thrust into a bullet-riddled doll?

They each grumbled a word or two, clearly unconcerned about the two men they had just killed.

Kim Doha, who had watched this scene from hiding, thought:

These are men who have killed often.

Of course, beside him was Serena, ready to dash out at any command.

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