Case Files 013

Chapter 241: Challenges

Chapter 241: Challenges

I had been moving for ten minutes in the sewer already. If Sister Mao had followed my instructions, then the police would have arrived already.

The alley where Sister Mao parked her car didn't have any cameras in the alley, but there were cameras at the front and end. Through the cameras, the police would find out my escape path. That meant they would investigate the sewers soon. In thirty minutes, the sewer exits would be guarded. In other words, if I didn't want to be captured, I had to make my escape in these thirty minutes.

I slowly moved in the dark, following the map in my mind. The surrounding was dark and quiet, except for the occasional chattering of critters. Every sound was amplified down there. Based on my map, there was an exit that would lead to an alley after I walked for another ten meters. From the alley, I could pick my way to go. However, I couldn't return to Dong Xing City. The roads would be blocked. Thankfully, the city was large, and it was not that hard for it to hide a single person.

What I needed to do then was to move from the light to the dark and filter out the people who wanted to harm me. This would take some time without the resource of the Special Task Force. I turned a corner, and to my surprise, I was greeted by a steel net. I pulled on the net and realized the net was encased in the cement. Without professional tools, I wouldn't have it removed. I tapped my head. I had considered everything but this. During rainy seasons, thunderstorms challenged a city's drainage system.

There was news of people being swept away in the sewer. This net was to provide some assistance. However, the net now quarantined me underground. I didn't dare to stay and quickly turned around. This unexpected hurdle caused my heart to pound. It would take time to come up with a new escape route. But in any case, I needed to leave as soon as possible.

However, I had greatly underestimated the police's efficiency. I had only turned back for a few minutes when I heard voices from a distance, "You guys go that way, and the rest follow me." I was extremely familiar with this voice. It was none other than Xiao Liu. Xiao Liu had spent half a year in the Special Task Force, so he was familiar with my mindset. He also learned during the latest case that the underground sewer was heaven for criminals. My way forward was Xiao Liu, and my way back was a dead end. I had no hope of escaping.

I could hear them talking down the distance. I was about to surrender when a hand fell on my back. In that circumstance, I almost screamed. A tiny voice said, "It's me." This was Zhao Mingkun's voice. I turned around, and she appeared before me. I was pleasantly surprised and then sad. Surprised because I got to see her again and sad because we were about to get arrested. However, she clearly didn't think that way. She dragged me down the path. I said, "Why are you here?"

Zhao Mingkun said, "Your Sister Mao has released words that she's looking for a woman called Zhao Mingkun. I put my ears to the wall and found out your plan."

"But there are not that many people who knew my plan." I frowned, "And Sister Mao said she didn't meet you."

Zhao Mingkun smiled. "There will be traces. Even Sister Mao doesn't say anything, the lawyer will reveal everything. Even though he doesn't know your plan, from the things you told Sister Mao, it was not hard to guess. Why else do you think the police can get here so soon?"

"The lawyer?" I frowned deeper.

Zhao Mingkun nodded. "I found some clues about your parents and have been trying to find an opportunity to tell you. But this is perfect. It looks like you'll have to hide in the shadows like me from now on." Zhao Mingkun chuckled. "No one can fight fate. After so many years, eventually, the plot follows the predetermined script. What I don't understand is, if we didn't have a choice, why you too would end up on this path?"

"What is it that you know?" I paused. Every time Zhao Mingkun would confuse me with her words. I had a feeling Zhao Mingkun knew something about me that I didn't. I have had that feeling since I first met her. And, now the feeling only grew stronger.

Zhao Mingkun stopped and turned back to look at me, "With knowledge comes pain. You should know that. I didn't wish pain on you. Come, they're about to catch up to us."

I didn't nudge my feet. "Zhao Mingkun, if it is about me, then I have the right to know. No matter how I'll react after knowing the truth, that is my problem. Do you understand? I'd rather be in pain than be ignorant." Then we were both silent.

I didn't turn back to look even though I knew Xiao Liu would appear with his people after a few minutes. We looked at each other, and none wanted to back down. We saw stubbornness in each other's eyes. I didn't understand why Zhao Mingkun refused to tell me what she knew about me. It didn't have anything to do with her.

We stood there silently for about a minute. It was Zhao Mingkun who broke the silence. She lowered her voice so that only I could hear it. "I know your plan. If it failed now, wouldn't everything be for nothing? Or do you think the same plan can work twice?"

But I still hadn't moved. I said lightly, "Zhao Mingkun, you have been on the run for seven years. You were not once captured because I believe you have something you still have yet to do. So I know you wouldn't want to be caught now. So, are you sure you're not telling me?"

Another silence. We both knew Xiao Liu could come at any moment. We couldn't waste more time. Zhao Mingkun looked at me and said, "Wu Meng, I had no idea you're so shameless."

I smiled and said, "I could say the same about you. So does that mean you agree?"

Zhao Mingkun didn't say anything but turned to walk ahead. I took that as a yes. I quickly followed. I added, "The problem is this path leads to a dead end. Based on Xiao Liu's personality, he'd come to check even knowing it's a dead end. It's dark in here, but they have flashlights. Where can we hide?"

Zhao Mingkun laughed and said, "When you came down here, did you see me?"

I shook my head.

Zhao Mingkun replied, "There you go. Since you didn't discover me, neither would they."

By then, we had reached the steel net. Zhao Mingkun looked at me and then inserted her fingers into the gaps of the net. She climbed up. There were holes on the walls, and they were perfect for purchases. I saw Zhao Mingkun eventually latch herself onto the roof. The roof wasn't low and normal people would not look up. Zhao Mingkun crawled on the ceiling like a silent lizard. She whispered, "I arrived here earlier than you did. When I saw the net, I knew your plan wouldn't work. But since you didn't see me, it means my method could work. Get up then. Remember to hold on. If you fall, it's over for both of us."

I nodded and then followed Zhao Mingkun's lead. She made it look so easy. But when I tried it myself, I realized this was not something easily done. I had to use every ounce of my energy before I managed to climb on the wall. I grabbed the holes with my fingers and held on tight. If Zhao Mingkun was an agile lizard, I was a clumsy panda.

Zhao Mingkun and I climbed away from the net because it would have been too obvious. A few people walked underneath us, and the rays from the flashlight swung about. Zhao Mingkun and I halted. We didn't even dare to breathe too loudly.

"There's no one here, Leader Liu." An officer said, "He should have gone the other way. Our people there might find some clues." I heard someone knock on the net. "No one can break this without a tool." The same officer said.

"Okay, we'll go that way then." Xiao Liu said.

I sighed in relief, but Xiao Liu suddenly stopped right underneath me.

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