Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!

Chapter 157 157: Uglyface Devils (2)

The weapon Assam had used in that fight was none other than Voidslayer. This gave Voidslayer a firsthand account of the battle, and through it, a deep understanding of the Uglyface's nature and the way to kill it.

"I remember now," Voidslayer announced to Val.

"What did you remember?" Val asked.

"Everything about the Uglyface devils," Voidslayer said.

"Relay it to me," Val demanded.

"An Uglyface is born out of an abhorrent ritual called the Charnel Rite, and it involves slaughtering the innocent in a horrific manner."

"What kind of horrific manner?" Val interrupted. There was a cold edge to his voice. He was also interested in creating devils, so he asked about it. However, if it was too much work or would cause a dent in his relationship with Voidslayer, he wouldn't do it.

"The victims are tortured in the most unthinkable manner, made to endure such horrors that their cries fill the air with sheer despair. The victims are sawed from their groin to their heads while they're kept alive using healing magic! The fear, the pain, and the negative emotions birthed as they are sawed alive, are sealed in a well along with their mutilated bodies. Over time, an Uglyface is born."

"A minimum of ten victims are needed for this rite to succeed. However, the greater the sacrifice, the stronger the Uglyface becomes. Given this Uglyface's intense regeneration ability that allowed it to multiply into two after it was split apart, it's likely that more than thirty lives were taken to create it," Voidslayer explained to Val.

Val thought that the person who carried out the ritual was more evil than him. After all, he had never done something so sickening to innocent people. In his previous life, he had tortured quite a lot of people, but it was because his job demanded it. He tortured others when he was trying to make a point and show his subordinates what happens to those who betray him.

They only had one ending. Death!

The only other reason why he would've tortured someone would be to get them to open their mouths and tell him valuable information. Anyway, while Val wasn't a good guy, he wasn't deranged and submerged in chaos like the man behind the creation of the Uglyface devils.

He also thought that he couldn't carry out a Charnel Rite as it would destroy his relationship with Voidslayer.

Suddenly, he received a warning from Voidslayer, "There's also a byproduct of the Charnel Rite known as the Shaxil. It's a devil that lurks in the shadows, waiting for a chance to prey on the fears of its unfortunate victim. It's quite possible that it is hiding nearby. So be on the lookout, master."

"I've already killed the Shaxil a few days ago. There's no need to worry about it," Val said, surprising and easing the worries of Voidslayer. He then asked the question that had been plaguing his mind, "Is there a way to kill these Uglyface devils?"

"This is no ordinary Uglyface," Voidslayer replied. 

"Destroying its body won't work; even if it's reduced to ashes, it will simply use the force of corruption within the well to restore itself. The only way to kill it is by destroying its soul, which is spread throughout its body. My former master had reached the esteemed status of a high-level wizard before he fought the first Uglyface. He used his immense amount of soul power to defeat it. But you, master... you are not even a low-level wizard. Your soul power is too limited. It's impossible for you to defeat the Uglyface Devils." 

Voidslayer continued, "In the past, there were bloodline users who possessed a skill that could harm the soul. If you had such a skill, you might have a chance. As it stands, the best option is retreat."

Val let out a small chuckle, "Actually, I do have a bloodline skill that can harm the soul, but I can't use it here."

Voidslayer was taken aback, hearing his words. It couldn't help but ask, "Why can't you use it?"

Val replied, "It's a fire-type skill, but dust particles are suspended all around us. The moment I use the skill, an explosion will occur, and I don't know about you, but I will definitely perish alongside the Uglyfaces. A part of the eastern district will also be destroyed, and I will go down in history as the most cowardly villain."

Val's Nocturne Vision and Heavenly Eye traits had worked hand in hand to expose the true face of this underground area submerged in darkness. The dust particles in this area seemed so concentrated that they can easily ignite if exposed to a spark or flame. This is called a dust explosion. Because Val's Hellish Fist skill was fire-based, the heat would ignite the dust particles, causing a chain reaction. The resulting explosion would be strong enough to obliterate the Uglyfaces, but he and maybe even the Voidslayer would also die.

Voidslayer was amazed. This was the first time it has heard about a dust explosion. It couldn't help but think that Val might have a wealth of knowledge beyond its grasp. It was a humbling realization, prompting Voidslayer to reassess the potential of its new master. Perhaps there was more to Val than what meets the eye.

It brought its focus back on the situation at hand and suggested, "Just lure them to the surface and kill them there!"

Val shook his head and replied, "If I do that, all my plans will be ruined."

"Moreover, if I guide the Uglyface devils to the surface, the haunted house will be destroyed, the nearby properties will be damaged, and lives will be lost. If the authorities hold me accountable, my life would be ruined! 

"This is a fight I can't escape from."

Val looked ahead. Two Uglyfaces were eyeing him, each three times the size of an adult man, their bodies elongated and segmented, reminiscent of centipede.

How do I deal with them? Val wondered.


Important note for readers keeping up with the novel:- Some changes made in the story.

Change 1: Added that 300 units of soul power are needed for Val to use his Soul Archive skill.

Change 2: Basement changed to underground area the size of half a stadium.

Change 3: Ugly Face description improved in Chapter 155.

Change 4: Description of the secret passage changed to a "slightly curved slope" going dozens of "Meter downward." 

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