Chapter 229: The Death of Protector Wu’s Soul! Refining the Celestial Demon Puppet!

Chapter 229: The Death of Protector Wu’s Soul! Refining the Celestial Demon Puppet!

Chapter 229: The Death of Protector Wu's Soul! Refining the Celestial Demon Puppet!

"In this way, I have full control over this branch of the Soul Hall."

In the valley, Gu He slowly opened his eyes.

Everything that had just happened in the Soul Hall was witnessed through his soul incarnation.

The soul incarnation conjured by the Soul Splitting Art couldn't be too far from the main body.

However, this distance is greatly related to the strength of the main body's soul.

With Gu He's current soul realm, even if he were deep within the Canaan Institute, he could always see what was happening with his soul incarnation.

This is the great advantage of having one's soul power break through to the soul realm!

Thinking of the Soul Hall powerhouses' attitude towards his soul incarnation, a smile couldn't help but appear at the corner of Gu He's mouth.

With their strength, those Soul Hall powerhouses simply couldn't discern the reality of his soul incarnation.

Gu He's only concern was the sudden return of the Venerable of the Soul Hall.

With the strength of the Dou Zun realm, it is possible to see through the reality of his soul incarnation.

Gu He only hoped that the Venerable of the Soul Hall would return later, giving him enough time for his strength to grow.

Perhaps, by the time the Venerable returns, his own strength will have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Even if the Venerable discovers something, Gu He could suppress him and take his place!

Thinking of this, an idea sprouted in Gu He's mind.

Perhaps, he could gradually infiltrate the Soul Hall with the strangeness of the Soul Fusion Art, and step by step rise to a high position in the Soul Hall.

By then, every move of the Soul Hall would be under his control.

Of course, this idea is great, but with his current strength, it's obviously impossible to achieve this.

The priority is still to enhance his own strength.

"Next, it's time to make use of Protector Yun's corpse for the last time."

Suddenly, Gu He thought of the Celestial Demon Puppet he had obtained in the treasure trove of the Earth Demon Old Man, a slight smile curling at his lips.

With a thought, Protector Yun's corpse was immediately released.

At this moment, Protector Yun's body was still in a frozen state, wrapped in a thick layer of ice.

Then, Gu He activated his essence divine flame, and the next moment, a purple flame surged out.

Gu He flicked his finger, and the purple flame rushed towards Protector Yun's corpse, enveloping it completely.

Under the high heat of the life-bound godly flame, the thick ice layer enveloping Protector Yun's body quickly melted away.

As the ice layer melted, the last defense was gone, and the robe on Protector Yun's body turned to ash and disappeared.

Watching the corpse of Protector Yun enveloped in purple flame, Gu He's face was expressionless.

As the life-bound godly flame burned, Protector Yun's body turned a fiery red color.

With this continuous roasting, faint wisps of black qi emerged from the corpse, only to be incinerated into nothingness by the life-bound godly flame.

This black qi is a type of corpse qi, containing subtle intentions from the owner's life. If this qi isn't completely expelled, it's difficult for other souls to fully merge with the body.

However, for the refinement of the "Celestial Demon Puppet," the body, magic core, and soul must completely merge, so this corpse qi must be expelled.

The temperature of the flame was controlled by Gu He to a very precise degree, able to expel the corpse qi remaining in the body without burning it.

Just refining the body alone took Gu He a full three hours to completely expel the corpse qi.

When the last wisp of corpse qi left the body, Gu He breathed a sigh of relief, then flicked his finger, sending out two gusts of wind that pierced the corpse's chest and forehead, creating fist-sized holes.

No blood flowed from the holes, as any remaining blood had already been evaporated in the process of refining the corpse qi, and similarly, this was also a small step in the refinement of the "Celestial Demon Puppet."

At this moment, Protector Yun's body had shrunk several sizes, its skin a cold, gray-white color, tightly clinging to the dried-up muscles, with its hands becoming exceptionally slender, like sharp daggers.

Following the instructions in the bamboo slip, Gu He slightly refined the body, then extended his hand and a fiery red seventh-grade magic core floated out, eventually settling into the small hole in the chest of the corpse, completing these steps.

After completing these steps, Gu He's mind stirred, and he took out the soul orb containing Protector Wu's soul from the Soul Palace.

Now that he had control over the Burial Soul Ridge Soul Hall branch, even if the Soul Hall powerhouses discovered that Protector Wu's soul imprint had vanished, without his approval, no one from the Soul Hall would investigate the cause of Wu's death.

Therefore, there was no need to keep Protector Wu's soul. It was perfect for refining the Celestial Demon Puppet.

Gu He flicked his finger, and a wave of soul power directly shattered the soul orb. Protector Wu's soul emerged from the broken orb in an instant.

