Chapter 233: Nalan Yanran’s Growth! Yao Lao’s Apprehension!

Chapter 233: Nalan Yanran’s Growth! Yao Lao’s Apprehension!

Chapter 233: Nalan Yanran's Growth! Yao Lao's Apprehension!


The giant ape let out a deafening roar as its massive body lunged towards Nalan Yanran like a cannonball.

The earth trembled, and the towering trees in the vicinity collapsed under the impact of the giant ape.

Nalan Yanran narrowed her eyes. Despite the giant ape's immense size, it was surprisingly agile.

In an instant, the giant ape reached Nalan Yanran, and with lightning speed, it pounced on her. Its bloodthirsty maw opened wide, unleashing a thunderous roar that reverberated through the air, causing ripples.

Faced with such a fierce magical beast, Nalan Yanran didn't dare to be careless. She swiftly switched her sword to the eighth-grade magic core weapon, the Divine Wind Sword, which Geocentric River had gifted her.

As the giant ape's enormous, sharp paw came crashing down, Nalan Yanran wielded the Divine Wind Sword with rapid strikes.



Suddenly, a cacophony of metal clashing resonated through the dense forest.

In just a few breaths of time, Nalan Yanran had already delivered more than a dozen strikes against the giant ape, but the creature's claws had yet to touch her.

After another round of clashes, Nalan Yanran and the giant ape temporarily separated.

Looking at the bloodstains on the tip of her sword, Nalan Yanran knew that despite the vast difference in strength between her and the giant ape, her speed and the advantage of the eighth-grade magic core weapon allowed her to inflict damage.

With that in mind, Nalan Yanran let out a sigh of relief.

On the side of the giant ape, it glanced at the blood oozing from its body and a cold light flickered in its eyes. Clearly, it was furious to suffer losses at the hands of such a seemingly weak human woman.


Once again, the giant ape opened its bloodthirsty maw, and a terrifying roar echoed through the mountains and forests. Then, it swung its massive arms, filled with unparalleled explosive power between its bulging muscles.

At this moment, the giant ape was confronting Nalan Yanran in the most brutal manner possible.

Seeing the giant ape rushing at her with its greatest advantage, Nalan Yanran understood its intention—to overwhelm her with its superior strength in one fell swoop.

"Retreat first!"

Having made up her mind, Nalan Yanran chose to avoid the confrontation.

With a light step, Nalan Yanran's figure narrowly evaded the giant ape's blood-red claws as they came swiping towards her.

After several consecutive evasions, the giant ape's attack rhythm gradually became chaotic.

Seeing the wounds on the giant ape still bleeding, Nalan Yanran knew that her opportunity had come.

"It's my turn to counterattack!

Heavenly Strike Dou Technique!"

With a determined shout from Nalan Yanran, the energy of the surrounding world surged violently. Countless visible energy waves, as if drawn by some force, madly poured into the Divine Wind Sword in Nalan Yanran's hand.

Simultaneously, the Divine Wind Sword began to emit a terrifying blue light.

At the same time, the fighting spirit within Nalan Yanran's body gushed out like a tidal wave. In just a moment, her previously brimming fighting spirit was completely depleted.

"The Dou Technique my teacher taught me is indeed terrifying!" Nalan Yanran thought as she watched her fighting spirit about to be exhausted.

In the next instant, as Nalan Yanran infused the last trace of her fighting spirit into the Divine Wind Sword, a half-zhang-long (about six feet) blue sword radiance shot out like lightning from the tip of the sword, carrying a terrifying aura as it slashed towards the slowly advancing giant ape.

The slightly weary giant ape, upon seeing the aura unleashed by Nalan Yanran, immediately became alert.

As the blue sword radiance was about to arrive, the giant ape spread its blood-red giant claws in front of it, attempting to block Nalan Yanran's attack.


The moment the blue sword radiance struck the giant ape's sharp claws, a thunderous explosion reverberated through the dense forest.


As the thunderous sound echoed, the area where the giant ape had been erupted with flying dirt and soil. The massive body of the demon beast shot out from the ground, breaking more than ten giant trees in its hasty retreat before coming to a stop.


After the strike, Nalan Yanran's body felt somewhat weak, and she half-squatted on the ground. She quickly took out a pill from her storage ring and swallowed it to replenish her depleted fighting spirit.

During this process, there was no movement from the fallen demon beast.

Regaining some of her fighting spirit, Nalan Yanran slowly stood up and sighed lightly, saying, "This battle did push me to my limits."

"I mustn't let myself get into this situation next time."

Reminding herself in her mind, Nalan Yanran turned her gaze towards the demon beast's corpse.

She saw the demon beast lying in the mud with a sharp gash on its raised claws and a massive bloody hole in its chest.

After skillfully dissecting the demon beast, Nalan Yanran left the area and continued deeper into the Demon Beast Mountain Range.

Unbeknownst to her, a few hundred meters above her, there was a slight spatial disturbance, and a silver light flashed by, appearing incredibly mysterious.


About half an hour later.

A tall and straight young figure appeared in the location where Nalan Yanran had just fought the demon beast.

This upright young man was Xiao Yan, who had entered the Demon Beast Mountain Range for training.

"Teacher, judging by these traces, the battle should have ended not long ago, and the one who killed this demon beast is a skilled swordsman," Xiao Yan said softly to Yao Lao inside his ring as he stared at the demon beast's corpse. "I wonder what level this demon beast was."

"It was a high-level third-ranked demon beast, on the verge of breaking through to the fourth rank—a Blood Bursting Ape," Yao Lao's calm voice slowly came from the ring.


Hearing Yao Lao's words, Xiao Yan's pupils suddenly contracted, and he muttered in disbelief, "A high-level third rank is equivalent to a pinnacle human Dou Master!"

"Being on the outskirts of the Demon Beast Mountain Range and encountering such a high-level demon beast means that the person who killed this Blood Bursting Ape has likely reached the Dou Ling level."

After speaking, Xiao Yan's eyes gleamed with excitement as he looked at the demon beast's corpse.

The corpse of a high-level third-ranked demon beast would likely be very valuable.

Thinking this, Xiao Yan took out a delicate dagger and walked forward slowly.

At this moment, inside the ring, Yao Lao's brow furrowed.

With his powerful soul force, Yao Lao had already sensed Nalan Yanran's residual aura in the area. However, when he tried to use his soul force to cover the area, he felt an extremely dangerous aura, making him hesitate.

Thinking that this third-ranked demon beast's remains might be left behind by Nalan Yanran and that Xiao Yan considered it a great find, Yao Lao was not pleased at all. He said, "Little Yan, these are just scraps that others don't want. Don't bother picking them up."

Hearing Yao Lao's words, Xiao Yan, who had raised his dagger and was ready to start, showed a puzzled expression.

What's wrong with the teacher? He always taught me that wealth accumulates bit by bit.

Although Xiao Yan had doubts in his mind, he always followed Yao Lao's words without question.

If the teacher said so, there must be a reason behind it.

"What a waste of good materials!"

With a light sigh, Xiao Yan put away his dagger and slowly left the area.

(End of this chapter)


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