Upon emerging, Protector Wu realized his situation and transformed into a black mist, attempting to flee. However, a net of purple flames instantly enveloped him.

"Gu He, what will it take for you to let me go?" Protector Wu, trapped within the purple flame net, looked fiercely at Gu He, his voice filled with venomous anger.

"Protector Wu, don't worry, your end is near," Gu He said with a cold smile. He clenched his hand, and the purple flame net disappeared with a bang, revealing a black soul body.

As soon as the soul body appeared, it tried to flee towards the valley's exterior but was quickly captured by the prepared Gu He.

Looking coldly at Protector Wu's desperately struggling soul, Gu He's hand erupted with purple flames, completely enveloping it. Terrified screams and curses filled the valley.

"Gu He, you will not die well!"

"You dare kill me, the Soul Hall will not let you go!"

"Ah! Gu He, I regret not killing you earlier!"

Ignoring the curses, Gu He continued to intensify the flames. With the high temperature, Protector Wu's soul, sealed for so long, dissipated in a faint sound, its consciousness evaporating in an instant.

After refining Protector Wu's consciousness, Gu He glanced at the black mist in his hand, then gently tossed it. The mist transformed into a black dragon and swiftly entered the hole in Protector Yun's corpse's forehead.

As the soul devoid of consciousness entered, Protector Yun's closed eyes suddenly opened, revealing pitch-black pupils.

Watching this scene, Gu He wasn't surprised. His fingers moved quickly, and various metallic objects with a peculiar luster flew out from his storage ring, eventually hovering in front of him.

After inspecting the floating metals, Gu He nodded slightly. He clenched his hand, and purple flames surged from his palm like a pillar, drawing the metals into the flames.

Under the terrifyingly high temperature of the life-bound godly flame, the peculiar metals gradually began to melt, though they were far from completely liquefied.

Gu He divided his focus, controlling the flames to refine the body at a constant temperature on one side, and melting the peculiar metals at a high temperature on the other. The different temperatures required high flame control skills, but fortunately, after absorbing the souls of two Sixth-Grade Alchemists, Han Feng and Qi Shan, Gu He didn't feel overwhelmed.

The dual refining process required considerable time, especially the body's tempering, which had to reach a certain degree to perfectly integrate with the inserted soul and magic core.

Knowing that it wasn't a task to be rushed, Gu He sat quietly, waiting for the perfect moment of integration.

After five days, the peculiar metals had been completely refined into a dark gold liquid, circulating slowly in the flames and emitting a strange luster.

The metal refining was complete, but the perfect integration of body, soul, and magic core was yet to be achieved.

However, Gu He was patient, aware that haste could cause him to miss the fleeting moment of perfection.

This would not only ruin the body but also render the magic core and soul useless, which was the most challenging part of refining the Celestial Demon Puppet.

Maintaining his calm, Gu He waited another three days.

At a certain moment on the third day, Gu He, who had been sitting motionless, suddenly trembled, and his closed eyes opened abruptly, revealing an undeniable excitement.

He had finally captured the perfect moment in the refining process!

In the valley, Gu He's eyes, gleaming with joy, swiftly formed an odd hand seal, uttering a strange incantation.

Following his command, Protector Yun's corpse trembled. The soul inside, like shattered by an invisible force, dispersed into countless tiny points, scattering throughout the body. Simultaneously, the magic core in the chest emitted a faint humming sound.

A surge of violent energy erupted from it, flowing like a torrent through the body's meridians.

As the soul and magic core underwent this transformation, the corpse's grey-white color intensified. The body shrank slowly, and a vast, emotionless aura emanated from it, rivaling that of an Eight-Star Dou Ancestor.

Feeling this powerful aura, Gu He's eyes brightened, suppressing the excitement in his heart. He moved his hand

, and the dark gold liquid in front of him gently poured over the cold corpse.

Hiss! The high-temperature metal liquid touched the body, emitting white vapors and a faint smoky smell. However, the skin, strengthened by prior refinement, showed no signs of damage.

The soul power swept over the puppet's body, applying the dark gold liquid to every part. The high temperature contact produced a chilling hissing sound.

Once the liquid covered the entire body, the grey-white color was replaced by a dark gold hue, exuding a sense of extraordinary solidity.

Glancing at the puppet now covered in the liquid, Gu He exhaled softly. With a wave of his sleeve, purple flames engulfed the puppet, the terrifying heat slowly permeating.

As the high temperature continued to roast, the dark gold liquid slowly seeped into the puppet's skin. As the infiltration intensified, the puppet's color gradually turned dark cyan, resembling a copper block.

Observing the puppet's color transformation to black, Gu He slightly frowned, questioning, "Only copper color?"

As per the bamboo slip, Celestial Demon Puppets are categorized into three levels: heavenly, earthly, and human, distinguishable by their skin color - gold for heavenly, silver for earthly, and copper for human. The puppet's color indicated it was of the lowest grade, which somewhat disappointed Gu He.

Despite his disappointment, Gu He did not cease the flame's intense heat, slowly merging the dark gold liquid into the puppet's skin and dried muscles. The method of refining a "Celestial Demon Puppet" involved using these metal materials to enhance the body's strength. A living person would explode from such treatment, but the puppet, devoid of pain and consciousness, could withstand this extreme agony. If successful, the puppet would become a perfect killing machine despite its lack of combat technique knowledge.

As the dark gold liquid was gradually absorbed by the puppet, faint silver flashes began to appear on its faintly cyan skin. Simultaneously, the puppet's aura surged, reaching the level of a Nine-Star Dou Ancestor!

Gu He, observing intently, noticed more and more silver flashes appearing, and the dark cyan color of the puppet's body began to fade.

With the appearance of the silver light, the aura emanating from the puppet increased step by step, eventually reaching the pinnacle of the Nine-Star Dou Ancestor realm!

This transformation took only about ten seconds, after which the dark cyan puppet began to shine with silver light. Although a bit of cyan light remained, it was almost negligible compared to the extensive silver glow. When the silver light reached its peak, it stopped, and the ascending aura also came to a halt. The silver light slowly dimmed, as if all the light had submerged into the puppet's body. Although the silver light faded, Gu He could feel that the puppet's aura had not weakened, indicating that the dimming of the silver light was just a subtle trick to keep the puppet inconspicuous.

Within the purple flames, the puppet slowly stood upright, hovering motionless in the air near the cave wall, its eyes filled with an empty blackness.

Gu He bit his tongue lightly, releasing a drop of blood containing soul imprints, which accurately landed on the puppet's forehead, gradually sinking in, and turned into a dark red spot the size of a thumb.

With the drop of blood entering the puppet's brain and imprinting an indelible mark, a hint of life seemed to emerge in the puppet's hollow black eyes. It awkwardly moved its stiff neck, looking down at Gu He, who was sitting cross-legged, then knelt on one knee, bowing its head towards him.

Gu He felt as if his soul had split in two: one part controlling himself and the other controlling the puppet in front of him. The puppet would obey any command from him, even if it meant attacking Gu He himself.

Now imprinted with his soul, the puppet would be Gu He's most loyal guard, incapable of betrayal.

Excitedly observing the kneeling puppet, Gu He thought it more apt to call it an "Earthly Demon Puppet," as it had not reached the highest level described in the bamboo slip.

Even though it was only an Earthly Demon Puppet, Gu He was quite satisfied, feeling that its strength was comparable to a Nine-Star Dou Ancestor.

After observing the puppet for a moment, Gu He chuckled and moved to the side of the cave wall, followed closely by the puppet. Its every step caused spiderweb-like cracks on the ground, surprising Gu He with its immense strength.

Standing beside the cave wall, Gu He commanded the puppet to punch the wall below.

Upon his command, the puppet's eyes flashed red, and it threw a powerful punch straight ahead, causing a distortion in space and creating a concave arc of air around the fist. A huge air compression cannon, about ten feet in size, emerged and shot downwards with a deafening sound and a powerful wave of wind!

The air cannon smashed into the mountain wall, creating a terrifying crack that spread rapidly, shaking the entire valley as if an earthquake had struck.

Just one punch demonstrated such terrifying power! Gu He was thrilled, realizing that the punch could severely injure a Dou Ancestor of three or four stars, or even kill them in one hit if they were unlucky.

This Celestial Demon Puppet truly lived up to its reputation as an ancient killing weapon. Its formidable power was terrifying.

However, this puppet had only reached the level of an Earthly Demon Puppet. Gu He wondered how powerful a Heavenly Demon Puppet would be.

He then pragmatically dismissed the unrealistic thought of creating a Heavenly Demon Puppet, considering the immense resources required. Wiping sweat from his forehead, Gu He stored the Earthly Demon Puppet in his storage ring, which doesn't store living beings, but the puppet was merely a mindless construct.

With the Earthly Demon Puppet refined, Gu He turned his thoughts to preparing the Breakthrough Pill, designed to

assist in reaching the Dou Ancestor realm. Despite his soul having reached the Spirit Realm and having the capacity to refine eighth-grade medicinal pills, Gu He had never made even a seventh-grade pill. Although he had the capability to make the Breakthrough Pill, he still had some doubts.

"Let's give it a try! If I fail, it's just a waste of some ingredients," Gu He thought, considering his abundant supply of materials.

(End of Chapter)


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